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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9283347 No.9283347 [Reply] [Original]

>got a B in Calc II on first try

>> No.9283421

>I need to ace the next two exams to get a B in Physical Chemistry
Why is life so hard

>> No.9283440

I'm hoping for an A, but i'm a little off the wagon mid semester. Am i retarded? Voluminous solids created by rotation broke my brain. I went from a perfect score to barely a B. Wtf

>> No.9283465

B+ On first try
Sorry kid, but youre a brainlet

>> No.9283480
File: 9 KB, 531x354, Math Notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently in Calc 2 at Appalachian State. If you really apply yourself in mathematics, you can almost always finish the class with an A

>> No.9283677
File: 284 KB, 650x581, 1470864688514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acing my trig class while all you brainlets struggle to get by LOL get on my level.

>> No.9283690

Not everyone has the same strengths when it comes to math. It's common for students to excel in one year and struggle in the next.

>> No.9283695

Whatever you gotta say to make yourself feel better, brainlet

>> No.9283703
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>bragging about not being smart enough to get an A in Calc II

>> No.9283732
File: 556 KB, 2753x2718, 1496342065995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got an A in every calc class, diff eq, and linear algebra
Dropped math major to do something worth my time: physics.

>> No.9283741
File: 2 KB, 114x125, 1510172472869s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't do my math homework in calc |
I'm gonna walk myself out.

>> No.9283770

>got an A in Calc I
>got an A in Calc III
>got a C in Calc II

Some teachers are fucking assholes.

>> No.9283775

I got a C in calc II cuz I'm a brainlet
I definitely could've done better
I need to stop being a brainlet

>> No.9283855

What the fuck is a "trig class"? They teach you how to count to Pi?

>> No.9284050

we'll talk when you get A+ on the Honors Calculus 2 course from a top 10 uni

>> No.9284271

Nice. Theyre trying to weed me out but im not gonna give. I need to level up.

>> No.9284575

My north carilinan

>> No.9284606

i need to get a 70 on my next exam and on the final to barely pass my ODE's + Linear class, i really want to pass!!! I don't wanna fail!!!

>> No.9284625
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I have a 98% in my calc2 class right now but I think its just because my professor dumbed the class down for engineers. not even memeing here

>> No.9284655

My calc professor's grading scale works as follows

3 tests and a final. Not including the final, your highest test score is doubled.

This means, if you get a 59 every single test, you will pass the class with a 73, or a C sufficient to award you credit.

>> No.9284693

This, I do the bare minimum homework required for the tutorials and I've never finished below an A for any of my math classes.

>> No.9284695

>A in Calc I
>A in Calc II
>Calc III currently, 100 on first exam

B isn't terrible but it's really nothing to brag about

>> No.9284725


I got 88, the heil hitler number. This doesn’t mean anything though, as I don’t use this knowledge often I don’t remember much. Statistics has been a lot more useful for me desu and is something I deal with all the time in upper level courses and work

>> No.9284737

>got a 97 in calc 2 first try
>Get to college
>Start drinking and smoking weed
>Start getting pussy for the first time in my life
>Need to drop discrete mathematics and linear algebra because I was about to fail
Substances and succubi are horrible for scientific progression. I said I was gonna stop but I've been hanging out with new chicks every night and I smoked a g today along with trying whippets for the first time. I need to isolate myself but now after doing so many drugs I get anxious when alone.

>> No.9284741

I got a C+

Was proud of myself. 3/4 of the starting class dropped and I'm a brainlet.

>> No.9284743
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you faggots really dick-measuring with grades? I thought the IQ threads were bad, holy fuck

>> No.9284746

lol. you need some speed to succeed.

>> No.9284747


i am high everyday pal and doing well in s stem degree. you need to integrate your drug abuse into your life better. smoking weed shouldn’t stop you from learning things unless all you do while high is be worthless. get some uppers to help focus and some downers to take the edge off after. this might backfire terribly, only proceed if you hate yourself

>> No.9284760

I'm taking Physics 2: Electric Boogaloo right now. We're having 4 exams, no final, that are worth ~40% of the grade. The other 60% is homework (which hasn't been assigned for two months), and quizzes which are piss easy, and to top it off, a C is 60+ instead of 70+.
I think my professor is going easy like that to compensate for the fact that he's not very good at teaching though.

>> No.9284761

Cuz that shit is retarded.
t. Currently on chapter 5 of Atkins and still relatively clueless

>> No.9284762

Whippets are the dumbest shit. You should quit before you reach full sunshine level, my man.


>> No.9284769

I got a fucking A+ in both Calc I and Calc II skipped Calc III and am currently taking Differential Equations. What's so tough about Calc II my dude?

>> No.9285046

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