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File: 40 KB, 700x526, Dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9303732 No.9303732 [Reply] [Original]

What prevents me from controlling my dreams and have glorious orgy dreams everytime I go to sleep?

>> No.9303758

The part of your brain that allows you to be aware and control your awareness (you anterior cingulate cortex) enters into very low activity. You have to train it to be active while sleeping. This is hard but not impossible, as practitioners of yoga nidra do it.

>> No.9303762

I had a lucid dream once. I was able to float (not exactly fly but a sort of weightlessness) and could feel it and consciously control it. I started in my living room where I just thought it was awesome I could hover near the ceiling. Things unraveled, I slipped and fell out of the dream when I tried to take it outside. I've never been able to make it happen since, not that I've really put a lot of effort into it.

Most of my dreams are garden variety crazy shit that seems totally plausible in the dream but which I have little control over, and am more of a passive observer of the wacky contents of my subconscious than anything. I can't even remember what kind of day I had that preceded the lucid floating dream.

>> No.9304219
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>tfw dream about my waifu

>> No.9304234

>What prevents me from controlling my dreams
The same thing that prevents you from being able to sit down for an hour and focus on your breathing without getting bored or distracted.
>glorious orgy dreams
Also you're a hedonist brainlet.

>> No.9305045
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>tfw can't remember 9/10 of my dreams

Sometimes I wake up hoarse as if I'd been screaming.

>> No.9305056

Just start keeping a dream diary, and you'll start remembering your dreams more. It's something you have to train yourself to do.

>Sometimes I wake up hoarse as if I'd been screaming.
This means you were probably snoring, or sleeping with your mouth open.

>> No.9305058

My sister told me I scream in my sleep, and I have no idea as to why.