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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9285606 No.9285606 [Reply] [Original]

>Majoring in CS
>go to /sci/
>constant threads and posts shitting on CS 24/7
>"CS is for brainlets, autism, etc."
What the fuck is it with this profound hatred for CS? Is CS legitimately bad or is there some hidden jealousy?

>> No.9285617

>What the fuck is it with this profound hatred for CS?
No one hates CS. If you browse this board enough you'll find that at least 50% of this board knows how to program and has at least read some literature into CS. In my case, I am a math major but I got my CLRS sitting right next to me and I have both Matlab and Codeblocks open right now. And I love reading into the new developments in CS.

What I hate, and what a lot of people here hate, not computer science itself but "computer scientists". That means the people who study computer science. That really bothers me about them is that they are really ignorant of math (and even CS, just browse /g/) but they pride themselves as geniuses because they cracked fizzbuzz.

Basically, CS people have the worse kind of autism. The Rick and Morty kind of autism. The kind of autism that makes you completely retarded, but at the same time completely unaware of how retarded you are and even tricks you into thinking you are actually a superior human being.

>> No.9285624

Every major gets shit on in /sci/. I also see people making fun of mathematics, engineering, and physics majors

>> No.9285630

Chemistry master major, only stem that has never been shit on in the history of 4chan.

>> No.9285649

CS isn't bad. As a matter of fact, it's a very good field to be in right now. I have a feeling a lot of the skepticism/ hate for CS comes from the fact that many people majoring in CS are basement dwelling videogame virgins. Another point, that somewhat relates to the former, is that many CS students are highly unqualified. They will end up memorizing instead of understanding or straight up cheat their way through college. CS is treated like a meme because many of the people in CS are a meme.

t. CS Major

>> No.9285650

>Oh look at me all I did for 4 years was draw hexagons and now I call myself a "scientist"
>I'm a chemist and I am such a genius for being able to balance equations. What? It is just basic "linear algebra"? What is a linear algebra?
>I'm a chemist and I'm such a genius for being able to predict and deduce reaction mechanisms. Wait, what do you mean by "organic reactions all follow a fixed set of possible moves and there is less complexity in a reaction than in solving a Rubik's cube"? What do you mean by cube, is that a type of hexagon?

>> No.9285654

>And yes, by the way, i DO have a hexagon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.9286808

Most people just want to "code", I have no problems with CS students who actually want to do computer science.

>> No.9286812
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There are fucking hundreds of threads on this topic. Learn to use the archives.

>> No.9286829


>> No.9286962

I don't really know what "computer science" is. I'm a programmer - self taught by just diving in and mucking about for years. I'm okay at programming; not great, but I can accomplish pretty much anything that needs to be accomplished and make it above adequate, and I can even polish things pretty nicely given time.

I can't do math beyond algebra to save my life, though. Post-Geometric Trig and all of Calc may as well be arcane runes of wizardry to me. I'm also fairly sure that "post geometric trig" is a phrase that makes no sense, so I'll instead specify that I can competently work triangles and circles and all other basic shapes and their relationships to each other and all of that, but I have no idea what the tools I'm using mean or do. What the fuck is a sine or a cosine? I don't know. A tangent is the straight-line trajectory of an object that's being swung in an arc, but math is abstract and doesn't move so there's no trajectory so what the fuck does the TAN button do? No clue.

But I like working with programming. Programming is easy as fuck and perfect for brainlets like me. I don't feel "smart" or "superior", but I don't need to. I just need to be productive, earn my money, and keep my nose down and life my life.

>> No.9286966


>> No.9287069

You never see sci male fun of geologists or geophysicists.

>> No.9287110
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>> No.9287117

>rocks and wave-rock duality
Kys you meme majors

>> No.9287119

/g/ hates CS btw.

>> No.9287122

But that post is bullshit, and has been debunked almost every time it was posted. The guy who made those statements doesn't study cs and is just pulling stuff out of his ass.

>> No.9287123

Because /g/ are CS dropouts

>> No.9287131

Threads filled with butthurt math students making shit up, and promply being debunked, is your answer to why CS is hated?

>> No.9287144

CS is to /sci/ as the US flag is to /int/
Everyone shits on them, but in reality it's entirely out of envy.

>> No.9287158

>CS is to /sci/ as the US flag is to /int/
This is true.
>Everyone shits on them, but in reality it's entirely out of envy.
This is not true. They're shitting on them, because both americans and CS students are dumb, pretensious cunts with unwarranted superiority complex.

>> No.9287174

This was kindof funny, but honestly just so ignorant. You probably saw some dumbass premed trying to remember the difference between SN1 and SN2 and think everything fits into nice categories. Go look at 3 dimensional reaction coordinates, hammet plots, eyring plots, bronsted plots, solvent effects, stereochemistry, regiochemistry, and kinetic vs thermodynamic product concentrations and let me know how simple organic reactions function through. Not to mention as soon as you've added a transition metal as a catalyst, literally everything about the mechanism changes. But you're right, chemists are ignorant of math and simpleton brainlets who only draw hexagons.

>> No.9287177

>3 dimensional reaction coordinates, hammet plots, eyring plots, bronsted plots, solvent effects, stereochemistry, regiochemistry, and kinetic vs thermodynamic product concentrations
What do you mean by these, are they types of hexagons?

>> No.9287185

Yes, how did you know? Probably some dumb compsci brainlet who uses acid to help him pick out "patterns." Probably why you so easily spot hexagons.

>> No.9287194
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>wave-rock duality

>> No.9287204

CS majors= The virgin who isn’t that smart but thinks he’s smart
Math Majors= The chad who can be successful in any class and bullies non math majors.

>> No.9287218

Cs majors make the most money, and America is the wealthiest country.

Oh you're right, the world rewards dumb people with loads of money, that's totally how reality works

>> No.9287240

In most unis CS program is a mixture of coding and theoretical computer science. The latter is cool and involves a fair amount of math. The former, however, is a source of attraction for obnoxious people and is considered somewhat easier than other science majors.

>> No.9287272

At least you're not doing something because someone told you (not) to.

Most of these drop out or go for coding bootcamps tho.

There aren't very many of these in my class. Hardly any gamers, only one obese kid. Most never even programmed before.

>> No.9287365
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Oh, cool, a CS thread on /sci/!

>> No.9287382


Let's think of it this way , you learn basic math basic and engineering logic and spend the rest of your time analyzing data structured and working on dinky projects. CS is not hard it just takes long to do the projects. Logic wise anyone who's graduated in physics engineering or math will blaze through it as well. CS is meant to be a filler for the brainlets that don't want to do/can't do engineering and just the minimum non applied math. Computer science itself can be considered a blue collar job. Lots of opportunity not much use of uni degree.

>studying CS last year at Caltech

>> No.9287390

Please do not compare my beloved CS with your shithole of a country

>> No.9287403

I thought cracking fizzbuzz just made you able to do your job at a basic level, maybe I'm just stupid.

>> No.9287455

chem is even a bigger joke than CS
physics is the only true science

>> No.9287465

CS programs are usually non-rigorous.
I've seen CS programs that don't require calculus to graduate ffs.
It might as well be a technical degree or trade school at this point.

>> No.9287467

>the amount of wealth people have actually correlates to their intelligence
Jesus, people still eat up this shit?

>> No.9287486


They pay you for your time, not for your "superior intelligence", literally everyone can be CS

>> No.9287507

Because CS students are so fucking dumb that they don't even know how to speak English properly. Coding is not the action of writing a program yet they constantly use it.

It is called programming for fucks sake. And until they start calling it that I won't respect them. The reason all the retarded other scientists who call it coding get a pass is because that isn't their primary area of study so it's some what acceptable. They're still retarded though.

>> No.9287508

Agreed, Jews are the superior race.

>> No.9287513

Who cares about those?

>> No.9287520

Ignore the memes

They're all just jealous that CS majors make more money than them, no joke

>> No.9287535

Keep lifing your life man.

>> No.9287658

>income has no correlation with intelligence

So you're saying CS people are the hardest working? thanks man!

Which white ethnic group has the most nobel prizes again?

>> No.9287677

>Which white ethnic group has the most nobel prizes again?


I think you meant to say "In proportion to their population".

>> No.9287686

gentile isn't an ethnic group, jewish is. Obviously I'm referring to European Jews because the rest of them are basically Arabs.

>> No.9287693

Gentile is an ethnic group.

It means non-Jewish white.

>> No.9288134

No, it's completely accurate. The only debunks are >but muh 100K starting >but i and my classmates find induction so hard >your school is shit

>> No.9288139
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>> No.9288177

I'd make one of those for math if I was useless and had as much free time as a math major

>> No.9288197

Ey, who likes Theory of Computation?

>> No.9288204

>"computer scientists"
>That means the people who study computer science.


>> No.9288216

How's your autism doing these days?

>> No.9288225

I don't hate CS. I just hate when they call themselves engineers, especially if they are doing web dev or some other bullshit

>> No.9288237


>> No.9288247
File: 647 KB, 939x1045, cs discrete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mathematics Requirements in Computer Science
>While nearly all undergraduate programs in computer science include mathematics courses in their curricula, the full set of such requirements varies broadly by institution due to a number of factors. For example, whether or not a CS program is housed in a School of Engineering can directly influence the requirements for courses on calculus and/or differential equations, even if such courses include far more material in these areas than is generally needed for most CS majors. As a result, CS2013 only specifies mathematical requirements that we believe are directly relevant for the large majority of all CS undergraduates (for example, elements of set theory, logic, and discrete probability, among others). These mathematics requirements are specified in the Body of Knowledge primarily in the Discrete Structures (DS) Knowledge Area.

>We recognize that general facility with mathematics is an important requirement for all CS students. Still, CS2013 distinguishes between the foundational mathematics that are likely to impact many parts of computer science—and are included in the CS2013 Body of Knowledge—from those that, while still important, may be most directly relevant to specific areas within computing. For example, an understanding of linear algebra plays a critical role in some areas of computing such as graphics and the analysis of graph algorithms. However, linear algebra would not necessarily be a requirement for all areas of computing (indeed, many high quality CS programs do not have an explicit linear algebra requirement). Similarly, while we do note a growing trend in the use of probability and statistics in computing (reflected by the increased number of core hours on these topics in the Body of Knowledge) and believe that this trend is likely to continue in the future, we still believe it is not necessary for all CS programs to require a full course in probability theory for all majors.

>> No.9288263
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>The Computer Engineering Task Force makes the following recommendations with respect to the mathematical content of the computer engineering curriculum.
>Discrete structures: All students need knowledge of the mathematical principles of discrete structures and exposure to related tools. All programs should include enough exposure to this area to cover the core topics specified in the computer engineering body of knowledge.
>Differential and integral calculus: The calculus is required to support such computer engineering material as communications theory, signals and systems, and analog electronics and it is fundamental to all engineering programs.
>Probability and statistics: These related topics underpin considerations of reliability, safety, dependence, and various other concepts of concern to the computer engineer. Many programs will have students take an existing course in probability and statistics; some programs may allow some students to study less than a full semester course in the subject. Regardless of the implementation, all students should get at least some brief exposure to discrete and continuous probability, stochastic processes, sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, and correlation and regression, as specified in the computer engineering body of knowledge.
>Additional mathematics: Students should take additional mathematics to develop their sophistication in this area and to support classes in topics such as communications theory, security, signals and systems, analog electronics, and artificial intelligence. That mathematics might consist of courses in any number of areas, including further calculus, differential equations, transform theory, linear algebra, numerical methods, complex variables, geometry, number theory, or symbolic logic.

>> No.9288269
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>Software Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
>Software engineering makes little direct use of traditional continuous mathematics, although such knowledge may be necessary when developing software for some application domains as well as when learning statistics. Like computer science, software engineering makes use of discrete mathematical formalisms and concepts where necessary, such as when modeling the interactions and potential inconsistencies among different requirements and design solutions, modeling artifacts for test design, and modeling behavior for security analysis.
>Statistics also have a role in software engineering. Activities such as cost modeling and planning require an understanding of probability, and interpretation of the growing body of empirical knowledge similarly needs familiarity with issues such as significance and statistical power. In addition, the interactions of a software artifact with other system elements often leads to behavior that is nondeterministic and, hence, best described using statistical models. Because these are all applications of statistics and probability, a calculus-based treatment is not necessarily required.

SE = college algebra, discrete math, business stats
CS = precalculus, discrete math, business stats
CE = vector calculus, linear algebra, DEs, probability, Fourier transforms, discrete math, information theory, control theory, numerical analysis, etc

>> No.9288283

Do what I did. Double major in CS and math. Nobody can call you a brainlet now.

>> No.9288284

In reality they hate us because we make easy money and usually good money.

All you have to do is be a good programmer and have a decent amount of social skills, and there it is, with some effort you will be successful in the area.

The demand in our area is high, and autists do math and work their asses of to in the end become a software developer like us and earn an equal pay, if not less.

Don´t fall to a lot of memes here, if you put your mind in CS learn all that it is to learn, procedures standards you will be fine.

>> No.9288297

hate us cause they ain't us

It's really just the math majors and some engineers. literally every math major here will end up being a human calculator for either some insurance company or a professor much smarter than them who doesn't feel like checking their own work. The dumbest among them actually believe they'll make an impact on the field. Engineers are pretty much the same, except they have 0 chance for research and they're allowed an equations sheet.

>> No.9288300

This is stupid. My CS program covered a lot more math than even the CE courses you listed and we actually made use of it in different elective courses.

>> No.9288305

My CS program has linear algebra.

>> No.9288310

We have to take linear algebra, abstract algebra, combinatorics, graph theory, analysis, etc.

>> No.9288312

as does mine. You automatically get a math minor, and you only need six extra classes for a math degree (like analysis and useless bs like that)

>> No.9288316

>This is stupid. My CS program covered a lot more math than even the CE courses you listed and we actually made use of it in different elective courses.

Link to your school's curriculum page

>> No.9288318

>like analysis and useless bs like that
if you mean non-standard analysis, you fucking take that back. anyone using standard calculus is basically relying on fairy dust.

>> No.9288322

Oh i forgot, calculus formulas only work once you prove them XD

>> No.9288325

Theoretical CS is a real and respectable degree, it's just dogshit universities teaching a codemonkey degrees for moneychasing normies and hyper autistic """game designer""" wannabees that trash the reputation.

>> No.9288333

>i'll look up all the answers on muh cheat sheet

>> No.9288335
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>> No.9288340

Okay, maybe I took way more math than I had to, but we still needed linear algebra and up to what I think Americans call calculus III and ODEs. However, the thing with CS is it's still a young field and unregulated. You can tailor it to be as mathematically rigorous or code-monkey as you want. However, if you want to take any interesting electives or get into grad school, you need to load up on the math.

>> No.9288351

>integration by parts is impossible to remember without proving it

Maybe for retards in the math department

>> No.9288368

>is √k /2 ≤ (k+1)√k - k√(k+1) ≤ √(k+1) /2 true or not?

>> No.9288412

>hey remember at work last week when that function required us to answer whether √k /2 ≤ (k+1)√k - k√(k+1) ≤ √(k+1) /2 was true or not? yeah haha, good times

shit that has never, and will never happen for 500 you delusional faggot

>> No.9288442
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B-but programming is fun
I'll never have an A in calc anything but at least i'm doing what I like
you big meanies

>> No.9288472

t. Salty CS major who couldn't solve it.

>> No.9288483

t. Math math major that will be relegated to a life of teaching 3rd grades

>> No.9288505

I don't get that image.

>> No.9288511

Same. CS+EE works too but it's harder(too much projects)

>> No.9288532

>"computer scientists" - the people who study computer science
>They're ignorant of math but they consider themselves geniuses because they cracked fizzbuzz

That's a massive generalization that is really only true outside the CS industry and later academia. Most CS professionals and researchers understand things like algorithmic complexity and math related to CS. A big difference between CS and other Science/Engineering topics is that there are more simple and accessible areas of CS. This is because a large part of CS is simplification of complex processes for different audiences. Look at Operating Systems, Computer Networking, and other major CS fields and think about what the average person needs to know about those fields to benefit from them. Windows is an incredibly simple to use OS from a user perspective, but is an ungodly mess from a developer's perspective. When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, all you need to do is know the password and you can shitpost to your heart's content. You don't need to know anything like what frequency the WAP is on, what protocol it's using to connect you, etc. unless something goes wrong.

I'd argue that having a population of people like that is indicative of a healthy environment for CS. The people that wrote compilers/interpreters, OSs, and network stacks wrote them so that others didn't have to. You don't have to write x86 to use your PC, and you don't need to be an expert Android developer to use your phone. People that think they're hot shit for writing fizzbuzz are annoying sure, but CS is truly represented by those that enabled use of complex digital electronics for millions of people.

>> No.9288541

They're learning probability without calculus

>> No.9288542

>complex digital electronics
i was with you until this part. CSfags don't know shit about electronics. anyway, anything that the general public touches turns to shit. that's why i went into aerospace systems

>> No.9288549

Thanks for the chuckle, anon. Didn't even notice my typo until just now.

>> No.9288575

>CSfags don't know shit about electronics
Some do. It's probably a bit closer to the CompE line, but low-level development requires some understanding of digital logic. And yes, your average web developer doesn't understand jack shit about digital logic or anything close to OSs, but I think that is one of the coolest parts of CS. The field grows to a point where you can work within a subenvironment that doesn't need any significant knowledge of its platform. It's amazing that you can simply type a comment and click "Post", while the OS manages the network stack and sends this information to a huge internet backbone that routes this information to the server host.

>anything that the general public touches turns to shit
Why do you care about what the general public does with what you make? Of course people that don't know about your field will do stupid things. They either don't know or don't want to know because they have their own goals and decisions in life, whether it be working on the LHC or getting laid tomorrow. Other people have their own lives and you have yours. You can be just as equally ignorant of their life and their priorities/values.

>> No.9288587

>What do you mean by cube, is that a type of hexagon?

I love when comedians reference their earlier material. 10/10 anon.

>> No.9288622

I hate that I don't truly know how computers fuckin work and that a CS degree is supposedly not even gonna teach me how to program. I get that it's so complicated that nobody truly understands it all but yeah idk haha fuck. Like I know way more about computers than the average person but shit like if I did take computer science and lesson one was wtf is ram hurr durr wtf is a monitor.. I would shoot up the place but I have a feeling that a lot of CS guys might be the kinda guy to be like pfft do you even know what a capacitor is? Or would they even be that guy? What if they're like I know Python and all they can do is hello world

>> No.9288643

are u high

>> No.9288664

>CS degree won't teach you how to program
Absolutely wrong. Look at degree program planners for your local colleges/universities. All of them should have at least one class in programming in a specific programming language like C,C++,Java,Python, etc.

>I know way more about computers than the average person
That's not saying a whole lot.

>if I did take computer science and lesson one was wtf is ram hurr durr wtf is a monitor.. I would shoot up the place
CS degrees generally require a basic course on Computer Architecture, which includes those things, but with a bit more detail. Don't be upset about it, just take the easy A and use the time you would've spent learning that stuff on learning more about CS.

>a lot of CS guys might be the kinda guy to be like pfft do you even know what a capacitor is?
A lot of CS undergrads don't know anything about electronics. Most CS students don't have to take Circuits Analysis courses, as it doesn't normally relate to the higher-level computer applications that are dealt with in CS, as opposed to the lower-level hardware stuff in CompE.

>What if they're like I know Python and all they can do is hello world
That's many first-year CS undergrads. Most universities have tougher classes the 1st and 2nd years though, so most of those people drop quick during that time.

>> No.9288686

>web developer
>one of the coolest parts of CS
lol what

>general public
their influence leads to bad design decisions. essentially you have to optimize for user stupidity at the expense of more important factors, which is intolerable to me

>wtf is a monitor
>Computer Architecture
lol what

>> No.9288704

>>web developer
>>one of the coolest parts of CS
>lol what
I didn't say that. I said that the coolest part of CS is that it spins off individual subfields that require a fairly small subset of CS knowledge. Mostly how CS incrementally expands the Information Technology field as human needs grow.

>their influence leads to bad design decisions. essentially you have to optimize for user stupidity at the expense of more important factors, which is intolerable to me
Fair enough. There are plenty of areas of CS where you don't have to develop for non-CS people though. You can do DevOps, Computer/Network Security, Sysadmin, etc.

>>wtf is a monitor
>>Computer Architecture
>lol what
At my university at least, we had two Computer Architecture courses. One was a much higher-level introductory course that covered computer components and how they interacted and basic stuff like that. The other was a lower-level course that built from logic gates to how a processor executes instructions at a logical level.

>> No.9288712

How do you major in cs go?

>> No.9288719

You fucked up the format. The guy on the left is supposed to be the assblasted one.

>> No.9288721

>Computer/Network Security, Sysadmin
these people have to optimize for user stupidity more so than maybe anyone else. wtf are you talking about

>> No.9288738

>these people have to optimize for user stupidity more so than maybe anyone else. wtf are you talking about
In Computer/Network Security? You can do pentesting and abuse user stupidity. But you can certainly analyze system security without user interaction.

Sysadmin work at a large enough company is literally just keeping servers up and running and deploying new servers. Then you hand the keys to the developers/customer service and tell them to deal with customers.

>> No.9288764

In my country Computer science involves maths (calculus, algebra, logic, number theory, group theory) while there Applied computing is basically computer science without the maths (it gets replaced with some other compute related modules such as physical computing).
I share classes with the Applied computing students and from what I could tell they are some of the biggest brainlets around

>> No.9288865
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>> No.9289265

It's free as in freedom.

>> No.9289368

Don't fret, OP. It's just math, physics, and pre-engineering undergrads being math, physics, and pre-engineering undergrads.

>> No.9289622

you seem mad that chemistry is pleb tier

>> No.9289647

Yeah because it speaks for itself.
"I like rock hurr durr"

"My first blowjob was from a rock"

Geology was a mistake.