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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 288 KB, 641x484, 1510715464146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9297364 No.9297364 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9297377

This is actually pretty realistic. Bonus points for Stewart Russell.

Spray a mist of quick hardening(or viscous) glue to gum up the props. Also put some black dye in it to take out the cameras. There actually used to be a way to disable the abrams tank by detonating a bomb that sprayed graphite powder everywhere preventing the tank operator from seeing. Perhaps something similar can be done here?

While one might opt for an EMP, that may not be very effective given how small they are and all the collateral damage that would cause. Lasers are also an expensive option.

>> No.9297434


Put on a mask?

>> No.9297445

>Dress up like Muslim

>> No.9297448

>Slaughterbots released in UK attack
>None were injured

>> No.9297462

A sotgun would be fairly effective

>> No.9297651

>How would /sci/ put a stop to these things?

>> No.9297657

bullet proof helmet and vest

>> No.9297658

I don't know how I'd stop it, but I do know that after I figured it out I would for sure hook it up to ransomware so that would be victims have 30 seconds to wire me 50% of the average annual income for their given demographic.

>> No.9297684

everyone wears ski mask <\thread>.

>> No.9297719

air strike the factories ?

>> No.9297748
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jam the shit out of the frequencies they use .also it kinda rips off the black mirror ep .
also you'd usually be safe unless you're retarded or something and have your pictures \ real name online somewhere .

>> No.9297775
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>big, cumbersome hummingbird-sized bots with explosives
>not mosquito- or lice-sized, with nerve gas venom

To answer OP's question, you don't stop them. The future is filled with a lot of well-behaved individuals of the Islamic persuasion.

>> No.9297792

>it is programmed to kill anyone wearing a mask, who it assumes is a robber

>> No.9297796

Nobody cared who I was till I put on the mask.

>> No.9297798

They may not use any frequency at all. After being programed and released, if they can't phone home they will just carry out their programming as best as they can.

>> No.9297806
File: 25 KB, 640x359, magnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same tech we'd use to stop missiles, presumably, but miniaturized to minimize collateral damage.

Some sort of chaff was the first thing I thought of too because my experience with drones usually has focused on their buzzing and how it freaks me out a little.

EMP or a big ol' magnet might actually be the way to go though. There could be tech to focus magnets on specific targets that the military could develop. I don't know though because I don't know how they work...

Lasers are also a good option since they're the obvious tech being researched to intercept missiles. However, there would be too much collateral damage in a civilian setting, I would assume, more so than EMP/magnets. I much rather have my smartphone fried than be zapped by a magnets.

But really, if these drones are primarily going to be used to explode leftists, is developing countermeasures really that necessary? These are the real questions we need to be asking ourselves.

>> No.9297809

>than have my body be zapped by lasers

Perhaps the laser doesn't need to be all that powerful though. Maybe some sort of high intensity flashlight could be used to fry the visual system on those things or cause them to detonate prematurely somehow.

These are all questions for the engineers though.

>> No.9297813

Scarecrow defence:
Throughout the city there are inflatable "scare crows" that get initiated like a car airbag during an attack. The drones spend most of their time attacking the decoys.

>> No.9297819

explosive reactive helmets.

>> No.9297823

Welp, here we are then:


Miniaturize this fucking thing. Strap it on a kamikaze drone. And send it into a swarm of the killer drones, and the killer drones are done for.

>> No.9297824
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>> No.9297834

Reading the article now though, it seems as if it can accurately disable separate targets, so you wouldn’t even need to have your defense drone kamikaze. It could be some sort of automated turret, perhaps attached to a drone.

>> No.9297840

I can
>mutilate my face (MOM'S GONNA FREAK)
>put my head in a lense-covered box that will warp my face and scramble the weak phone-tier facial recog.
>make a EMP gun with a microwave oven magnetron
>get off the grid for a while without telling anyone

The military can
>make pic related
>make a small superapid-fire APS with ~100kW laser or buckshot, guided by a small radar
>spam some of those microwave humvees in every unit
>fly these around >>9297823
>use something like this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suter_(computer_program)
>ask the CIA niggers for the processor backdoors and disable all non mil ones
>fry the 'lil shits with a powerful AESA from afar

The government can
>monitor the fucking contractors 24/7
>not create a bitchshit society where everyone wants to murder one another

>> No.9297849
File: 8 KB, 557x250, hpm-bomb-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.9297857

EMPs aren't a very good option, because of how small they are. Anyone who has actually taken an undergrad electromagnetism course knows how to calculate the induced current in one of these. Guiding the laser defense is also a challenge. How are you going to aim? Radar can't detect them, you'd need some very good computer vision and cameras. Lasers also take a lot of power to fire once (we have yet to deploy them in a military scenario), firing in multiple targets like this is science fiction. Point defense is actually nuts, hahaha. And these drones could be made tomorrow if anyone willed, unlike any of the possible defenses for it. It's literally an indefensible weapon.

>> No.9297871

>Radar can't detect them

>> No.9297881

What does them being small have to do with anything? Surely an EMP would have an effect on anything electronic.

If you read the article I posted, it sounds as if the targets were relatively small there as well. You can target the entire swarm, not necessarily individual ones. An EMP blast could fill up an entire room. Boom, they’re all done all at once.

>> No.9297887

big sparks

>> No.9297898

>What does them being small have to do with anything?
Not him but conductors act as antennas for the induced current so the longer(bigger) a conductor is, the stronger effect EMP has on it. You'd need a very strong pulse to knock out a 3-4cm quadcopter, if it's even possible.

>> No.9297909

Do we know what sort of conductors the computers supporting the AI have to have? Because we aren’t talking about your typical manual drone here.

Also, here’s Boeing shooting individual drones out of the sky with a laser. These things aren’t exactly speed demons:


>> No.9297921
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I'd just wear these all the time.

>> No.9297924

> Wait 10 minutes in locked room.
> battery runs out

>> No.9297926

>sort of conductors

Also I'm not saying anything about lasers. A laser APS is completely plausable.

>drone gets programmed to target glasses
>genepool cleared of astigmatism fags and laughing man larpers
wtf I love oppresive governments and terrorists now

>> No.9297937
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>it waits you out in hybernation mode
>lithium-air gets mainstream
>micro fuel cells get mainstream
We're still absolutely fucked in the long run, big time.

>> No.9297939

I’m asking why is it that you think an EMP wouldn’t affect conductors on computers of the drone?

All you need is to have another drone carrying an EMP device to get close to the attack swarm. Do we know how powerful and compact EMP technology is?

Heck, you could have a stationary EMP device in sensitive target areas. If a swarm comes into a room they shouldn’t be in, the EMP could fill the room.

If EMPs can knock out electrical circuits in buildings, you’re telling me they couldn’t knock these things out in a room?

>> No.9297952

>I’m asking why is it that you think an EMP wouldn’t affect conductors on computers of the drone?
Because they are too small for a big enough current to be induced
>All you need is to have another drone carrying an EMP device to get close to the attack swarm
How do you plan to produce a big enough EMP with a ~5-10g (as much as a small-ish quad can carry)
>compact EMP technology
No such thing
>circuits in buildings
They are long.
>couldn’t knock these things out in a room
Because they are short. The longer(bigger) the conductor is, the more vulnerable it is to an EMP. Being small is good in this case.

>> No.9297960

>like to wear masks because it makes you feel secure
>taking a calm midnight stroll through the city
>suddenly hear weird noises and shouting
>some guy runs past you
>weird noises become louder
>you get headshotted by a robot because it thought you as the guy who ran away

>> No.9297965

Just have a massive EMP lying around in every American home. We love guns already, that wouldn't be too much of an add on to our home defense.

>> No.9297968

Go big in response, engineer the long awaited mechs. Massive like at least 100 feet tall loaded with crazy weapons like in Gundam. Little bots won't stand a chance.

>> No.9297970
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>some faggot spots a fly at the window and starts trippin
>destroys the electric grid and transformers in a 1 mile radius
We'll get a demographic catastrophe since every second person'll need to be a queer electric engineer

>> No.9297987

Create masks with adversarially generated images printed on them optimized to fool the recognition software a la https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2IebCN9Ht4

Also why the focus on AI when biotech offers things like the possibility of designing an extremely virulent pathogen coded to kill single individuals based on DNA samples.

>> No.9297991

So EMPs can work on smartphones (as you can find plenty of examples on YouTube of) but not the computer system hosting advanced AI? Not sure I believe that.


>No such thing
It’s not at all far-fetched that it’ll fit perfectly fine inside a room some day. We also don’t know how small they can actually be made at this time.

>> No.9298021

Skimmed over the popsci trash
Almost all phones worked and continued working after being EMPd point blank.
What point are you even trying to make?

>> No.9298025

this emp generator is shit and outputs no power
try a magnetron based one

>> No.9298031

Create a robotic venus fly trap that kills these things

>> No.9298034

>magnetron based one
Obviously, homemade microwave magnetron guns have been around for some time. But you actually have to physically aim it, which will be tricky if a swarm of nimble drones is trying to kill you at incredibly hihg speed
You should also book 6 rounds of chemo for the tumors after using it.

>> No.9298037

Lmao majority of Americans have less than a thousand dollars in savings. Good luck with that.

>> No.9298048

The concept is sound, is my point. The only issue is EM shielding, which is the only reason why some of the phones (namely the iPhones) continued to work.

>> No.9298066

Shaped charge idea is dumb. Bullets would be smarter.

Also lmao at all the people talking about EMPs and shit. These things would get stopped by any kind of net.

>> No.9298071

carry an industrial fan with me at all times

>> No.9298072

a net

>> No.9298073

This is what Kim should be developing

>> No.9298081

>mfw i want some

>> No.9298082
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>implying we wouldn't test it out on fat boy.

>> No.9298083

a gun should do the trick

>> No.9298085

>create swarmbots to kill kim and his dedicated generals
>have SK take NK without so much as a bang
>risk of hundreds of thousands if not millions of SK and NK civilians killed by bombing
Which does /sci/ take?

>> No.9298089

>implying SCI isn't for Best Korea

>> No.9298090

pre-emptive forhead detonation


what episode?


>> No.9298149

>Also why the focus on AI when biotech offers things like the possibility of designing an extremely virulent pathogen coded to kill single individuals based on DNA samples.

This will never come to fruition, ever, unless you're talking about killing homogeneous groups of individuals.

>> No.9298171


>> No.9298196

You can't use cell surface proteins for target recognition, because there isn't enough variability. You'd have to use DNA as the target recognition, but the variation in genes across humanity is limited and you can't create something that detects the individual's entire genome anyway, so you'd have to target a subset of genes in reasonable proximity to each other in the genome. Doing this automatically makes the pathogen much less specific.

Of course, you could target individuals with extremely rare genome-wide (by genome-wide I mean not localized to a subset of cells, but to all the cells in their body) mutations, and settle for killing them and the two other people in the world that have this mutation, but that makes the pathogen really impractical.

>> No.9298197

what is this piece of crap video?

>> No.9298208

>You'd have to use DNA as the target recognition
Yes. I wasn't saying that they'd only infect the target, but that they'd only be lethal for the target and cause at most a mild cold for everyone else. The idea is to have it spread throughout the population without causing much distress so that it eventually hits the target.

>> No.9298211

>You should also book 6 rounds of chemo for the tumors after using it.
lmao what a retard
your lightbulb or even monitor outputs 10,000 times more powerful EM radiation than megatron
it has nothing to do with cancer/tumors, it just heats you

>> No.9298214

The point that I made in my post was that if you use DNA for target recognition, you can't make an individual-specific pathogen, you'd have to kill off entire populations or forget about the idea.

>> No.9298223

Alright but clearly you can identity someone uniquely based on their DNA. I mean where are you getting
>you can't create something that detects the individual's entire genome
for example.

>> No.9298230
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, AyyLmao.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just launch a cannon net at them.
All else failing we just make Dwarven style Ballistae from LOTR and tear them from the sky.


>> No.9298243

sonic weapons, and water
>in a building? turn on the fire sprinklers
>outside? blast the little fucks with enough bass to knock them out of the sky

>> No.9298249

There's no chemical or biological agent you could produce that would be able to find a target's DNA, read the whole thing, make sure it read the whole thing without skipping or duplicating any part, compare it with the entire DNA of the desired individual, and then only activate a response if they're absolutely the same.

It's infeasible based simply on the mechanical properties of the molecules involved.

>> No.9298253

Put several layers of a fine mesh over all entrances to a building.

Wear body armor that places a stiff bubble all around you so that the detonation isn't right next to your head.

Also I have a small bone to pick with the intent behind the OP video. Yes, these weapons will get into the wrong hands. So can explosives. If someone's going to be using a weapon, I honestly WOULD rather it be a precise, small weapon rather than something that takes half the block with it and leaves you with years of rebuilding and immense collateral damage in toxic dust clouds and physical damage.

>> No.9298259
File: 121 KB, 800x600, Claymore-Skydiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reactive armor

>> No.9298262

Somewhere. Someday. Someone will take what you said in the negative as a personal challenge.


>> No.9298265

Provided that this is true, surely there must be SOME way of identifying someone with high probability (say 1 in 1,000,000, so that there's only 1 collateral casualty per million infected)?

>> No.9298270

>Alright but clearly you can identity someone uniquely based on their DNA.

Not really, but you can identify them with very high probability. However, this is completely different from creating a target-specific pathogen. In the lab you cut the DNA into a large number of small pieces, and use incredible amounts of molecules to finally sequence the various DNA-chains.

You could use e.g. variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) as the DNA target, but even if only 0.001 % of the human population express a specific sequence, you'll still be killing approximately 78000 people assuming everybody gets infected and 100 % mortality.

The problem with using a pathogen to recognize the whole genome is that the pathogen would have to be extremely large (how would you get it into the cell? How would it get into the nucleus?), it would have to synthesize promoter proteins, disable repressor proteins, and circumvent various defense mechanisms. If you can manage to do this, you are literally god.

>> No.9298275

In the lab? Yes. By a pathogen spread by infection? No way.

>> No.9298288
File: 5 KB, 333x187, firearm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bird-shot from a sawn off shotgun i reckon.

Remember the longer the barrel the tighter the grouping so let em get a little closer and you should get a decent spray.

Hows the explosive triggered though? That could be a problem.

Also you could fuck with different loads to figure out whats most effective although that would entail running some kind of drill.

>> No.9298293

a big ass net

>> No.9298376

Most cities have an anti-mask law, unless you have a pass from your doctor and it is considered a prosthetic. It is rarely ever enforced (Hallloween for instance) until someone does something then they catch them and add that onto a pile of charges against them.

>> No.9298381

>use a gun

He says in the video that they dodge bullets.

>> No.9298390

>uncontrolable AI killer drones roaming the streets
>implying people will care about minor laws

>a dozen drones rush you
>implying a bubba'd shotgun will save you

>> No.9298391

allahu akbar them

>> No.9298397
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>> No.9298403

I don't need to worry, my [math]PHENOTYPE[/math]
is large enough to shield me from a pathetic shaped charge

>> No.9298406

Thwarted by a tiny net

>> No.9298411
File: 2.65 MB, 1280x720, Mosquito killed by a Laser.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI-controlled turret lasers. You can make one for mosquitoes from off the shelf parts right now. Making one for something larger just requires more power and a larger laser unit or several smaller ones that all point to the same spot. A laser system could be used safely indoors. A maser system or HERF system could be used outside. All systems can be protected against to a certain extent. It just depends on how high power they are.

>But really, if these drones are primarily going to be used to explode leftists, is developing countermeasures really that necessary? These are the real questions we need to be asking ourselves.

You are not the person who decides how these get used.

>> No.9298414

>implying people will care about minor laws

It wouldn't be a minor law during times like those.

>> No.9298423

>Because they are too small for a big enough current to be induced

>> No.9298425

No, he says they move to dodge sniper fire. Birdshot would fuck them up really easily.

>> No.9298432
File: 25 KB, 399x600, SN1167_Giant_Modern_Tennis_Racket_REDITED_event_prop_hire_0006_Optimised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.9298451


>it's inhuman if we don't butcher each other with axes

lol dumb apes

>> No.9298452
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>> No.9298455

Right, I forgot that the unit for electrical fields was V/m

>> No.9298458

I hope you got lots and lots of ammo.

>> No.9298464

I don't know how viable they are, but if they are, we would probably see explosively pumped EMP weapons used a lot more if death drones became the norm.

>> No.9298476

>you'd need some very good computer vision and cameras
Like the ones that the robots are using?

>> No.9298483

I think you could realistically make a microwave gun from a microwave oven's magnetron that could take out these things before they reach you.

>> No.9298484

Just release drone-killing drones

>> No.9298489
File: 34 KB, 260x262, 610Ck-MZ8ZL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrorists release drone killing drone killing drones

>> No.9298493

The consequences will never be the same.

>> No.9298505

>aim it
You just have to aim in the general direction, since an EM gun is kinda like a perfect shotgun. Just wave it around and kill every drone within 3 meters or so, would totally work, unless they come from every possible direction.
That's just a copout, microwaves aren't really a cancer hazard, and you won't even be hit by them if you do it right.

>> No.9298507

The season 3 finale, hated in the nation.

>> No.9298513

Yeah if government factions start killing people who disagree with them then people would stratify in ultra violent barbarians and ultra passive citizens who just bend over for whoever the new leader is.

>> No.9298517

I'm pretty sure a 1000 watt "megatron", as you so eloquently put it, a device literally designed to emit as much EM radiation as possible, puts out more EM than a 100 watt light bulb designed to emit light. The cancer scare is still retarded though.

>> No.9298524

>The problem with using a pathogen to recognize the whole genome is that the pathogen would have to be extremely large
I'm not seriously considering this idea, but what if this extremely large pathogen released super-aids into someone's bloodstream upon detecting a DNA match?

>> No.9298531

Naw, HERF guns don't work very well unless maybe they are super high power. The inverse-square law really fucks them over. Theres' a very good chance they'd have no effect on them even then. There are plenty of electronics the DIY ones don't harm or impair even at close ranges. The reason stuff inside a microwave oven arcs and goes to hell is mainly because the microwaves are being reflected and build up. Out in the open that doesn't happen and the microwaves just bounce off metal objects.

>> No.9298544
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Scare public with propaganda and declare 3d printers and computers privliged assets.

Implement a world goverment to maintain controll over who gets accses to privliged knowledge.

>> No.9298546

just build a big fan. Quad copters don't do well in even a gentle breeze, and the smaller they are the worse they do.

>> No.9298559

>If someone's going to be using a weapon, I honestly WOULD rather it be a precise, small weapon rather than something that takes half the block with it and leaves you with years of rebuilding and immense collateral damage in toxic dust clouds and physical damage.
They're easier to use than explosives, because it's much harder to make homemade explosives and get them into a high security event than it is to launch hundreds of tiny near-unshootable killer drones.
They're also easier to get away with, so now you don't have to have a death wish to become a terrorist.

>> No.9298562

Fleets of small, agile drones equipped with entangling devices deployed in waves of domes above protected areas.

>> No.9298568

Very small signature. Can't differentiate between a drone and a bird, for example.

Induced current is proportional to the area of the circuit.

>> No.9298582

It takes only one to end you. If you see a swarm chasing after you and all you have is a shotgun, chances are you are going to die.

>> No.9298593

how wides the swarm? remember its pump action i reckon 5-6 cartridges should do the trick.

>> No.9298596


>> No.9298597

wear a helmet

you'll look like a retard, but atleast you won't have a hole in your skull.

>> No.9298602

>Very small signature
The rcs of a quad would be around several cm^2 (the equivalent of a stealth plane), which is perfectly detectable by even a fighter-sized AESA at ~20-30km.

>> No.9298613

What if they stealthed the drones with fancy non-reflective paint?
Checkmate atheist.

>> No.9298625

The counter to these drones that kill people is drones that kill drones. The anti-drone-drone would only have to be faster and more nimble. Or AI controlled anti-drone turrets.

>> No.9298630

>put up a big net
>drone gets caught in net
>drone defeated

>> No.9298634

IT's a pretty fucking dumb video. Like anyone of the reporters talking about that shit wouldn't have been targets too.

>> No.9298637

>stealth rotorcraft

>> No.9298651

>if these drones are primarily going to be used to explode leftists

I don't know where you get that idea but, what happens when the balance of power changes or some other group starts using things of this nature? Sooner or later a group you identify with will be targeted, and this is the argument against all infringements on liberty

>> No.9298713

Do you really expect a Trumpie to understand arguments against infringements on liberty?

>> No.9298739

>use nets r u dum? lol

You do realize they use a special drone to blow holes in windows, doors, and walls right? Having a drone to defeat a net would be pretty easy too.

Noise cancellation could mask a lot of noise, but that would waste energy and increase the drain on the battery.

>> No.9298750

I suspect you're not talking about radar noise?
Because we're talking about radars.

>> No.9298752

just put another net behind that one. nets are cheap. every drone they spend on a net is a drone they can't use to kill someone, and if the nets are good enough they'll need multiple drones to effectively open up a net

>> No.9298754

>just make a carbon nanotube net
Checkmate dronefags.

>> No.9298758
File: 29 KB, 400x446, 1320241673942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: 4+ year STEM majors put their collective intellect to a potential future threat, arrive at solution...


>> No.9298773

Just make a drone that can fold up and go between the holes in the net then open up on the other side.

>> No.9298787

>people in this thread suggesting flickering with EMPs always and everwhere

>> No.9298818
File: 2.69 MB, 640x360, French police are training EAGLES to attack ISIS drones.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pft, wear a mask
>kill mask wearer

>wear helmet and body armor
>you have to shit sometime

>play dead
>double tap

>only works if they have your exact biometrics or up to whatever level of detection the drones use, it would be an arms race leading to living robots and an uncertain future

>chafe runs out eventually

>jamming signal!
>no signal needed for AI

>use a net!!!
>fold the drone through the holes

>make the holes smaller!!!
>that's a screen and is much easier to cut/blow up

>square-inverse law and lack of effectiveness

>square-inverse law and lack of effectiveness

>reflective coating + erratic maneuvering

>5 rounds against 6+ drones

>micro drones could outmaneuver eagles easily

You'd need to combine pretty much all of this stuff. It'd only be used so that you may have time to get to a safe hardened location.

>> No.9298828

Tesla coils

>> No.9298831

Skin effect.

>> No.9298834
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>square-inverse law

>> No.9298837

Dr Manhattan

>> No.9298850
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>has 4 minutes flying time
>has crappy unreliable facial recognition system
>carries around c4
>can be stopped with directional microwave
>can be evaded with a mask

> or with a net

yeah nah

>> No.9298859

Not actually real or possible to be real.


>> No.9298870
File: 2.87 MB, 404x720, red.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah holy shit, I though this was real until he threw the bomb drone into the audience.

>> No.9298873

The obvious solution is to cast a non discriminating wide area signal so that when the perpetrators use their tablet to activate the swarm the signal is jammed and replaced with one for immediate detonation.

>> No.9298894


creating microdrones to take out those microdrones. why has know one mentioned this yet

>> No.9298895
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, ISIS Drone Bomb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tech is available for the most part right now. All it takes is for someone to actually sit down and do it with funding. People still DIY all manner of shit though.

>> No.9298896

read the thread

>> No.9298901

Just wear an EMP generator if you're worried about getting memed by one

>> No.9298904

is there a blueprint of that machine? I really want to build a few of those and put the around my house cuz FUCK mosquitoes.

>> No.9298906

Literally all you need is a device capable of making enough interference to kill them.

>> No.9298908

The amount of energy you need to overcome the square-inverse law and have it actually matter is more than enough to cook you in one go, including everyone else in the 1000 feet area. EMP and related technologies are really only good in nuke-size or within inches of the target.

>> No.9298915
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>> No.9298930

Fucking giant magnets.

>> No.9298958

My own swarm of them

>> No.9299075

Automatic guns with some kind of high-precision tracking system

>> No.9299096

they're glasses with LEDs on them that fuck up cameras

>> No.9299120

>need to take off your body armour and helmet to shit
>the drone will wait until you shit
thats fucking stupid

>> No.9299124

It is a joke you autist. You can't be protected all the time and all that needs to be done is to use a larger explosive and larger drone.

>> No.9299126

>Code for controlling guns leaks online and the problem starts all over again

>> No.9299128

>Unsecured IP address cams...
>...unsecured IP address GUNZ

What a time to be alive.

>> No.9299216

I would make it my robot waifu, it'll spare me.

>> No.9299252


So you are going to spend the rest of your life walking around inside a net. You dumbfuck.

>> No.9299260


Stupid french, what use is this other than taking the odd drone used by a perv?

huge amount of time an effort to train one bird, which needs feeding and housing and constant care and which dies after a while.

make dozens of drones, cheap and fast, no training required.

>> No.9299270

>But really, if these drones are primarily going to be used to explode leftists
and when le Antifa boogeyman gets their hands on it?

>> No.9299271

The retardation in this thread is off the meter. EMP, shotguns, nets, lasers...Jesus, how thick can you be?

Nothing stops these little fuckers in the long run.

The only practical solution is for all of us to down load our minds into a computer and have robotic avatars carrying out our lives for us. Then hope we have got some very good virus protection.

>> No.9299289

>The only practical solution is for all of us to down load our minds into a computer and have robotic avatars carrying out our lives for us.

But, that's what we've been doing this entire time.

>> No.9299294


>> No.9299305

literally the first post.

>> No.9299335

This. People talking about magnetron guns and shit, seriously? How do they expect to be able to nail every drone out of fucking hundreds swarming a room and if you miss even one you are fucked.

This is genuinely scary shit, made even more scary by the fact it can be made with off the shelf components and some programming knowledge.

>> No.9299369

>tfw you realize the matrix is a documentary
The machines knew it was impossible to go back, so they created a reality for us before the naonbots were unleashed

>> No.9299389

i really like the video.
but it's really unlikely this would come about.

Mini drones don't maneuver that well and a tennis racket would be a decent defense.
Batteries don't store that much power, so onboard processing would be pretty limited.
And the explosives part probably isn't based on science, if they miss even slightly its just like a firecracker going off near you.

facial recognition is a GPU intensive task so those would have to be some expensive chips.

If we ever got drones like this I think poison darts would be the scariest attack.

>> No.9299391


>> No.9299396

shaped charges can go through tank armor.

not to mention they can go for your heart if they want.

>> No.9299403

Yeah a smaller scale swarm composed of larger drones mounted with a few dozen microdarts would be way scarier.

In regards to the facial recognition, remember that for this to be effective they don't really need it. They could be preloaded with target data like height, clothes and skin colour. Or alternatively if some extremist gets a bunch of them you think they give a fuck about target recognition? The will just load target areas and have them kill indiscriminately.

>> No.9299404

falcons are the best option for small drones.
big drones don't have small enough weapons to take them out. until we get lasers that is.
small drones cost about $100, birds are expensive but pretty safe and easy for them to cover a large area against many drones and deny the enemy any situational awareness.

>> No.9299637

>Alex Jones material

>> No.9299815

are you retarded?

>> No.9299826
File: 49 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.819402691_3xzm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linen fiber or something like this. Find a way to distribute them in the air, so they quickly build a cloud of at least 15m in diameter.

You could of course do this with any fiber, but you should make sure that it's cheap, available in huge amounts and, most importantly, not harmful to humans and putrescible so you don't have to clean up the mess. The fiber should also be strong enough to not be cut by the drone blades too easily. And the weight and surface area should be in a way that they can float in the air for long.

Not sure if linen fiber fulfills all of this. Kevlar would be strong but won't rot. Best would probably the fiber of spider webs, as they are strong and rot, but they are very expensive.

I would experiment with plant fibers like linen fiber, hemp fiber, cotton, etc. first, because they are so cheap and not harmful for health and environment

>> No.9299919

Please explain why the skin effect will prevent an arc from fucking with a drone's CPU.

Disabling every drone within a few metres would work pretty well when the drones can only kill on contact.

>> No.9299931

How about a spraying them with microfibers coated in some kind of glue? Surely it would fuck with the rotors, and cover some of their cameras. Maybe just spray paint at them to cover the cameras if you're on a low budget. Or some nasty chemical.

>> No.9299994
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How would /sci/ put a stop to these things?

>> No.9300021
File: 130 KB, 1280x608, B1_Centauro_120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sends you to the 72 virgins*
Nuffin personell, hajji

>> No.9300024
File: 1.08 MB, 900x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just release a gazillion spiders

easy to breed, and the ones making the most webs arent very poisonous

>> No.9300032

Anon was right the french are retarded probably some socialist government gibs program. I shall now provide you with the ultimate countermeasures.
>firecracker glued on the drone detonating the moment the chicken comes in contact

>> No.9300035

just give everyone self-defense drones, if drones are so fucking magical everyone would be using them anyway

>> No.9301013
File: 90 KB, 867x499, 2-pdr. Mark VI QF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing stops these little fuckers in the long run.

Real drones don't work anywhere near as well as this alarmist fantasy piece.

>> No.9301018
File: 87 KB, 800x600, Quadcopter Performance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is a joke you autist. You can't be protected all the time and all that needs to be done is to use a larger explosive and larger drone.

Not only do these drones have magic AI, they have magic batteries as well.

>> No.9301024


You don't need enough power to destroy it, just enough to prevent it from completing its mission.

>> No.9301043

its sensors are a big weakness.

in the video they use camera style sensors, so having a flashbang, or even just a super bright light would be enough to completely blind them.

these bots are fucking retarded, you could probably hide in a cardboard box metal gear style.
if vid kiddo had thought faster and wasn't a faggot sjw but instead educated himself on the way AIs work, he would have just pulled his fleece up, covering his face, over his head with his hands, and held it there. that's probably enough to produce erroneous behavior.

some guys at MIT recently showed that you can really fuck with feature extraction methods that rely on convolution (they made a turtle look like a gun, etc.). You could probably develop some patterned cloak that you just throw over yourself to completely flummox the thing.

Of course the holy grail would be an invisibility cloak
Which really isn't that far off most likely.

>> No.9302172


>> No.9302480

Purpose-designed security measures like airlock-type gates.

Heck, tanks can defend themselves against missiles. Drones are far easier to detect and intercept. Don't even need visual recognition. You can identify and target via sound.

And shotgun shells are like, really fucking cheap.

>> No.9302495

Are these people unironically campaigning to control development of AI or weaponized drones?

Old people see the world changing and think it's ending. The existence of cheap, accurate and powerful rifles hasn't brought the world crashing down. We cope and deal as we always have.

>> No.9302535

I do some work in quadrotor control, just a thought on this, drones of that size can't do what those are doing with their onboard processors. Not to say that swarms can't do complicated things, but they need to be in contact with a computer with a beefy processor, which means that they can't go very far on their own, unless you had sort of a mothership

>> No.9303249

This is great.

>> No.9303268

Start practicing: https://youtu.be/zkqtPfcUrMw

>> No.9303319

Not modern composite armor, they're absolute shit against that. Also 4 grams of explosive is firework tier.

>> No.9303777

>The only practical solution is for all of us to down load our minds into a computer and have robotic avatars carrying out our lives for us.
It's honestly hilarious how much I hear people express this opinion as though the human mind is the same thing as a computer

>> No.9303907
File: 80 KB, 692x933, 1494119480687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once saw a TED talk or something about them using bluray lasers and a PS3 (high fps) camera to kill mosquitos while they were flying around

I think something similar can be done. track and zap using high powered lasers.

>> No.9303911
File: 143 KB, 1024x558, 1489233952461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem solved.

>> No.9304150

>implying you need a drone to last more than 10 mins when you launch from a briefcase that can be taken anywhere there isn't tsa-level security

>> No.9305338

Suck A Cock

>> No.9305370

Get a 15 kill streak. Easy.

AK-47 Suppressed (Red Tiger)
M1014 Extended Mags
Flash Grenade

Stopping Power

>> No.9305373

smoke and shotguns

>> No.9305382
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1506307893480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when youre country is so fucked up this is actually true

>> No.9305565

Graphite powder sounds like a more effective weapon than these bots

>> No.9305581

2 things:
Hide under a cardboard box until they go away. Super-batteries or not, they're eventually going to die before you die of thirst. Even if they know a human's under a box and target it, there's a very small chance of them hitting you in a vital spot. Besides, if you hear them coming and get under a box before they arrive all you would have to do is spread 10-20 boxes around. There wouldn't be enough bots to Swiss-cheese every possible hiding spot.

Also, why would any terrorist group or country use these? They're far more expensive than poisonous gas and are easier to guard against.

>> No.9305884

Not how bullets work, the thing doesnt weigh anything, and I doubt it's carrying around a barrel with it.

>> No.9307079

>tennis racket