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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 250 KB, 903x986, Georg_Friedrich_Bernhard_Riemann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9300986 No.9300986 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ I have finally solved the Riemann hypothesis (it's true)

paper is going up on arxiv soon, it's just getting checked by my advisor as I type this post. I had to invent a new proof method to solve it but I won't tell you what it is because people have been mean to me on the internet lately. If this is a nice thread, I'll explain further.

>> No.9300993

Will this make FTL travel possible?

>> No.9301019


>> No.9301027

>using falso axioms

>> No.9301034

Donald Duck could publish on arXiv.

>> No.9301045

I'm not a physics brainlet so I don't know
no this is in standard ZFC
good thing I'm not him then?

>> No.9301058

K...Keep me posted

>> No.9301100

into the trash it goes

>> No.9301122

I will, if people are nice!
It still works in ZF

>> No.9301130

If this is a lie (obviously), then you just wasted time. If not, why risk it posting on 4chan?

>> No.9301140

Let me guess. You assumed that the Riemann Hypothesis was false and found that this implied that traps aren't a gay. A clear contradiction, and therefore the Riemann Hypothesis is true.

I've known this to be possible for years but I could never quite find the right link between the zeta function and traps.

>> No.9301165

I want people to be nice to me on the internet
that's not what I did, but sounds promising I guess?

>> No.9301168

while we're on the topic, can someone please explain to a brainlet the implications of the RH being proven/disproven? Like in terms of how it'll tech science and math?

>> No.9301169

>I want people to be nice to me on the internet
You're up to something

>> No.9301171

Nobody knows because nobody knows how it's going to be proven. Somebody could invent a whole new field of math to do it or it could be some gay trick that's applicable to nothing else.

>> No.9301178

>or it could be some gay trick that's applicable to nothing else.
Even then there are a lot of things we know are implied by the RH, it would be useful.

>> No.9301194

Well, the only thing that actually matters in the world is number theory so here is a thing. It was proven by my main man, Euler, that [eqn]\zeta(s) = \prod_{p \text{ prime}} \frac{1}{1 - p^{-s}} [/eqn]

And this is a product over all the prime numbers, which means the Riemann Zeta function is closely related to prime numbers. Now, to put things simply, imagine how useful it would be if we had another product representation of the Riemann Zeta function. It would be pretty useful because we could directly link the two products and start probing to see what happens (which has been done, assuming RH is true).

Well, in what ways can you write a function as an infinite product? That's right. By it's roots. For example, [eqn] \frac{\sin x}{x} = \prod_{n=1}^{\infty} 1 - \left(\frac{x}{n \pi} \right)^2 [/eqn].

So if we had all the roots of the Riemann zeta function we could write it as another infinite product. And more realistically, if we instead of explicitly having all the roots at least had some information about the distribution and bounds on those roots then that would also be very useful.

And those are the basics of why you can prove so much shit about prime numbers by studying the Riemann zeta function. Infinite products.

>> No.9301195

Big if true

>> No.9301307

So, no practical use then.

>> No.9301319


Have you entertained the possibility that you have made a mistake in the course of your proof? If your advisor were to inform you that you had made a mistake, and you came to understand the reality of the mistake as a material invalidation of what you had attempted to prove, what would you do? Would you keep it to yourself, or would you publish your abortive effort yourself anyway?

Why are people being mean to you on the internet? Is it because they perceive you to be a crank, because you actually are a crank, or something else? Like literally nigger turn away from the screen lol

I must tell you that I don't sincerely believe that you have done what you claim to have done. That said, math is a young man's game, and so it's not inconceivable that some weirdo who thinks to post here of all places in conneciton with such an important matter might have actually done it. Let's hope you don't get scooped, if you're being truthful. Wiles also had a mistake and then finally got it fixed, apparently.

>> No.9301324

Explain why it matters.
Ps. I'm a brainlet.

>> No.9301325

I believe in you, OP.

>> No.9301334


The Riemann Hypothesis is well-known as being one of the great unsolved problems in mathematics. Lots of people have been trying very hard to prove it for about 150 years, since Riemann was an active mathematician. The fame of the problem and the many failed attempts have led to a well-justified skepticism among mathematicians about actual proposed proofs. A /sci/ meme over the past year or two involved something about an African mathematician who had (apparently) claimed to prove it, and the pictures related to this were like high-school-tier math and so not credible.

The Riemann Hypothesis involves both number theory and complex analysis, which are considered to be important branches of math today.

Basically, there's a plane of numbers, called "the complex plane". This plane contains the ordinary real number-system as one of its axes. Then you have this complicated math formula (the Riemann zeta function), which can be this-or-that formula, depending on what domain you're talking about. You can take any complex number in the complex plane, and plug it into this function. Sometimes, what you get back is simply 0. The conjecture to be proven, is that every time that what you get back is zero from this complicated process, the complex number lies on a single line in the complex plane.

I'll let others talk about this if they want to, I was too wordy with it just now.

>> No.9301336


One more thing: Lots of theorems in math have been proven to be true, /contingent on the Riemann Hypothesis/. That means, that "well, if the Riemann Hypothesis is true, then this other thing over here is absolutely true as well." The missing piece is in knowing whether the Riemann Hypothesis is actually true, that is, whether the premise for such results is in fact true. If it is, then lots of other fun theorems are true. If not, then it ruins the whole business.

This is a bit above my pay grade, but I wonder whether RH might be provably undecidable, somehow.

>> No.9301343

Why is it so hard to prove?

>> No.9301452


The simple and unsatisfying answer is that no one has figured out how to do it it. We just don't know! If it were easy to prove, then it would very probably have been proven by now, but it hasn't been, despite intense thought and effort.

Mathematicians have tricks about certain areas of math, and often you can combine your tricks in a chain of logical reasoning to prove even more stuff. Often, if you're working in math, you have a general idea from experience about what kind of tricks, put together, might work (I had this again myself in a brainlet problem I was interested in the other day, it's Pascal's triangle and combinations). But it doesn't always pan out that way. IIRC Differential Equations is an area of math where a certain cookbook of tricks are known, but there's also plenty of unknown stuff. Same sort of thing, people just have to keep attacking it.

>> No.9301682

Probably bait, but if not, if proof is correct, good fucking job.

>> No.9301692

No practical use? It would prove many theorems in number theory. The RH on its own would allow us to prove many new bounds for arithmetic functions. And the GRH will even give us a lot of algebraic theorems.

But if by application you mean engineering then no. I mean, why would you need RH in engineering when you already have the fundamental theorem of engineering, [math] \pi = 3 = e [/math]

>> No.9301711

wow mean
You wanna people to be nice to you on the internet but then you are mean to others
You're a dick and deserve no compassion.

>> No.9301793

> t. buttmad engineer

>> No.9302277

Did OP bail out on us?

>> No.9302291

Say it man

>> No.9302314


OP cant even solve linear equations

>> No.9302386

>new proof method
proof by shitposting?

>> No.9302490

Is this fake??

>> No.9302499

Mathematicians hate him! Click here to learn this one weird trick that lets you solve the Riemann hypothosis

>> No.9302581

To be quite honest, all of mathematics is learning this one weird trick that lets you solve X.

>> No.9302588

>proof by shitposting?
This is a revolutionary method. Start with an argument by contradiction and then conclude with a smug anime girl. No one can argue against that.

>> No.9302590

if you actually solve this faggot donate half of your prize money to 4chan.

>> No.9302593
File: 108 KB, 461x602, Leonhard_Euler[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ugly son of a bitch is solving equations that require square root of a negative number, and basically you're fucking retarded

Has math gone too far? Is this number real or fake? Most contemporary mathematicians get it wrong!

>> No.9302609

Good diss lmao

>> No.9302613

Lmao, well advertised RH

>> No.9302845


>> No.9303594 [DELETED] 

Attention: I have it on good authority this thread was made to bait you. Do not respond. Do not read. Avoid. Avoid.

>> No.9304274

OP where are you? I wanna see

>> No.9304494

Inb4 you know who comes in and spams his vixra links and talks about he's god and he's going to kill us all.

>> No.9304519

Hey, I remember that guy. Sad thing is that he was actually poor so for all we know, he may have starved to death.

>> No.9304535
File: 970 KB, 500x367, contemplation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I've changed my mind. Due to the incessant bullying I have experienced at the hands of """humans""" I'm not going to show anyone else the proof I have. My advisor? Dead. Killed him this morning. I used a truth serum to make sure he hadn't told anyone else. Oh, how much this could have advanced STEM! Alas, you undeserving wretches will never know the secret! Ahahahahha! Ahahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahhahauahhaa!!!!!!!!!!!

I have destroyed all evidence it ever existed. The gun is on the table now, it is time for me to exit.....

>> No.9304538

Thanks OP. Now we still have the chance to be the ones who prove it and get all the recognition.

>> No.9304541
File: 868 KB, 1280x1920, wildberger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we didn't think you we're just baiting and being an attention whore the entire time

>> No.9304658

I'm the real OP and this was my last post

and the rest aren't me

I'm just waiting for approval to post before posting, might be another day. People have been sufficiently nice so I'll post.

>> No.9305612

Come on man

>> No.9306106


Post the broad outline of your proof (along with some identifying document so you can prove its yours if you wish) so we know you aren't attention seeking.

>> No.9306132

youre a dumb faggot i hope you kill yourself

>> No.9306136

OP is a fag as usual. There is nothing to see here.

KYS op !

>> No.9306884

Don't be mean I want to see his paper

>> No.9307212
File: 1.37 MB, 207x207, tdPebD786z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9308250

Would Hiro even take it though?
He seems to love his ads

>> No.9308257

>fundamental theorem of engineering
Ok you got me

>> No.9308569


>> No.9308871

>the fundamental theorem of engineering, π=3=e
Wow rude.

>> No.9309620

That's the fundamental heuristic of engineering, not the fundamental theorem, but you're close
Good post nonetheless

>> No.9309627

>fundamental theorem of engineering
Fucking hilarious. I hope this guy really did solve RH if he can troll on this level.

>> No.9309632

You have the sense of humour of a 15 year old. Hmmmm

>> No.9309694

Stop doing math it's a black magic that will lead the humans into a disaster

>> No.9309743
File: 17 KB, 345x282, 1511172514260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9310573


>> No.9310716
File: 863 KB, 2480x3507, 1502775683645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laughed audibly

>> No.9310731
File: 16 KB, 621x668, what's that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9311729

Of course you realize that the RH is an ill-posed question, since it assumes there are infinitely many numbers when in fact this is not the case, correct?
Stop doing bad math

>> No.9311781

3blue1brown is god-tier

>> No.9311803


>> No.9312835

Good video
His linear algebra series is top tier

>> No.9313811

>you will never read a paper by Donald duck
why even live?

>> No.9313856

>not getting Donald Duck could published so you can cite him

>> No.9313935

Really hope you aren't trolling my dude

>> No.9313955

why can't they just use proof by exhaustion on this?

>> No.9314141

>By it's roots
>By it is roots
>it is roots

>> No.9314971

>why can't they just use proof by exhaustion on this?
There's no upper bound on the imaginary part of a zero.

>> No.9315342

if this is real (99.99% it isn't) let the history books know I was here when it happened.

>> No.9315396
File: 238 KB, 1000x1009, XtW3oet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just in case

>> No.9315422
File: 161 KB, 810x966, 1069d3d7ab2038450fd2068f21189d5b36e589aa51307d40fe1e433560b27648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just in case
Let the archive contain my redpill.

>> No.9315879

I want to be in the hypothetical screencap as well

>> No.9315884


>> No.9315914
File: 70 KB, 562x530, 1504947767267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if this is real (99.99% it isn't) let the history books know /sci/ was here

also agreed that OP's proof is most likely invalid but it's still exciting to know that there is the possibility that a proof of the most important math conjecture of the 20th century could have been announced on /sci/ for all of us to witness it first

>> No.9316013



>> No.9316032

me three

>> No.9316059

Okay guys, you've been nice so it's finally time for the big reveal.

All it takes to prove it is taking your wallet and assuming the axiom 1+1=2 to be false, which then opens up a rift to an alien dimension filled with humans like us, except completely black. What you do then is take our your wallet, put it on the floor, close your eyes and meditate for a whole year, not eating nor drinking, no muscle movement, not even shitposting.
Then, at last, when the year has ended you will find as you open your eyes that the wallet and black alien humanoids are gone. How can that be? Matter only teleports in the quantum level. And that's when you realize- NEVER trust niggers.

>> No.9316087
File: 13 KB, 255x216, 1506707775729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been enlightened by this magnificent proof

>> No.9316089

>Okay guys, you've been nice so it's finally time for the big reveal.
>All it takes to prove it is taking your wallet and assuming the axiom 1+1=2 to be false, which then opens up a rift to an alien dimension filled with humans like us, except completely black. What you do then is take our your wallet, put it on the floor, close your eyes and meditate for a whole year, not eating nor drinking, no muscle movement, not even shitposting.
>Then, at last, when the year has ended you will find as you open your eyes that the wallet and black alien humanoids are gone. How can that be? Matter only teleports in the quantum level. And that's when you realize- NEVER trust niggers.
Why the racism?

>> No.9316162


>> No.9316871

Cashing in

>> No.9316938

That won't be possible if I beat you.

>> No.9317450


>> No.9317474

I really hope you don't solve the riemann hypothesis and realize you're another under-grad that might as well be chasing a liberal arts degree as much as a pure math one.
and no I won't donate any of my physics income to you in the streets when you can't find any job trying to make a career off of something you could've done for free

>> No.9318830

>t. Physics Brainlet
"Physics is actually too hard for physicists"
t. Hilbert

>> No.9318854

Holy shit there are a lot of gullible retards on /sp/. The OP legit just read portions of the wiki on the Riemann zeta function.

>> No.9318865

To those thinking that JUST a few days/weeks of thinking about the Riemann hypothesis will yield a strategy of attack which nobody has already thought before are utterly delusional. Nobody even knows how to really attack this problem. Most of the greats after Riemann's time have attempted this problem and failed miserably. The complicating issue here, is that these zeros lie in the region where analytic continuation is necessary.

>> No.9318893

>the only thing that actually matters in the world is number theory

>> No.9318900
File: 40 KB, 500x486, noice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that last line

>> No.9318906
File: 125 KB, 655x653, 10k keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fundamental theorem of engineering, π=3=e

>> No.9318907

Found the engineer.

>> No.9319144
File: 62 KB, 878x495, Its-jihad-oclock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to dox OP. There's only one man capable of solving this problem. Just admit it's you, ok, OP?

>> No.9319302


>> No.9319455

I guess that's why String Theory has offered the most important breakthroughs in pure mathematics in probably decades.

>> No.9319499


>> No.9319533


>> No.9320381

Exactly. Mathematicians are doing physics, and are hence enhancing both fields. Phys*cists can't do anything.

>> No.9321406

Is Riemann that smart indian guy?

>> No.9321421

No you are thinking of ramanujan, Riemann was the guy who was good at adding the areas of rectangles together.

>> No.9322095

No that was Lesbegue

>> No.9323085

>famous mathematician
>good at adding rectangles together
Is math even useful? That sounds retarded. Good thing I didn't take math in university, it's all useless.

>> No.9323093

I teach Calculus II sometimes, and when I do, and I mention how Ramnujan built his career around computing infinite series (partially due to computing residues), and all of the Indians in my class suddenly become interested. They treat him like blue Jesus (Krishna).

>> No.9324634

Where is the proof?

>> No.9324859

did you try adding another dimensional axis of measurement?

>> No.9325210


>> No.9325820

I want to be part of this stupid thread

>> No.9325848

and then find the missing parts of the equation?

>> No.9326774

This isn't /sp/
Looks like you are are the retard my friend

>> No.9326840
File: 52 KB, 505x504, 1506121703365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the proof this thread is about or did this happen to be someone else also claiming to have proved the Riemann Hypothesis?


>> No.9326996



>> No.9327022

What the fuck is that shit?

>> No.9328294

I doubt OP even has a paper at all

>> No.9328510

I don't know shit about math but that paper looks so fucking unprofessional lol. Citing wikipedia, just putting the urls as reference what the fuck

>> No.9328554

>the fundamental theorem of engineering
top kek!

>> No.9329632

OP which one are you?

>> No.9329682

add me in the screenshot too

rawr x3

>> No.9329888
File: 26 KB, 800x450, e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9330169


>>9326840 poster here, not OP, this was a link to some claimed proof to the Riemann Hypothesis that was updated fairly recently. Given the short gap in time between this proof and OP's thread, I wondered whether or not this may be OP's claimed proof

>> No.9330260

OP we wait intently. Don't let us down, friend.

>> No.9330802

op plox deliver

also bump

>> No.9332386

OP please don't leave us hanging

>> No.9333416

Yay when is it pinned?

>> No.9333700

And respecting scientist would see the conflict of interest in the counter argument and experiments run by the people trying to prove the other person wrong.
Quite similar to the cases on atrazine pesticide. "what do you mean our world wide pesticide has negative reactions? Every time we pay the EPA to run tests they find nothing!"

Went to the DC Holocaust museum a few months ago. They literally told us how they would shove dozens of body's into that tiny furnace and they would be "Instantly cremated" "sometimes burning up to 1000 bodies per over per day." man, why even bother with mass Graves if you could just vaporize that number of people in a single day?
The people in the group I was with when I mentioned not even today's crematoriums could do that started agreeing how wrong it seemed and how it was just started to seem like propaganda, and these were fucking SJW liberal arts majors for shit like ASL and jewelry Fabrication, the kind of people that believed in "boo capitalism we need communism" . If they can't be convinced maybe reestablish your lies at least.

>> No.9334241
File: 24 KB, 379x350, inconceivable_by_alexfili-d36vlb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of

>> No.9335320

Really activates my almonds

>> No.9335369

I'll show to my grandchilderns that this was my post

>> No.9335381

underrated comment

>> No.9335394

Did op got Millionaire at the end?

>> No.9335854


>> No.9336261
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... So shocked, OP lied

>> No.9336319

lol he fell for the "Rieman unsolved" meme

>> No.9336489

I would sincerely like to know the axioms you proposed for this theory...

>> No.9336532

let 'P' equal zero

>> No.9336548




>> No.9336596

Search up Number theory and complex analysis. You'll see why.

>> No.9336599

Holocaust deniers are just as mentally challenged as flat earthers