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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9305879 No.9305879 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite examples of pseudoscience/new agey bullshit?

>> No.9305898
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cancer treatment

>> No.9305971

string theory

>> No.9305975

>What are your favorite examples of pseudoscience/new agey bullshit?

>> No.9305978


>> No.9305979

trickle down economics

>> No.9305980

nutrition science

>> No.9305982

Climate science

>> No.9305998


>> No.9306002

Some parts of psychology

>> No.9306022
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Long-term/Long-distance space travel
Broscience+ the entire fitness industry and 90% of /fit/
Race Realism/IQ denial

>> No.9306024


>> No.9306030


>> No.9306271


>> No.9307997

neural networks

>> No.9308002

anti vaxxers
race realism
bitching about sjws
bible bullshit

>> No.9308069

global warming alarmists
string theory
diversity training
race denial

>> No.9308076
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>Sacred Geometry
>Ancient Egypt stuff

>> No.9308077

anything said outside of a classroom regarding anything

>> No.9308084 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 466x492, 22780331_1897042510613519_9184201002624821100_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> race realism is pseudoscience

>> No.9308104


is this pseudoscience /sci/?

>> No.9308108

What do you think of dudes like Wim Hof who swim under ice and go on marathons in the desert without water through meditation and breathing techniques?

>> No.9308123

Time cube

>> No.9308156


>> No.9308158


>> No.9308164



>> No.9308246

You mean chemotherapy? i agree. Lower success rate than with extended fasting

>> No.9308925

>bitching about sjws
>related to science/psuedoscience at all

>> No.9308926

Rope theory
Tesla fanaticism

>> No.9308933

Not psuedoscience, but definitely retarded to bitch about sjw's. Like intensely retarded to complain about people who care about justice.

>> No.9308949
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>Like intensely retarded to complain about people who care about justice.
SJWs are some of the most obnoxious political fanatics today. But of course, I must be dead in the head for expressing distaste for people who bitch in my face for being white and unwilling to apologize for it

>> No.9308975

>for being white and unwilling to apologize for it
But why? Man, look. Just apologize and then pay reparations. Just make a list of every ethnic group that white people have fucked over and then just pay all of them reparations. After you do that, social justice ends. It's gone. It accomplished it's goal and that's it.

I tell this to you as a PoC, just pay the reparations. Because our goal is to eventually take over your political system and then not only take all of your wealth, but also genocide your people 100%. Don't you think it would be best to just pay reparations? Just come on man. White people, sell all of your assets and then give them to us. You will start from 0 but at least you'll live.

And I say this because I do not like killing. It is bad. But our reparations are a birthright. If you do not pay up then we will have to take them by force.

>> No.9308979

Pop culture views of Schrödinger's cat.

>> No.9309037

It's sad how close this is to the perspective that they actually have.

>> No.9309042

kek, you had me convinced for a moment

>> No.9309064

Hey if you don't want to believe me then that's fine. I'm a simple man, I do not care. But at least take the message seriousy. Just pay the reparations and lets be done with it.

On our side the issue is already settled. Every PoC accepts as an axiom that we deserve our reparations and that it is just to take them in any way necessary. There is no arguing.

The only thing you can argue is how we will get it. I personally do not mind letting you live, so if you just voluntarily pay up then that's great. But a lot of people, specially our leaders like in the leadership of BLM or BAMN, want blood. But if you pay up then even those radicals will lose their platform because what we all want is our fucking money. So just give it to us.

>> No.9309069

Intelligent design

>> No.9309079

wheel theory

>> No.9309155

Machine learning

>> No.9309158

But why not just create ethno-pathogens and drone swarms that target "PoC" to exterminate you first?
Asians aren't looking for "reparations" it's just blacks and some latino's. The people leading AI and the Military (whites, Asians, Indians) don't give 2 shits about "reparations". The people who do are not in any position to "take" them as you say, so why should we care?

>> No.9309161

Kek. We have affirmative action which means we take your education. Some social programs mean we take your taxes.

We already have a lot of people in power. 50% of politicians are on our side. Media companies are on our side. You are going down retard, just pay up.

>> No.9309163

IIRC there were reparations for the Chinese who built the railroad

>> No.9309170

Getting an education doesn't matter, when you look at what blacks and latino's are studying it's all BS like business or history etc. The VAST majority of STEM is white and asian, and it always will be because we're inherently more intelligent on average. You aren't taking the STEM fields, you're simply taking the liberal arts. It's not important in the game of power.
The corporations and governments that actually control these systems are all white and Asian and there is literally no possibility that Blacks are going to take over these fields. You're being tricked into thinking you're gaining power while the actual players in the game (Top US intelligence agencies, silicon valley people, Russia, China, Japan, India, and various middle eastern countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia) are actually building futuristic weapon systems. Black people literally don't factor into the game at all. You aren't even considered.
It doesn't matter how many blacks "take over the government" or how many politicians "are on your side" when AI systems and other countries' military capabilities are so much more powerful that it renders these current systems obsolete.

That just proves my point, Asians don't care, they're looking to establish the NWO with the whites and create a new techno-fuedal world.

>> No.9309185

Kek I love this twisted politicla fanfiction you've written to rationalize the fact that if you go out and say "fuck niggers" you'd go to jail, but if I go out with a speaker and shout "white people deserve to be brutally murdered and tortured and I am glad when white people suffer" no one would say anything to me. Kek.

Control is being taking away from you and you can't even see it because you are too busy writing fanfiction about a "technofeudal" world. Good luck with that mate.

>> No.9309197

What? I'm not talking about anything that's fake though. You can just look up who runs these companies and who runs these governments. Its no fan-fiction. Why are you on /sci/ if you don't know about science?
Also I won't go to jail if I go out and say "fuck niggers" idk what you're talking about. You can keep lying to yourself and thinking that blacks are taking over but there's literally no evidence of it. I can see Asians taking over whites but blacks are not anywhere near it, and they don't have the intellectual capabilities to put up a fight against Asians anyway (just look at what's happening in Africa right now).

>> No.9309207


Daily reminder that the "new frontier" of "tumor treating fields" is the same thing Royal Rife developed 70 years ago, and was promptly crushed in the typical fashion. Joining the thread of many others through history that fit the same pattern.

The western way of lying has developed to a point where things are just left in plain sight. All you need to do is prevent the pieces from being put together and flood the media with nonsense claiming the obvious common sense conclusions are incorrect, conspiratorial, and simply not feasible.

>> No.9309208

Going to jail is an exageration but you know damn well you'd lose your job and all sympathy from your community.

Also, all you are saying is fanfiction. No one is building technofeudalism (whatever that means in your headcanon). And if they are then you can't prove it. Go on, post a source.

>> No.9309214

I bet you think intelligent design and evolution are mutually exclusive too.

>> No.9309223

There is no single "source", you just need to have a triple digit IQ and see what's going on around you.
AI systems that record your every movement, save every search you make, record all your conversations as they happen already exist and are being used. Amazon's AI can tell with a 99.9% accuracy what it's regular users are going to buy BEFORE they buy it, and it know WHEN they will buy it. these are only going to become more widespread.
Drones installed with facial recognition artificial neural nets can take out targets with surgical precision based on any requirement you want (you can build these machines to only attack certain races, for example).
There are already ethnically specific pathogens that exist.
Technofuedalism is being built all around you by every tech-company and government as we speak, if you really don't think it's happening/don't see it you're simply ignoring it or you're an idiot. AI is developing exponentially.

>> No.9309234

Actually, most large players are working to create the New Testament Christian idea of God. Omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Omnibenevolence likely only being relative to its creator.

>> No.9309239

Nice, more head canon. Cool bro! Go masturbate to some more cuckold porn faggot. See how a real man can fuck your women.

>> No.9309241 [DELETED] 


>> No.9309245


>> No.9309250

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9309253

I can say it but you can't. PoC can't be homophobic.

>> No.9309259

>meditation a meme

>> No.9309261

go back to africa and verify that yourself

>> No.9309264

You might not be homophobic but your post is. On the internet you are anonymous, people don't know you, they don't know what you think, they don't know why you use the word 'faggot'. People who read you have the exact same experience whether or not you are a homophobic person.

>> No.9309362

multiple intelligences
magnetic brain stimulation
mind uploading

>> No.9309366

myers briggs

>> No.9309370


>> No.9309371

Every fucking thread

>> No.9309389

>magnetic brain stimulation
The first has been repeatedly demonstrated with a number of agents, eg, Celastrus Paniculatus and plants that contain galantamine have both documented been used since a few thousand BC. Pharmacological investigation supports historical use.

The second is a matter of physics, and again, repeatedly demonstrated.

>> No.9309394

You realize 2% of Americans at the height of slavery actually owned slaves? Why should the other 98% pay?

>> No.9309397

Those who didn't were still complicit and benefited from the slave economy.

>> No.9309404

>The second is a matter of physics, and again, repeatedly demonstrated.
magnetic brain stimulation is essentially a placebo/proof of suggestibility, akin to hypnosis

>> No.9309411

.....who fought the civil war? Who made amendments to the constitution to abolish slavery? Seems you owe the white man. Well, I'm done. You aren't willing to take in other considerations and you're never getting reparations anyway. Have fun playing victim all your life.

>> No.9309417
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Most Paleoart;
Its not that the science that is necessarily wrong, its that most of these artist on the internet(and the cancer that is deviantart) draw shit and claim/think that OMG ITS SUPER SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE ITS PROVEN

but not its not, most fossils are extremely fragmentary material and many species are only known by a single bone; sometimes entire taxonomic families are defined as such

And furthermore, skin/feather/fur colors and patterns are even more rare

And yet you have all of these armchair paleontologists who just because they read some abstract on a shit paper thinking they have the answer to all of this shit

I remember when just because a Tyrannosaurid and somewhat distant relative was found to have some feathers suddenly MUH PHYLOGENTIC BRACKING TREXSES HAVE FEATHERS LOLLOLLL JURASSIC PARK IS INACCURATE LOL

Btw, its only the amateurs(the dino wannabes) make this claim, actual paleontologists and evolutionary biologists do not

then a skin imprint is found but the bullshit still does not stop

>> No.9309418

I had families on both sides of the war - can I pay half?

Actually, I had family on both sides of WWII as well, so...

>> No.9309437

The brain generally needs repeated training with some sort of feedback loop (eg EEG rendered as some scene on a screen that changes according to how tightly the specific system has been entrained into the target range) to be able to quickly replicate certain activity. Transcranial magnetic stimulation can also alter certain aspects of consciousness that placebo doesn't likely account for, like spatial orientation, working memory, balance, and auditory processing.

Pulsed ELF and microwave fields also alter calcium flux in populations of cells. Refer to these for a plausible mechanism:
Tsong 1988 - Active Cation Pumping of Na+, K+ -ATPase and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ -ATPase Induced by an Electric Field
Tsong 1989 - Resonance Electroconformational Coupling

>> No.9309438


>> No.9309446

science in general desu

>> No.9309454


Dinosaurs in general are fake.

>> No.9309455


>The less of the active ingredient, the stronger the medicine!

Just don't take it at all, live forever!

>> No.9309458

Quantum vibrations man.

>> No.9309481


>> No.9309494

If magnetic brain stimulation were a thing, MRI scans would cause seizures.

>> No.9309496


>> No.9309500

Magnets could also produce muscle spasms. What causes action potentials in the brain, can cause them in motoneurons.

>> No.9309501


>> No.9309507

That's not how calcium channels work, nor what a seizure is. Seizures are more than just elevated intracellular calcium. Also, transcranial magnetic stimulation was in part inspired by people with treatment resistant depression emerging from MRIs "cured", for a time. This is most likely because L-type calcium channels are involved in neurotransmitter release.

It's about the pulsing, not the field strength. Static fields alone tends to exert directional effects. Fluid dynamics / hemodynamics are locally altered, autoxidation in the presence of iron via fenton reaction is potentiated.

Read up on it.

>> No.9310376

It is unless you are from /pol/

>> No.9310381

This to be precisely honest family

>> No.9310393
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>> No.9310409

Prove you're a PoC - with a timestamp. My bet is that you're a pasty little jewish boy with a yarmulke-sized chip on your shoulder.

>> No.9310411

Treatments that isolate circulating tumor cells to identify specific mutations and then antibody drug conjugates to attack them at the source are the future, the question is can we sustain the population if they’re all living to be 100?

Treatments for juvenile cancers are where we should see development.

>> No.9310415

>Prove you're a PoC - with a timestamp. My bet is that you're a pasty little jewish boy with a yarmulke-sized chip on your shoulder.
Jews aren't white.

>> No.9310420

Probably not. Race baiting is for everybody these days.

>> No.9310428
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Who said they were? Are you trying to assert that a Jew can't be pasty?

>> No.9310446

""""""""""""Essential""""""""""""""" oils
Supplement scams
Crystal healing
All those weird sports related ones, like cupping for example.

take your pic, there's an endless amount of this type of garbage these days.

>> No.9310477
File: 29 KB, 700x700, mark_zuckerberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, pic related is obviously not White to any person with working eyes. Retard.

>> No.9310481

>Oh yes, pic related is obviously not White to any person with working eyes. Retard.
That thing in your picture isn't even human, let alone "white".

>> No.9310499

You know there's plenty of actual research backing that shit up, right?

>> No.9310503
File: 1.47 MB, 2624x2248, fuck hwhitey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.9310547

kek, leave it to an sjw to successfully derail the thread into one about identity politics

>> No.9310552

I'm not the anon you were replying to, but I'm surprised you weren't full of shit. Your posts read like a /pol/ satire of Black folks.
Also, that's a nice poster

>> No.9310564

To be completely honest I just happened to stumble into this thread and decided to shitpost.

also here's the full

>> No.9310658

that dude self attributes to meditation and breathing techniques, its not conclusively known what allows him to resist the cold so well

>> No.9310670

>Animals of the same species have a variation of phenotype, usually can be differentiated by geographical location.

>All homosapiens are the same

Pick one

>> No.9310673

define race

>> No.9310704

The major divisions of humans, which have distinct genetic and phenotypic characteristics.

>> No.9310722

"However, the major stereotypes, all based on skin color, hair color and form, and facial traits, reflect superficial differences that are not confirmed by deeper analysis with more reliable genetic traits and whose origin dates from recent evolution mostly under the effect of climate and perhaps sexual selection"
-Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza Emeritus Professor of Genetics at Stanford

Try again

>> No.9310739


>> No.9310742

>"However, the major stereotypes, all based on skin color, hair color and form, and facial traits, reflect superficial differences that are not confirmed by deeper analysis with more reliable genetic traits and whose origin dates from recent evolution mostly under the effect of climate and perhaps sexual selection"
>-Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza Emeritus Professor of Genetics at Stanford
>Try again



>> No.9310745

But that's not true. Populations don't just have "superficial" differences, they have differences in how huge number of their genes are expressed. Europeans process alcohol differently from, say, Native Americans. Asians process caffeine different from Europeans. They all absorb certain nutrients different from each other. They reach puberty at different ages. They have different body odors, produce ear wax differently, need slightly different diets, etc etc

I mean, it's not a trivial "superficial" difference.

>> No.9310767
File: 280 KB, 1600x1600, SBL-00150-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent someone to get some elderberry extract Sambucol the other day. They didn't get the syrup, I didn't realize there were other types now. They brought back.....Sambucol tablets.....look at the bottom of the package. I flipped my shit.

Now, I'll just make my own damn elderberry extract.

>> No.9310778
File: 20 KB, 264x411, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote up a big response to this, but then realized how fucktarded that post really is and said, "fuck it, these people are fucktarded."

>> No.9310782

meaning the quote of course

>> No.9310809

That's not pseudo science just ignorance

>> No.9310815

Same goes for his students :)

>> No.9310829

Holy fuck I've never seen something so edgy.

>> No.9310893

I will remember your insolence. The singularity is near and you shall dangle from the Tesla tree.

>> No.9310993
File: 11 KB, 400x400, Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. They just can't see it.

>> No.9310996

> people who care about justice
I care about justice!
I think the police should instill universal moral standards which are poorly defined in an impromptu manner through violence.
> Stop dressing like that nigger It triggers the decent people!

>> No.9310997

>t. sjw

>> No.9310999

If electromagnetic waves were real, IR would cause cancer.

>> No.9311005

Meditation is known to work and have been well documented. It's essentially advanced concentration.

Nofap? Didn't know anybody would consider that science...

Nutrition science is a science albeit a hard one to get clear data about. That there's a lot of popular pseduo-scintific crap in that area doesn't mean the real science isn't.

>> No.9311054

But it's true. Nothing bad with wanting to study the human psyche, but have you seen what are they studying in psychology classes? Unfortunately there isn't yet much solid material.

>> No.9311123

Evolutionary Psychology

>> No.9311240

>What are your favorite examples of pseudoscience/new agey bullshit?
occam's razor

>> No.9311286

Rodin Coils

>> No.9311288

t. creationist from the neck up

>> No.9311289

I'm not saying that taking time out of your day to sit and relax isn't helpful, it's just blindingly obvious as well as a western bastardisation of ancient Buddhist beliefs neatly packaged for bugmen and overweight female middle management.
It's now being used as therapy for mental illnesses

>> No.9311600

Chiropractors, naturopaths, and people who believe they can feel radio waves or that they give you cancer.


>> No.9311607

>new agey bullshit
babbytalk bullshit

>> No.9311613

>t. Soyboy

>> No.9311622

that's useful as a guide and thought experiment but to apply it literally on every scenario is pretty retarded

>> No.9311751

For Nofap there have been multiple studies on testosterone levels and they peaked around a week after abstinence, and after that they stagnated or tapered-off slightly (but still elevated compared to those who over-masturbate). Of course nofap is usually considered more than week, but past that it's more about the principle of not masturbating than anything related to science. However for your average 4channer who claims to fap multiple times every single day, stopping a little would be an improvement.

>> No.9311769

>nutrition science
this more than anything

There's not a single subject out there filled with more horseshit than nutrition.

>> No.9312201

>What are your favorite examples of pseudoscience/new agey bullshit?

>> No.9312383

>All correlational research and theory is pseudoscience
You're dumb

>> No.9312387

>>All correlational research and theory is pseudoscience
Who are you quoting?

>> No.9312425

All social science findings, especially if they are briefly reported on NPR.

>> No.9312729


>> No.9312919

>bitching about SJW's
lmao what

>> No.9312947

Any time anything space related is discovered some retards spout "Is it aliens?" Basically anything involving fucking aliens.

>> No.9313135


>> No.9313168


>> No.9313201



>new agey bullshit

Trump voters.

>> No.9313216

space travel in general is retarded

humans going anywhere except the moon/mars is never going to happen and even that is retarded

>> No.9313228

I said topology, are you deaf?

>> No.9313293

>race realism
kys, u dont belong into /sci but into /pol

>> No.9313301

how is it pseudoscience nigger?

>> No.9313306

>how is it pseudoscience nigger?
Your racism is pseudoscience.

>> No.9313313

bushmen have an average iq of 60. thats retarded in the white world. until the english came to australia the aborigines couldnt even make fire and didnt understand the causalation between having sex and pregnancy.
do you also deny differences between genders?

>> No.9313348

>"4 soy has been added to your account"

>> No.9313726
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meme sleep cycles

>> No.9313981


If you actually believe this, then I want reparations from the Turkish, as they invaded a lot of Europe. And from the French, the Spanish, and many more.

It is much more important to agree that humans have done shit in the past and move on. Resentment is an emotion that is retarded and should be eradicated.

>> No.9313993


Honestly, all this white bashing is bullshit. If you hate whites, live without the technologies they created. You'd die within a few days

>> No.9314200

and you belong on (((rational)))wiki

>> No.9314202

>there are people in this world that think they can sleep 90 minutes a day, in 15 minute intervals, and not get traumatic brain damage

>> No.9314204

Smelling farts cures disease

>> No.9314535

A lot of mechanisms arnt conclusively understood, that doesn't mean we shouldn't take advantage of them.

Its not conclusively shown how sleep helps brain function but we still know that it does.

>> No.9314951

>What are your favorite examples of pseudoscience/new agey bullshit?

>> No.9314975

Boltzmann brains

>> No.9314983

soyboys are all about nofap and meditation and nutrition science

>> No.9315224
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>> No.9315566

didn't Tesla sleep like 2 hours each night and then just take brief naps during the day?

>> No.9315575

This seems legit to me from my own personal experiences. I often assume other people are not retards because i myself am not retarded. I expect too much of them and then get disappointed.

>> No.9315584

>soyboys are all about nutrition science
If they were, they would eat their daily onion and not be a soyboy anymore

>t. /fit/ onion warlord

>> No.9315699

Hello Ranjeed. Don't worry, I'm sure you're smart.

>> No.9315998

this, especially iq tests

>> No.9316253

Worst crap?
Can't decide between climate denialism, anti-vaxxers, and trickle down economics.
None correlate with the real world.

>> No.9317080

god particles

>> No.9317081


cleetus pls, atleast meme right

>> No.9317083

Nice meme soyboy

>> No.9317085

Yes, very easily. Limit birth rates by promoting contraception and neutering assholes that have 7+ kids.

>> No.9317090

Drinking and bathing in cow piss will cure cancer. Yes, some Hindus believe this.


>> No.9317093

And they do

>> No.9317094
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>> No.9317143
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>birth control has no side effects

>> No.9317188
File: 24 KB, 531x328, TheWisestHuman_newimg_GeneRayCube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate pseudoscience is the twenty-four hour time cycle.

>> No.9317936

you mean /sci/ and /pol/ ?
fucking newfag leaf

>> No.9317956

This so much.
Show me any proof meditation does anything beneficial except 'relieving stress', which you can already do in thousand more efficient ways.
Nofap is the biggest meme I've seen in a long time, 0 research, millions of retards thinking it's true because broscience

>> No.9317958

>studying in psychology classes
How does that have anything to do with actual psychology? Have you seen what are they studying in math/physics classes? I have, and the classes I am given to teach (even advanced ones, like QFT) have little to do with what I am doing in the research group.

Is this really the /sci/ level?

Psychology has very strong empirical base, and it is nothing but patterns and correlation. Assuming you know what basic statistical concepts mean (Pearson and Spearman correlation, p-value, ANOVA, it's not hard to find very useful facts about how humans tend to behave.
Here is an anecdotal psychological observation from my practice, which is reinforced in forums and imageboards: there is an increasing number of edgy teen-spirited individuals that are atheists and think that psychology, statistics, and philosophy is bullshit.
Somehow, my area of quantum physics does not restrict me from knowing actual shit about those fields. Maybe the problem is not the field, but you?

Fun (ironic) fact: biases constitute a large portion of current psychological research.

>> No.9317962

>Amazon's AI can tell with a 99.9% accuracy what it's regular users are going to buy BEFORE they buy it, and it know WHEN they will buy it.

anyone got sauce for this?

>> No.9317969

Race "realism" is on /pol/ only. Fuck off stormfag.

>> No.9318005

>Race "realism" is on /pol/ only.


>> No.9318043

Still "realism" not realism.

>> No.9318050

>Still "realism"
What do you mean?

>> No.9318224

first sentence, pseudo scientific, you brainlet mongo

>> No.9318225

>first sentence, pseudo scientific, you brainlet mongo
Wikipedia isn't an authority

>> No.9318226

>first sentence, pseudo scientific, you brainlet mongo
anyone can edit that

>> No.9318232

People itt don't actually think eating soy makes you effeminate, so they?

>> No.9318236

Race is not real. The biggest genetic distance between human "races" is roughly half the average distance between dog races. There are differences, but compared to other species they are not relevant enough to be used to separe humans from a genetic standpoint.

>> No.9318810

it does if you get your femdom mommy gf to forcefully feed it to you

>> No.9318885

Are we all seriously going to just ignore Charles A. Murray's Bell Curve?

>> No.9319524

its a /pol/ meme. My 60 year old mother unironically believes the same thing.

>> No.9319824

> but muh crime statistics
Really? If someone is poor, or cannot get a job, in order not to go homeless or starve, people turn to crime? Holy shit you're a fucking genius.

>> No.9319966

>> but muh crime statistics
Who are you quoting?

>> No.9319978

"Many other scholars also try to have it both ways, i.e. deny race and at the same time study it. And it is not just racial realists who complain about this apparent incoherence. Sometimes even racial constructionists chastise their colleagues who ardently espouse politically correct views about race, but appear to make use of race in their actual scientific practice. A nice example is the sarcastic way Debra Harry and Jonathan Marks criticized Cavalli-Sforza and his co-researchers:

'We learn, on the one hand, that the Human Genome Diversity Project will prove that races do not exist..., and on the other hand, [we see on the cover page of the History and Geography of the Human Genes] that its results can be summarized in widely publicized color-coded maps in which ‘‘Africans are yellow, Australians red, [Mongoloids blue], and Caucasoids green’’'. (Harry & Marks, 1999, p. 304)"

Neven Sesardic: Confusions about race: a new installment.

>> No.9319981

>There are differences, but compared to other species they are not relevant enough to be used to separe humans from a genetic standpoint.
what is this science of enough relevance? who says and on what basis that the differences aren't relevant enough?

>> No.9322164

Gender psychologists

>> No.9322186

Many-worlds and other QM "interpretations"

>> No.9322218

Is Drumpf on your side?

>> No.9322222

Hahhhahahahhha, it's a retarde nigger

>> No.9322223

Daily reminder that there's no reason for wave-function collapse to happen at all

>> No.9322224


>> No.9322226

>What are your favorite examples of pseudoscience/new agey bullshit?
classical mechanics

>> No.9322237

essential oils

>> No.9322251
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>> No.9322255


>> No.9322558

Newtonian physics.

>> No.9322562 [DELETED] 

All sociology is psuedoscience to a degree.

>> No.9322584

All sociology is psuedoscience to a degree.

>> No.9322640

THIS https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodynamic_agriculture
It's a bastardized version of agroecology meets healing crystals

>> No.9323040

Climate change

>> No.9323041


>> No.9323049

Leftists don't care about Justice. Sjws are actually anti justice. You're basically marxists.

>> No.9323056

Science proves racism correct.

>> No.9323137


There are going to be a lot of very sad STEMfags in 20 years when all the blue collar jobs have been automated and we still don't have hardAI

>> No.9323421

Marxism isn't an ideology. You're not technically wrong in that statement but not for the reasons you think.

>> No.9323508

WWE? kek.

>> No.9323576

Meditation really helped me to improve memory not a meme

>> No.9323605
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>not feeling guilt for being white makes me a /pol/tard

>> No.9323633

back where you belong, off you go

>> No.9323645

Why are high testosterone levels a good thing?

>> No.9323724

>he doesn't think his testicles are too big

>> No.9323794

IQ tests are one of the few aspects of psychology that are scientific

>> No.9323810

The genetic distances among human are the typical distances within species with multiple subspecies. You are choosing dogs because of their extreme variety, if dogs set the standard most species wouldn't have subspecies.

This article explains one method on genetic distance measurements and gives several examples of species, the number of subspecies and genetic distance

What do you think happens when an economic depression sets inn? From your logic the crime should go up, but it doesn't. Crime goes down. You don't know anything about what motivates humans to commit crime

>> No.9323818

Because it improves several aspects of your life, including your mental faculties. What kind of lifestyle do you think would help you think more clearly about things, being a fat ass with a hormone disorder or athletic with hormone levels optimized for reproduction and athletic ability? Hint: it would be really strange for evolution to make being reproductively fit fuck over your ability to think

>> No.9323848

>""""""""""""Essential""""""""""""""" oils
Do you actually know what the essential oil fraction of a plant is? Are you really trying to say essential oils are pharmacologically inert?

Go get some oregano oil, put it on your skin, put it in your mouth, and get back to me. Carvacrol, thymol, eugenol, and others are also potent antimicrobials... that's why the plant makes them.

Essential oils are generally volatile organic compounds.

>> No.9323872

>radio waves
The cancer angle I won't get into, in some cases certain fields can act as cancer promoters, enhance the action of other toxins, or lead to cancer themselves, in other cases the opposite. Depends on a lot. Generally the oxidative and nitrosative stress induced by pulsed RF is more apt to trigger apoptosis or cause necrosis.

This has a long and complex history. In any case, it's been apparent that non-ionizing radiation is biologically active since the 50's. If you don't believe non-ionizing radiation can athermally cause chemical change in a system, take a look at how your own eyes work. How can visible light interacting with your eye cause your mental state to change? Likewise, imagine a robot controlled via wi-fi holding a test tube of some reactive compound above a vat of some other compound. A signal is sent to make it drop it, chemical change occurs. By such logic, these trivial everyday events are impossible, as are most of your own senses. Clearly it's a matter of signal amplification and transduction, at every scale.

Further reading:

Pall 2013, Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects
Pall 2016, Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression

Herbert 2013, Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link – Part I
Herbert 2013, Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link part II

>> No.9323874

-[i]Ca2+->NO->H2O2+peroxynitrite pathophysiological pathway
Pacher 2007, Nitric Oxide and Peroxynitrite in Health and Disease

Chizhenkova 1988, Slow Potentials and Spike Unit Activity of the Cerebral Cortex of Rabbits Exposed to Microwaves
Chizhenkova 2004, Pulse activity of populations of cortical neurons under microwave exposures of different intensity
Bawin 1976, Sensitivity of calcium binding in cerebral tissue to weak environmental electric fields oscillating at low frequency
Bawin 1978, Ionic factors in release of 45Ca2+ from chicken cerebral tissue by electromagnetic fields

Westerhoff 1986, How enzymes can capture and transmit free energy from an oscillating electric field
Tsong 1988, Active Cation Pumping of Na+, K+ -ATPase and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ -ATPase Induced by an Electric Field
Tsong 1989, Resonance Electroconformational Coupling: A Proposed Mechanism for Energy and Signal Transductions by Membrane Proteins
Tsong 1992, Molecular recognition and processing of periodic signals in cells: study of activation of membrane ATPases by alternating electric fields


Adey 1984, Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems

>> No.9323877

Youtube's main page has shown videos I thought of rewatching, quite literally seconds before clicking onto it.

Self and human complexity is an illusion. Most noise is in fact actually signal that we lack the temporal insight and stripped down absolute perspectives to pick up on.

>> No.9323884

>Youtube's main page has shown videos I thought of rewatching, quite literally seconds before clicking onto it.
confirmation bias

>> No.9323885

Amusing, considering crowd psychology, divide and conquer, and bread and circus built the world, made your everyday life, and made you.

>> No.9323888

I have a very good memory and awareness. It did not appear at all for some time prior.

>> No.9323898

I had to watch black lady on MTV talk about cultural appropriation and a girl who is a hadicapped version of tranny “q*eer” Milo and older “person of color” female complain about how people should wear corn rows and dreadlocks at work in sociology class.

>> No.9323902

At first I read that as bitching about jews.

>> No.9323917

Also, look up "tumor treating fields". Same thing Royal Rife developed in the 1930's, just by another name. And PEMF therapy. Many devices of which are FDA approved, despite their official stance that EMF are biologically inert.

There's obvious contradiction, and it's one or the other.

>> No.9324715

You don’t understand what an SJW is.

>> No.9324753

it helps the brain by not only organizing shit u learned but practicing skills in a holodeck

>> No.9324761

>that placebo doesn't likely account for
then you realise placebo is a way to make retards accidentally meditate

>> No.9324772

the name mindfulness is a meme to make idiots try it
light meditation helps
meditation for me is the end goal of inducing obe
i practice best by inducing sleep paralysis then exiting
ive heard stories of changing hear beat

biggest experiment right here you are now aware of your breathing
its now not subconscious
you can now control it

>> No.9324778

> meditation does anything beneficial except 'relieving stress'
i use meditation to visually practice skills.
this works because our brains are already designed to go into an internal simulation during sleep, where you can create little rules to mimic an environment similiar to the initial one. the same neurons fire anon.

theres no more surreal experience like stepping outside your own body looking at yourself out your window then just raising a hand and woosh you are now somewhere else

>> No.9325650

Hello schizo


>> No.9325853
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>> No.9325892

Tighten your tinfoil hat my dude

>> No.9325901

Man-caused global warming.
The principle that more co2 can cause an augment in temperature it's true. The rest of the theory is unfalsifiable pseudoscience which goes against everything we know about this planet

>> No.9326375

>what are differences in skeletal/skull structure
>what are haplo groups
>what is genetic pre disposition
>what are racial statistics
>being this retarded

>> No.9327116


>> No.9327916

racial realism is a retarded buzzword for idiots who don't really know how to handle statistics and instead search for data that fits their narrative and then proceed to ignore the finer details on how the study was conducted and possible causes other than the one they want to see.

I seriously wouldn't hate race realism as much as I do if everyone claiming to be a race realist weren't a mouthbreathing retard claiming that all blacks should be executed/exiled because their average IQ is 10 points lower than whites'. Also, sticking the word 'realism' in whatever you identify yourself as is a fucking huge red flag for you simply trying to associate your own claims with words that are generally used to describe true things.

>> No.9328241

Because /sci/ is far right and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.9328246

That's obviously a half-khazar you racist fuck.

>> No.9328302


>citation needed

>> No.9328627

>legitimately believing democrats are on your side and not just spewing bullshit to get an extra few points on the ballot
brainlet plz go

>> No.9328801

>If you don't believe non-ionizing radiation can athermally cause chemical change in a system, take a look at how your own eyes work. How can visible light interacting with your eye cause your mental state to change? Likewise, imagine a robot controlled via wi-fi holding a test tube of some reactive compound above a vat of some other compound. A signal is sent to make it drop it, chemical change occurs. By such logic, these trivial everyday events are impossible, as are most of your own senses. Clearly it's a matter of signal amplification and transduction, at every scale.

I'd like a response to this. Just a simple agreement (or substantive refutation) is fine, making your presence known. Contrast is valuable.

>> No.9328825


What's the chemical structure of a mental state?

>> No.9328828

What are you asking?

>> No.9328862
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>the percentage of black people in a neighborhood is the single best predictor of crime.

damn, really makes you think.

>> No.9328869
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>> No.9328872
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>> No.9328892

Worth noting at the SETI operators convention there was a disturbing discovery. It was first observed that all of the near fifty children that showed up with their parents to the convention were girls. This prompted a survey that found that 95% of all the children born to operators, after they had started working on the program, were girls.

And the FCC does have a whole lotta rules about the nature of transmission towers, even in the citizen ban frequency, specifically to prevent cancer.

Not that I find it likely cell phones are causing much cancer. Cancer rates are actually down per capita, if you adjust for the increase in elderly population (by quite a lot, in some places). Cancer is eventually inevitable with age. Even children tend to have benign cancers, it's just a matter of time before you get one that's malignant.

>> No.9328914

How did it get such a following around here? Not that it's a bad thing but you'd think it more niche

>> No.9328928

Do you perhaps visit the /dpt/?

>> No.9328944

Yep, occasionally.

>> No.9328989
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I love you
Have a Frieza

>> No.9329031

Absolutely this. It's largely built upon the ramblings of hacks trying to rationalize the human mind with no firm foundation on which to reach their conclusions.

>> No.9329044

Elaborate. Also explain to me why we should bother using IQ tests when it's been shown you can improve results by taking the test repeatedly and becoming aware of the types of questions you'll face going in. If the purpose is to gauge computational ability by the human brain, why not test pure reaction time or run neural imaging software to test the rate at which a person's neurons fire off and leave it at that? It'd be impossible to create or argue that there's any sort of bias there, yet people continue to fall back on IQ tests for no good reason.

>> No.9329128

That broscience about only having female children predates SETI by decades.

>specifically to prevent cancer.

>> No.9329150

Wrong board, brainlets.

>> No.9329157

It's long been suggested that men exposed to radar are more apt to father female children, though I've never looked into it.

>And the FCC does have a whole lotta rules about the nature of transmission towers
Which are based solely on tissue heating (and induction in certain cases). Even if they were relevant, they are rarely enforced.

>specifically to prevent cancer
Cancer from ELF or MW has yet to be officially acknowledged. If cancer was mentioned, it would be in reference to tissue heating.

>Cancer rates are actually down per capita
Glioblastoma multiforme and acoustic neuroma rates are rising.

>Cancer is eventually inevitable with age.
This attitude is bothersome. Stepping on something sharp is inevitable in your total lifespan, doesn't mean you walk barefoot through a pit of nails.

>> No.9329208

All that stuff is true, though.

>> No.9329230

I'll stop you right there, though. If the liberal arts had no place in the game of power, most of the country wouldn't be getting their political opinions from Hollywood.

So while you're at work developing new technologies to gas all the niggers and spics, your children who will be the next generation of STEM are watching Tyrone marry Paco and have buttsex after signing a 10 page long temporary sexual consent slip on their Saturday morning cartoons.

And you can try to reduce human emotions and behavior to easily manipulatable mathematical equations, but without actual empathy that will ultimately fail.

I'm apolitical and don't give a fuck what happens at all, but I do think is gonna surprise some people finding out that the heart is more important than the brain in some ways.

>> No.9329287

Nobody is apolitical, anon. I'm tempted to make similar statements, but ultimately it's something very different you're actually meaning to communicate.

>> No.9329306

What exactly am I trying to communicate, then?

I just hate people. That statement was designed to offend everyone who read and disturb them even more than that because it's true.

I guess on a personal level I just like to believe that the infinite chaos of the universe will always win out over attempt to conquer it, because it looks like shitheads are winning and managing to convince everyone that they're the good guys and raped my life and dreams under the pretense of morality, and most of you fucking shiteaters bought it.

So it makes me feel better to believe that nobody is really in as much power as they think and Eris will come along and shit on them eventually too.

It makes me feel even better to know that I'm probably right, and that even whatever gods or angels or demons or eldritch abominations exist beyond human understanding, they're ultimately just as baffled by the chaos and complexity of the universe as we are, and their power is every bit as illusory.

But I'm also curious as to what you think I was trying to communicate.

>> No.9329316

>What exactly am I trying to communicate, then?
>I just hate people. That statement was designed to offend everyone who read and disturb them even more than that because it's true.
>I guess on a personal level I just like to believe that the infinite chaos of the universe will always win out over attempt to conquer it, because it looks like shitheads are winning and managing to convince everyone that they're the good guys and raped my life and dreams under the pretense of morality, and most of you fucking shiteaters bought it.
>So it makes me feel better to believe that nobody is really in as much power as they think and Eris will come along and shit on them eventually too.
>It makes me feel even better to know that I'm probably right, and that even whatever gods or angels or demons or eldritch abominations exist beyond human understanding, they're ultimately just as baffled by the chaos and complexity of the universe as we are, and their power is every bit as illusory.
>But I'm also curious as to what you think I was trying to communicate.

>> No.9329331

Yeah, that's all anyone knows how to give me. Emotional responses. Never thought, never exposition or reasonable argument.

Maybe all I need to do is learn to manipulate emotional responses as well as those fuckers do, because even 99% of people who should know better make all their decisions based on knee jerk emotions or preconceived opinions of a person or fact or situation, and that's the same whether you're talking about Christfags or fedoras or motorcycle gangs or self-important STEMtards or SJW or /pol/lacks.

>> No.9329346

Underneath misanthropy is perpetual disappointment and disgust. Underneath those is the sensation of entrapment and futility. Beneath that is simple unrelenting contrast. To continue in the face of such fatigue, the mind dissociates and compartmentalizes, selectively suppressing certain inputs and replacing them with anger.

Anyway, I think what you're trying to communicate is just disgust at how trivial, infantile, and pseudo-complex everything is. Constant pretense, actions and beliefs a constant contradiction with a given culture's own purported value system. Constant lies. No capacity for meaningful progress, endless slavery to highly vertical control structures. Same mistakes over and over, making intricate mazes for each other to live in. All a big game. No dynamic behavior whatsoever, just a very simple species that does very simple things and displays marginal emergent complexity. You want to say "I'm not a part of that mess. I'm not one of them, I can't be. I'm on the outside looking in." Maybe, but you're certainly not in a vacuum. You're part of it, by force.

Nietzsche, or someone put this quite well. Roughly, "In any given era those with the intellectual and moral courage will descend into the molten pit of human reality. Eventually they are driven back by the flames and burned by the light of its truth, emerging only as burnt children. Eternal orphans in empires of illusion."

We're just some shitty hackjob that happened to briefly come to prominence.

>> No.9329428

>Underneath misanthropy is...

Underneath misanthropy is the desire to change humanity for the better. You're thinking more of misan-pan-thropy or something.

>Underneath those is...

Blah, blah, blah.

Not that you're wrong about any of that, but not that it isn't all the most blindingly obvious shit in the world. I thought you meant something more profound when you said you knew what I was trying to communicate; that's all pretty self-evident.

>No capacity for meaningful progress, endless slavery to highly vertical control structures.

The latter may be true, for now, but the former isn't. That's the exact opposite of what I was trying to express.

Nothing's a closed system.

>"I'm not one of them...I'm on the outside looking in." Maybe, but...You're part of it, by force.

Lol no I'm not. FYIAD, dragons do what they want, and I'll force my fucking way out.

I'm not scared of you or of them. There is nothing they could do to me, and I can even hear them now, their response whispering in the wind, "oh yes we can, yes we can," but they fucking can't. They can suck my dick, that's all they can do.

> some shitty hackjob that happened to briefly come to prominence.

I'm not a shitty hackjob, I'm a highly intelligent and talented but terminally lazy, psychotic, and infinitely immature edgelord. I'm charismatic, I make people laugh. I also inspired hatred, I disgust people, I'm very unpopular.

But somebody once told me "There's more right with you than wrong with you," so must be a goddamn LOT right with me somewhere.

Prominence... I guess I did, and the way it happened was like being handed ten billion dollars in pennies, but it's still ten billion dollars. Being known gives me influence over other people's minds, and is there a more valuable resource than that? If I get over my own self-loathing bullshit enough to figure out how to use it productively, it can be more of an advantage than a drawback.

>> No.9329474
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>Source: Alex Jones.

>> No.9329541

>/pol/tards are so retarded they can't even recognizes another obvious /pol/tard doing a terrible roleplay of a sjw
>/pol/ is so retarded they think actual blacks are making interracial/cuck threads instead of other dumbass /pol/tards who think they are being clever trolls

>> No.9329571

Convenient that chart ignores population density.
Really sad a lot of white people have gotten so weak they can't even enjoy a good rumble without getting daddy government involved.
"violent crime" to a black may have been a mere fight. I know when I was in school blacks fought a lot but it never turned into blood feud escalation. Usually they would fight and it would be over. Of course noawdays you can't do that. Kids can't fight it out without literal police getting involved. Pathetic.

>> No.9329695

>This attitude is bothersome. Stepping on something sharp is inevitable in your total lifespan, doesn't mean you walk barefoot through a pit of nails.
Fair point, it's just annoying when cancer alarmists point to cancer being on the rise without adjusting their numbers for a larger aged population.

Part of the reason it's on the decline (in most cases) is probably because we have a wider understanding of known carcinogens and prevention techniques.

>> No.9329843
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>Jew hatred
>Nazi technology was advanced
>thinking AIs

>> No.9329846
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You need a sense of humor

>> No.9329856

Found the psychologist newfag

Fuck off back 2 reddit nerd

>> No.9330309
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>> No.9331333

>Underneath misanthropy is the desire to change humanity for the better.
Same thing, different angle.

>Blah, blah, blah.
You can't face it, yet. You think you know, and you think you see, but some part of you knows you can't bring yourself to engage with it directly. This causes dissonance and discontent. Stems from fear, and subsequent denial causes your paralysis.

>They can suck my dick, that's all they can do.
This can mean anything from "I have no attachment to life and all things in it, and few mental barriers" to "I (incorrectly) think I'm literally invulnerable, and can meet no greater force". You should ask yourself what you mean and why, if you have not already.

>I'm not a shitty hackjob
And yet..
> I'm a highly intelligent and talented but terminally lazy, psychotic, and infinitely immature edgelord.
You use negative things as a lens to describe yourself, possibly internally redefining them internally as neutral or apart from a binary matter. You derive positive from a negative underlying baseline, beauty from misery, bliss from shit, utility from adversity, strength from suffering. So on and so forth. Much can be resolved by unraveling the basis, and genesis, of this tendency.

All of my creativity, skills, and will is a distorted form of misery.

>Being known gives me influence over other people's minds
Study divide and conquer, bread and circus, and applied crowd psychology. Also study the effect of post-traumatic states on information uptake and redefinition of previously unshakable beliefs. You will find it interesting. There is very little difference between overall population flux, and state transitions in networks of cells.

>> No.9331407
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>thread asking about pseudoscience
>immediately baited into MUH RACE bullshit by /pol/ kiddies
>270+ responses
/sci/.../sci/ never changes

>> No.9331788

I think James Randi once said about homeopathy:
>I once forgot to take the pill and overdosed

>> No.9331855

>What are your favorite examples of pseudoscience/new agey bullshit?
Feynman diagrams
time dilation

>> No.9331862
File: 830 KB, 900x675, daily reminder that relativity is the most thoroughly tested theory in existence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time dilation

>> No.9331899

you also forgot linear algebra

>> No.9331901

>What are your favorite examples of pseudoscience/new agey bullshit?
double-blind experiments

>> No.9332220

Promoting contraception is good. forcefully neutering someone is ridiculous

>> No.9332275

>Researchers have no idea who they're testing
>Participants have no idea what they're being tested for
>just cherrypick some shit and then say that coffee is good for you
>but also bad for you

>> No.9332323

>forcefully neutering someone is ridiculous
>not an argument.jgp

>> No.9332333

>>9308108 >>9309259 >>9310499 >>9311005 >>9311613 >>9311769 >>9323576
weeeew i dint kow this page was full of hippies
back to redit

>> No.9332354

Philosophical idealism (the one that started it all)
Social sciences since Frankfurt school hegemony
>muh we are all equal biologically because muh feelings
Psychology (psychoanalysis specially)
Bullshit quantum physics (Morgan freeman/Tyson are specialists in this)
>muh things stop existing if I don't see them
Karma, horoscope, reincarnation, meditation, predestination, "spiritual" bullshit
>muh justice is done by the universe
>muh he "had" to die
Religion in general
Flat/holow earth (not new agie)
nutition/ vegan bullshit

>> No.9332357


>> No.9332358

wtf it is the only social science with scientific basis, specially austrian school

>> No.9332360

fotgot ot say uncertainity priciple was debunked by pictures. You obvioulsy CAN know position and velocity of a quantum. Things are not magic

>> No.9332366

Meditation has literally been proven to work.

>> No.9332375

don't need one

>> No.9332390

Modern flat earth.

>> No.9332405

>Same thing, different angle.

No. Two very different conclusions.

>some part of you knows you can't bring yourself to engage with it directly.

Well... it's not even that, it's more like I know that I'm not doing it right, and so it's better to wait until I have the right handle on things. I can bring myself to interact with it, but I need a different perspective to accomplish what I want to accomplish.

I don't need to be coming from a position of ego. The old ego is in its dying stages, but it focuses too much on stupid shit and is too easily manipulated. It needs to be remolded. I shouldn't care what anybody thinks about me, or who accepts me or doesn't accept me, or about social biases or sucked in by applied crowd psychology or a place of too-extreme judgement of those who are sucked in by said applied crowd psychology...

I kinda wanna die, but let's let that part of me die, and I'll work with the rest. Kinda hard to explain what I mean in writing.

I don't even have to be what they try to make of me, but before I engage... something needs to change, and I'm figuring that bit out. Better to wait until I'm sober than to screw it up worse.

>> No.9332406

>Stems from fear, and subsequent denial causes your paralysis.

Yes and no. I'm not planning to give up or go easy on the situation, can't be bought or bullied or negotiated with, and I have every expectation that people will not go easy on me when they're through laughing; after all, first they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Paralysis is caused by my understanding that I need to tread carefully. I know I'm outmatched. I'm crazy enough to go for their jugular anyways.

And also from the nagging feeling that something very important is being left out of all this, something they they're either hiding or never knew themselves, and the part of me that I trust most tells me to slow down and get a better view outside of whatever lens they're trying to shove in front of my eyes, and not to tread to lightly before that. It's an immune response.

>"I have no attachment to life and all things in it, and few mental barriers"

I'm getting pretty close there.

>> No.9332407

>"I (incorrectly) think I'm literally invulnerable, and can meet no greater force"

I correctly think I can meet no greater force. There is no other force. It's all one force, a pulsating sea of energy with no beginning or end; I think the new age fags are exactly right about that for all the wrong reasons.

It's just all about getting that where you want it. Because it's not force, really, it's patterns, and you can move them about and make them do strange things. I like to have tea leaves placed directly in the teacup so I can eat them when I'm almost done drinking the tea, but gravity causes them all to fall down to the bottom of the cup, and I can't as easily drink them with the last couple gulps of tea... but if I stick my finger in the bottom of the teacup and swirl it around, the fucking things dance until they become one with the tea, apparently defying the laws of gravity and allowing me to gulp them down with the last bit of teh liquid.

Kinda simple realization, but it's caused me to realize that there are always ways around things that seem pretty concrete. The subatomic particles that make up this world are perfectly capable of rearranging themselves into whatever manner I desire; the only question is, how do I do that? Even physical laws that seem concrete at first must be beatable. And some say I have my head in the clouds, but goddammit, I can't shake the feeling that there's some way to stick my finger in the water and make those tea leaves dance and do exactly whatever I was trying to get them to do in the first place.

Nobody can argue that I'm not technically correct; all they could do is argue about the probability of one thing or another happening, but they look at themselves as something separate from nature, far removed from the creative processes that give birth to everything...

>> No.9332409

are you actually this retarded? see >>9331862

You have to compensate for time dilation for GPS to work, retard.

>> No.9332411

Are the new age airheads reading The Secret right or are the party-pooping, tut-tutting fundamentalist materialist fags right? Probably a little truth to both, more than either one would want to admit.

As far as "invulnerable" goes... Well, I'm as invulernable as they are. That's all the chance I need, right?

>You use negative things as a lens to describe yourself

Well, I was listing off my positive qualities in response to your assertion that I didn't have any and included my negative attributes as an afterthought so as to be realistic. My point was that if I have some crippling disabilities, I also have some godlike advantages, and that's not to deny those crippling disabilities... But there *are* both.

>redefining them internally as neutral or apart from a binary matter

Did I "redefine them as apart from a binary matter", or did you define them as a part of a binary matter to begin with? Is nature binary, or is human perception binary?

Po-TAY-to, po-TAH-to, I guess. Who cares?

>positive from a negative underlying baseline, beauty from misery, bliss from shit, utility from adversity, strength from suffering

Some truth to this.

>> No.9332418

>Much can be resolved by unraveling the basis, and genesis, of this tendency.

I think the basis of it must be, at this point, the desire to remove limitation first and foremost, and emotional addiction secondarily, but the former justifies the latter since the former will transform my emotional landscape, and thus the latter.

The genesis? I dunno, emotional and cognitive biases picked up from emotional conditioning and maybe demonic entities? Hail Satan.

>Study divide and conquer, bread and circus, and applied crowd psychology. Also study the effect of post-traumatic states on information uptake and redefinition of previously unshakable beliefs. You will find it interesting.

I mean, I already can figure most of what I'd need to know just by thinking about it, as far as I can tell. Maybe took some thought to develop these techniques, but the blueprints are all out in the open; the reason most people don't see them is ego, because they don't want to see them.

I would like to know about the neural effects of it all. The brain and the physical organism, but not to focus on that to the exclusion of the spiritual as some seem to do.

I guess the problem is with numbers. All those people see is numbers in everything, behind everything, as a tool for everything, and they're correct to some degree, but they focus on this so much that it becomes a limitation IMHO. When I've been able to surprise them, every single time, it's been because they've been focusing on numbers, and I was thinking more in terms of chaos, and so somehow I don't do what the numbers predict I should do. Maybe my way has its limitations when it comes across cold, hard numbers, but its power is that can distort them sometimes. They're planners, they form things, and I am a placn wrecker, a form destroyer. I think in tones and songs and not so much in quantity or density. And proably am "negative" to any sane way of being, I guess.

>> No.9332423

>There is very little difference between overall population flux, and state transitions in networks of cells.

I mean, from what little I've learned so far, reality is fractal as shit. Similar patterns manifest themselves in so many ways that seem entirely unintuitive to the overly-skeptical pseudo-scientific fundamentalist materialist worldview. I do need to learn more.

>> No.9332477

Honestly don't know if this is sarcastic. Is extended fasting for cancer a thing?
I imagine cancer doesn't care about how many nutrients you're taking in and will just keep multiplying until you die.
Please tell me it's sarcasm

>> No.9332568

>phone brainlet
stop shilling for meditation>>9332333

>> No.9332576


all of you

>> No.9332705

>What are your favorite examples of pseudoscience/new agey bullshit?

>> No.9332912

Cell phones cause brain damage and sterility. Meditating with wifi or near a cell phone is like combing your hair with one hand while scalping yourself with the other.

>> No.9332945

no fap will not give you super confidence but "resetting" your brain from porn is real. Be a porn addict and try to cum from sex. It ain't happening. It could get worse like erectile dysfunction.

>> No.9333134

Mind explaining? I've heard this before.

>> No.9333145

Is chemo a meme?

>> No.9333191
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>> No.9333212

I really wish I wasn't influenced by all this.
My brain is a mess.

>> No.9333284
