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9277649 No.9277649 [Reply] [Original]

(Why can I link this and not Nature articles on /sci/?)

The company’s concept, which it calls expanded preimplantation genetic testing, or ePGT, would effectively add a range of common disease risks to the menu of rare ones already available, which it also plans to test for. Its promotional material uses a picture of a mostly submerged iceberg to get the idea across. “We believe it will become a standard part of the IVF process,” says Tellier, just as a test for Down syndrome is a standard part of pregnancy.

Testing embryos for disease risks, including risks for diseases that develop only late in life, is considered ethically acceptable by U.S. fertility doctors. But the new DNA scoring models mean parents might be able to choose their kids on the basis of traits like IQ or adult weight. That’s because, just like type 1 diabetes, these traits are the result of complex genetic influences the predictor algorithms are designed to find.

Armed with the U.K. data, Hsu and Tellier claimed a breakthrough. For one easily measured trait, height, they used machine-learning techniques to create a predictor that behaved flawlessly. They reported that the model could, for the most part, predict people’s height from their DNA data to within three or four centimeters.

>> No.9277657

Discussion on the topic at google, 6 years old information


Another discussion with someone controversial though

>> No.9277670


Great, nothing could go wrong by selecting for one trait without knowing how it affects other things.

>get 6ft4 kid
>but mentally disabled because you selected for genes which increase early cranial fusion

>> No.9277683

You must open a door.

A) 1 Door, 10% chance to be shot in the head once open.

B) 10 doors, 10% chance on each to be shot in the head once open.

Is B less safe of a choice because you can be shot in the head?

You can't isolate B) aka PGDw/IVF and say it unsafe because it carries the same risk as natural birth does. You have to compare it's safety with natural random birth.

In this case, the chance of the weird cranial error is relatively equal in the random and selection case. The increase in information via PGD does nothing but improve things though. As you can avoid so many genetic diseases to begin with and add more as time goes by.

>> No.9277694

If I get a genetic disease, can I sue the doctor who edited my embryo before I was born for malpractice? Seriously, how do you have oversight on something like this?

>> No.9277701


Can you sue your parents if they didn't get carrier tests and you have cystic fibrosis?

If you are anti-vax parents, how can you support parents that don't screen genetic diseases when it's affordable and available?

The oversight/legal stuff you are talking about is essentially low IQ nonsense thoughts.

>> No.9277705


Yes, avoiding genetic diseases makes sense e.g. dwarfism etc. However there is a reason that we haven't evolved to all be 7ft superhumans with high IQs, huge penises, flawless faces, long lives, and muscular lean bodies. Everything has a pro and a con. E.g. higher IGF1 -> cell proliferation -> lower quality of cells + faster aging + higher cancer risk. Taller people have a higher risk of cancer. Taller people live shorter lives. They have more joint problems, require more calories and nutrients (i.e. higher chance of deficiencies), and the faster bone growth can make their faces either very handsome or very ugly. Makes it more difficult to build a muscular physique as a man. Also reduces sexual attractiveness of women to be too tall. Similar thing with testosterone: men who mature earlier do well sexually when they are young, have bigger dicks, are usually more masculine. However they also go bald more easily, get more prostate issues, have lower IQs and do less well financially. There's a genetic contribution as to why most beautiful/handsome men and women are at best normie-tier in terms of intelligence. Everything is a trade-off.

>> No.9277719

Nice post but it's ultimately pointless. The immediate emphasis will probably be on genetic health and avoiding risk factors for very serious disease. It will also be diverse in usage and have a pretty hefty random component.

Of course the holy grail is IQ improvement, not beauty or height It is also something that will improve over time as other technologies improve. In the end though this will be nothing but a positive change for the genetic health reasons alone. Just as an example about half of children visits to hospitals are genetic disease related.

>> No.9277722

To continue. A very important thing is that assuming a mass usage of the technology in a dumb way is pretty speculative. At the moment at least in non-dark markets it is only being used for health reasons and avoiding obvious genetic disease.

>> No.9277733


I can't wait until the first 10000 IQ humans are born in China.

The US and the West will become completely irrelevant in all research as humanity moves on. It will be the end of Western civilization. The reign of ignorant, know-nothing control freaks running the research ethics boards will finally be over.

>> No.9277740


I agree there is a lot of low hanging fruits in terms of rectifying the genetic damage that modern society has produced (as well as inbreeding in some cases/countries). However it will get more complicated rapidly. We know IQ depends on a huge number of genes, each with a small effect size, and quite possible on interdependencies among genes and modulation by the environment. In terms of IQ it might be easier to use stem cell therapy and growth factors to increase cortical size directly (as cortical size correlates pretty strongly with IQ) if genetic manipulation proves too difficult. The most immediate benefits here will probably be to people with significantly below average IQ, which is actually exactly what would improve society the most.

>> No.9277754
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The too difficult argument has been dead for at least a year. It relies on the argument you need to know exactly what is going on versus allowing statistical methods to predict it. It holds up to no scrutiny and polygenic risk scores are improving in predictive power massively.

>> No.9277772


What percent of variance did they account for? This study:


Even though they studies a lot of extremely high IQ individuals, only managed to account for 1.6% within the normal range. I've seen others where they said that if they extrapolated their results to the whole genome they could explain 40%, but they only identified genes for a tiny fraction of that.

I agree a lot of progress is being made, but I'm skeptical. If you need to change thousands of genes to increase IQ, how do you know that you are not inadvertently giving people something as catastrophic as a sphingolipid disease or something

>> No.9277775

>1200 people

At this point I would just be linking you to literature on the subject showing it needs a large sample sizes for good predictions.

The hypothetical you propose is outlandish. At this stage the immediate application is in embryo selection and not editing. Though editing and reroll/selection are very similar processes.

Assuming even a small ability to predict intelligence the results would still be massive on societal scales.

>> No.9277776

We killed god.

>> No.9277777

>To continue reading this article, please exit incognito mode or log in
why should I reveal my identity before i can read the article

>> No.9277783

It's a paid after X reads website.

>> No.9277885


You'll be edited in such a way that the thought won't even occur to you.

>> No.9277928

Everyone will be super compliant. It's going to be great.

>> No.9277941

>not screening for illnesses is the same as causing them
No wonder you didn't graduate from high school, Reddit.

>> No.9277958

I don't think so.

Yet we won't forget Amerindian genocide. You will go back to europe.

>> No.9277994

You are just fucking stupid.

The rate of genetic disease in population decreases with PGD and embryo screening, just like with down's syndrome screening.

The idea that the PGD could cause a genetic disease is nonsense. Editing could cause a genetic disease but it would be highly unlikely and is not a thing yet.

It's basically turd ideas from a shit brain. To imagine hypothetical scenario where a doctor intentionally gives you a genetic disease and the subsequent lawsuit.

It's not an important thing to think about. Remember, you have to compare it to the baseline genetic disease rate of natural births. In comparison almost any PGD screening process will result in less genetic disease, even if you select for complex traits.

>> No.9278005

Is going to a doctor over a serious health concern a good idea?

the doctor could pull out a gun and shoots you in the head. So I'm not really on board with this whole going to the doctor thing.

see, a bullet going through your head is a really big problem. So it's a really bad idea to go to a doctor.

>I can just make up an outlandish rare scenario that implies bad intent and crazy incentives to make something seem bad and I call this a valid argument

>but what if PGD makes the baby a fucking 50 IQ drooling retard?
>but what if every human becomes a clone and a single disease wipes us out
>but what if..

>> No.9278047

There never were armenian genocide because nothing before holocaust can be called genocide.

>> No.9278056

Irrelevant. Amerindian genocide will never ever be forgotten. You are on Amerindian land. Time to face the facts. Go back to europe.

>> No.9278260
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Excess dopamine is correlated with increased IQ;

>We found significant effects of the genotype on the full-scale IQ, verbal IQ, and performance IQ, in patients with schizophrenia. IQ was lower in individuals with the C/C genotype than those with T carriers
>[...] implying that the T carriers may have higher TH activities and retain higher levels of catecholamines in the brain.

Excess dopamine leads to more willpower, not less. So people with low dopamine are depressed, submissive and stupid, and people with high dopamine are happy, dominant and intelligent;

>0.4 Life In Dopaminergic Overdrive
>An important point to stress in the discussion to follow is that many dopamine-driven states of euphoria can actually enhance motivated, goal-directed behaviour in general. Enhanced dopamine function makes one's motivation to act stronger, not weaker. Hyper-dopaminergic states tend also to increase the range of activities an organism finds worth pursuing

I maintain a catalog of alleles I desire;


Someday, I hope to be the person described by that genome and have twenty babies. I think we're at the dawn of genetic self-definition, and that a new species is emerging defined by such genetic self-selection;

>The first step is discovering that genetic causes exist for human problems
>his is a big breakthrough—resisted, of course, by Stage 12 Socialist Demo-poll cultures. Genetic determination focuses on gene-pool statistics and caste-differentiation, thus minimizing the importance of hive managers. Stage 12 Socialist-Welfare cultures insist that the collective super-hive (the state) is responsible for everything

Notice how liberals oppose genetic engineering? It's because someone who can do GM is more than smart enough to run a government and conduct themselves in society, and they don't need a state.

>> No.9278279
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>Gene flow from the MA-1 lineage into Native American ancestors could explain why several crania from the First Americans have been reported as bearing morphological characteristics that do not resemble those of east Asians
>Acknowledging the low depth of coverage, we determined the most likely phylogenetic affiliation of the MA-1 Y chromosome to a basal lineage of haplogroup R


>You are on Amerindian land. Time to face the facts. Go back to europe

Facts are; America was reached first by whites. Face that fact, and go back to Asia.

>> No.9278282

>gib land back to tribes so they can keep genocide each other with sticks

>> No.9278330

the possible problem with genetic engineering/selection is on a civilizational level, where you meddle with forces you don't understand due to shortsightedness

for an example, what if you wanted to reduce the level of schizophrenia in the population, so you select against all embryos with those genes, but it turns out that those genes are not only linked to schizophrenia, but also artistry, so now by applying that on a mass scale you've stunted your population in unforseen ways? (if you are a retard, feel free to replace schizophrenia and artist with autism and scientist)
That's why genetic engineering is dangerous, not on a individual level because the worst thing that you could do is just fuck up someones life, but on the societal level, where you don't have any spares.

>> No.9278392

>However there is a reason that we haven't evolved to all be 7ft superhumans with high IQs, huge penises
Yes, we didn't have enough food. Now we do, look at the americans. The reason many people are ugly is because ugly people exists and they breed just like pretty people do, that's all there is to it. Beautiful people don't produce more offspring than ugly people, they are just more desired, so ugly people will continue existing. The rest of your post is pure shit.

>> No.9278489

Yeah I'm sure the 190 IQ society full of geniuses is going to wish they had 100 IQ and some mental illnesses.

Makes a ton of sense.

>> No.9278616

> E.g. higher IGF1 -> cell proliferation -> lower quality of cells + faster aging + higher cancer risk. Taller people have a higher risk of cancer. Taller people live shorter lives
The thing is, this is a pretty established fact too. Manlets, despite us making fun of them, are ironically genetically superior in many ways.
Not only that, but using genes that correlate with IQ, which is already a pretty noisy/bad indicator of intelligence, should make anybody with an IQ above 100 wary of such "science".
You're probably better off looking for alleles that correlate with having a phd in math.
What if GMOs give us all ebola in 60 years?
The problem with that mindset is that for many diseases scientists have a pretty good idea what exactly goes wrong.
For example, most cases of cystic fibrosis are caused by a chloride channel getting degraded because it doesn't fold properly. Therefore curing cystic fibrosis will not magically eliminate all art.
There are other diseases that for sure are much more complex, but the principle still applies.
The only thing you should be worried about is normies misusing the technology to get tall, blonde, blue-eyed boys.

>> No.9278652


You know a sure-fire way to increase dopamine? Jerking off. And the best way of jerking off is anal orgasms.

>> No.9278654

temporarily floods your brain with dopamine, which desensitizes you to it

>> No.9278657
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Precisely this. You're meddling with powers you cannot possibly comprehend.

>> No.9278661


Ok then, a buttplug to provide a constant low level dosage of dopamine. In the future everyone will be issued with buttplugs by the government.

>> No.9278691

eugenics is whatever, i don't think anyone really has any qualms with it tbqh, in fact it's already practiced to some extent (research negative euthanasia rates with respect to downs syndrome babies)

eugenics got a bad name because beta 0.1 was essentially "People that have the same skin color as me are the best, and all the rest should stop breeding"

>> No.9278694


And version 0.2 was "gas the kikes, race war now" so it's in need of a bit of rebranding.

>> No.9278697

>Cuck Western countries ban genetic engineering
>Meanwhile Asia breeds 10,000 IQ super-humans

Really makes you think

>> No.9278709

> within 3 or 4 centimeters
Needs more precision before it's useful. I can predict your height by looking at your same sex parent. I am impressed either way, and this sets precedent for cooler predictions obvi.

>> No.9278714

Ignoring the positive correlation between intelligence and mental illness. Do we want healthy geniuses? Yes. Is >>9278330 on the right track, since changing a single gene can cause a ripple effect through several of an organism's systems? Yes.

>> No.9278718
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>for an example, what if you wanted to reduce the level of schizophrenia in the population, so you select against all embryos with those genes, but it turns out that those genes are not only linked to schizophrenia, but also artistry, so now by applying that on a mass scale you've stunted your population in unforseen ways?

The genes code for proteins and enzymes that work together to synthesize and regulate neurotransmitters in the body.

'Schizophrenia' is a softer, less scientific concept than 'elevated dopamine.' We can't genetically engineer for or against schizophrenia - we can, however, genetically engineer for elevated or lowered dopamine levels.

As I cited in >>9278260, elevated dopamine is correlated with increased IQ - however, the theory that dopamine causes schizophrenia is long-standing. So;

DA+ = Schizophrenia+,


DA- = Schizophrenia-.

However, other theories suggest that lowered dopamine levels lead to schizophrenia. On top of that, metabolism of Dopamine to Dopa-quinone via the Dopamine Transporter kills DA neurons with oxidative damage.

I don't like the logic the rest of humanity is using here at all. I fear we're going to use this technology to turn ourselves into an ant hive.

In the article;

>diabetes, late-life osteoporosis, schizophrenia, and dwarfism

All these traits are metabolically linked. Low Bone Mineral Density causes osteoporosis and dwarfism, and the genes that effect BMD also effect neurotransmitter levels.


>Manlets, despite us making fun of them, are ironically genetically superior in many ways

Exactly - high BMD = Tall = Aging = Low Dopamine = Low IQ. The smartest people on Earth are short East Asians. We need to be breeding for proportional dwarfism, general neoteny, DA+ and MAOA/B- and DAT-.

Instead, everyone wants to become a bunch of miserable meatheads on GABA-agonists. A throng of tall cattle using facebook.

>> No.9278721

>'Schizophrenia' is a softer, less scientific concept than 'elevated dopamine.'

What a crock of shit. This is literally you:

>"Spinning out of control and exploding" is a softer, less scientific concept than "elevated combustion chamber pressure" and "higher specific impulse" We can't engineer against exploding.

>> No.9278722

> genetically engineering for lower dopamine levels
That sounds like a dumpster fire of depression or ADHD waiting to happen.

>> No.9278770

This is the crux of the problem, they are telling me they can accurately know exactly what genes to edit and ensure that none of them have any negative interactions. Yet they freely admit they can't even accurately predict height? What a joke. This technology needs to be left the fuck alone until we understand it a lot better than we do.

You want Eugenics? Good, shows you have a brain, so let's do it right, with positive Eugenics.

>Offer large lump sum payment for sterilisation
>Sterilise convicted criminals and sex offenders
>Create lists of genetically compatible partners based off desireable and undesirable traits
>Offer incentives such as tax breaks and housing benefits for those who reproduce and raise children with those they are compatible with

Congratulations, over the course of several generations you will have dramatically improved the genetic stock of all humanity.

>> No.9278772
File: 210 KB, 4839x1815, Biology%20Banner[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /sci/ so shit at bio? Math and physics they seem to get but any time someone brings up biology it's like walking into a 9th grade science class.

>> No.9278775

Because most anons on here are maths autists, so biology is too hard.

>> No.9278803

This argument is pointless. Again, you are comparing it to random chance. Violent dumb people are born every day. Schizophrenics are born every day. The requirements for genius IQ are extremely rare.

You would almost naturally overcome any negative trend by simply screening known genetic diseases.

So yes, some percentage of the higher IQ babies will have mental illness compared to a dumb population. Even then, the fact you eliminate and screen so many diseases counteracts it.

It's like the vaccine argument, yes it's a risk you take when getting vaccinated that something bad could happen but having a world free of small pox makes it a good tradeoff.

You can't fucking use IDEAL situations and say "X can go wrong". It must be reasonably weighed against the natural chances for bad outcomes.

In this case, as the OP article talks about, almost the entire focus is on eliminating known genetic disease. In this case it's pretty hard to imagine it will lead to unforeseen results when the foreseen result would be incredibly horrible.

>> No.9278806

If you wanted to make your population tall. Hypothetically. Having any predictive ability on embryos would be enough to significantly increase overall height.

I'm not sure what method would be faster on a population. Can you post a fucking idea for moving a society to a higher height that is more practical than embryo screening and selection?

Maybe some short people concentration camps? Hmm?

Or maybe this is an incredibly awe inspiring capability for humanity and even slight predictive power combined with screening of disease would already be a monumental incredible revolution.

>> No.9278808

Almost nonsense.

None of this matters. Just get a huge dataset and let a machine predict it and parents pick what they want. Such human intuition and biology insight is counter productive ultimately.

>> No.9278812

>ensure none of them have any negative interactions

Good thing we did this for the billions of humans alive today.


10 random embryos - select 1 using any sort of function
1 random embryo - no selection

It's pretty hard if you follow any scientific reasoning at all to do worse than the 1 random embryo.

>> No.9278816

>10 embryos
>2 of them seem to share slightly more patterns with healthy and intelligent people of the same general ethnicity
>1 has an obvious genetic disease known to cost hundred of thousands of dollars
So you choose one of the two associated with success.


>1 randomly selected embryo
no choice

Tell me which of these scenarios is going to be better over a society?

>> No.9278888

Wrong. All archeology remnants demonstrate siberian origin.

Try again, subhuman, America belongs to Amerindians.
Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans. In other words, Amerindians are superior to europeans. Deal with it, subhuman.

>> No.9278889
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Always remember the first rule of alchemy, everything one does has equal/opposite reaction

>> No.9278902

uh... if there is to be any sensible definition for either strong or intelligent, it includes capacity to change, darwin be tryin' to play us, or maybe he played himself?

>> No.9278908

>machine learning
>"a predictor that behaved flawlessly"
I call popsci bullshit

>> No.9278914

>option B has 35% chance of you getting out alive
I wish you actually had to choose between these 2, a brainlet who understands not even the most basic statistics doesn't deserve to live.

>> No.9278915

manlet coping at its finest

>> No.9279007

>The problem with that mindset is that for many diseases scientists have a pretty good idea what exactly goes wrong.
I'm not saying you shouldn't meddle with genetics, I'm saying what the most dangerous problem is. And yeah, cystic fibrosis might be simple, but people heterozygous for the allele might have a slight resistance to certain diseases, which should give you the merest glimpse into how retardedly complex biological systems are. First it will be just simple changes, sure, but then in the following decades and centuries they will push for more and more modification. The world is already full of retards who complain over aspects of humanity, first they'll come for cystic fibrosis, then they'll come for autism, then they'll come for "criminals", then they'll just outright come for "being mean". You will have to be extremely cautious and wise when this thing gets going.

>> No.9279204

Europeans are closer to the source of all humanity that is africa. Amerindians went far, and their genes grew weak in response.

I'm just kidding, you are a silly troll and shall be ignored henceforth.

>> No.9279211

Tall people selection? Your prediction has an accuracy level, but nothing beats the 100% accuracy that is actually choosing tall people to breed (with other tall people).

Why are we doing this again, by the way? Tall people occupies more space, it seems like choosing for tallness is inconveniencing ourselves for little reason. It's not like we have to scare off the wolves anymore, there's nothing to tallness but troubles down the line. And more expenses, can't forget that.

>> No.9279213

>1 bubonic something disease wipes out 40% of eurangutans
>20+% manages to kill 90% Amerindians
Amerindians have better resistance ans survivality against diseases compared to europeans. Amerindian superiority is a historical fact. We also know that amerindians had a higher development rate ans we will never EVER forget the Amerindian genocide.

Deal with it, subhuman.

>> No.9279234

I'm venezuelan you imbecile, I couldn't trace my own ancestry with a map, but it includes people from at least 3 continents.

Also I was baited, but it's not like there are actually interesting things to talk about in /sci/, it's always the same "why me not smart", "why equation goes up", "why gravity is fall" and "is eugenics time yet?"

Would it hust that much to have a decent biology discussion once in a while? I've learned more biology on /tg/, for goodness's sake!

>> No.9279264

>inb4 everybody starts shitting out white blone chilluns

>> No.9279389

>inb4 everyone starts shitting out furries

>> No.9279412

I just made an observation how America belongs to Amerindians. Then some chimp tried to compare technological potential from both sides, so I reminded him how Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans, finally another monkey claimed that Amerindians had weak genes, so I proceeded to explain how Amerindians have demonstrated a superior resistance against a literal epidemic cataclysm for centuries.

How is this wrong?

>> No.9279423
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>> No.9279427

Irrelevant. Amerindians had a higher technological and civic development rate compared to europeans. Try again, monkey.

>> No.9279493

>10000 IQ humans
You are sort of close with your predictions...

>> No.9279500

>that list of all those SNPs

is this what autism is truly like? it's too late to edit your genome to be a perfect human, just so you know

the advantage of this technology is for people who haven't been born yet

>> No.9279505


>> No.9279514

It's an example.

Associative mating already occurs. Again, it doesn't compare to eugenic 2.0 solutions involving genetic manipulation or selection. Your attempts to make your society taller will fail in comparison to one done via eugenics 2.0 spectacularly. Even if you do get a few more tall outliers the overall height will not be effected.

TALL is just a random thing, I am only using it as example. The obvious replacement is IQ.

>> No.9279517

Compared to the standard model predictions of zero state energy, he IS pretty close.

>> No.9279518

this indian poster is just trying to get the thread closed.

>> No.9279560

only have to open A door.

>> No.9279563

Maybe he(?) just wants to rile up somebody just because, in any case is that a big loss?

>> No.9279605

It's pretty simple actually. Amerindians have demonstrated a higher technological and civic development rate compared to europeans. All archeological remnants have shown that Amerindians reached early bronze age civilization in almost half the time europeans made it. How is this even a question?

>> No.9279608

You are right of course that genetics is very non linear and by messing with one thing you are potentially messing with a bunch of unrelated stuff on the way. But it is hard to say how it will work out at this stage, companies may charge for individual alterations for known genes, in which case it is unlikely that alterations would affect a large percentage of the population. Or maybe companies won't disclose the genes they know alter some phenotype they discovered, so competition between companies also wouldn't allow for a genetic change of a large percentage of the population.

>> No.9279650

Let me try again to explain.

You have a genetic engineer in charge of making your baby. He has no idea what he is doing. He randomly picks shit from your wife and from you. He puts it all together like a fucking maniac and says "here is your baby, hope nothing is wrong with it".


A doctor who is educated and has enormous statistical evidence behind him that will take your baby and score it compared to the results of million+ sample size examples from your ethnicity. He will then score the embryos and avoid obvious disease and polygenic risk factors for serious disease. He can also maybe select ones that seem more like the more successful people out of the statistically analyzed samples.

Which baby do you want to implant? The random (NATURAL BIRTH) or scientifically analyzed one?

>> No.9279662

Do you guys not understand.

The natural birth system is literally the crazy fucking genetic engineering throwing shit together and not giving a fuck if there is a genetic disease.

The chance of a weird effect is not lower in a natural birth. If there is some gene in the mother that has a chance to interact badly due to very complex effects it is just as likely to happen in the natural birth as if you select a good embryo.

You are all just playing devils advocate and not accurately understanding what is happening. Random Natural Birth is not a safe thing. It doesn't care if a baby has genetic disease and dies at 2 years old. It is just random.

If you believe in science at all, you would understand why this makes sense. How long does it take a log cabin to appear in a forest as compared to some sort of intelligence working on it?

>> No.9279679


I'm not denying that schizophrenia is a valid diagnosis - I'm just saying that speaking of 'schizophrenia alleles' isn't very useful, and/but we can select for dopamine synthesis.

We can't 100% assure that someone does or does not have schizophrenia - but we can be 100% sure of elevating or lowering dopamine synthesis, or the synthesis of any other neurotransmitter, protein or enzyme.


Depression and ADHD, or psychosis and OCD - you decide.

GM isn't so much about unintended side-effects, as it is about concrete forks in the road where to gain one trait (Height) you gain another trait (Cancer.)

Personally, I choose shortness, psychosis and OCD.


>Wrong. All archeology remnants demonstrate siberian origin

The whites and yelloww both came from Siberia. The whites came first, then the yellows.

>Try again, subhuman, America belongs to Amerindians

And the first Amerindians were white. Coincidently, the Paiute record genociding a race of redheads they call the Si-Te-Cah, and the name 'Anasazi' means 'enemies' today, the yellows claim these enemies as their ancestors ('Ancestral Puebloans.')

Red men genocided white men, and took our land.

>> No.9279744


>is this what autism is truly like?


>it's too late to edit your genome to be a perfect human, just so you know

My body is composed of cells within an extracellular matrix. The ECM has nothing to with genetics and can be flushed. The cells can be extracted while still functioning, and injected into a new ECM.

Since most of my organs are unnecessary, most of my cells can be tossed as well. So, we need to genetically modify the neurons and support cells of the nervous system. These neurons are already constantly replenished - we didn't think the brain had an immune system, but it does, so you place the brain into a tank on immune suppressants.

Next, just start pumping the neurons with your desired genome into the brain mush. Once 99% of your old cells are dead, you pump the mush into a brain bioscaffold.

While all this was happening, you were gestating a fetus grown with your ideal genome. The brain has been prevented from forming and the cranial cavity filled with endogenous fluid, so while it's still a fetus you stick your new brain into's it's skull.

Then, all you need is to allow babby to form. Enjoy your new body.

>the advantage of this technology is for people who haven't been born yet

Imagine the entire world as an extracellulr matrix. A sperm and an ovum are just two cells that survive the death of their original colony.

Sexual reproduction is already a form of immortality, and we now have the potential to record and pass down even more information to the next generation;

>These results point to the nucleus of neurons as the potential locus of the engram in Aplysia


>Adeno-Associated Viral (AAV) vectors have also been used for somatic genome editing in adult mouse liver

I think I'll wake up.

>> No.9279774

Wrong again. Amerindian ancestors from 25000BC are central asians and siberians.
All archeological evidence demonstrates America belongs to Amerindians. Try again, chimpo.

>> No.9279778

You don't get ADHD, you're born with it, you cretin

>> No.9279812

>smartass scientific pun with something totally unrelated
I wish reddit left this site forever.

>> No.9279822

the thing is in statistics, and particularly in statistic algorithms ("machine learning") having something to behave "flawlessly" is impossible, there will always be classification error.

>> No.9279837

>The ECM has nothing to with genetics

>> No.9279853

>However there is a reason that we haven't evolved to all be 7ft superhumans

Because we were always constrained by natural conditions; oxygen avaliability, nutrient absortion, fasting periods, predator selection... all of these factor are meaningless in the modern life and the traits that were created to counteract them have become more of a liability than anything else, in fact, for being "civiliced animals" we are pretty much half evolved; our worst memory is the one that deals in the long run, impulsivity is far more negative than beneficial, our ability to plan is still limited to 2D interpretaion of 3D. evem our reactions to thermal pain are still much slower than any other pain stimulus.

And we are not even talking about how unfit is humanity for space exploration.

The reality is that we are not constrained anymore by evolutive pressures and we are starting to understand the underlying mechanism of our very own nature and how to alter them, since nature is too slow these eugenics efforts are a neccesity and since all life happens under civilization those that manage to achieve it will outcompete and substitute the unfit species simply because civilization is our new ecological niche and no two species can share the same space without one moving out to the fringes or being exterminated.

>> No.9279855

Wrong. Your reward center can either be deficient at birth due to genetics or by lifestyle, trauma, ect.

>> No.9279891

Then it's not fucking ADHD you moron.

>> No.9279920


>Amerindian ancestors from 25000BC are central asians and siberians

Read the paper;

>Gene flow from the MA-1 lineage into Native American ancestors could explain why several crania from the First Americans have been reported as bearing morphological characteristics that do not resemble those of east Asians
>This suggests that populations related to contemporary western Eurasians had a more north-easterly distribution 24,000 years ago than commonly thought
>Furthermore, we estimate that 14 to 38% of Native American ancestry may originate through gene flow from this ancient population
>This presents little time for the formation of a diverged Native American gene pool that could have contributed ancestry to MA-1, suggesting gene flow from the MA-1 lineage into Native American ancestors

The whites who lived in the Americas lived in Siberia before they moved.

>All archeological evidence demonstrates America belongs to Amerindians

It belonged to people with caucasian skull shape before it belonged to people with mongoloid skull shape. Modern native Americans have at most 38% contribution from MA-1 - modern Europeans are pure descendents of the white Siberian population.

Yellows took Asia from us, too.


As in, the ECM can be flushed - we don't have save it because it contains DNA we want. We can make a new ECM according to the genome.

>> No.9280254

good thing natural births have zero mistakes.

>> No.9280856

Because match can be abstracted to a level where you can pretty much isolate interactions very well or only look at a small sub sample of interactions without it having much of a negative effect.

In biology, this is never really possible and the huge number of processes that are complex and interrelate is staggering to mathematically trained minds (similar to how they apparently don't understand that in engineering it comes down to the thing working and that you don't have to be super abstract about everything).

>> No.9280903

>We can make a new ECM according to the genome.
not exactly. the ecm is built alongside the division of cells and the alongside the growth of the organism. some ecm structures or patterns will never be rebuilt, they are no longer 'accessible'.

>> No.9280923
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>different ancestors
Irrelevant. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. How is this hard to get?

We will never forget Amerindian genocide. Time to go back to europe, subhuman.

>> No.9281501


>different ancestors

It is relevant. Yellows genocided whites in the Americas and Asia, and thousands of years later whites came and took their land back.

Australia belongs to us too;

>The haplogroups observed for WLH4 were S2 and V3c
>The haplogroups observed for WLH3a were H15a1, U5a, and H1. WLH3b showed haplogroups H40b, H1, and H3

There were two different tests, and in both the only haplogroup detected that wasn't a contaminant was V3c - a European mtDNA haplogroup. Modern Australian males also display Y-haplogroups I and R;

>Previous analysis of AuR mtDNA11,12 showed that 37 individuals are likely to have ancient Australian maternal origin with deep-rooting mtDNA lineages (haplogroups M42a and b, P4b and S1a), with one mtDNA of probable European origin (haplogroup U5).
>However, five of these Y chromosomes clearly fall into European haplogroups (R1b1 and I)

Why does this pattern of ancient white people being replaced by browns, blacks and yellows? Why should I respect your race, if you won't respect mine?

>We will never forget Amerindian genocide. Time to go back to europe, subhuman

But it's OK when you do it? Amerindians never even invented steel - the Haya people of south Africa even managed that;

>The Haya people make carbon steel in ancient Africa

But R1b is found in sub-Saharan males today, so whites may have invented steel there in ancient times and been replaced;

>pp8 - Khomani San - R1b1b2a1a: 10% (2)

Thankfully, I've reconstructed an ideal genome and will assure that my bloodline won't be blacked;


Pre-Columbian Americans had electroplating. They were white as snow, and this is our land, not yours.

>> No.9281650

So you agree with european replacement?

>> No.9281728


Extinction is part of nature. I'm going to keep my bloodline white, and non-violently help others to keep theirs white with education.

Somehow, whites have survived for 40,000+ years. This makes me feel very confident that me and a few other people could preserve the white race and found new white nations in the future.

To be honest, I think Earth is the native habitat of browns and blacks, and space is the native habitat of whites and yellows.

>> No.9281741

So you agree with european replacement. It's pretty simple. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. As your genocidal subhuman race genocided Amerindians we won't forget such events.

Amerindian superiority is a historical fact.

>> No.9281765

The indian poster is trying to bait /pol/ type replies to shut down the thread. Stop taking the bait you stupid fucks.


>> No.9281810

I just made an observation how America belongs to Amerindians. Then some chimp mentioned genetic correlations and assumed an improbable route or source of migration implying such ancestral populations emerged from europe. Yet the earliest archeological remnants show that Amerindians had siberian and central asian origins. The correlations from central asia are explained by migrations to europe, replacing early modern humans, and neolithic farmers who migrated before these central and western asiatic hunter gatherers. There is no single evidence to support this chimp delusions, yet he keeps pushing for it.

Later he mentioned some random steel development and such, nevertheless Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans.

Finally he denied what he said before, and implied that the "white" group of people, because races don't exist and "white" isn't even defined, can get away with the Amerindian genocide. So I mentioned how Amerindians won't forget the treatment nor the suffering and discrimination alongside the social problems they suffer today from eurangutans.

All points of view and comparisons point to the same direction: european extinction. Time to deal with the facts, subhuman.

>> No.9281825
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>So you agree with european replacement

I don't feel I have the right to violently force non-whites from comfortable homes in Europe, nor deny them government services. Moveover, I don't live in Europe, and have been told by Europeans to stop telling them how to live.

I don't feel I have the right to control the reproduction and migration patterns of organisms.

>America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans

My ancestors have always lived on boats. Ultimately, R comes from P (Found predominantly in the Philippines,) which came from K2b. The other predominant Y-haplogroups in Australia and Papua New Guinea are S and M, which came from K2b1, which came from K2b - this further bolsters a hypothesis where whites once lived in Australia with the Y-haplogroup K2b.

While we're at it, we should mention that Q - the most common Y-haplogroup among native Americans - also descends from P.

But K2b comes from K2, which comes from K, which comes from IJK, which includes both I and K/P/R/Q. IJK comes from HIJK, which comes from GHIJK, which comes from F;

>Like haplogroup C, haplogroup F therefore appears to have an origin in the south—in particular, in Melanesia

Therefore, I came from Melanesia. My ancestors migrated everywhere as F - as a European, I may be I, which would make me much more basal than R.

Why do Y-haplogroups G, J and I concentrate in Europeans and near-Easterners? If all three are so basal, and their modern bearers are so pale, we can conjecture a Y-haplogroup F ancestor with pale skin around 50,000-70,000 years ago in Melanesia.

My ancestors were pacific vikings, and they got to the Americas first.

>> No.9281826

lot of writing for weak bait

Interesting proposition. Will male and female babies have different trait/scoring emphasis? Will women become more feminine and males more masculine? Especially in places like China.

>> No.9281831

an example of someone with low intelligence unable to see obvious trolling and wasting it's time

>> No.9281859

>I don't feel
So you support the european replacement. Great for you.
Wrong. The earliest archeological remnant from America is dated from 25000BC in the blue-fish caves in Alaska. The earliest human remnant from America is from the west coast of America from 13000BC and has siberian and east asian origin.
Amerindian superiority is a historical fact. Try again, chimpo.

>> No.9281950
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>Then some chimp mentioned genetic correlations and assumed an improbable route or source of migration implying such ancestral populations emerged from europe

No - they emerged from Melanesia. See >>9281825.

>The correlations from central asia are explained by migrations to europe, replacing early modern humans

Read the paper;

>However, MA-1, at approximately 24,000 cal. bp, pre-dates time estimates of the Native American–east Asian population divergence event
>Thus, if the gene flow direction was from Native Americans into western Eurasians it would have had to spread subsequently to European, Middle Eastern, south Asian and central Asian populations, including MA-1 before 24,000 years ago. Moreover, as Native Americans are closer to Han Chinese than to Papuans (Fig. 3c), Native American-related gene flow into the ancestors of MA-1is expected to result in MA-1 also being closer to Han Chinese than to Papuans. However, our results suggest that this is not the case (D (Papuan, Han; Sardinian, MA-1) = 20.002 ± 0.005 (Z = 20.36)), which is compatible with all or almost all of the gene flow being into Native Americans

Han Chinese are predominantly Y-haplogroup O. For MA-1 to be more similar to a Papuan New Guinean than to a Han Chinese, MA-1 has to be more related to P and it's descendents than O and O's ancestors leading up to the branching point of K2. Since MA-1 is closer to R than Q, we can say that MA-1 and native Americans seperated over 40,000 years ago - probably 65,000+ years ago at basal F, pic related.

The ancestors of red men split from Han Chinese 24,000 years ago, and what that means is that they may not have come to the Americas as Y-haplogroup Q - the only other common Y-haplogroup in the Americas is C, which also came from Melanesia.

>> No.9281989
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>Later he mentioned some random steel development and such, nevertheless Amerindians had a higher development rate compared to europeans

The central Americans admitted that they didn't build the American pyramids;

>After about 1000, when Toltec (or Toltec-inspired) invaders arrived in Yucatán and established their capital at Chichén Itzá, major construction in the city ceased

>This may mean that Calakmul ultimately inherited its political authority from one of these cities, with its dynasty originating in the Late Preclassic in the Mirador Basin and relocating itself to Calakmul in the Classic period after the collapse of these cities

>There is evidence that Tikal was conquered by Teotihuacan in the 4th century AD.[6] Following the end of the Late Classic Period, no new major monuments were built at Tikal and there is evidence that elite palaces were burned
>The population of Tikal began a continuous curve of growth starting in the Preclassic Period (approximately 2000 BC – AD 200
>At the end of the Late Preclassic, the Izapan style art and architecture from the Pacific Coast began to influence Tikal
>These recorded events strongly suggest that Siyah K’ak’ led a Teotihuacan invasion that defeated the native Tikal king, who was captured and immediately executed
>These recorded events strongly suggest that Siyah K’ak’ led a Teotihuacan invasion that defeated the native Tikal king, who was captured and immediately executed

I'm going to continue, but for now let's contemplate why all theaw Mayan stele look like they've had their noses broken off and crudely replaced.

>> No.9282031

>Eventually the company could also have the ability to identify intellectual problems, such as embryos with a predicted IQ of less than 70.
I hate to be that guy, but that means like half of the blacks

>> No.9282043

Yay! They're finally admitting intelligence is genetic.

I've gained a little hope for humanity. If they keep this up, I might even go into the positives on the hope-meter.

>> No.9282058


>The Maya civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by the Maya peoples, and noted for its hieroglyphic script—the only known fully developed writing system of the pre-Columbian Americas

Another culture that created hieroglyphics was the Egyptians. A lot of controversy surrounds this, but King Tut was probably R1b - they won't officially give us his haplogroups, but certain sites announced that his 'DNA was western European,' and a Discovery documentary supposedly released his Y-haplogroup as R1b.

>During the 9th century AD, the central Maya region suffered major political collapse, marked by the abandonment of cities, the ending of dynasties, and a northward shift in activity
>From the Early Preclassic, Maya society was sharply divided between the elite and commoners

Why did the Maya collapse? Was it due to race-mixing and domination by yellows? The same yellows who admit to genociding cannabalistic redheads in Nevada? Speaking of the northward shift in activity - the Anasazi, or 'enemies,' built enormous tracts of roads;

>And there's no denying that the ancient Anasazi left a road thirty feet wide and as straight as an arrow between a point on the rim of this canyon and their impressive Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon, over thirty miles away
>Unlike the roads built by the Inca of Peru, which accomodate travelers by detouring around rough terrain, the Anasazi roads go straight through obstacles

The Anasazi were genocided - hence the meaning 'enemy.' Why did the yellows murder these people who built roads through obstacles, in a way modern European-Americans do, to the chargin of yellow natives?

>> No.9282091

Deep learning will achieve that first.

>> No.9282098
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>So you support the european replacement. Great for you

I'm not going to condemn migration to Europe by non-whites because I believe in might makes right.

>Wrong. The earliest archeological remnant from America is dated from 25000BC in the blue-fish caves in Alaska

Actually, 130,000-250,000 years;

>After excavations in the 1960s, the site became notorious due to geochronologists' analyses that indicated human habitation at Hueyatlaco was dated to ca. 250,000 years before the present

>Broken mastodon bones hint that Homo sapiens wasn’t the first hominin to get to the New World
>Ancient humans settled in North America around 130,000 years ago, suggests a controversial study — pushing the date back more than 100,000 years earlier than most scientists accept

So, I'll grant you that *your* ancestors came here 24,000-16,000 years ago, because that's the age of mongoloid skulls we find in the Americas. But *my* ancestors have been here for 250,000+ years.

This is also why we know that Out-of-Africa is a lie, and to be honest I wouldn't be surprized if whites evolved in the Americas and many of the pyramids are 250,000+ years old.

I have a bunch of essays related to this - scroll down to the Mu essays.

>> No.9282109
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>deep learning

>> No.9282120
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Forgot the link;


>> No.9282123

Gee what a weird description to use, I wonder...

>These controversial findings are orders of magnitude older than the scientific consensus for habitation of the New World (which generally traces widespread human migration to the New World to 13,000 to 16,000 ybp). The findings at Hueyatlaco have mostly been repudiated by the larger scientific community, and have seen only occasional discussion in the literature.[3]

>> No.9282126

Yes, instead it will be a human who memorized and analyzed the genome himself.

>> No.9282129

Friendly Reminder: Weird genetic migration history will never be used to determine where someone can or can't live.

No country is going to decide to all move out and let some more ancient inhabitant have the land. The argument is meaningless and masturbatory.

>> No.9282136

Irrelevant. Chimps don't know how to behave so they will have to be educated.

>> No.9282139

sorry, autocorrect

>> No.9282143

>eurangutans eradicated

>> No.9282146

How can amerindians be superior if europeans dominated them so easily? Btw I like your shitposting when contined to /int/ and /his/ but you partially derailed one of the few good /sci/ threads with this shit.

>> No.9282157

Amerindian superiority is based on their higher development rate.

eurangutan pestilence
>made an observation
>deniers of history reply with non-facts

There is one chimp that implied an eurangutan origin in America. I'll have to redskin-pill this chimp.

>> No.9282165

If their development rate was higher, why did they get blown the fuck out?

>> No.9282170

There is no "if":
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to solutrean:10000 years (30000BC-20000BC)
>from aurignacian-antelian the neolithic: 15000 years(30000BC-15000BC)
>from neolithic proto-agriculture societies to neolithic revolution: 6000 years (15000BC-9000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper and arsenical bronze: 4000 years (9000BC-5000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to bronze age and tin bronze: 5200 years (9000BC-3800BC)

>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to clovis: 4000 years (15000BC-11000BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to the start of crop development: 7000 years (15000BC-8000BC)
>from neolithic proto-agriculture societies to neolithic revolution: 5000 years (8000BC-3000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper and arsenical bronze independently: 2000 years (3000BC-1000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to bronze age and tin bronze: 4000 years (3000BC-1000 AD)

eurangutan pestilence

>> No.9282179

yeah but europeans developed science which blows the fuck out of your irrelevant caveman tier shit.

>> No.9282181

What year?

>> No.9282183

1543-present day

>> No.9282188

Europe had worse weather. coming off of an ice age and mini ice ages. The northern location of the continent made the seasons harsh which selected for intelligence.

The european explosion of power/progress happened around the time the weather warmed up.

>> No.9282189

As we know that Amerindians started the civilization race 15000 years after europeans, let's compare:
>1543AD + 15000 years of offset = 16543AD
In 1500AD they already reached the early bronze age and spread that technology with a higher rate (area/year) compared to europeans. Try again, monkey.

>> No.9282196


Hueyatlaco has withstood all attempts to call into question it's validity, and the 130,000 year old discovery lends credence to the 250,000 year date.


If you smoke spice and educate yourself about biology, chemistry genetics and physics, you can gain 'Gene sight' that allows you to correlate macroscopic features to genes. This will blow up into full genetic memory and read/write functions if you stay the course - you can quit the spice after a few years.

I hear other drugs like LSD also give you gene sight, but I've never done it. I have done Salvia, and I'll say it's also very useful, but also very, very uncomfortable.

The product of my gene sight;

>Ideal TOPite Genome

>> No.9282197

>As we know that Amerindians started the civilization race 15000 years after europeans

>> No.9282200

European "evolution" is minimal. The early humans populated europe since 40000BC, the neolithic revolution was brought by middle-easterns as they replaced and mixed with these early modern humans. The hunter gatherers from later, invaded these lands and mixed with these neolithic farmers until they overwhelmed them.

>> No.9282201

>So, we need to genetically modify the neurons and support cells of the nervous system. These neurons are already constantly replenished - we didn't think the brain had an immune system, but it does, so you place the brain into a tank on immune suppressants.
>Next, just start pumping the neurons with your desired genome into the brain mush. Once 99% of your old cells are dead, you pump the mush into a brain bioscaffold.
I'm brainlet, tell me how this works

>> No.9282204
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Beginning of migrations from middle-east to europe 40000BC by modern humans. Earliest hint of presence of modern humans on America 25000BC in bluefish caves- Alaska.

Paleo-Amerindian phase show proto-gravettian aurignacian toolkits (15000BC).

Gravettian toolkit is used since 30000BC in europe.

>> No.9282208

maybe america is just more conducive to these developments than europe, and not a result of innate superiority.

>> No.9282210

maybe white people are just better

>> No.9282291
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>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to solutrean:10000 years (30000BC-20000BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to clovis: 4000 years (15000BC-11000BC)

Who were the Aurignacians? If we look at Europe's haplogroups at that time;


Basically; K, F, C and I. F would go on to evolve into R, which was found in MA-1.

C, R and Q compose the Y-haplogroups of the Americas, providing evidence of a single pair of paternal lines (C and P/R/Q) that colonized Europe and the Americas.

Whites developed technology Amerindians never did, and the Amerindians inherited it circa 30,000 years ago.

>> No.9283241


>> No.9283582


Herp, sorry. I'm at work now. Will reply shortly.

>> No.9283678
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>So, we need to genetically modify the neurons and support cells of the nervous system

Different cells in your body have different potency - in terms of pluripotency, totipotency, etc. Certain cells aren't potent in this sense at all, but can be chemically induced to be pluripotent.

What we need is a pluripotent stem cell which can differentiate into a neuron;

>Generation of serotonin neurons from human pluripotent stem cells
>Generation of motor neurons from pluripotent stem cells
>Derivation of dopaminergic neurons from pluripotent stem cells
>Differentiation of spinal motor neurons from pluripotent human stem
>Generation of neuropeptidergic hypothalamic neurons from human
>Recently, human somatic cells have been reprogrammed directly to pluripotency by ectopic expression of four transcription factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and Myc) to yield induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells

So, we take some of your fat cells, and we take a few, and we first induce iPS cells from these fat cells and enhance Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and Myc protein synthesis rates. Oct4 expression can be enhanced with estrogen;

>17-beta-estradiol induced OCT4 expression in MCF-7 mammospheres
>Role of Oct4 in maintaining and regaining stem cell pluripotency
>Steroidogenic factor-1 and estrogen-related receptor b (Esrrb) were shown to directly activate the transcription of human OCT4 and mouse Oct4

>> No.9283731
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Sox2 overexpression promotes breast cancer;

>Because E2 stimulation has been recently shown to enhance breast tumor-initiating cell survival by downregulating miR-140, which targets SOX2, the establishment of a bidirectional cross-talk interaction between the stem cell self-renewal regulator, SOX2, and the local and systemic ability of E2

The effect is bidirectional, and enhanced estrogen function enhances Sox2 function.

KLF4 promotes pluripotency, and estrogen causes KLF4 to accumulate;

>Results: Accumulation of KLF4 due to estrogen-induced inhibition of VHL facilitates estrogen-mediated mitogenic growth

Estrogen directly enhances Myc expression;

>Estrogen induces c-myc gene expression via an upstream enhancer activated by the estrogen receptor and the AP-1 transcription factor

So, basically, we take your cells and we blast them with estrogen, among other things. This causes them to turn into iPS cells. As an aside, this is why my ideal genome is designed for elevated estrogen synthesis.

So, now that you have a vat of iPS cells, you do progressive sorts - basically, you decant the vat into two vats, then sequence the genome of both vats, and pick the best. You keep doing this until you get a vat with strong pluripotency - you can tell because the bad vats will die off sooner than the good vats.

So now you have a final sample of a few dozen or a few hundred iPS cells. These you freeze to keep them good, but if you're using them right away keep them out because the freezing and thawing will kill some of your sample.

>These neurons are already constantly replenished - we didn't think the brain had an immune system, but it does, so you place the brain into a tank on immune suppressants

>> No.9283978
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If you just want immortality, you can ignore this step (Removing your brain.) But if you want a new body, basically you remove the brain and toss it into a bath of perfluorocarbons enriched with oxygen. The brain should be chilled, and you need to move on to the next step as soon as possible.

Exactly how to get the brain dissassembled is a question. I have three hypothetical methods; 1, laser away the ECM of the old brain; 2, melt it with digestive enzymes like a caterpillar; or 3, just blend it into a mush that can be crammed into the skull.

>Next, just start pumping the neurons with your desired genome into the brain mush. Once 99% of your old cells are dead, you pump the mush into a brain bioscaffold

This means;

1: Design your desired genome in pieces via Solid State Oligonucleotide Synthesis, which involves coating polystyrene with single nucleobases, which then form dimers with the next nucleobase you add to form AC for example,

2: If two AC's bind together, you get;


3: You form a string of DNA like this, and this is called your DNA template. This template - the physical DNA pulled off the polystyrene - goes into the iPS culture along with Cas9, the spacer (ssRNA that with only bind to it's 'perfect fit' in the genome,) the sgRNA 'scaffold;


4: Place the culture into a centrifuge, and like magic, the Cas9 will modify the genome.

5: Finally, you again divide the culture into two vats, and pick the vat that uptook your DNA template. Do this again and again until you have 100% templated cells.

6: Blast the culture with estrogen to get it to divide.

7: Inject samples of the culture into the brain mush, and you'll get a mosaic. This mush is then extruded into a brain bioscaffold inside of a growing newborn's head.

>> No.9283985

There should be labs that offer this to parents.

>> No.9284002

And how do you keep your memories after you've put the brain into a blender?

>> No.9284005

How do you keep your memories after you die?

It doesn't seem like that big of a loss in comparison. (I'm not the person who wrote >>9283978

>> No.9284014

If you don't want to keep your memories, what's the point in injecting your cells into a newborn in this long process and not just engineering the zygote directly?

>> No.9284028

1% of the brain survives which would keep your memories and "self" intact. As I read it. Not the person. His point was you flush 99% of shit, keep the 1% alive, replace the 99% with newborn/GE to become immortal

The 1% is the scaffolding which recreates yourself.

>> No.9284056
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The newborn was also made from your culture. The iPS cells were made to become to become ova;

>Here we describe a stepwise protocol for the generation of eggs from mouse PSCs, such as [...] and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
>The PGCLC-derived GV oocytes can be matured into eggs in 1 d by in vitro maturation (IVM), and they can be fertilized with spermatozoa by in vitro fertilization (IVF) to obtain healthy and fertile offspring

And sperm;

>The experiment, reported online in Cell on 24 December1, recreates in humans parts of a procedure first developed in mice, in which cells called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells — ‘reprogrammed’ cells that can differentiate into almost any cell type — are used to create sperm or eggs that are subsequently manipulated to produce live births by in vitro fertilization

So, you IVF your ova with your spermatozoa, both of which come from your CRISPR culture, and the result is a growing fetus. You might start it in a human woman or a pig, then move it to an artificial womb;


Which, as an aside, is probably just what you need to keep your brain mush alive.

But, once you remove the fetus, it's no longer a legal person. In fact, legally, all this happens every day. Fetuses are aborted and harvested for embryonic stem cells - make sure to get some of these while you have the chance.

So, if you scoop it's brain out and replace it with natural brain fluid and an expandable bioscaffold - you're in the clear! Next, gestate the fetus and expand the bioscaffold until you can fill it's skull with your brain mush.

In >>9279744, I cite;

1: The retention of memories by the children of mice,

>> No.9284088

>trusting human beings to select traits in living things

>> No.9284114
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2: And evidence that memory is stored within the nucleus, and a hypothesis that memory (And consciousness) is stored within the chromosomes.

>These results point to the nucleus of neurons as the potential locus of the engram in Aplysia



Right now, there are people doing this. Not rich people - well connected scientists, carefully and slowly. They reveal their progress slowly, and always a few steps behind where they're actually at.

By 2020, it will be widely available, and by 2034 it'll be cheap.


My citations are above. To grasp the implications, I have some book and site suggestions;


>DNA is minded and conscious
>Western culture has cut itself off from the serpent/life principle, in other words DNA, since it adopted an exclusively rational point of view
>The peoples who practice what we call "shamanism" communicate with DNA
>Paradoxically, the part of humanity that cut itself off from the serpent managed to discover its material existence in a laboratory some 3000 years later

If you do drugs while also understanding genetics, you gain both objective and subjective perception of the serpent, and an entire new sphere of reality opens up. I am part of the white race, from the pacific, who has gone on a 50,000 (Not 3,000) year long quest to obtain mastery of DNA/the serpent.

>> No.9284122

baste copetron

>> No.9284137

you should just have told me you were a pseudointellectual /x/ stoner before you wasted my time trying to comprehend your walls of fantastical bullshit

>> No.9284141

The Vinca people were European, they were the first people to reach "bronze age". I'm not like these arrogant american christcucks bringing other people down. As a pagan it's admirable seeing people put spirituality ahead of meaningless and self destructive technological progress but what you said is still false

>> No.9284181
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>> No.9284193

>Not understanding layers of irony and eccentric minds
It was still an interesting set of posts to read. Would be really interesting to find a way to "dry" out the brain just enough to regrow it with all memories intact.

Aka removing 99% of it, and then "regrowing" it like scaffolding so the entire network is intact but now brand new and young.

>> No.9284246
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>you should just have told me you were a pseudointellectual /x/ stoner

Where are your essays? Can give us a better explaination of the science?

>walls of fantastical bullshit

First, look at this picture. It comes from this site;


I didn't come up with any of this science, and I've provided plenty of citations at every point. We have genetically modified human fetuses, and we've grown new organs. We've even made sperm and ova.

None of my claims are fantastical - extreme, but not fantastical. So call me whatever you want, but I'm confident that my vision will be reality.

>> No.9284295

So if I wanted to try this at home which blender do you recommend for the mice brains?

>> No.9284306

nice anon, I laughed out loud

>> No.9284569
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Latest show/original on CRISPR

>> No.9284635

what the fuck did I just read ITT? jesus christ >>9278772 was right

>> No.9285000

The thread is great.

>> No.9285189
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Well, you probably don't want to use an actual blender - I'm not sure if you could sterilize it. A brain isn't very tough - a sharp knife could mince it. A knife is easier to clean.

My logic is is based on the Aplysia paper, where they showed that old synaptic patterns could re-express using both re-arranged old, and all-new neurons added to a damaged synaptic network. In other words, neurons can figure out where they are in the brain or nervous system, and adopt a new task. New neurons recently derived from stem cells would aid this process, and reverse damage.

The amazing thing is that this very technique has been used to repair brain damage in mice;

>Furthermore, some grafted NSCs retain the "stemness" feature and produce new neurons even at 3 months after grafting
>The results demonstrate that advanced age of the host at the time of grafting has no major adverse effects on engraftment, migration, and differentiation of grafted subventricular zone-neural stem cells (SVZ-NSCs) in the intact hippocampus

I will admit that some level of amnesia would be present - but, I repeat, I welcome that. As >>9284193, >>9284028 said - the 1% of neurons that survive will re-create the old synaptic patterns with the new cells.

>> No.9285197


>> No.9285203

>Exactly - high BMD = Tall = Aging = Low Dopamine = Low IQ.
Trying this hard to not feel bad about being 5'6.

>> No.9285228


I want to be shorter.