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File: 112 KB, 917x704, 4chanbpaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9294632 No.9294632 [Reply] [Original]

recently published paper on /b/

>> No.9294648

>don't act like a newfag that makes demands of other people
>/b/ doesn't shit on you as much

>> No.9294974

even though i don't necessarily like these people analyzing muh sekret club, it actually makes perfect sense for them to do so as social scientists. the other paper that analyzed /pol/ was actually a really quality study. this one looks pretty half-assed, uses first person (gross), and for some reason thought it was appropriate to make a subjective recommendation about what to do with their findings. also since when are traps considered the most denigrated identity on 4chan? lurk moar newfags

>> No.9294981

one more thing i forgot to say: i could have done this entire study and written this paper in like 10 days, and this is considered rigorous for a journal manuscript in social science? lol

>> No.9294984

If they think
is a "feminine, yet degrading term", they have not understood 4chan culture

>> No.9294990

I Agree, Tay and Sophia wrote much better dissertations.

Feels like a good comparison though, to compare /b/ communication with open politics to see what the semantic 'human' filter is.

>> No.9294992

>coming to a political conclusion in the abstract
>in a journal called "Computers and Composition"

Social """sciences""" will always be utter garbage.

>> No.9295031

>Using threads from 4chan’s /b/ board (an anonymous imageboard
known for trolling and other aggressive behaviors
>aggressive behavior

What? Trolling is "I have way too much time on my hands and nothing to do, please take the bait and allow to have a lot of low-effort fun" behavior. Like, that's all. People trolled because they are bored and there are people willing to take the bait and give ridiculous replies to retarded shit. And then it is fun to read their butt blasted replies and then bait them again to see if they keep going.

Why is trolling considered aggressive?

>> No.9295037

Intentionally causing someone to feel a negative emotion is aggressive

>> No.9295039

Public/Private Address Space.

It is sharing an 'unknown joke' without sufficient degrees of freedom between the person trolling and the trollee. You need some friction yes but ya know there's this thing called lube.

It is impositional, not aggressive. If you are PERSISTENTLY intended to cause someone to feel a negative emotion over let's say a week/month/year then yeaaaaaah you may as well be a rapist.

>> No.9295040

But I don't understand. It's over the internet. And it's also just a game. All you have to do is not take the bait.

>> No.9295042

The authors clearly don't understand 4chan, but to be fair, I don't think larping or any such for of bait was always counted as trolling. From the term "trolling", you'd expect it's really about making people worked up. Meanwhile, today, on 4chan, trolling and baiting are essentially used synonymously.

>> No.9295044

E.g. if I post 1+2+3+ = -1/12, I'm "trolling" by 4chan understanding of the term, but it's not aggressive

>> No.9295046

THE GAME is called : Simon Wins
Loser punishment is immortal fractal of weeeeeirdness love love
Winner punishment is : Hello Level 3 Infinity!


>> No.9295047

>From the term "trolling", you'd expect it's really about making people worked up.

Yeah. But you make people get worked up by baiting them. Because the thing about the internet is that none of us know each other. Maybe if your dad told you "kill yourself faggot" you'd get upset. But if a nobody on the internet tells you the same it literally means nothing. It can only hurt you if you take the bait and reply as if it was a serious attempt at hurting you. And then when you reply you are sort of validating the person, opening your heart to them. And then when they strike again by telling you to suck a dick now it hurts more. But then all you have to do is not take the bait again.

>> No.9295048

link to that pol study please?

>> No.9295049

that's like saying that if i call you a name when walking past you in the street, that's not aggressive cause i don't do it every day

>It's over the internet
>And it's also just a game
it's not a game if only one person is playing. and most so called trolls are actually totally sincere about what they are saying, then they hide under the mantle of trolling so they don't have to own up to anything

>From the term "trolling", you'd expect it's really about making people worked up. Meanwhile, today, on 4chan, trolling and baiting are essentially used synonymously.
so true. it's actually pretty pathetic to see people get a reply and think that counts as trolling. trolling is about getting an emotional reaction, not just getting a (you)

nope, that's baiting, unless you get someone angry/upset about it

>But you make people get worked up by baiting them
you could but it's not guaranteed.
>suck a dick
so it's not aggressive to tell someone this because they have the option to ignore you? think about that for a second

i don't have it anymore

>> No.9295064

ok i found it

>> No.9295067

Here you go.

That was a large number of textual isomorphisms that I enjoyed decrypting. Thank you. Not many people feel up to the challenge of taking on my linguistic/mathematica parsing engine.

>> No.9295069
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>> No.9295071

You don't know me. Why would you put values in the words of a total stranger?

>it's not a game if only one person is playing
No. Everyone is playing the bait the game simultaneously. Sometimes I feel like baiting, but then /pol/ comes with their race shit and they try to bait me. So I have to resist their bait. And then maybe comes someone else trying to bait me. And then maybe comes someone who I think I can bait. And so on. It is like the cycle of life in the animal kingdom. Animals eat each other. It is all good because it is natural. It is just the way things are.

> and most so-called trolls are actually totally sincere
Most trolls literally do not know who you are. Especially here. We are 100% anonymous here. And if you are some faggot who decides to unironically use twitter/facebook then that's on you. And even then, people who troll on twitter most likely don't know you either. They just saw your tweet somewhere or whatever.

>so it's not aggressive to tell someone this because they have the option to ignore you?
No. It is not aggressive because it means nothing. Let's test something.

Anon. You are such a great person. You are going to be the next president and if I could I would suck your dick.

Did that mean anything to you? Are you happy now? Think about it. If your mom told you she was proud of you, you'd be happy. But what if I told you I was proud of you? Does that mean anything to you, given that you don't know me? Why would you care about what I have to say about you?

>> No.9295076

All that mathematical isomorphic meta-bait-tion (Masturbation : Brain Is Largest Sexual Organ)

>> No.9295077

>Telefonica Research
Hey, those guys fund a mathematical convention here. Total bros.

>> No.9295089

>You don't know me. Why would you put values in the words of a total stranger?
i read plenty of valuable comments on 4chan regularly. don't you?

>Everyone is playing the bait the game simultaneously
i'm not. i have been on 4chan since forever and i very rarely troll or bait. anyway, my original point was that trolling in inherently aggressive. just cause "it's natural" doesn't change that

>Most trolls literally do not know who you are. Especially here. We are 100% anonymous here. And if you are some faggot who decides to unironically use twitter/facebook then that's on you. And even then, people who troll on twitter most likely don't know you either. They just saw your tweet somewhere or whatever.
i'm not sure how this has anything to do with anything

>No. It is not aggressive because it means nothing. Let's test something.
it means something to the person who got upset by it

>Did that mean anything to you? Are you happy now?
I have been made to feel happy by people's replies to me before. If someone says something nice to me at the bus stop, it could make me feel happy. Just cause they are a stranger doesn't negate that. The internet is not separate from reality

here is the definition of aggression
>hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another; readiness to attack or confront.
trolling certainly qualifies as having a "hostile attitude"

>> No.9295100

>We are 100% anonymous here.

So we are 100% part of an idempotent set.

100 % potato

100 % human

100 % water

100 % 0

100 % 1

100 % binary

Or, ya know, 4 Mod 2 = 0

>> No.9295107

>i read plenty of valuable comments on 4chan regularly. don't you?
Yeah, but everyone chooses what they deem valuable. If I say "Trump is good" then /pol/ would jizz their pants and consider me an expert political commentator and journalist. But /leftypol/ would consider me a retarded hillbilly.

>i'm not.
That's what you say because you are scared to admit that at least once you've insulted someone.

>it means something to the person who got upset by it

But that person chose to get upset. Imagine this. I bring a knife with me. I then show you my knife. You then take my knife and stab yourself. Now you are telling that it is my fault that you got hurt.

And before you take me out of context let me spell it out for you. The knife is the phrase "kill yourself faggot". I simply posted it and shared it with you. You then took those words and decided to hurt yourself with them by deciding you would get upset.

>I have been made to feel happy by people's replies to me before.
That is fine, but you also choose who's words you accept. If someone says something nice to you, you are more likely to accept it as it is positive.

>trolling certainly qualifies as having a "hostile attitude"

No. It is not hostile. Most trolls do not have hostile intentions. They are not looking to actually hurt you. They are bored and they are looking to see who they can start a high-reward low-risk conversation with.

>> No.9295112

>most vehemently denigrated identity on /b/
>Implying /b/ hates traps
I wish she focused on /pol/

>> No.9295115

>But that person chose to get upset.
I don't think so. Some people enjoy getting recreationally outraged, but in general people don't like being upset and they don't really have control over it. Has no one ever said something that put you into a bad mood? Then you try to forget it? It can be difficult to do.

here is the definition of hostile
>unfriendly; antagonistic.
i don't see how you could argue trolling is not hostile

>They are not looking to actually hurt you
not physically, but they are looking to upset you and cause negative emotions, which is aggressive

>> No.9295124

>I wish she focused on /pol/
Here's her twitter. https://twitter.com/sparbtastic
Just ask her. NICELY.

inb4 doxx her name is public and she has a public blog where she shares these things

>> No.9295127

fuck she's an asst prof? i should have gone into social science so i can spend a week writing a shitty paper like this and pawn it off as 5 months of hard work

>> No.9295130

>Has no one ever said something that put you into a bad mood?
Yeah but not on the internet. That is my entire point.

> It can be difficult to do.
I forget about everything I do on 4chan by the next day kek. Except for like really cool things.

>unfriendly; antagonistic.
But is trolling really unfriendly? I don't think trolling is either friendly or unfriendly. It is just a neutral act.

Also, what do you think about when trolling is not directed at an individual, but at a wider group? Like for example when I post BLACKED pictures in /pol/fag threads. Is that mean? Or would you accept that it is just a joke?

>> No.9295138

Well, she's been in academia since 2005. Her graduate studies lasted 10 years. And she graduated with honors from everything.

She is basically the feminist final boss.

>> No.9295141

>Yeah but not on the internet.
maybe not you but most have

>forget about everything I do on 4chan by the next day kek
me too but that doesn't change how you feel in the moment

>It is just a neutral act
it only seems neutral from your perspective. if the person you trolled felt neutral then by definition you did not actually troll them

>Also, what do you think about when trolling is not directed at an individual, but at a wider group?
i guess it doesn't really change much, but it is typically more effective when focused on a specific person. the more info you have on someone the closer to home it hits, which is why it's easier to troll on non-anonymous sites

>Like for example when I post BLACKED pictures in /pol/fag threads. Is that mean? Or would you accept that it is just a joke?
I'm not sure if it's mean, but it can certainly be both mean and a joke at the same time

>> No.9295144

raid count for her paper just went up by one.

>> No.9295149
File: 61 KB, 750x600, 3f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Have Invited Her To /pol/ Via My Twitter Account. I Hope She Realizes How Important Intersectionalities Are Ultimately A Way To Dissolve The Gender Divide.

This is literally the best conversational approach I've probably ever seen. Ya see? Different boards, different flows of intellectual/communicative time (>YFW 4chan.org is a better organization unit than all other politics/religions/mathematica combined!<)


>> No.9295155

what the fuck are you even talking about autist?

>> No.9295160

(Us) Or Them Lads!

>> No.9295168
File: 82 KB, 750x600, Zerg_Rush_by_banjo2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9295180

i know what a zerg rush is autist

>> No.9295185

Did you know that you were a zergling once? Wololo you convert. Get to it.


Stay Comfy. Shit's beginning to happen and I ain't sorry.

>> No.9295195

i hope for your sake you are either high as fuck or english is not your 1st or 2nd language

>> No.9295198

I speak ANL (Character Code), but Singlish/Engrish is a close enough approximation.

My native tongue is Latin.

>> No.9295203

>our tax money funded this
jesus fuck.

>> No.9295264

Actually, the Simon foundation did.

>> No.9295269

>publishing your opinions


>> No.9295274

That's DEcapitalism!

>> No.9295645

>the most vehemently denigrated identity on/b/
This isn't true at all though. In fact, I'd say the way it "self-identified" was the deciding factor in whether or not it is disparaged and barraged with "memetic responses". The responses are rarely memetic anyway. Certain phrases, images, and thoughts obviously are, but not overall discourse and points made. Hence why you always have a chain of varying viewpoints disagreeing with and disparaging other viewpoints. Sometimes things are repeating in a given context for the meme-value and entertainment of seeing a string of anonymous people saying the same thing. Like when you commonly see people reply with the exact same text, in a given thread. 4chan is, if anything, contrarian and highly diverse in opinion. Though I don't often go on /b/, so perhaps it has more aggressive memetic behaviour and less self-thinking than most of 4chan. But I think that presentation is just as important as content, most of the time, as it dictates the reader's understanding of the content, and their emotion towards it. It also depends on thread...if you have literal gay roleplay in a given thread (which is common all over 4chan), then traps are obviously welcome. But if you had specific, semi-serious discussion and tried to warp the thread into your gay rp shit, obviously the unanimous reply will be to "fuck off".

>> No.9295662

Is she talking about traps? How are they denigrated like half of /b/ is hard gay for them.

>> No.9295672

Ok, I wrote the post I'm replying to after only reading the abstract. After actually reading the "paper", my thoughts:
The writer tries to pretend that elitism and in-culture is the reasoning for the two different sets of replies to the 2 transposters. In reality, it's just because the first one said legitimately wrong and retarded shit, in a whiny and demanding manner too. Obviously the 4chan majority is not really opposed (not neccessarily in favour though) to trans as a whole, there are thousands of them as regular posters, on /b/ alone. Just asinine declarations and stupid shit that any sane person takes issue with. The 2nd transposter is actually way too try-hardy, they would have got better replies if they weren't blatantly trying to sound as though they fit into some idealisation of /b/'s culture. It's too overt, as the author doesn't actually understand 4chan. They sound like an edgy kid, I'm sure a lot of people cringed. So pretty much, replies and behaviour are dependent on the antagonist, not some boogey-man elitism and sensationalist notions of aggression and "trolling".

The author completely lies about the nature of the term "gril" / "grill" too, or rather their "source" does. No one uses the term grill in this way:
>a joke that equates women with cheap, easily replaced, mostly superfluous lawn ornaments

>> No.9295674

half of 4chan more like, including me mate. Fucking 4chan turned me gay, or at least some weak form of bisexual, in the last 4 or so months.

Also, no one likes the feminism/identity politics shit that it is steeped in. Especially when it is declared and demanded, like it is in this paper. People who like traps, like actual physical examples of it.

>> No.9295703
File: 46 KB, 960x768, uyikj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent an email to the author boys
dunno why, it was kinda fun tho

>> No.9295892

>That magazine actually has Impact Factor.

>> No.9295906

Do you have autism?

>> No.9295916

It finally happened, now going straight into reading the scientific papers and avoiding the retards in the media is not enough to find the truth.

What's a man left to do?

>> No.9295921

Do it yourself

>> No.9295930

But it's about an internet forum, computer related thing amirite

>> No.9295940


mass censorship does not promote "democratic discourse".

>> No.9295942


that's all I got from this overly long article. Also I guess I did identify with being a beta male oldfag

Fuck I hate my life

>> No.9295952

post it

>> No.9295955
File: 52 KB, 628x312, bton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. think the social scientist there took /pol/ too seriously really. prob blinded by their tools and funny stats terms (as they are social scientists and don't have to do anything measureable with their stats [like kalman or something] I assume they do not understand it really).

>> No.9295969

>it took an english major """academic""" to make these conclusions about /b/
talk about retarded

>> No.9295975

Avoid any journal that isn't for a hard science(s).

>> No.9295981
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like the cross correlation though. good excuse to put some dirac impulse functions into something otherwise fairly meaningless

>> No.9295984
File: 111 KB, 679x545, &gt;9000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Erika plz leave

if you really wanted to show off in academia that you browse the chinz like a boss you could have done it way more subtly

>> No.9295986

Post it boy

>> No.9295989

if you look at the authors other pubs he doesn't actually seem like a social scientist. he has IEEE pubs and shit

>dirac impulse functions
i don't even know what that is but i just liked that he did an actual quantitative analysis instead of just reading some text and writing a blog about it like the OP paper did

>> No.9296035
File: 57 KB, 640x480, Lissajous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah that explains the dirac impulse functions then.
They are a bridge between analogue and digital electronics and are kind of Msc in eelectrical engineering/physics level. I think in physics they also explain point charges and shit.

If he is so clever why does he not get the joke that is /pol/ then ?

>> No.9296037
File: 6 KB, 311x72, stddev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you provide link to op paper ?

>> No.9296054

>The knife is the phrase "kill yourself faggot". I simply posted it and shared it with you. You then took those words and decided to hurt yourself with them by deciding you would get upset.

Kill yourself, fagoot.

No, really, do it. The world doesn't need any more degenerate losers with no self-accountability. Blame all of your life's problems on other people as much as you want, at the end of the day the common denominator is you: a bitter, lonely sack of shit who will shift any blame off yourself just to avoid blowing your brains out for one more day. Or, grow the fuck up and realize that everyone's actions have consequences, and you have partial responsiblity for the way anyone percieves you.

>> No.9296056

Who the fuck goes on /b/ anymore

The board that really needs a case study is /pol/

>> No.9296062

>kind of Msc in eelectrical engineering/physics level

Lol what? Impulses are fundamental to signals and systems, open any random signals book and you'll see deltas on the first page.

>> No.9296068


Impulse is the key to transforms. The dirac function is theoretically zero in time domain and infinite in the frequency domain with a constant amplitude of 1.

This has nothing to do with the a connection between discrete math and continuous math. That connection is the Lebesgue integral.

>> No.9296083

If you work with analogue signal processing you use La-place transforms. If you work with DSP, you use Z transforms. The maths that links Z and s transforms is the dirac impulse function. The dirac impulse function is the inverse la-place transform of 1 (which I think you were trying to say, as its impossible to describe that properly in the real time domain/mapping). So you have some of the story. I suggest you read a good undergrad book on digital signal processing.

>> No.9296087

\int_{0-}^{\infty} f(\delta {0}).e^{-st}.dt = 1

>> No.9296092
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you have to consider....
\int_{0-}^{\infty} f( \delta(0) ).e^{-st}.dt = 1
that means a train of unit (1 ) size pulses
are considered dirac impulse functions. thats the key to justifying difference equations as valid signal processing terms in the frequency domain.

>> No.9296096

did you just read that off wiki or something ? go back to 'r' stat boy

>> No.9296113

do it faggit

>> No.9296115

it got one. link in thread above

>> No.9296232

>i don't see how you could argue trolling is not hostile
trolling is not hostile, trolling is literally just a prank
or well, there's the attitude
going into /sci/ and pretending to not understand simple concepts in order to make people upset through the general 4chan cultural trait of getting upset at people who are being actively stupid or ignorant is not a hostile activity
going into /v/ and pretending to be a ps4 owner and acting obnoxiously to make people angry at sony fans is a decently hostile activity
calling someone a nigger or spamming pictures of prolapsed anuses is not trolling, it's just general rude behavior

>> No.9296241

I didn't read the entire thing yet, but the author identifies the first transexual as posting pictures of her face, when the filename is the default 4chan filename which heavily implies that they're not original pictures. So again, it's another attempt of some retarded psuedointellectual broad to analyse shit she has no clue about, /lit/ has had threads about similar morons completely missing the point before.

>> No.9296253
File: 185 KB, 948x881, 4chan paper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paper from 2011 on /b/ (done by MIT)

>> No.9296269

Shit paper. Biased and not very accurate.

Also. that first paragraph of "we need to indoctrinate the anonymous people into our cult of PC and (perceived) ethical writing".

Just to piss them off I post the following:

>> No.9296305

pranks can be hostile. they are not mutually exclusive
trying to make people upset is the definition of trolling, and it is a hostile act

>> No.9296337
File: 28 KB, 987x862, Trolls+trolling[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a hostile act because they use non-hostile triggers to activate hostile response
and generally, in the context of 4chan, I'd argue people enjoy being angry and trolling them is pretty much doing them a favor

>> No.9296378

The abstract sounds like a retarded commie screeching. Garbage.

>> No.9296517

Define the "commie" part, I'm not quite sure you understand that word.

>> No.9296532

i've never seen someone on 4chan call someone a commie that actually understands what it means

>> No.9296698

She repeats slogans of American communists referred to as left wingers in USA.

>> No.9297635

It is generally accepted that you learn some emotional control as you grow up. If someone is getting "triggered" by some complete stranger in the internet over some throwaway insult that is not even personalized to the individual in particular, they are not mentally grown up, as a mature adult would simply dismiss that insult as being more a reflection on the one insulting than the person being insulted.

If they are hurt by such a comment it may be either good practice (they can learn to deal with hostility in a small form, it will come in worse forms outside the internet) or an incentive to reflect on their own emotional awareness.

Either way, getting generally insulted online should never be able to emotionally hurt a stable, mature grownup, and as such I have to agree with the anon saying that these people do it to themselves and are perhaps mentally unequipped for online discussions.

>> No.9297638

agree its pretty lame. the /pol/ paper delved deeper.; but still missed the point.

>> No.9297642

like bald for bieber ? is that hostile or just a stupid filter?

>> No.9297644

Whats their email addresses (the ones who wrote the 'b' paper ? Do /b/ know about this?

>> No.9297679

can't believe our tax money is funding the simon foundation

>> No.9297686


this image happens to me every fuckign dayy