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9309255 No.9309255 [Reply] [Original]

How is life for a uni dropout with no other qualifications?
Like some guy that dropped after 3 years of full time engineering studies but his uni won't give him anything to prove his efforts?
Asking for a friend btw.

>> No.9309260

you still have your credits that you can use when you grow up and go back to school.

>> No.9309270

Not if your country is a mismanaged shithole.

Depending on the next elections, it's possible that all uni students will be permanently erased and lose all credit after 4 semesters of absence.

Also transfers are nearly impossible.

>> No.9309273

>uni dropout
No sympathy. Stop being a lazy sack of shit.

>> No.9309277

t. lazy shack of shit, incapable of understanding how circumstances can lead you away from your goals.

>> No.9309281

what shithole is this that erases your academic transcript?

>> No.9309284

Solve a millennium problem

>> No.9309291

Greece of course :^)
The rhetoric behind it is that people who take too long to graduate are "lazy' and "leeching the system" (although being a student has no benefits).

Of course nobody cares if they're working, if they're sick or just meticulous with their studies and busy with life problems.

>> No.9309492

>t. lazy shack of shit that thinks "depression" is a genuine excuse for dropping out

>> No.9309528

>The rhetoric behind it is that people who take too long to graduate are "lazy' and "leeching the system"
But it's true nigger.
What fucking subject are you too retarded to pass? And why should we pay for niggers to take 8 years to get through school when a more deserving White person can succeed in 3?

>> No.9309553

>turns this into a race argument
fucking 'muricans.

>What fucking subject are you too retarded to pass?
The "work 6-8 hours a day to make ends meet" part.

>And why should we pay
Nobody pays extra. Taking longer to finish adds no cost whatsoever.

>> No.9309600

>The "work 6-8 hours a day to make ends meet" part
Then you're too dumb for uni. Period. Anyone with half a brain would have been eligible for a scholarship.

>> No.9309602

t. retard

>> No.9309621

t. dropout that will never amount to anything of worth

>> No.9309624

kys dumbass. You'll soon discover life isn't that simple after highschool.

>> No.9309671

i dropped out of community college first semester
a couple years of drugs and depression highlighted with some cool travels and adventures, i started bying textbooks about 4 months ago and have taught myself quite a bit, lots of logic, now i am working on ODEs and have ordered some text books on ecosystem modeling. I plan on back to school and starting to research as soon as i arrive. Im glad i waited, gave me a long time to learn what i needed to know and what interests i want to pursue. Im more mathematically mature and am just about capable of being competitive among post-grads. Right now im really obsessed with learning as much as i can, then using my knowledge to do great research and sharing my work with the world.

>> No.9309680

I'm an undergrad, retard. It IS that simple. You are a loser that can't even get his life together enough to finish 4 easy years of school. Enjoy your mcjob, pal.

>> No.9309708

leave anon alone, and go to >>>/b/ if you want to be a hateful faggot.

>> No.9309722

You waste your time by insulting others just to feel superior and to valuraize yourself. Yet you persuade yourself that you're some sort of genius while behaving like an idiot and a douche

>> No.9309733
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Is your psychoanalysis supposed to make you feel better or something?

>> No.9309746

It is supposed to show you what kind of dick you are. If that's how you treat the people who are around you I would almost feel sorry for you.

>> No.9310196
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You really seem like a jerk. You sound like a guy who never had to do something in your life yourself except for studying and passing exams.

>> No.9310227

>The "work 6-8 hours a day to make ends meet" part.
I asked what subject negroid.
I worked 8 hours a day and still graduated with a 3.9
I'm trying hard to imagine which course you can't master easily.

>Taking longer to finish adds no cost whatsoever.
Repeating failed courses doesn't add any cost? This must be that Greek accounting that has bankrupted you faggots

>> No.9310469

>worked 8 hours a day and still graduated with a 3.9
Did all you do is study every waking moment of your undergrad when you're not sleeping and working?
If so I feel kinda bad for people like you. Must suck to be this boring and not have a hobby.

>> No.9310491

Hobbies are only for faggots who don't enjoy their career desu

>> No.9310510

>I'm an undergrad
fucking lol, you bet your ass you are

>> No.9310523

>oh, you were capable of doing what I said I was incapable of? I feel bad for you.


>> No.9310578

Quit projecting

>> No.9310594

>like a guy who never had to do something in your life yourself except for studying and passing exams.
I’m not even that asshole who was making fun of you and that still hurt :(
Fuck I’m such a loser

>> No.9310626

Get other qualifications and wageslave a bit.
Pat your friend on the back because not all brainlets need uni degrees to live a decent life.

>> No.9310628


>> No.9310634
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>Did all you do is study every waking moment of your undergrad when you're not sleeping and working?
If only you understood that undergraduate courses are actually designed for you to get A's if you put in any work at all. You kids put in a solid 2 hours a week and you think the people getting 4.0 are studying 40 hours a week. In reality we're studying effectively for 5-6 hours a week, not that much more than you.

>If so I feel kinda bad for people like you. Must suck to be this boring and not have a hobby.
A "full time" student, do you know what this means? It means you should expect to spend up to what you would spend at a full time job i.e. 40 hours a week between lectures, homework, projects, and studying. So if you have a full time job at the same time that you're a full time student then it shouldn't surprise you to have no life outside. You still have time for a hobby here and there but your two jobs should take priority. That's what it means to grow up.

It's funny -- you feel bad for me while you've revealed exactly the reason why you leeches should be stripped of your college privileges.
You kids work 1 hour then you want to rest. But you don't deserve rest. Rest is for people who work.
Incredible how kids who are failing are going to fucking parties and joining frats. It's like they don't realize partying is a celebration? What the fuck are they celebrating when they're failing? Oh well, it's just nigger shit, no point in trying to understand it.

>> No.9310659
File: 46 KB, 960x523, 23316464_1570480523033527_1211384133096241897_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're retarded

>> No.9310916

>undergraduate courses are actually designed for you to get A's if you put in any work at al
Not even that guy, but this is only true in Burgerland. Grade inflation makes you think that the rest of the world has it as easy as you. At least in my country, people bust their asses off to get 50/60%. Only geniuses or people who study like 14 hours a day get more than that.

>> No.9310940

not even generally true in burgerland, only if you go to shit uni like >>9310634 does

>> No.9310945

Pretty much this, americlaps on here all claim to have absurd gpas, meanwhile europoor degrees have average gpas of ~2-3 (or at least at my uni). Average gpa for bachelor grads in my degree were 1,7 iirc. It's almost impossible to get >3 gpas because some profs will fuck you up for good with unfair shit.

>> No.9310961

You're contradicting yourself man :
>You waste your time by insulting others just to feel superior
>while behaving like an idiot and a douche

>> No.9310978

>... people who take too long to graduate are "lazy' and "leeching the system"
Unlike all those senior citizen who has never payed tax their entire life and are outraged when it turns out they have no pension


>> No.9311027

which country outside of the US uses the same gpa format ?

>> No.9311035
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>> No.9311041

You know how I know you're a cool, edgy, high-IQ kinda guy?

>> No.9311046

Why the racism?

>> No.9311056
File: 28 KB, 600x449, ARE YOU A WIZARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the niggers

>> No.9311201

>n-not at my school
>shit unit
So predictable. Sorry, I attended a top engineering school, but hey, whatever helps you clowns sleep at night.
The average gpa is low it's true, because the average kid is lazy af.

>> No.9311210
File: 1.47 MB, 616x5370, black vs white crime the true facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean my objective understanding of the facts of this world?

>> No.9311214

The middle class = college. College = the middle class. If you want to live the white picket fence life, you need university. Period. End of story.

>> No.9311223

Why are you trying to make this a racebaiting thread? Fuck off to your containing board.

>> No.9311226


>> No.9311242

>waah waah PoC get more social benefits than me
>waah waah PoC like to kill me :(
Keep crying those white tears. You are a second class citizen. Nobody cares about you. Tell me, what is a couple of food stamps and a bit of recreational murder towards whites compared to SLAVERY. That's right, nothing. So I think that the least you can do for us is allow us to kill you when we get bored. I mean, it is only fair when you killed so many of us. Get fucked.

>whites are nos 60% of the population
Soon you won't even be a majority so you won't even have strength in numbers. We will literally shoot you on sight without a care in the world. Fuck you.

>> No.9311287

How is referring to a simple scientific fact racebaiting?

>baiting this hard