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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9274960 No.9274960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if science and math is important and people with high academia are deemed with more prestige then how did Trump become president?

>> No.9274964

Many reasons. People don't necessarily listen to smart people. People don't care that much about math or science. People look up to people at schools like harvard, but not to such a point where the country would make votes based on what most "Smart people" are doing.

I also don't look up to academics, but thats a different story.

>> No.9274968

>inb4 /pol/tards, retards and racists insist trump was a logical and sound choice for president

>> No.9274982

important yes
prestige no

>> No.9274992

you dont need to be intelligent or educated to vote, additionally the relevant institutions were designed by people who were intelligent and educated to take full advantage of this disparity

>> No.9275000

science and math have little to do with being a president and despite libs calling everyone they disagree with dumb he's clearly very smart and knows how to deal with people unlike the undeas lizard hillary who's more boring than my grandma

>> No.9275003

so you are saying half the country is dumb and that better education can only bring you half the benefits?
i am sure you can't single out the Trump case with voter rights alone. in other situations like in companies where you make business deals and make business partners are also important tributes to success. and i am sure Trump would win this too against any harvard grad.

>> No.9275009

An elequently described untruth is still an untruth

>> No.9275010

Just because the people of a given field deserve prestige, it doesn't mean that they are capable of doing everything and that people of other fields don't deserve prestige. People like you, for instance, with such narrow, limited thinking, might even deserve to achieve something in academia and be praised for that, but are clearly incapable of functioning outside of their field.
Btw, Trump is an utter idiot. He is in the position he is purely because of sheer luck, not competence. Life is random and shit like that happens sometimes.

>> No.9275012
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ever since he got in office the only thing in his mind was to repeal everything obama did, and despite being the most powerful person on earth he couldn't change a single thing obama had implemented.

>> No.9275017
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I could argue but this really isn't the right board

>> No.9275027

Cause you brainiacs FUCKED EVERYONE OVER

>> No.9275083

He wasnt, but neither was hillary. People chose their perceived lesser of two evils because third party was irrelevant

>> No.9275102

>Neither was Hillary

>> No.9275123

Donna Brazile just admitted that Hillary Clinton laundered money through the DNC in the 2016 campaign. Do you really want to give her the presidency? Do you really want Hillary to be able to launder money through the US government and just pass as many laws as she pleases to make her operation more efficient?

As it stands, only liberals got scammed so nothing wrong with that, but if she had more power then she would be able to scam the entire country.

>> No.9275131

You're thinking of the dismal science, not actual science.

>> No.9275152

Dude, most Americans above a certain age only have a humanities/liberal arts degree. Alot of those degrees don't even require advanced algebra let alone calculus. These people are not proficient in science or math. The academics crowd is split between those which is numbers heavy and those which is words heavy. The words heavy academia crowd are illiterate in anything other than arithmetic.

>> No.9275160

To add I have an English professor who thinks algebra is pointless while knowing about the Lindbergh baby is somehow a sign of intellectualism.

>> No.9275224

Non-stem academics are no different from Rick and Morty fans.

>I do [insert thing]
>[insert thing] is a sign of intellectualism!

>> No.9275227

The humanities and liberal arts are very smug and have a false sense of self worth because they can remember some quote Shakespeare wrote. The problem with the US is we are led by these idiots when we really should have a technocracy again. CEOs should be former engineer or computer scientists for a Tech firm, not some fucker with a Master's in Letters.

>> No.9275235

Trump isn't stupid. He knows how to play his audience. In certain situations he talks with a very low IQ vocabulary but time to time he forgets to put on his act and starts talking in a very intellectual manner. The worst thing you can call him is a con-artist, but stupid? No, he does have a degree in economics which I consider STEM-like.

>> No.9275245
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>> No.9275259

Because Aristotle was right about Democracy

>> No.9275313

>if science and math is important and people with high academia are deemed with more prestige then how did Trump become president?

Because Trump was born rich and there's a large number Americans who are envious of the rich (especially old money) and practice heavy association fallacy. People who voted for Trump are associating the accomplishments of his father (the real entrepreneur in the family) with his own. So they think guy actually knows what he's talking about when in truth he's just been throwing money at others to do his work for him and riding on the brand name for years.

If it's any consolation China, Japan and South Korea rise to prominence has been mostly due to focusing on math and science.

>> No.9275315

Lol, you really still believe this to be true? How can you mot see him make the worst choices and moves over and over? A smart person, even when trying to act like an idiot, would have handled Porte Rico very diffrently for example. >>9275235

>> No.9275539

poor faker did he deserve it?

>> No.9275543

People don't give a shit about scientists, that's why.

>> No.9275550

Because americans are fucking dumb

>> No.9275744
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your mistake is thinking science and math are important to the majority of voting population.

it's not PC to say it but let's be honest, most people just don't spend enough time thinking to understand anything.

most peoples' politics are determined by fear and greed. there is no rational moral philosophy and no metacognition.

IQ is normally distributed, this means there are over 100 million whites with double digit IQ who are easily led by the nose to vote for whoever you tell them to. this number easily overwhelms all the left-voting shitskins put together. Trump united them by playing at their fears, easy game

>> No.9275753

You're working from teh assumption that he's trying to do a good job *as a president*. He's not. He doesn't give a rat's ass about the country. He's interested in himself. If you look at what he does wit that in mind, he's brilliant. He won the presidency. He's about as on top the narcissist's ladder as you can get.

>> No.9275755

>Hillary voters smart
just kys brainlet

>> No.9275759

>He doesn't give a rat's ass about the country.
Who does anon?
But he is still better than hillary.

>> No.9275768

He's been too successful over the course of his life to just brush him off as being stupid.