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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9280379 No.9280379 [Reply] [Original]

I really enjoy math but i hardy paid attention in school and now im far behind. My dad and mom both majored in math so i think i can but my act was disappointing.
Can someone also try and dolve 11 for my accuplacer homework? I keep getting b=5i+13-a/i-3/i. And then when i plug it back in i get 0=0. Dont ban me, im stuck and my roomate doesnt know either.

>> No.9280383

b- 7 = 6
a+3 = 5

First time I took act I got 28 on math
Second time I got 32

Sounds like you need to brush up on basic skills though.

>> No.9280391

Can you show me how you did that, ik its a lot of steps but i would appreciate it bud. And ya ik i do lol, imbworking through my dads college algebra book, he thinks im fucked

>> No.9280400

He compared coefficients. Sounds like you need a lot of prepping if you want to major in math.

>> No.9280426

Separate into the real and imaginary parts

>> No.9280445

Ahh thanks.

>> No.9280460

jesus man. I'm not trying to be mean, but think real carefully about why you want to major in math and what you want to do with that degree. I mean honestly, a 24 is pretty low and that problem could easily be solved by someone in 6th grade or whenever they start teaching algebra. On the other hand, look at >>9268396 and look at the questions in those thread. Keep in mind those are meant for highschool students. If your goal after college is anything related to academics, think seriously about picking something else.

>> No.9280468
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fuCKIng calculus idiot here and uhh yea you might wanna pick up the pace. You say you like math, then why are you barely paying attention? If you "like" math, then just pick your head up, its one thing if you understand it, but to just disregard it is something else.

also actual cursed image here

>> No.9280521

Thanks for the advice, i think yoj are right

>> No.9280526

I like math in relation to my other classes, so it wasnt like " o boy math!" It was just "good, no more useless writing and history projects"

>> No.9280543

Undergrad math isn't that hard really. Anyone can do it if they put in the work.

>> No.9280579

that's why I specifically asked what he's going to want to do with the degree. If he's going to get a BS and work try to go to programming or risk analysis, fine I guess. If he's going into research...well you can't really teach intuition and I know plenty of people who are way smarter than he seems to be that will nevertheless probably never accomplish anything significant in the field. I am including myself, and I was the type to only show up for tests and still get 100 or close in all of them.

>> No.9280587

Ya im going into comp sci, my dad thinks i should get a bs in msth and master in cs, i already know how to code pretty well cause he teaches me.

>> No.9280632

Master of Data Science instead

>> No.9280738

Don't listen to this faggot OP. Math is a subject that you can pick up where you left off at any time and still manage to do well. As long as we are talking calc4 and below, it's literally just following rules and applying them mechanically.

I knew a guy that was taking the most remedial math class in college, literally learning fractions and shit you normally learn in grade school. He followed every math sequence course one-by-one at community college until he had taken them all, then transferred to a uni and majored in math with a focus on differential geometry. When I met him he was in the calc sequence, at the top of the class, and tutoring all the other math students at the school.

Moral of the story: It's never too late to get good at math, you just have to put in the fucking work and don't skip steps you haven't learned yet. If you don't understand what you're doing, don't guess, acknowledge that and re-read definitions, axioms, proofs, or lemmas.

>> No.9280739

Dude, I got an E-!

So, you want to like consolidate into a 'singularit-y-thread's'?

Dear god you guts.

>> No.9280750

Maybe higher education isn't for you.

>> No.9280755

You need more Chemistry.

>> No.9280830

I really doubt many sixth graders could solve this. It's at least freshmen level algebra. Irrational numbers don't even get introduced until much later than that usually.

>> No.9280833


>> No.9280835

>first time
>no studying

I rue the fact that I didn't get a 36.

>> No.9280840

The ACT is so easy that even most people who got a 36 are brainlets. You're a sub brainlet.

>> No.9280843
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>> No.9280876

You don't need to know what an imaginary number is for the problem, it only requires that you treat it like a variable..

>> No.9280882

>My dad and mom both majored in math
Both your parents are mathematically inclined, yet neither bothered to educate you, their own son, in the way that they were? This triggers me. Your parents are the reason ignorance is so widespread.

>> No.9280960

It depends on what school you want to get into. I think I received about the same score in math. However, I'm not a math major, and I received a 39 on the science portion.

Your ACT score won't matter after undergrad anyways.

>> No.9280962

maybe they tried and he was too busy playing video games to care

>> No.9281925
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This is true

>> No.9282021

>35 composite
>36 science
>36 reading
>34 math
>35 english
>still get C in calc II

>> No.9282052

That guy is me.