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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9280088 No.9280088 [Reply] [Original]

Why are fucking all commies gifted at fucking sciences. Almost every russian I know either is in STEM or has a masters in STEM.And I know a lot of them. A friend of mine is russian and doesn't even bother with lectures, and he still does better than 90% of our class Seriously are russians mini asians or something? Are they even human?

>> No.9280094

Idk man, I know a dumbass Russian stoner chick doing comp sci and acing every course despite never doing homework, her brother is an electrical engineer at intel and her sister is a working financial analytics.

>> No.9281304

they have had a strong lineage of great thinkers and during the communism days they were far superior at identifying and cultivating talent than the west

>> No.9281312

Type in "meanwhile in russia" on YouTube.

>> No.9281342

Math education in Russia is pretty strong iirc
That goes a long way to inspire gifted and average people to go into STEM.

>> No.9281569

>Being smart
>Don´t know history

URSS was almost a technocracy, socialism ensured smart people were teaching at a very low income thus spreading knowledge more easily to people in college, but this does not mean they had more gifted people, after all USA competed along with them and a lot of times surpassed them(They did not actually discover how to make atomic bombs they stole the knowledge from US)

URSS was a very antic state, most of the country was backwards and not technological at all.

While they were expending 80% of their budget to compete with US, US was doing other shit with their budget, and basically installing "democracy" in the world.

This is so wrong in so many ways
>Socialism better at identifying talent then capitalism

Like I said, they were expending a lot of their money on that, and just to barely catch up with US in the atomic field. And with US surpassing in every other area(not to mention periods of starvation)

This is relatively true, a small minority go to STEM though

>> No.9281620

Their math education is several grades ahead cause they don't coddle their kids or do the noone left behind theater. In that manner they are similiar to the asians in mentality. It's do or die and nobody cares about the losers.

>> No.9281652


Technocratic states always force technical education in the beleif that scientists and engineers make better leaders and politicians than do lawyers. Iran also has an extremely large enginnering sector, for the same basic reason (the country is run by engineers so naturally they think engineering is important)

>> No.9281753

Books like Gelfand is standard curriculum, while americans don't even get to calculus until well into university

>> No.9281766

I read somewhere that since physics and math is completely apolitical, and since most types of free thought and expression were repressed, then brilliant minds flocked to these subjects, hence a larger selection from which a few can excel.

>> No.9281817

there's nothing else to do in russia besides drink and read books

>> No.9281846

Well into? Most STEM curriculums begin their math freshman year at Calc 1. I personally came into college with knowledge up to Calc 3. Math education is pretty bad here, but it's not THAT bad

>> No.9281895

I heard some math majors have to do some preliminary stuff before they can even start calc I. In UK (and other places in Europe too), we start analysis in day 1.

>> No.9281913

We start calc I at 16 maximum in the UK.

>> No.9281939

your honest opinion who is superstar

>> No.9281963

>Russians studying at a foreign University

They're different than the ones back home.

>> No.9281993

I like how you are so insecure you think my point was that communism is better than capitalism, neat reading comprehension. Additionally socialism /= communism. Go back to pol with your retardation.

>> No.9282166

>since physics and math is completely apolitical
umm sweety...


>> No.9282178

God Is Not Great, Religion Poisons Everything

burgers are superstitious mouth breathers, might as well have a bone in their nose

>> No.9282185

is this actually a thing? I don't know any Russians because I'm antisocial

>> No.9282193

Industriousness and intellect of the Asians with the creativity of whites, and the badassery of the steppe people.

>> No.9282212

I has heard that grigori Perelman's mother wished that her children would be mathematically educated as she believed it was a noble academic pursuit.

In contrast in the west it is considered a badge of honour to lack mathematical insight

>> No.9283360

I guess you should better your reading comprehension...

>Why are fucking all commies gifted at fucking sciences.

Relatively with who? so I guess US because it was their main rival

So I procede to explain why they have so many mathematics compared to US, and how it is just perceived that way because they expend a fucking ton of money just to compete with US, and how wages were lower therefore easier to spread knowledge.

> Additionally socialism /= communism

If you are going to play like that your comment is incorrect as fuck since the beginning, there are not commies as communism never was implanted(if you don´t take in consideration the shit show in Spain).

USSR was a socialist state trying to be communist, they failed before that.

And one more thing, I did not answered only you, there was a guy saying Socialism was better at finding talent then capitalism, I showed him as well.

You basically is trying to pick up parts of my comment to win and disregarding the rest

>> No.9283365

>gifted in science
>technologically backward
Uh, anon...

>> No.9283371

North Korea is communist (or at least it used to be) but it isn't too great at math/science

>> No.9283398

They have been juche instead of marxist since 1977 according to themselves. Too bad Juche is a non-ideology.

>> No.9283403

What the fuck have most of them done

>> No.9283409

STEM is a joke. humanities and art are superior to the filth of making machines, doing lab work, helping people with the two, and being a slave to machines.

>> No.9283442
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Dude you added on a bunch of non sequitur shit about capitalism vs communism, when all the op was asking is why in his experience russian nationals or those of russian parentage seem to be skilled in stem. I posited that a factor could be that they have a strong lineage of great thinkers which is demonstrably true, and that in former russian communist society they put great effort into identifying talent.

The hilarious part is that even if this was a debate about capitalism and communism and their respective impacts on intellectualism, you would still be wrong as the US famously cannibalized the intellectual talent from europe during and following WW2. Stop going on 4chan looking for arguments.

>> No.9283452

Mean parenting and highly deterministic society. And poor social skills brought on by overall shitty society.

>> No.9283454

They live on a continent with 3 fucking billion people

>> No.9283461


>> No.9283470

t.liberal arts major

>> No.9283486

you could be a doctor and I would still spit on your post-doc education

>> No.9283532
File: 480 KB, 606x435, 3843-004-E9DA70FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously are russians mini asians or something?

>> No.9283556

Why is kazakhstan so big?

>> No.9283564

>Seriously are russians mini asians or something?
they're actually a lot taller than other asians

>> No.9283623

Nigga, its 9th largest country in the world.
t. kazakh

>> No.9283779

Full of empty space, just like russia.

>> No.9284044
File: 104 KB, 376x309, 1510161780847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of amerimongrel education