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9293350 No.9293350 [Reply] [Original]

I have severe insomnia. Will stay up for days. Just can not sleep it seems. I will eventually sleep for 4-5 hours and then do the same thing over again, stay awake for days.

Please suggest a sleeping pill that will "knock me out"?

>> No.9293451 [DELETED] 

I had insomnia in highschool, but it was by no means as bad as yours. I started listening to ASMR and it helped me out immensely. I doubt it woudl work in your case, but give it a shot. Can't help you with pills though.

>> No.9293453

prescription or otc?

>> No.9293455

Dude, Clonazepam will knock the fuck out of you. You will probably need a doctor prescription though.

>> No.9293460

I had insomnia in highschool, but it was by no means as bad as yours. I started listening to ASMR and it helped me out immensely. I doubt it woudl work in your case, but give it a shot. Can't help you with pills though.

reposted this reply cuz i accidentally linked another thread

>> No.9293462

Unironically smoke weed

>> No.9293515

note op but also interested in otc if you could help a fellow insomniac.

>> No.9293806

literally just take benadryl idiots

>> No.9293876

Meletonin duh if you want prescription get trazodone

>> No.9293884

don't ever advocate for taking benzos, taking heroin for sleep is a better idea.

>> No.9293985

this, benzos will ruin your life

>> No.9294019

Go to a doctor faggot.

>> No.9294036

If he can go without sleep for multiple days, I doubt antihistamine will do the trick. He'll just end up having schizophrenia like hallucinations and be stuck in an uncomfortable body high that will make it feel like you have weights on your ankles.
>try 600mg

>> No.9294038
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>> No.9294199


How’s trazodone? Are you tired in the morning, what’s your dosage?

>> No.9294202


PS can you think clearly when you wake up?

>> No.9294283

Eh when I took benzos for sleep I realized that it just makes you forget how long you actually stayed awake in bed rather than actually put you to sleep
Roommates told me I was doing weird shit at night when I thought I just fell asleep

>> No.9294301

mirtazapine. dont go benzo route. if you still cant sleep 150mg of seroquel ahould floor you

>> No.9294317

Have you tried going to the gym?

>> No.9294364


>> No.9294378

I take a melatonin/L-theanine combination, you might also try drinking some chamomile tea as well. Avoid benadryl, that shit is bad for you long-term.

>> No.9294415

Try taking some 5-HTP supplements. It's a natural precursor to tryptophan, one of the chemicals your body uses to regulate your sleep cycle. You can get it over the counter.

>> No.9294430

Try memantine anon. It's great at bringing internal calm. You will sleep like a baby.

>> No.9294433

Doxepine and if needed Promethazine.

>> No.9294444
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Have you thought about using a stick, possibly in club formation?

>> No.9294560

I really don't want to be the faggot, but try valeriana (as a liquid if possible), it really helps. Read the instructions first though

>> No.9294581

Benadryl works speaking as someone who recently got through bad chronic insomnia a few months back, but you need to take the right amounts at the right times. If you just keep popping them every hour out of frustration you'll start feeling those nasty deliriant effects where you're even less able to fall asleep and now feel like you're dying on top of that.
I find 50mg diphenhydramine (1 or 2 pills depending on the brand e.g. I think unisom's dose is 50mg / pill while benadryl is 25 mg / pill) every four hours works best, with maybe one instance per night where you take the next dose a little earlier than 4 hours after the last if you feel like you need a little more of a push.
Also if you're like me you probably get zero physical exercise during the day, so you'll want to do something to artificially tire yourself out. I accomplish this by smoking some cigarettes while standing in the shower for a while combined with taking some very low dose DXM with my first benadryl dose of the evening (I find the DXM kind acts as a muld stimulant at low doses to help create that artificial sense of exertion for the night).

>> No.9294629

>you'll want to do something to artificially tire yourself out
Here's a trick. Get an exercise bike, eliptical, rowing machine, whatever and just put it in your living room in front of the tv and use it when your watching tv, or feeling anxious, or just don't have anything to do. It's a convenient easy way to burn some energy.
It doesn't take up a lot of space , and you can get it for cheap since people buy those things, use them once, and then sell them at a garage sale or craigs list, or whatever.

>> No.9294812

Fix your circadian rhythm. Cut off all blue light exposure an hour before bed and wake up at the same time every day for a week.
If this does not work you may need internal light therapy (or similarly named) to forcibly correct your rhythm. This is pretty much a guaranteed fix but you will might have to spend a night in a sleep research facility while you are monitored. dxm and diphenhydramine are temporary fixes that will do damage to your liver over time. Fix your shit faggots.

T. Some nerd who took classes for this crap

>> No.9294894

This. I was on mirtazapine for a few months and could easily sleep for 12+ hours once i'd taken it, more at the start.

>Staying with friend, up late drinking
>Taking my mirtazapine before bed
>End up giving him one for god knows what reason
>He passes out on sofa after 30 min
>Sleeps for 13 hours straight

>> No.9295111

seek out a physician like a normal person instead of asking a azerbaijan futa forum

>> No.9295163

smoke weed you retard

>> No.9295193

What’s up with all the Benzo bashing?

>> No.9295229

Melatonin was always really effective for me but I would have really weird vivid dreams. One time I had this dream where I was in the town I grew up in, but it wasn't really the town I grew up in, everything was a little different. I was going to do something, but what I was going to do kept changing, like every minute. Crazy shit, so beware.

>> No.9295231
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shut up fucking morons
they are poison, make you a numb zombie even though you think you are fine and just more relaxed which feels great
If OP needed to get through a flight then they are a decent option. But suggesting it as a sleep aid is just fucking retarded considering how addictive they are. Even trazodone would be a better option than benzos.
this, benzos ruined mine for a few years, taking as prescribed

50-75mg benadryl and start exercising (but not before bed) OP

>> No.9295251

>ruined mine for a few years
please elaborate

>> No.9295255

I take 100 mg but I'm tolerant, sometimes there's groggyness but just lower the dose and its fine

>> No.9295271

what a meme

>> No.9295281


Anyone else get crazy insomnia when you have a lot of carbs one day? I tried taking a bunch of sedatives/melatonin etc. but now I just feel exhausted yet totally alert. Time to switch tactics and get through with stimulants.

>> No.9295313

Not him.

I've been on benzos on and off for 5-6 fucking years now. I was taking them as needed (prn) for a good while. Then they wouldn't work anymore - and I would have to take 2-3 times my starting dose just to get a similar level of anxiety relief. I have severe GAD by the way. This was probably 3 years in of almost daily benzo use. I decided to taper and quit them. Had one month of strong withdrawal symptoms. Like rebound anxiety with a vengeance, insomnia, cold sweats, headaches, and flu-like aches.

So I had close to a year intermission where I got off of them and was low on anxiety. I was doing meditation and going to the gym regularly. Then life stuff happened, and I started college again after a hitaus. I fell off the wagon with the gym, and started thinking the meditation was stupid and placebo. One day in a college class where I had to talk to groups and what not, my hands were just shaking and my heart was pounding. I stormed out and started to do my deep breathing shit outside. My generalized anxiety was back. Went back to my doc and reactivated my xanax script. I started eating them like candy to get through my more anxious days again.

And time being a flat circle, I am now addicted to benzos again. I am trying to taper off of them again. Switched the xanax out for ativan. I am taking 1mg tablet twice a day, after being on xanax 2-3 mg daily. I get rebound anxiety slipping through since ativan is a lot weaker than xanax. The other day I forgot to take my evening tablet. I ended up being able to fall asleep, only to wake up in cold sweats and a pounding heart about 3-4 hours later. Took my tablet and about 45 mins later, I felt 'good again.' I shudder to think what it's going to be like when I half these tablets and then discontinue. It's going to be a month of hell soon.

Benzos were supposed to cure or at least band-aid my GAD. At this point, they're probably more dangerous than my condition. Benzos are a like a siren. Don't try them.

>> No.9295316

why? it's basically the same story for most people.. google it
I guess I'll humor you.
The doctor says the benzos are temporary until you can find an antidepressant (prescribed for the anxiety not depression) which works for you. Those take weeks to even notice the effects of. If you have a bad reaction, or are still anxious, they just try another one. Meanwhile, your tolerance to the benzos continues to grow, and you are physically addicted in a very short time.
>start with low dose-short acting
>develop tolerance so they raise the dose
>start having wd between doses, so they switch you to a longer acting one
>up the dose on the long acting ones
>I feel peaceful, mildly happy, relaxed, can sleep, not worried, think I'm not out of it at all
>to my loved ones I appear slightly drunk, slur my words, forget things, sleep more than I should, lose interest in my hobbies, makes you a brainlet
>WD is 100x worse than opiates (I've been through that too). Quit benzos twice and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It is NOT worth it. I never took more than my dose, more often than I should, or felt in any way "high".
When I was trying to quit the first time, I watched one of those films Australia made to show the dangers of xanax. I thought this is going to be total misinfo, since it was basically propaganda to outlaw it there. Instead, I saw people who acted how people said I acted: Slurring, poor verbal recall (always felt like words were at the tip of my tongue) which causes slight stuttering, acting like a zombie in a haze, slowed reaction times
I also had periods of months where I was not on anti-depressants at the same time, and the side effects from those were always very different and easy to discern from the benzo ones.
Again, they can be useful, but I would say for most people, it is not worth it to start taking them. Wasn't worth it for my GAD or panic disorder.
I also forgot to suggest magnesium to the OP, doesn't knock you out but helps restful sleep.

>> No.9295339

I'm sorry to hear this bro. I'm the post below you. Exercising has helped me a lot as well, but I still get panic attacks. "siren" is spot on
Hell, I won't even keep an emergency bottle in the house because I know I'll just fall victim to it again at some point. I wish you the best in getting off of them again, and in dealing with your anxiety after that. Water, electrolytes, 25mg benadryl actually help get me through the rebound anxiety. I wouldn't recommend it for social anxiety since you do get sleepy, but it's good for panic attacks at home and insomnia.. to sort of help you relax a bit. I'm not a benadryl shill either. But I have a ton of allergies and find it helps with sleep and anxiety as well.

And I'm sorry if I ticked off people by telling them to fuck off, but you might as well be telling people to start fentanyl for a headache. I've noticed that people who suggest them are often either on them and haven't had issues yet, or have taken them for recreationally, thus ignorant of the nature of the beast.

>> No.9295369
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I appreciate your well wishes, bro. I would say, I'm glad that I ran into someone who actually understands the nature of this beast, if only I didn't know too well... how much suffering and misery you must've gone through as well. ; _ ;

Yeah. I'm probably going to WD with benadryl or it's stronger cousin, hydroxyzine. I'm not looking forward to either of these two drugs. I have to commute to university, and the benadryl drugs always leave me drowsy the morning/noon after. I'm going to do the switch in four weeks, when classes are over. Gonna hopefully just WD at home over winter break. Fun times ahead, right.

And yeah. The people you reference are obviously noobs or recreational users, who think they can crush xanax tablets like pounding beers with just a slight hang over as a repricussion -- they have no idea. During my first WD years ago, during my worst insomnia nights, I would take a couple of hydrocdone (vicodin/norco) tablets to sleep. Yeah... I was WD'ing off benzos with opiates. Opiate WD is nothing compared to benzos. I wish I could just drive that home to people. But they don't understand -- won't understand until it's too late.

Well, everyone is free to live and make their own mistakes in life. I just wish I could spare from this 'one big' mistake.

Good luck you. I really suggest going to the gym. 30-45 mins of cardio and some strength machine was my routine. The cardio gives you natural feel good hormones throughout the day that brunt GAD symptoms. Oh, and it makes you sleep like a baby. Exercise is the best sleep aid.

>> No.9295383

These. Trazodone will knock you the fuck out without being groggy in the morning, and really isn't addictive at all. Although I highly reccomend trying to find ways to sleep without pills even though I know you have to have, but it's just such a shitty habit and if you're not with your pills you can't sleep. Like >>9294317 said, the gym is a good start. It will exhaust your body to a point of needing sleep. If literally nothing else works, then see a doctor and take the pill route.

>> No.9295395

maybe learn how to complete basic human tasks like sleeping instead of being a colossal fucking retard

>> No.9295419

I work in a pharmacy. If you are in the US, the only two over the counter options are Diphenhydramine (active ingredient in benadryl), and melatonin. Melatonin is the chemical naturally found in your brain that makes you sleepy. For most people with chronic insomnia, melatonin defeciency in the body isnt the issue. I'd definetly take 3-10 Mg of melatonin as a first try if you havent allready tried that. You can try Diphenhydramine but the body quickly becomes tolerant to it and will create a bad habit in most people. Its only reccommended to be used for occasional sleepyness. What I would reccommend is get a prescription for trazodone. Its pretty easy to get in the US (dont know about anywhere else) and most people find it pretty effective. If that doesn't work id reccommend to take whatever your doctor says might work. If nothing is working you can always try weed. A lot of people find that very helpful (legal or not). Wish you the best of luck and i hope i was at least somewhat helpful.

>> No.9295424

Get some exercise lad

>> No.9295427

>If you are in the US, the only two over the counter options are Diphenhydramine (active ingredient in benadryl), and melatonin.
Doxylamine is sold in the US too. Do you not sell Doxylamine at your pharmacy?

>> No.9295428

smoke some weed then take some opiates

>> No.9295431

Don't do that, marijuana causes epilepsy and cancer and it's a street drug so dealers will mix it with PCP and other poisons.

>> No.9295434


is dramamine under the counter?

>> No.9295435

We do. I forgot about that. Its basically the same as Diphenhydramine. Habit forming and not recommended for long term use. I defenetly dont reccommend either of those for chronic insomnia.

>> No.9295437

Yes but thats for motion sickness

>> No.9295439

even if it was true it doesn't matter because it's healthier than staying up for days in a row

>> No.9295449

GAD fag here, why don't you try Escitalopram? It's simply the best for that. I have panic attacks since 15, went to emergency several times thinking I was having a heart attack, did several exams and nothing. Anxiety is a bitch, but escitalopram just works.

I take 20mg, and I do it in cycles every year. I take it for a year, then the next year I'm clean, then the anxiety comes back and I do it again.

>> No.9295464

I tried prozac generic once for 2-3 weeks, and it was giving me intense vivid dreams, cold sweats, muscle spasms, and mental dog. I immediately quit it and felt better, well, relatively speaking.

Since then, I've rebuffed every offer for SSRI/SNRI meds from docs. It's not so much that I have that one bad experience that is giving me anxiety about taking them, it's that I don't think the idea of taking a mind altering pill for the rest of my life is something I want to do. As wretched as it is living with GAD, I'm afraid of becoming a neutered zombie, and no longer my reality 'self.' Sorry if that's philosophical nonsense. This is my genuine thought process, however.

>> No.9295468

real self*

>> No.9295478

>I immediately quit it and felt better
That's normal when the dosage is too small for your body, instead of stopping, you should've increased the dosage. Same happened to me when I took 10mg, then I went to 20mg and it simply cured me, like magic.

> I'm afraid of becoming a neutered zombie
That's not how our brain works anon, I can tell you the only real disadvantage of taking escitalopram is the reduced sexual drive (however, that is a good thing for most GAD fags since many faps 3-4 times/day)

I assure you won't become a "zombie", and like I told you, you can stop it after a year or so and see wait for the anxiety to come back (it may take years)

>> No.9295484

Also, Fluoxetine is old af, try something newer.

>> No.9295526
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I often use diphenhydramine. If you take too many in a night you get very uncomfortable and you end up in a weird delerium where you see moving lights when you close your eyes and you can't tell the passage of time. This is usually really bad past like 250mg. I still use them when I really need to pass out, but it's more of a plan B now. Also leaves you groggy as fuck in the morning.

Melatonin is good when it works. If you use it for too long you can't fall asleep naturally without it though. I have been back on this lately.

Doxylamine Succinate (Unisom SleepTabs, NyQuil) is another antihistamine. First couple times I took it in pill form I was fucking gone. Often I would sleep for like 12 hours straight, which isn't ideal. I built up a tolerance to it pretty quick though.

Still too pussy to go to a doctor about any of this. I've had insomnia since I was like 8 years old. I use blue light filters on my electronics and I try to get some physical activity done in the day but often that isn't enough

>> No.9295640

Generic remron

>> No.9295641


>> No.9295646

Yeah, doxylamine is technically the strongest OTC sleeping pill, but it lasts much longer than benadryl. And with both I find that they only work if I fall asleep during that window in the beginning where they really make you feel noticeably different (like this warm / sleepy kind of feeling). If you end up needing to get up to use the bathroom or something and you miss that window then in my experience you won't be able to get to sleep afterwards without doing something additional to help. And because of this, I prefer benadryl since you only have to wait four hours before you can redose and not have it build up and make you feel like you're dying, compared with doxylamine where you really can't redose at all without it fucking badly with you.

>> No.9295970

Unironically, GHB. Nothing else can top it.

>> No.9296040


It's also more expensive than benadryl