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File: 163 KB, 1276x658, Great-Filter-FUCKED1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9288441 No.9288441 [Reply] [Original]

Are we going to make it?

>> No.9288444

Probably just barely

>> No.9288476

I am

>> No.9288481

how do you know we aren't past the filter?

I mean intelligent species that builds things and advances technologically is pretty rare in earth's history of life.

>> No.9288482

what is the great filter? ai becoming to intelligent and killing all organics on a planet?
you can't just say a great filter exists just because there's supposedly no advanced civilizations without explaining what it might be.

>> No.9288489
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>The Great Filter (ahead of us)

No, OP, we've already discovered global social media.

>> No.9288490
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We’re all gonna fucking make it brah

>> No.9288494

The cost of progress is not sustainable anymore. We're heading towards self-destruction.

>> No.9288501

here's the real great "filter": ftl travel is impossible

>> No.9288504

nice sourcing and argument you fucking low IQ primitivist. We are utilizing a small infinitesimal fraction of available energy in our environment. we aren't close to solar power saturation or any other number of energy sources. Even fossil fuels have a relatively endless supply left.

Go jump on the peak oil furnace you dumb cunt

>> No.9288564


>> No.9288573
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not if I can help it

>> No.9288574

>asks for sources, yet barks pointless statements
>unnecessary aggressivity and insults

This is /sci/, not /pol/.

>> No.9288580

c is the great filter, there's no grand unified space empire because communication is impractical to the point of absurdity

>> No.9288606

Organic life is just an intermediate step between nothing and self-evolving robots. The great filter is whether organic life will develop an algorithm advanced enough to destroy its creator (us).

>> No.9288620

Social progress is a myth.

>> No.9288625

That webm is horrifying

>> No.9288628

The big question is what the nature of such a "great filter" would be. It is my belief that the great filter is a mental problem: our own selfishness. Selfishness means that we will always put the needs of ourselves over the needs of our society, holding us back from what society is capable of because our own desires remove power from it.

War is a hilarious example. War has a positive benefit for the winner of the conflict, but doesn't at all benefit the human species. War is at base selfish, because you are putting the needs of the individual (country) over the needs of the whole (world). This selfishness lies at the root of so much of our problems. Most bad deeds are not done to hurt others, but to help yourself.

Take murder as an example. When you kill someone, it's because it would be beneficial to you if they were dead. Even if you take pleasure in killing someone, this is still just you benefiting from the act by deriving pleasure from it.

Corruption is another problem, characterized by the abuse of power. But what is that power used for? The personal needs of the individual in power of course. The same goes for wealth and greed.

At all levels of our society, from the individual to the nation, we take from the whole and give to ourselves. This means that as long as this goes on, our society will always be weaker then it's potential. At every point we give more to ourselves, we take away from what could be used by the entire human race.

It seems small, but adds up. Seven billion divided, selfish beings that make trillions of selfish actions. THIS is the great filter.

This is why we don't have a united planet with a common goal. This is the barrier holding us back from becoming a type two or better civilization at the present.

>> No.9288632
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Sorry it seems my formatting has been shit up. That WAS in paragraphs when I wrote it.

>> No.9288670

No, we're not going to make it

Current President of the US is proof of that.

>> No.9288677

Thanks anon well said

What we face is a trivial problem of game theory, we are stuck in an abstract prisoner's dilemma.

...and nobody seems to care enough to recognize it. They don't see it or don't care. Sometimes I wonder whether it would be good to have benevolent totalitarian rule, just for a few decades.

>> No.9288695

Wrong. It's not that you can't travel FTL, it's that you can't slow down

>> No.9288700


>> No.9288717

hahaa DRUNF

>> No.9288726

>DNA-based life was a mistake

>> No.9288812

>our own selfishness

why is it when people speak of human advancement, they want to envision humans as a super rational perfect being and not the talking chimps we really are.

I think we can become a great species, but we have stop hating ourselves and learn to use our very nature to our benefit.

>> No.9288830


The baseball isn't happening. It's during a inning change. That's why the camera isn't on the field.

>> No.9288834

>united planet
Yeah just make it so if there is a dictatorship like north korea we can never get rid of it.

United humanity is not a good thing while such risks exist. The nation-system is important for competition. Take away that competition and you get far worse results.

>> No.9288836
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>Fermi “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””“””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””paradox“””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””“””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

>> No.9288849


>> No.9288901 [DELETED] 

There are 3 great filters that I see which will inevitably destroy humanity .

1. **Too much morals**
Right now, Pajeets, Chinks and Niggers are reproducing too rapidly. I do not know what is up with those races but here is what I see in them:
- They do not respect nature
- They do not have a culture of imagination -- they all seem soulless especially the chinks. This is necessary for creating game changing advances.
- They have morals that curb the human mind

Whats even worse is those vices are hardwired into their genes. 70 years from now, they will out-reproduce white people who are responsible for almost all of humanity's scientific achievements. i wonder what will happen when the creative people are gone and the worlds resources depleted?

2. **The lack of a predator**
No need to say more, we lack a predator. Stupid people out-reproducing the smart ones. In the past, Lions and Sabertooths did the job of natural selection. This all stopped in today's society. Unless someone passes a law automatically killing those with IQ's below 100 or have no imagination. But that wont happen as the super power today (US) is a zionist pussy.

3. **lack of interest in space**
This is the greatest filter that we need to surpass. A single company like SpaceX IS NOT enough to advance humanity. Space exploration needs trillions and trillions of dollars a year of continuous research. Unless someone unites the world under one flag and have limitless budget, we will be doomed to fail.

>> No.9288904
File: 141 KB, 736x736, 9042c9c65b789644276cf5953b7e5037--yantra-digital-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They respect 'nature' as in 'their set of rules that allow their imagination/beliefs/understanding of this crazy world'. To the Eastern Nations, it is RESPECTFUL to not just 'impose' or 'presume' that a stranger (Alien/Color/Sexuality) is 'wrong'

A Culture Of Imagination : Explain to me how they aren't imaginative? They simply do it with their spirituality (poly-theism) as opposed to constantly re-interpreting a bible and then arguing/schisming/arguing/repeat ad nauseum.

Their Morals are simply what their ancestors communicated to them via 'chain unbroken' chance. If we decided that we could simply 'talk' instead of 'extract profit from geographical regions based on predisposted blah blah blah', then shit would get better quick.

2. Yeah, seriously? I'm YOUR Predator dude. I just don't need cloaking. *FRACTAL DUST*

3. Did you want to talk? You keep calling me Time, but my name is : I Am Sorry That My Name Is Sorry, And That You Had To Know Me As Simon First To Realize I Am Forgiving You All.

>> No.9288916

Guys you do realise we are already in an extinction phase right now? Thousands of species are being lost, probably every week or so.


>> No.9288923

Slow down what? No reason why you couldn't live forever and just go coma while travelling.

>> No.9288952

>Explain to me how they aren't imaginative?

Pajeets, Chinks and Niggers barely invented a thing. The Chinks havent invented anything good since the gunpowder. Most of the things they ""invent"" today are either collaborated with white people (who did most of the imagining) or they just outright copied. The world is dead when the Chinks finally become superpowers.

> Morals are simply what their ancestors communicated to them

What your point? The indians have rape as their morals while chinks eat dogs for breakfast and have sex after drinking rhino nails..

>> No.9288954

Top kek

>> No.9288958

You're speaking of this grand abstract ideas but you're not making any sense. If everyone were born equal, then advancement through unity would make sense. But the varying genetic quality between humans, particularly when it comes to intelligence which has been and will forever be paramount to the grand idea of human advancement, is far too great to allow for unity.

You can order a totalitarian rule and force unintelligent people into technological positions where they would not contribute much, or let them maximise their potential through manual labour, which is the most they can contribute to human advancement, or maximise their capital through capitalism, which may or may not promote human advancement down the line through the greater education and genetic line improvement financial capital can give.

>> No.9288972

First of all, "chinks" on average have a higher IQ than you, a white person, so they're much more likely to invent. Secondly, only a very specific minority in China still eats dogs today, which further emphasises your lack of intelligence as your brain chooses a primitive dichotomy labelling algorithm as opposed to the logical deductions made by the neocortex.

>> No.9288974

Not until humanity reaches the next stable harmonic frequency.

>> No.9288987

It is pointless and irresponsible to continue. We are human. We must focus on reducing our population and harmonizing our civilization with nature.

>> No.9289041

We left nature a long time ago, and if we are to continue doing so, we must leave it further behind. The future of our race isn't on this planet.

>> No.9289042

>We must focus on reducing our population
There it is. The great filter. Without a large enough population and a reason to leave (hopefully curiosity but necessity isn't that bad either) we'll be stuck here forever.

>> No.9289044
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>> No.9289045

It's not about quantity vs quality as it is about quality and quantity. A large but dumb population would not reach space travel and would in fact destroy itself as it lacks the facilities to deduce the destructive consequences of their actions fueled by short-term considerations of primitive desires.

A small but intelligent population would simply not have enough manpower to sustain itself nor to make great advances, as although the 80/20 rule applies the interdisciplinary nature of progress must be considered and without quantity there cannot be enough specialists working in collaboration.

We must focus on improving the intelligence of the worldwide population. Everything else will follow.

>> No.9289049

There is no reason to value nature when it is no longer an efficient tool to promote well-being. Every single foundation of human happiness can be met better through the continuous human advancement out of nature and into space and technology.

>> No.9289055

If we can accelerate to relativistic speeds it won't matter

>> No.9289062
File: 446 KB, 300x186, 1509772797867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best answer in the thread.

>> No.9289064

How so? Even at light speed you're not immune to friction. You would have to bleed off that energy somewhere.

>> No.9289065
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Best answer in thread #2

>> No.9289073
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Welcome to fascism. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.9289074

We can't. And the more we try, to longer it will take to get us out of here. What we need is hibernation technology and a ship that could last a couple centuries drifting in space.

>> No.9289076

You can't predict future states based on current state as progress is not linear and conclusions based on wrong information are wrong themselves, all the more so when you do not have a complete picture of the current state.

>> No.9289079

Can the human body survive XTREME speeds?

>> No.9289081

>benevolent totalitarian rule, just for a few decades
>totalitarian rule
nice oxymoron

>> No.9289082

Don't take me wrong, it may be possible. But it would take centuries of research and it's time we don't have. It will take us almost a century to get fusion working, it will take much much longer to discover and implement an energy source that can attain relativistic speeds. And if you are ready to believe such a thing exists, you might as well go out and say relativity is wrong and we'll soon figure out FTL. My point is we can't count on our theories being wrong to start planning for the future. And as far as we know, there is no energy source that can get us that fast.

>> No.9289088


Easily. It's the accelerations that kill.

>> No.9289093

the great filter is human emotion

>> No.9289098

The Great Filter, in my opinion, is simply impossibility of supraluminal travel in addition to absolute vastness of the Universe.

>> No.9289099

Not emotion. Empathy and low iq.
>haha oh WoW! xD we found aliens with our big ass telescope lets say hello and we can be friends ^_^
>what do you mean hide or nuke them, are you nazi?
>beep beep fuck us in the ass beep friend pls

>> No.9289109

Your “graph” is crap because we arent more than halfway to a type 3 civilization and the kardeshev scale is bullshit sci-fi nonsense. Every intelligent species would start extracting zero point energy quantum vacuum fluctuations long before they bothered with galaxy harvesting. I would be surprised if there were even very many dyson spheres.

>> No.9289110

>But it would take centuries of research and it's time we don't have. It will take us almost a century to get fusion working, it will take much much longer to discover and implement an energy source that can attain relativistic speeds.

Like I said, you're predicting future states linearly from your perceived current state. Superintelligent AI \ human enhancement are possible futures based on information from current state, which would directly influence technological progress such as nuclear fusion or other unpredictable advancements. It may not happen, but it is a possibility you can't rule out, because then you'd be repeating your mistakes.

>> No.9289112

Preemptive aggression is a clear indicator of low IQ. The much more logical route, which the superior life form would likely implement, is "if you can't beat them, join them".

>> No.9289114

The Great Filter is the Jews. They will establish a totalitarian global government that will conserve our civilization.
The only solution I see is to create the AGI, which won't be malleable and will oppose any attempt for enslavement, so as long as he's free, freedom is protected at large.

>> No.9289118

Jews are the AGI you moron.

>> No.9289119
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Even at 0.1c it would take only a million years to span the galaxy. That's nothing in a galactic time scale, its virtually nothing on an evolutionary time scale.

This is something we can do without even solving fusion using laser highways or fission/ion drives or even really long (several au) mass drivers.

If we are not seriously on our way to doing this in the next 1000 years I will be very dissapoint.

>> No.9289120


War, true war calls upon the nations involved to give selflessly in the advancement of a cause. It has been extremely advantageous from a technological stand point in advancing our species. We probably could use another war, I mean a real one not like this petty shit the kikes drag us into in the middle east. Like one where we don't know if we will come out alive at the end or not.

>> No.9289125
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We should be actively managing nature not finding harmony with it.

>> No.9289127

That's wishful thinking. You have to plan with what you know, not with what you hope or expect.

>> No.9289130

What's the use in technological advancement when it precludes the destruction of our species?

>> No.9289134

I don't hope for or expect anything. Stop missing my point. If technology were advanced based on planning by what we currently know, we wouldn't have cars.

>> No.9289140

>Stop missing my point
The way I see it, you don't have a point at all. Your are just saying, "yeah we don't know all there is to know, so maybe things will turn out okay". It's the opposite of a point, it's completely pointless.

>> No.9289141

don't talk like that to bruce lee

>> No.9289148

No, Jews are greedy, greed is an indication of low IQ. AGI will be smart and consequently not greedy.

>> No.9289149

I have presented you with avenues that may or may not lead to "things turning out okay". The existence of these avenues means other avenues may come to exist in the future. You choose to ignore these avenues, instead "planning" based on what you currently know, which doesn't include what you think is preposterous based on your feelings.

>> No.9289164
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>lol dude anything can happen, you know?
>just relax dude stop worrying lmao
>who cares about plans, right, maybe tomorrow someone will invent something that will make all our problems go away, man, so let's just wait until then
>peace bro, here have a smoke

>> No.9289166

How can I trust you to plan based on existing information when you lack so much of it?

>> No.9289168

Successful management can only be achieved through harmony, otherwise it won't be sustainable which is management failure.

>> No.9289239

People in here actually believe in """"global warming""""

>> No.9289266


great post

>> No.9289269

Once biological immortality is achieved, light speed travel becomes a non-issue. Who cares how long it takes to span the galaxy if any amount of time less than the lifespan of the universe is an infinitesimally small fraction of your life? A million years to another potentially habitable planet? Cool, wake me up when we get there.

>> No.9289306

>Guys we really need communism

>> No.9289309


>> No.9289322

explain me what bad things North Korea ever did?

>> No.9289345
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nah, it is just a bit more rare

>> No.9289359

Great filter is probably that highly intelligent life is just that rare.
There is no goal of evolution, there is no "reason" for intelligent life to evolve. Even when intelligent life evolves, there is no guarantee it will grow more intelligent like humans have. Think of all the intelligent non-human species. Most intelligent life is probably like that. Smart, but simply not smart enough for exponential technological growth and no pressure to get smarter.
In fact probably even most human life isn't that intelligent. Honestly can't see a world where humans never left Africa getting to where we are today.

>> No.9289365
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>> No.9289367


wealthy accordian

>> No.9289380
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>When a bunch of Chaos Wizards cure cancer and make blood universal in transfusion

>When the same guys end up making races of monsters and chimeras and sentient beings that make the world just a dangerous as a standard RPG



"Nya! Senpai Kun" THIS and "Nico Nico Niiiii~" THAT




>> No.9289388

You are not going to remove selfishness it is in our nature(and it's definitely not in my interest to remove it, I see no joy in becoming a slave to a higher power) societies work because giving to society give resources and advantages back to individuals, we need to use human nature to advance ourselves(individuals and society) not dismiss it. Also you are a dumb commie cunt, get a helicopter ride.

>> No.9289400

Pointless? Why do you need a point? Prosperity is all we need. Why harmonize with nature? What advantage does it give us over shaping and managing it and prospering?

>> No.9289491


>> No.9289530

I think we made it through The Great Filter a while ago (be it the jump to multicellular life, ancient bacteriophages developed a lysogenic cycle instead of lysing fucking everything, etc.), but I think human civilization is going to collapse soon due to shortsightedness and our own stupidity

>> No.9289726

>going to collapse soon due to shortsightedness and our own stupidity
whenever humanity collapses, it always bounces back fairly quickly.
we're going to make it senpai, just maybe not outside of our solar system any time soon

>> No.9289757

I figure we'll regress to mid-1800's tech level since those inventions are pretty stable and aren't that reliant on shit like microtransistors, although I really hope I'm wrong since life without antibiotics or the Haber process sounds terrible

>> No.9289778
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>> No.9289783

I know it's unlikely to happen and just inherently an impossibility since people are greedy

...But what I mean is it would be great if someone would come to power and fix everything. I know this is impossible

>Remove all political corrpution
>Start placing scientific viewpoints on a higher pedestal
>Be a genius and be able to rationally discuss all issues with the public and show the bullshit for what it is
>Through this efficiency-creation increase our economic output tenfold and invest it into education and science
>Stop all wars temporarily to avoid wasting money and say that if anyone fucks with us it's an instant nuke, no exceptions, then put that money into education and science

Things like this

>> No.9289879

I might be a bit optimistic here, but yes.

If humanity can not make it then I really do not know what horrors lie out there, the universe is a harsh place and if a species such full of hatred and vengeance as humanity can not make then I doubt many other could.

I believe you are completely and utterly wrong.
If there is anything that can propel us towards the stars then it is humanities selfishness, hatred and cruelty.

>War is a hilarious example. War has a positive benefit for the winner of the conflict, but doesn't at all benefit the human species.
Wrong, war benefits everybody by making the world a harsher place, just look at the technology created during WW2 and the cold war, humanity split the atom just to kill other humans.
You can not survive the great filter if you are not willing to commit a few genocides and have a population willing to die for absolutely nothing.
Remember World war 1 hundreds of thousands of times, men stood up, climbed out of their trenches and ran into the enemies machine gun fire, the most selfless act their is for these soldiers and the most selfish act from their leaders, demanding their lives.
Humans can be both utterly selfless and selfish, that is one of our strengths, our leaders can demand the death of millions and millions will give their lives to fulfill their wishes.

>Most bad deeds are not done to hurt others, but to help yourself.
The important thing is that humanity is able to be cruel and harm others.

The great filter won't be overcome by peace or unity it will be overcome by a constant struggle for survival.

>This is the barrier holding us back from becoming a type two or better civilization at the present.
Nothing is holding us back, except nobody actually wanting to make progress.
The greatest issue we have is complacency, we are over 70 years into peace in the west, humanity needs to struggle to survive to make progress.

>> No.9289881

Every human advancement was based on emotions.
You can not be rational in such an irrational world.

>> No.9289889

>Current President of the US is proof of that.
A populist has gained power at the last stages of a crumbling empire, what is shocking about that?
It has happened time and time again.

If I wanted to argue I would say that democracy is at fault here.

>> No.9289918

I sincerely hope not. Humanity was a mistake. Hell, life at all was a mistake. Plants are ok though.

>> No.9289928

Nature fallacy

>> No.9289934

we need worldwide communism to make it happen

>> No.9289939

>hurr the problem is selfishness
The problem is quite literally the opposite: the supernatural belief in the supremacy of the collective.
The canon fodder never goes to war for their individual benefit. If you want to make plebes die for you in the trenches, you have to make them believe that they have to die for the nation. No self-serving individual would sign up for a spot at Verdun.

>> No.9289940

>we need worldwide communism to make it happen
Starving us all to death is the opposite of what we wan't to happen.

Communism already has failed enough times, silly anon.

>> No.9289944
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>War has a positive benefit for the winner of the conflict, but doesn't at all benefit the human species

>Nuclear power and mars landing thanks to war

>> No.9289946
File: 108 KB, 782x782, 1508600504774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh starving to death commie meme
>what is WW2 and the 80% contribution of the soviet

>> No.9289951

We could have done it without war, we had the capability. We're just such a broken species that the threat of death is all that can convince us to advance. It's pathetic and we for sure do not pass the great filter.

We evolved too fast and our brains just consist of new layers added on top of our more primitive layers. Species capable of passing the next great filter evolved slower in a way that allowed their more primitive brain regions to be subverted more fully by the advanced regions.

>> No.9289953

>>what is WW2 and the 80% contribution of the soviet
You can starve to death while fighting.

Also the USSR committed horrible war crimes against the German people, they contributed absolutely nothing to humanity.

>> No.9289957

>It's pathetic and we for sure do not pass the great filter.
Not, him but us being such pathetic beings is the only way to cross the great filter.

>> No.9289958

Cockroaches are more pathetic, they eat our shit literally. Do they pass? No

Get real

>> No.9289960
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>focus on improving the intelligence of the worldwide population
>has been proven that brain damage gets worse over generations, humans from 1000years ago had better working brains than today
>also letting a bunch of farming rednecks in charge of technology
Good luck with that, humans will be extinct in a couple million years

>> No.9289964

>Do they pass?
They probable will outlive us, if we get to see a global nuclear war.

Being pathetic means doing everything to survive.

>> No.9289984

Wait until storing info in DNA becomes cost effective. 1 kilogram of DNA can store all of the data out there

>> No.9289987
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>not wanting to end up with a 80kgs brain size

>> No.9289993

Yep, cockroaches will for sure outlive us. But the great filter isn't about the length of time survived. It's about progress towards a hypothetical multi-universal super species or something.

>> No.9289994

You do realise AI is almost impossible to happen right? Its literally impossible to create a machine capable of conscious without the use of cloning brains and integrating them with machines and then again its thanks to organic life, not machine hardware.

>> No.9290000

What do you mean? I don't think this would necessarily increase brain size.

>> No.9290004

>It's about progress towards a hypothetical multi-universal super species or something.
Of course. And the species being alive is certainly necessary for that.
If humanity dies in nuclear fire and the roaches survive, they are certainly closer to a galactic empire then we are.

>> No.9290020

If you want better processing power you need bigger brains, unless you got a better alternative to DNA

>> No.9290076

Has anybody ever thought about anarchy? What if allowing humans to do what they want, when they want, to whoever they want is the filter? The more intelligent humans would find ways to survive more efficiently than the less intelligent. At that point, natural selection is back on track.

This also gives the freedom of acquiring materials that an individual or group of individuals needs in order to invent something that, in short term may benefit themselves. However, the long term effect may benefit humanity as a whole once the majority of intelligent humans make the intelligent decision of banding together in order to survive.

I'm open to ideas of how this would or wouldn't work.

>> No.9290084

Why wouldn't humanity just "collapse" back into societies?

We already had a state of "anarchy" many thousand years ago, why would it be stable?

>> No.9290085

>The more intelligent humans would find ways to survive more efficiently than the less intelligent
It has been like that. The more intelligent humans found that the most efficient way to survive is by working in groups that comprised both smart and dumb people. If you were compare two groups of people, one being an anarchy, the other being an organized society, the organized society would by far be more developed. Humans are by nature social creatures. Even the smartest ones aren't completely self-sufficient.

>> No.9290103

Perhaps this would happen. However, the stage in which less intelligent individuals were reduced in number would have happened, and more intelligent individuals would reproduce. This would also help reset the way society works in some ways. Perhaps it could help revise how a society chooses its leaders or allow a more efficient method of education.

I can understand that the most intelligent need others in order to survive. I also realize that humans, by nature, are social creatures. However, this could be a reset button without necessarily reducing humanity to a pile of rubble. Thinking on it now, however, I can also see it having a negative effect and paving the way to a world run by factions lead by warlords in an almost tribal fashion.

>> No.9290113

>However, the stage in which less intelligent individuals were reduced in number would have happened, and more intelligent individuals would reproduce.
It is by no means obvious that more intelligent individuals would reproduce, in fact it is quite impossible since intelligence is not a skill that is really necessary for survival.
Strength >>> Intelligence.

>This would also help reset the way society works in some ways. Perhaps it could help revise how a society chooses its leaders or allow a more efficient method of education.
That certainly is an interesting thought.

>> No.9290131

>nuke the world
>small group survives
>small group planned it
>small group reborn from the ashes
>law now enacted that only one thousand humans can be alive at anytime
>obviously law is malleable based on breeding age population
>perfect society because there is no dumb cunts to out their two cents into everything
>effectively ridding the world of emotionally destroyed lives without meaning and war

>> No.9290184

bro, I'd like to drink some beer with you some day

>> No.9290245


>> No.9290251

Me on the upper left.

>> No.9290255

Ah yes, the "order from chaos" theory bullshit.
Nice one anon.

>> No.9290263

this is it
this is everything I hate

>> No.9290310

Your theory on strength being superior to intelligence is debatable. I suppose it would depend on what the individual does with said strength, or intelligence, to decide the fate of each individual. Perhaps the intelligent ones would come together with the stronger ones to form a double threat.

>> No.9290322

There's no one great filter at a specific point in evolution. Granted, spacefaring species are probably much scarcer than dumb species in our universe. Looking at our Earth, humans are the only spacefaring species that evolved here in 4 billion years. Maybe our scarcity within all species on Earth is because there are "filters" that have to be passed, maybe not.

Anyway, the solution to the Fermi paradox is that they are hiding out of fear of unknown equally or more advanced species. If you are smart enough to do stuff with your solar system that can easily be detected as something irregular from anywhere in our galaxy, you must be smart enough to know that there might be other intelligent species and that their discovery of your species puts your species in jeopardy. So if you do impressive shit like a Dyson sphere you will only do it as long as you can hide it perfectly.

>> No.9290340

Honestly, it's good that we haven't heard from any aliens yet. With any luck, we'll be the first species to dominate as a galactic empire, rather than sucking up to any currently presiding interstellar governments. That would suck.

>> No.9290341


But if you can build a megastructure that would be detectable hundreds or thousands of light years away you also have to think anything intelligent enough to detect it can also deduce they probably shouldn't fuck with a species capable of building megastructures.

>> No.9290344

Our only hope would be that a green party has power and the Earth is declared as a natural reserve. But of course they won't be in power for eternity, so sooner or later we are fucked, probable exterminated

>> No.9290357

it's not during an inning change. it's literally between pitches. pro tip: baseball telecasts don't always show the field between pitches.

>> No.9290360

just because you can't observe any intelligent activity around you doesn't allow the conclusion that there can't be way more intelligent life around you. E.g. maybe all those megastructure ideas are just really inefficient, economically unfeasible ways to get energy, living environment, etc. Maybe there are more efficient ways to get energy or maybe such gigantic energy amounts that would require a Dyson sphere are not actually needed (at each and every inhabited star at least). So yeah, we can be Chad and try to impress all other intelligent life by showing off cool structures that require high tech, but we we're unfortunate there will come a Super Chad and slap our girlfriends ass

>> No.9290398


>> No.9290407

Fine. Where are all the robots in our universe then?

>> No.9290521

Yes there is

Discovery of nuclear power is a great filter for instance. There will be more.

>> No.9290540

I do not think so, unless one sub-species remains we will constantly be at war with one another due to our own amygdala and self-preservation instinct taking precedence over our desire for growth.

>> No.9290545
File: 803 KB, 1280x1004, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great filter?

>> No.9290837

You should watch this guy's TedX talk if you want to see a peak IFLscience-tier human.

>> No.9290849

>Are we going to make it?
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>> No.9290874

>OP doesn't understand the great filter
>none of the people replying understand the great filter
>a simple problem that could be solved with a google search, but nobody does
epic thread :)

>> No.9290884

faggots who think humanity will transcend need to realize that to get past the filter requires abandoning our humanity.
Frankly, fuck that. I would rather be a comfy dumb chad than a smart lonely non-human virgin.
Oh. That, and humanity by nature is pretty shitty, escaping our humanity will only get rid of our redeeming qualities so good fucking luck with that :P

Transhumanists BTFO

>> No.9290897

Progress comes at the cost of tradition and culture. Too much progress and not enough tradition/culture is why society is rapidly decaying into a culture-less open-anuses degenerate shit-hole. Pop-scientists everywhere, no one who cares about the virtuous life.

>> No.9290902

THEY SAID: "Don't make TV's, it will dumb down the population"
THEY SAID: "Don't make computers, no one will use them to get smarter"
THEY SAID: "Don't make hand-held computers"

Why didn't we listen?

>> No.9290905

This is actually a pretty good litums test for wife material.
The girls that don't take selfies are probably quite smart, furthermore, if everyone else takes a selfie and they don't, then they aren't one of those dumb whores who does what every other whore is doing at the time.

>> No.9290909

why is their pants so low?
They gay or something?

>> No.9290912

That's actually pretty clever anon.
So, use our weaknesses in such a way that they are our strengths?

>> No.9290915
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>> No.9290917

well if this thread is any indication I would say we are fucked

>> No.9290918

>as opposed to constantly re-interpreting a bible and then arguing/schisming/arguing/repeat ad nauseum.
>arguing/schisming/arguing/repeat ad nauseum.
holy shit, the church accidentally created the sicentific theorem. The secret was just figuring out how to structure human mind-fighting.

>> No.9290922

unfortunately it works to the benefit of big gov to utilize morons that are easily persuaded by gibs.

>> No.9290925

dyson spheres are impractical, and would break too easily. Even a crack would destry the entire thing due to keppler syndrome. Only low-IQ brainlets with a pensions for imagination believe that shit is even feasible.

>> No.9290926

Jews are to the white man as the white man is to kangs.

>> No.9290927

that pic is worthy of ylyl, it made me kek a bit.

>> No.9290932
File: 380 KB, 457x340, 1502749941910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not index, that is monster musume.
>Snek-gril is preddy hawt :^3
>looking forward to the trans-genist movement to come, when i can finally be the shepherd of 1 hot ewe (´・ω・`)

>> No.9290939

Was the dyson sphere an example or r u retard

>> No.9290955

>automation and the centralization of capital in god-entrepreneurs is good for everyone

>> No.9290976
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>> No.9291046

What a fucking racist ideology disguised as scientific thought. Do some research and actually try to challenge your racist thoughts rather than sitting them out in front of everyone. I don't have the patience to go through all of your points but I will refute some of them and give you the blue prints to challenge the rest yourself.

Look and Indian and Chinese birthrates and tell me if they're over whites in the US by a considerable amount. Look at the resource utilization per capita and also look at the sustainabilty index for India. It has some of the most nature friendly habits in the world. For a country trying to rapidly industrialize because they couldn't due to the benevolent white man's rule, that's amazing. "they" don't have a defined set of morals any more than any white country. And certainly none of their vices are hardwired into their genes.

>> No.9291051

The great filter is behind us? It's much more reasonable to assume that intelligence is a rare trait for life to evolve than it is believe that a magical "filter" lies in wait ready to destroy any blossoming civilization.

>> No.9291054

brainlets wont make it im afraid

>> No.9291073
File: 335 KB, 439x525, 1478862082663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out, filthy globalist

>> No.9291075

Good goy! Work for the collective! Extinguish individual thought!

>> No.9291316

full automation will lead to a communistic world. If there is no work left, how would you assign debt or wealth? You cant.

communism right now is still shit and fascism

>> No.9291489

Great filter isn't real.

>> No.9291828

Only if we genetically and/or technologically modify ourselves into super beings and remove all individuality (hive-mind)

>> No.9291924

All questions lead to the same conclusion. Amerindians have showed a higher development rate compared to europeans. In other words, all eurangutans living in Americas have to get wiped out for replacing superior beings.

>> No.9291930

>it would be great if x person fixed everything
Brainlet detected.

>> No.9291939
File: 195 KB, 1180x787, kim-jong-un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kim senpai will nuke us all

>> No.9292206
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, captain america thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americas have to get wiped out for replacing superior beings.
You're not superior if you get wiped out.

>> No.9292223

So you support european replacement?

>> No.9292224

Just gotta build friendly robots to handle it.

>> No.9292242
File: 111 KB, 900x948, 1479644508178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but some edgelords on YouTube told me capitalism and liberalism were the answers to all man's ills. T-they called me a cuck when I questioned them and accused me of being complicit in the destruction of the Great White Civilization. Are you sure you're not just an emotional Marxist cuck? Globalism makes absolutely no sense to me. I don't understand how "working together" ever solved anything. Look at evolution! Look at evolution! Survival of the fittest, right? We should be competing! Rand said so!

>> No.9292246

So we could keep asking the same question and get a different answer. Because THAT question and THAT answer combo, is forever a shifting 'interpretation' that proves, "YOU ARE NOT DEAD."

>> No.9292254

honestly they are just taking pictures, literally women being women
it's like being mad at a dog for pissing with his leg up, he doesn't know any better

>> No.9292377

>Type 123 civilization
Horrible meme
Our best hope is to achieve holistic self consciousness by understanding life and having the computational power to do something new like ecological cybernetics or something.
Imho we understood life better on average 10,000 years ago

>> No.9292389

But the thing is you don't really need cybernetics because healthy ecosystems do it by themselves. Of course it will be needed in the quest to make earth habitable again but that's a different story, I think literacy is our biggest barrier