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9288743 No.9288743 [Reply] [Original]

do you think the industrial revolution would have happened by now if isaac newton wasn't born? And if the industrial revolution didn't happen I guess that would mean our human population would still be numbered in the millions.
It's funny to think that one man is responsible for the birth of over 6 billion people.

>> No.9288760

what? yes of course it would have still happened

>> No.9288779

People who fall for this engine are a bunch of wankers.. heh
It's practical use is pretty much overshadowed by it's contemporaries, right?

>> No.9288785

no. its just that the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long

>> No.9289395 [DELETED] 


>> No.9289404

Of course. Newton was just first. Someone else would have made his discoveries soon enough.

also, Leibniz notation is superior.

>> No.9289412

why? modern humans have had brains this good for over 10,000 years. sounds like too much of a coincidence for someone else to just happen to make those discoveries within 200 years of his existence.

>> No.9289435
File: 236 KB, 3000x2100, updated-World-Population-Growth-1750-2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it was the leap in fertilizer technology that created the massive population. You can thank Fritz Haber & Carl Bosch for that. Haber's the same Jew who invented weaponized gases in WW1. That started around 1910-1920 and went from there. Population growth was pretty steady before then.

>> No.9289439

More like 250,000 years. We haven't changed very much at all. We've most likely have lost more than we've discovered.

>> No.9289448


Become all discoveries build on previous discoveries. If newton was born in babylon he might have invented something else but he'd lack access to observations that were part of what spurred him to explore gravity.

>> No.9289453

well i'd say newton would be at least 50% responsible because factories just wouldn't be possible without him

>> No.9289455



>> No.9289608

>do you think the industrial revolution would have happened by now if isaac newton wasn't born?
The industrial revolution wasn't started by Newton. It was started by the brainiac who got the idea to connect coal mines to towns with canals.

>> No.9290082

The jump also exactly corresponds to the widespread adoption of germ theory and it's corresponding practices

>> No.9290130

Yeah, there's a few things that all happened around the same time.

>> No.9290581

without statics though you have no machinery or transport

>> No.9290618


>> No.9290656


>> No.9290728

You don't need statics to design a canal boat. You don't need statics to cobble together just about anything. It helps if you want a GOOD design, but it's not necessary.

>> No.9290730

To be more specific, trial and error will take you far.

>> No.9290746

>industrial revolution
>isaac newton

>> No.9290818

you think they just pulled those machines and refineries out of their asses?

>> No.9290851

>you think machines and refineries had anything to do with Newton?

>> No.9290878

a better question is what DONT they have to do with newton? what is statics?

>> No.9291003
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Probably yeah, it would of just been the usual case of trial and error. It would of been a lot slower and a lot later.

You don't actually need a formal understanding of the underling principle to build could up the idea of a say steam engineer, it just makes it *a lot* easier to connect the dots.

People like to say we wouldn't have gps with out Einstein's becuase we wouldn't have theory of relativity. But as soon as we got satellites someone would of got the idea eventually, and just of easy discover relativity trying to make it work when things won't lining up.

Hell a lot Einstein's theories come for Max Plank trying to build energy efficiency light bulbs and having to resort to "fooling around in the dark" when the convention theory energy exchange failed him.

>> No.9291519

He just didn't know about Leibnitz,.

>> No.9292112

>what is statics?
babby's ferst fysics

>> No.9292524


>> No.9293212

He's saying that you are a retard who is currently taking statics and you are applying your surface level knowledge of statics to things that do not correlate.