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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9281656 No.9281656 [Reply] [Original]

>School name doesn't matter

>> No.9281669

>IQ doesn't matter

>Hard work beats intelligence

>There's someone out there for everyone

>All races are equal

>> No.9281677

>Hard work beats intelligence.
This is true even for science

>> No.9281689

>my supr speshul brand of metaphysical rationalization of reality is true
>"soul" and "conscousness" exist
>many-memes interpretationis true
>imaginary numbers exist

>> No.9281707

>god is real

>> No.9281709

>religion is stupid

>> No.9281714

Actually it's nepotism > grades > skill

>> No.9281736

>grades > skill
Not when it matters (after high school)

>> No.9281744

>there is no A in STEAM

>> No.9281748

Not even brainlets believe this garbage.
You have to be absolutely braindead or brown.

>> No.9281750

t. has never done anything (original even) outside a textbook

>> No.9281751

intelligence > skill > nepotism > grades

>> No.9281760
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>skill > nepotism

>> No.9281921
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>> No.9281949

>IQ doesn't matter
A subjective quality that is not yet fully defined that can be quantified by different methods none of them scientifically proven. IQ tests evaluate not only logic and spatial awareness but knowledge too, which is acquired and is not a property of your brain. So IQ doesn't really matter that much.

>> No.9281957

>women are equivalent in all sectors too men

>> No.9281964

That was a lot of words just to say you're coping because you're unintelligent.

>> No.9281966

>women are actually men

>> No.9282012

Women in xxxxx programs are totally gonna encourage more women to apply and keep the competition fairer!

>> No.9282014

Past an IQ of ~120 the chance a person is going to get a Nobel prize is even.

>> No.9282038

>I can study later.

>> No.9282067

Only brainlets study weeks before. You should be continuously learning, nit churning and memorizing shit.

>> No.9282102
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>any degree is a good degree

>> No.9282105

How does one catch up once they've fucked themselves over may I inquire?

>> No.9282106

>Hard work beats intelligence
It honestly depends.
In STEM, intelligence beats hard work
In Business, hard work beats intelligence

>> No.9282153

You get a nice book, learn by yourself, surpass most of your class (not that hard with the right resources and working hard) and do the same since the beginning for next semester.

>> No.9282229

lmao good luck passing your exams with intelligence having never practices actually solving problems. I understood calculus at age 9 when my father explained it to me, that doesnt mean I was capable of solving anything.

>> No.9282383

>Hard work beats intelligence
If you're not willing to put in the hard work, intelligence means jack shit. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that just because you have a high IQ you're destined for success.

>> No.9282418

Classic 4chan mixing signals like crazy

>> No.9282419

>Hard work beats intelligence
it's true you retard lmao

>> No.9282553


brainlets will never know what its like to focus on learning new things instead of spending countless hours in the library to get a B

>> No.9282572

Unless youre going to a state school it doesnt
In the next 5 years the ivies are gonna ban whites from entering or graduating so have fun with that I guess

>> No.9282575

>CS is a science
>CS is hard
>CS will get you any job other than a braindead codemonkey
>CS majors will ever get a girlfriend or have friends

>> No.9282587

a BS in a state school and than a masters and phd in an ivy league is the best thing to do m8.
t.rutgers and Princeton student

>> No.9282590

/pol/ tier plebian

>> No.9282658

Honestly this. Do they not realize they're lying to themselves when someone can outscore them without any studying after they studied for a week?

>> No.9282688

>hard work beats intelligence

Intelligent people work hard. People would fail for the, "effortless genius" meme are the kids that ace their high school math classes and then become a business major when the math gets too hard for a STEM career.

>> No.9282733
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I know this is bait, but I just have to say,
you have to go back

>> No.9282765

>hard work is a function of free will

>> No.9282782

>a degree won't make you more money
>higher education isn't worth the cost
>people in trades make as much as those with degrees and professional careers

>> No.9282839

Wring board anon

>> No.9282851

what the FUCK did he mean by this

>> No.9282862

>all races are equal
>you can be a decent human being without being /fit/

>> No.9282863

>/pol// isnt the smartest board
>traps arent gay
>women and fat people are human beings
>all races are equal

>> No.9282868

>suicide is not the right solution to every single of your problems

>> No.9283501

>Hard work beats intelligence

have fun failing first year of uni you high school fedora

>> No.9283509

Nothing wrong with any of those statements. The times are changing, gramps

>> No.9283680

Repetition over several days is key to memorizing things and being able to recall them at will.

>> No.9283717

Why do most science and engineering majors end up doing software engineering? lol

Even worse, math majors end up spending and additional 40k on coding bootcamps

>> No.9283725

I thought school name doesn't matter when you have a state uni degree vs ivy.

Ofc if you're going to some online school like university of Phoenix then school name matters. The only reason to be going to ivies is for job connections/better internship experiences.

>> No.9283782

This is a good way to fail classes since the styles your professor will use for problems will be from a radically different source.

>> No.9283785

I don't think that's a problem, the problem is whether it's the same material the prof is gonna concentrate on, you could spend hours learning some bullshit that you're not even being tested
But it's good to learn whatever

>> No.9283789

t. brainlet

>> No.9283798

This, the retads suggesting Spivak andthe wiki have probobly caused countless people to fail their classes

>I don't know stratagys to solve integrals with trig substitutions but at least I can prove that the formula given to me on the test is true

>> No.9283809

His argument still stands
You mostly need "hard work" to be successful in uni, not intelligence

>> No.9283812

Predictable shitpost. Expected from an actual brainlet.

>> No.9284036

>correlation != causation
Niggers who got the Nobel prize have large IQs because they acquired knowledge through hard work and study. They applied that knowledge using a combination of learned logic and natural affinity.

IQ isn't static. It doesn't measure your natural god-given potential. If you have a low IQ it means you're a lazy fuckup. And if you have a high IQ it doesn't automatically mean you'll be worth shit.

>> No.9284043

this but unironically
nobody gives a shit about intelligence unless other people can gain benefits from it.

>> No.9284434

I don't think my Bachelors was worth the 230k approx my parents paid for.

>> No.9284443
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>ITT: Lies brainlets tell themselves
>Hard work beats intelligence
You say
>His argument still stands: You mostly need "hard work" to be successful in uni, not intelligence
You're the brainlet here, kiddo

>> No.9284448
File: 76 KB, 648x679, average economics major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economics is a shit degree

>> No.9284479

>most smart people are troubled, lonely souls with substance addictions.

>> No.9284557

> Implying Trump actually knows or cares about academic economics.

>> No.9284599

Considering the average increase in lifetime earnings for someone with a bachelor's is around a million dollars more than high school graduates I'd say it probably is.

>> No.9284621


>> No.9284632

>hard work needs to work hand in hand with intelligence

>> No.9284639

So how do actual smart guys make it then?

>> No.9285064

You're right, IQ isn't static, it can decrease as you age, but it can't increase. Hard work will only make you efficient at the specific task you're practicing, but it won't make you better overall.

For example, a person with no mathematical affinity works hard to understand integration by memorizing formula and doing many practice questions.
He is sometime later presented with a problem that could be solved with integration, but that is not outright stated and would require some clever mathematical tricks and proofs.
Would the brainlet be able to solve that problem? No, because while it does require mastery of the skill he practiced it also requires a healthy amount of the fluid intelligence he lacks, and which is required in the worthwhile spots in STEM.

>> No.9285130

>Hard work beats intelligence

Get the fuck out of here you mong. This is absolutely true.

>> No.9285280

>believing anything said on /sci/ is smart

>> No.9285281

You can study for an IQ test and improve your results.

>> No.9285294

Yes and if you do this the result will not be as reliable. However, it does not follow that IQ tests are therefore broken.

>> No.9285705

But it does mean can get better at solving certain types of problems, so your original point doesn't stand.

>> No.9285719

>pol is redpilled

>> No.9285728

>believing anything said on 4chan is smart

Also check my dubs

>> No.9285736

there is always a parth where you can chose i dont know in an iq test.
how many of you really click the i dont know option when you really dont know ?
a normal person would click either option of abcd because that gives him 25% of chance of hitting the correct answer instead of zero. but if he manages to hit it and get a higer iq does that even mean shit ? or is that the very point of these tests to realize that a 25% chance is still better than zero dummy ? which is it ?

>> No.9285756

But you can still learn and get better at solving problems, no?

>> No.9285774

sure. but how does that answer my question ?

>> No.9285776
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This anon almost had it
this goi is right

The rest of (((you)))
> confusing knowledge with wisdom
> doesn't realize intelligence is just cognitive perception. If added with knowledge it is just basically wisdom
Brainlets >>>/x/

>> No.9285787

You can get better at solving a specific set of problems, which is useless in STEM which requires connecting theoretical knowledge to new novel problems using raw spatial intelligence and pattern recognition. (No, getting good at Raven's Matrices doesn't mean you got better pattern recognition, it means you got better at Raven's Matrices).

>> No.9285789

Problem-solving is a skill that can be developed. Your example is really bad. I agree that being below a certain IQ makes it nearly impossible to come up with something groundbreaking or solve, say, a millenium prize problem, but you can absolutely master calculus and use it to solve problems of the type you mentioned with an average intelligence and hard work.

>> No.9285797

Problem solving can't be developed unless you're talking about very specific repetitive problems, as that implies fluid intelligence can be improved which has been proven wrong. Let's be real here, you're not gonna find a Google engineer with 100 IQ who worked hard, probably not even 120 IQ.

>> No.9285875

>I understood calculus at age 9 when my father explained it to me, that doesnt mean I was capable of solving anything.
sounds like you didn't

>> No.9285912

But can't you get better at connecting new information to existing information?

>> No.9285920
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Not true. Pic related is a good example of how problem solving skills can be developed.

>> No.9285929

This. Neuroscientifically, adult neurogenesis is a myth and affects only your hippocampus that is responsible for storing information. Once past a certain age, usually 16, you're unable to improve your intelligence or problem solving skills.

>> No.9285939

ive been looking for a pdf of this for a long time and cant find it. can you help?

>> No.9285952

Try libgen

>> No.9285966

i want someone to answer this question for me

>> No.9285976

jesus you're a retard lmao
calculate the probability of getting 3 answers right by chance
and it's not 25%, most IQ test give you 8 answers

>> No.9285988

abcd 4 answers. i thought 25% of 100 was 1/4...
but whatever lets say its 8 than theres a 15% chance of hitting an answer to a question you dont really know rather than just hitting "i dont know". but that wasnt the issue of my question.
now we have established that m a brainlet idiot can you please answer the other parts of my question ?

>> No.9286686

That's an outdated view. Your brain can change throughout your entire lifetime.

>> No.9286761

By working just enough for intelligence to be able to compensate for lack of work
Actual "lazy but smart" people have it down to an art form

>> No.9286771


>Working just enough

And how exactly do you quantify "working just enough" anon? Relative to others that "just enough" can be equivalent to hard work by others.

No matter how you slice it work is involve which means one has to apply themselves to achieve even if they are geniuses.

>> No.9286820

Yes, which was my point previously. If you do nothing no intelligence will do anything for you, but you don't have to work as hard to achieve the same results if you're smarter than others.
By enough I mean enough for them to get decent grades/results that satisfy them, I guess

>> No.9286893

>adult neurogenesis is a myth
lmao post disregarded

>> No.9286906

>I'm white, that means my IQ is at least 100

>> No.9286907

>>imaginary numbers exist
Brainlet detected

It should be
>numbers exist

>> No.9286911

But if you had the motivation to work hard you wouldn't have fallen behind in the first place

>> No.9286972

Can confirm its on there