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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1015 KB, 861x1257, 1477888093752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9268556 No.9268556 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /sci/ approved reading lists?

>> No.9268560

>pop science bullshit
well nothing on your list to start with

>> No.9268562


Theres nothing wrong with that list anon. Care to elaborate?

>> No.9268570

go back to neil degrass tyson land

>> No.9268577
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So you can't provide a counter example?

What are you doing on /sci/ anon?

>> No.9268580
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>cant self learn nuclear engineering they said

Been at this for a couple of months already, its amazing.

>> No.9268588
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>> No.9268589

Which book did you start with, Anon?

>> No.9268614
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Kill yourself.

>> No.9268618

Not an argument.

>> No.9268620

Literally every book on that "list" except maybe The Selfish Gene is complete dogshit. Some of them are quite detrimental actually. In that they employ lies and half-truths all throughout, to indoctrinate the reader into the author's baseless opinions and sentiments.

They're fine if you treat them as the historical/futurist scifi/fantasy that they are. But are useless for anything else.

>> No.9268622
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It's an order.

>> No.9268631

>What are some /sci/ approved reading lists?


>> No.9268638
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>> No.9268644

Kaku and Hawking write terrible lay science books. Instead, read Feynman's 'QED,' Einstein's 'Relativity the Special and General Theory,' and Thorne's 'Black Holes and Time Warps.' You still won't learn much physics, but at least it won't be drivel or nonsense. Or try Feynman's 'Six Easy Pieces.' Some of the 3 volume set of the 'Feynman Lectures' is also accessible, and it's a great way to get interested in physics.

>> No.9268659

The list is pretty obviously a troll list but to be honest everyone on the list except for kaku are fine for the most part.

>> No.9268664

>>Muh magical success clay
>>meme authors
>are fine


>> No.9268666

E equals M C sub 2

>> No.9268667

>Guns, Germs, and Steel
Troll list detected.

>> No.9268668

Lol can you even mention whats wrong with that book? Thats right, you cant because you've never read it, you /pol/ low IQ faggot

>> No.9268670

t. leftist cuck

>> No.9268674

Not an argument.

>> No.9268675

Not an argument.

>> No.9268685

Not an argument.

>> No.9268704

Not an argument.

>> No.9268718


Not an argument.

>> No.9268741

Not OP but I liked Guns, Germs and Steel.
It definitely doesn't belong on a /sci/ reading list. It was a light read on a few common ideas. I didn't claim to know anything about anthropology prior to reading and I also wouldn't after reading.

>> No.9268768

>Thinking Fast and Slow
>The Theoretical Minimum books and lecture series by Leonard Susskind
>The Big Picture book and the Philosophy of Cosmology lecture series with Sean Caroll

>> No.9268782

t. Steven Moyleighnoo
I always found it ironic that the quote is related to him, even though a lot of his videos are not arguments but feelings.
>Girls, you see, being a mother is amazing. It's very nice. You may think it's not optimal to be a mother now, but you should try it. Having a baby is amazing.
Said this in a video a few months ago (I don't watch him that often)

>> No.9268785

These aren't bad books, but only if you're a highschooler or someone who does science as a hobby. If you're studying science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) these books are pointless. They're meant to dumb things down so that people get interested in science.
Which is exactly why they aren't /sci/ approved. They are starter books, and can be even skipped if you're already in the field.

>> No.9268959
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>reddit the list

>> No.9268994

Gets Mossaded

>> No.9269102

Where's "An Outdated Book on Something Irrelevant"?

>> No.9269111

Well outide of the brainlet normie pandering bullshit you chose, I've been reading the emperor of maladies by siddhartha Mukherjee, which is pretty decent.

>> No.9269112

Well outide of the normie pandering bullshit you chose, I've been reading the emperor of maladies by Mukherjee, which is pretty decent.

>> No.9269118
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I want to get learned about the history of the Space Program and space exploration in general.

I always look in the history section of shops and there's a whole lot of nothing there and the science sections are usually nothing but Pseud shit and pop science.

Can anyone reccomend any good readable overviews and histories?

I'll contribute with some pseud pop sci shit of my own: Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi really helped me get on top of stress and isolate why i enjoyed the things I enjoy.

>> No.9269119

Well outide of the normie pandering bullshit you chose, I've been reading the emperor of maladies by Mukherjee, which is pretty decent lads.

>> No.9269129

>the selfish gene
Based on a theory which has been proven wrong.

>> No.9269134
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>> No.9269144

What's /sci/ general chemistry approved book?

>> No.9269147

It's a bit outdated, but you should read "Ignition! An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants" by clark. Really funny and it gives you a good history of the chemistry and politics in rocketry. Probably one of my favorite organic chemistry books

>> No.9269149

My Dad bought me a hardback copy of Roger Penroses The Road to Reality.

It was a cool gift but it wasn't about war so I never read it and I am a brainlet. He seemed excited to have found a copy.

Where does it stand in the world of Science literature. Is it a primer overview or a textbook. I can't really tell.

>> No.9269151

The emperor of M'ladies

>> No.9269152
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>> No.9269158

Cool thanks.

>> No.9269180

The International Jew by Henry Ford

>> No.9269294

Advanced popsci, along with his others
Any others like him?

>> No.9269325
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>> No.9269616

Genuinely don't know enough about the books or the subject to know if the stuff under "Women's Studies" is meant as a joke or not, but had a good kek anyways.

>> No.9269664
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>> No.9269675
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I really like Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch.

>> No.9269691

has anybody EVER read everything in one of these "guides"?
Total and utter bullshit.
>let me just line up literally 200k pages of math
and then it's obselete by the time you finish

>> No.9269708
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I just posted it to appeal smart

>> No.9270309
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I have a problem where there is so much I want to learn.
>mechanical engineering
>electrical engineering
>computer science
Literally not enough hours in the day.

>> No.9270375
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pls be my bf
this looks pretty good thanks!

>> No.9270979

Learn math and cs, apply to other two

?? Ez

>> No.9271247

This garbage is still being posted.

>> No.9271275

better learn none of the above and shitpost on /sci/ all day long

>> No.9271300
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>> No.9271373

>learn math
>learn cs
>suck cocks
It's not that hard

>> No.9271569

Are the Feynman lectures worth it if Im already in third semester physics or is it just high level pop-sci?

is Gödel, Escher, Bach worth a read? Ive seen it thrown around on here a couple times and the topic seems to be pretty interesting. Again asking from the perspective of someone already studying physics.

>> No.9271582
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>> No.9271657

Yes GEB is a very fun book and really sets you thinking 10/10 would recommend

>> No.9271659

Thats a troll image new boi.

>> No.9271682
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a popsci reading list missing The Elegant Universe? Blasphemy!

Also, The Inflationary Universe by Alan Guth is a required popsci reading.

>> No.9271683

Not to boast (but still kinda, tho), but I taught myself quantum physics from the scratch upto renormalization (i.e. the name of the course I'm taking this semester).

Good books, however, I recommend something non-hard science related desu, as you probably get enough of that anyway. Try Haidt, Ariely or Kahneman for example. But more generally, just read, every day. Soon you'll be running out of stuff to read.

>> No.9271726

Thanks anon this made my day.

>> No.9271761

holy shit anon thats impressive

>> No.9271987

>Guns, germs, and steel
fuck off tumblr

>> No.9272081

What’s garbage about it?

>> No.9272118

>Not one textbook
Why all the popsci?

>> No.9272127

What a great reading list.

>> No.9272133

im embarrassed for whoever took this picture

>> No.9272233

based on the books shown in picture, there is a 99% chance this person is some fat guy with a pube beard that works at walmart and is actually half indian

>> No.9272336

>Are the Feynman lectures worth it if Im already in third semester physics or is it just high level pop-sci?
It was the freshman textbook at Caltech for a while. Great, fun, kind of inspiring read even if you're past it, like Feynman's other book. The relativity section is a little wonky, though, so you can skip that part.

>> No.9272339


>> No.9272355

>all except mein kampf, jews and their lies, and the bell curve are in fingered through once condition

>> No.9272388

Wouldn't expect anything more from a Trumptard

>> No.9272635
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>> No.9272651

Hey /sci/ what books would you recommend related to natural science

I would love to hear what you lads have to give about this. Thanks in advance :)

>> No.9272695

Not sure, but there are some books over those topics on the /sci/ wiki. The recommended material seems to be legit (at least for physics and EE)

>> No.9273054
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Peak Americanism.

You Amerigoblins are so fucking ridiculous.
Always trying to compensate for your eternal muttery.

>> No.9273060

Akmet go oil wrassle with Mehmet in a non-homoerotic manner.

>> No.9273072

t. sicilian

>> No.9273084

If you honestly don't understand The Selfish Gene you are a brainlet forever.

>> No.9273235

lol why so mad tho?

>> No.9273315

Wrong hypothesis, wrong methodology, wrong results, can be debunked by an elementary school kid. It doesn't require /pol/ to debunk any affermation by that shit

>> No.9273322

Can someone link me a complete textbook math guide. There are plenty of guides like >>9269664
or >>9269152 but theses guides are memes acording to some people. I just want a good guide without useless chit for brainlets.

>> No.9273327

Not an argument. Your answer lacks any substance, honestly. Makes me doubt if you even read that book.

>> No.9273342

Show me a thesis from the book (physical barriers, resources, domesticable animals). I'll demostrate why it'a wrong, if I have time before going to the gym

>> No.9273365

First link is a good guide albeit in meem form, second is complete meem/joke

the fact the you need a complete textbook guide probably means that you do need useless chit for brainlets

and if anything, it has to be tailored to your level and interests, which is variable to everyone

>> No.9273370

Needs more Crichton

>> No.9273380

Fishing for recommendations for books that are easy to get into. I.e they hold you by the hand/explain something so very well that reading the book gives you some knowledge for free.
Examples: SICP, Basic Economics by Sowell, Harnessing Complexity by Axlerod.
Anything math/complexity theory/computer science/programming related is welcome.

>> No.9273389

Can't atm, have a couple thousand pages left to study among other stuff to do. But stick around champ, if I get to it you might learn something.

>> No.9273394

'Gems of theoretical computer science' is the GOAT

>> No.9273419

Jesus christ

Literally self radicalization via confirmation bias: the picture.

Do people that do this kind of shit not realize what they are doing to their mind? As someone who deredicalized from white nationalism it just pisses me off that people see no issue with just reading exactly what they want to hear ffor hours on end.

>> No.9273432
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>> No.9273443

Thanks will check it out.

>> No.9273444

Funny, the same thing happened to me when I believed in racial equality, feminism and necessity to have open borders

>> No.9273455

Lads any good book for thermodynamics. I'm really enjoying Çengel, really thorough.
I'm also reading some introductions to general Logic, I'll slowly go to the fundamentals of logic and then mathematical logic.
Fiction books I'm reading are The Neuromancer and The Man in the High Castle.

>> No.9273463

The proof that you are simply a brainwashed radical and not someone basing their worldview on evidence is the grandiose language of "truth" you attach to your beliefs. You were already racist and just read books to confirm what you wanted to believe.

>> No.9273509

I was not. I never had a single bad relationship with people outside my race, always good ones.
I literally studied. You are shilling, by the way, and I can tell

>> No.9273527

I wish i had the time to do that kind of thing... :(

>> No.9273533

What books and papers on the other side of the issue did you read and what convinced you to conclude the side you did?

>> No.9273575

Those kinds of people are part of what keeps science funded and in schools though, don't know what the point of being elitist about it is, let them think they're great at science if they want

>> No.9273579

Second this, reading Feynman's stuff when it's things I know is still enjoyable, mostly because he clearly enjoys it as well. What was wonky about relativity though? I read through alot of it and found it very hard to follow

>> No.9273639

clearly purchased to be read on vacation which anon is in the process of packing for. is it bad luck to travel with a recent 1 day delivery haul?

>> No.9273694


GEB is much more worth it if you don't know any math, (in which case absolutely worth it.) But if you're not a brainlet, just study mathematical logic, axiom systems, etc. The philosophical musings will present themselves.

>> No.9273731

>anon counters white supremacy with allegations of insufficient racial purity

seig heil brother

>> No.9273776
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t. kike

t. nigger

t. cuck

t. commie

>> No.9273816

>pls be my bf
Do you mean, your (as in the commenter's) bf or that hamster's bf or "your"(pretending to be the hamster) bf?

>> No.9273854
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say hamster again. i dare you. i double dare you.

>> No.9273855
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>> No.9273856


>> No.9273859
File: 40 KB, 960x720, take that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fuckin' it!

>> No.9273876

are you trying to punch me or get me bitten or punch me while your fist gets bitten or get me bitten while being punched? what's your intention, anon?

>> No.9273895
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You're supposed to read books and do the exercises. Not collecting pdf.

>> No.9273896
File: 2.54 MB, 776x5164, A guide to mathematics (scaled).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bored and made this, it's less memey than those other lists around and doesn't have 10 introductory books per subject

>> No.9273908

hey nice work.
One thing, the second paragraph under the analysis section is missing a "not" in front of the "so" which precedes the second "obvious."
Thanks for the list.

>> No.9273921

Why do the autists here insist you read ancient books that nobody cares about anymore instead of actual textbooks used in universities?

Moreover, are you seriously implying people should study set theory FIRST just because mathemautists insists ITS DA BASIS FOR ERRRYTTHIIINGGG?

>> No.9273936

>doesnt even read the description she criticises

>> No.9274006

Not an argument.

>> No.9274050
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What y'all think? I personally really liked it.

>> No.9274079

Read some of those kaku and hawking books when I was 12yo.
That's how I find out what "physics" was.
4 years later I started digging into classical mechanics and now on my 2nd year in physics I see how much bullshit those guys said in their books. Quantum shit can kiss my ass. Classical physics still reigns supreme
I have to thank them though otherwise I would be on my way to unemployment being an astronomer instead of a physicist (well almost)

>> No.9274082
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It's God tier desu. Kinda ironically Jews own Ford now.

>> No.9274090

Btw can recommend a good book on the history of mathematics (not pop science tier)?

>> No.9274093

A decent list for once, thank you, anon.
And there's nothing wrong with books from the last century, math is empirical and doesn't change regardless of era.

>> No.9274119

true, but then you look at books like principia mathematica or even set theory by bourbaki, and well...

>> No.9274133

Seconding this. I've only read popsci math history books that talk about how "WACKY PYTHAGORAS WAS WOOOAH!" and all that junk. Really need some thorough, articulate math history texts.

>> No.9274134

how enlightened will this make me

>> No.9274137

Hist of math by boyer. PDF is online

>> No.9274147

I.M. James, History of Topology
Jean Dieudonné, a History of Algebraic and Differential Topology

Both godtier, but you need working knowledge in the fields to make anything of it, especially for the second one

>> No.9274173


>> No.9274224

You'll get ejected from the matrix

>> No.9274234
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>tfw downloaded that whole magick mega folder from /x/
>still haven't opened a single book

>> No.9274456
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>wanna self learn math
>see list on 4chins
>list starts with books recommended to undergrads
>starts of with multiple proof books that require algebra knowledge
>read 2 books about the same thing
>gotta understand set theory before algebra
>ok gotta start with basic high school books now
>we doing calculus now boys


>> No.9274463
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>buying delegates

>> No.9274518
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try harder

>> No.9274555

Finally, some people who aren't edgy atheists. The dogma reddit pushes influences those of a low IQ, as seen in OP.

>> No.9274712

>believes in the IQ pseudo science

Found the low IQ beta male, /sci/

>> No.9274725

I have the same problem.

>> No.9274752
File: 308 KB, 992x992, List1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a list of my favorite undergrad books. Before starting, you should know calculus and linear algebra, not rigorously is enough, and have some background on proofs. Rosenlicht and Artin should probably be read first.

>> No.9274764

who the dicks reads folland in undergrad
folland is rough going for most grad students

>> No.9274780

It's easier than Rudin. And the other texts have issues. Royden is readable but not too useful since he puts off general measures until later. Bartle's elements of integration is extremely easy but contains very little material and is treated at a very basic level. Though Folland and Milnor are there because I think the material is extremely useful to know. Someone else might pick other books they value like Munkres's topology or Do Carmo's differential geometry.

>> No.9274781

I used Royden in undergrad measure theory and Tao's Intro Measure Theory in grad analysis. Tao is way better, very intuitive, geometric, and motivated. No experience with Folland or Papa Rudin.

>> No.9274875

Thanks bros

>> No.9274907

this is why i created this >>9273896
I only assume basic knowledge of arithmetic

>> No.9275184

That callister materials science book is pretty shitty though. I also read a few chapters of that heat and mass transfer book, it wasn't bad but you're not gona be building any nuclear reactors with that kind of material.

>> No.9275189

reminds me I still never finished reading GEB... very interesting book actually and no real math knowledge required

>> No.9275198

You might have finished it, he played with the idea within the book of a book that has a finish but one you couldn't tell by the thickness of the book. Nor one you could tell by the tail pages being blank. Or being obviously different in typsetting or content.

>> No.9275219

Does anyone have a link to a download for 'A Course in Arithmetic'?

>> No.9275311

Cool list. You may want to include alternative books in addition to the ones you listed. Don't give them a picture, just write the titles and authors somewhere in the paragraph.

>> No.9275316

it was interesting enough I'll pick it up again when I have some free time after work, I thought the point he was really getting at is the idea that no formal system can be conscious but I only got about half way through part 1.

>> No.9275409

>dummit and foote for algebra
absolutely great choice, highly recommend this book as an intro to algebra

>> No.9275421

dogshit. kys.

>> No.9275506

>GEB is much more worth it if you don't know any math
Well as stated I do study physics so I have a somewhat good mathematical foundation (havent been presented with any philosophical musings though...)
Is GEB still worth it? I just hope it doesnt annoy me with semi truths like most actual popsci would.

>> No.9275537

Stewart's Essential Calculus
Layman's Linear Algebra and it's Applications
GERM1021 & 1022 German Studies 1 & 2 FOR Australian National University

>> No.9275547


>> No.9275548

Did you steal this picture from someone on /lit/ or was that you? Someone posted an identical picture a few months ago showing their work-related bookshelf as a nuclear engineer.

Also to everyone itt: sci approved books are any with true literary or philosophical merit. Knowledge of science alone does not make an intellectual - it's a recursive act where the more you understand the breadth of human knowledge the more you understand its depth.

>> No.9276107

that picture and variants with similar books have been posted on /sci/ for well over 5 years now

>> No.9276325

thanks d0g

>> No.9276586

>Those kinds of people are part of what keeps science funded and in schools though

In the past "Those kinds of people" knew a thing or two about technology and science. These days, we have a breed of people who simply want to appear intelligent on social media.

>> No.9277133

Your missing out. I read them all, signed a pact with a demon and am now the ultimate wizard with a whole lifetime of petty pranks until I am summoned to Hell. Good deal.

>> No.9277354

tell me more

>> No.9278198

A brief history of time really is the nr.1 choice of pretentious wannabe intellectual douchebags

>> No.9278307

This is a great list. Nicely done anon.

>> No.9278356

plenty of time, simply devote an hour to each everyday instead of whining about it on here you plebian scum

>> No.9280136

thoughts on generatingfunctionology? it's been a pretty interesting read so far, and i'm working through it alongside my linear algebra / diff eq course

>> No.9280200

>philosophy from positivists who don't know who hegel is

kill yourself op

>> No.9280250

this book is more proof of concept, not really worthwhile reading

>> No.9280259

geb is fun for a casual read, "Fooled by Randomness" - nothing challenging (or unapparent) to anyone well trained, but a thrilling exposition nonetheless with several creative and novel ideas.

>> No.9280328

>Quantum shit can kiss my ass. Classical physics still reigns supreme
You're retarded

>> No.9281191
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>> No.9281576


>> No.9281592

The rest are either fine or I haven't really read them, but just wanted to say something about Spivak. He sounds cool at first, but he does not do a good job of explaining concepts. Especially for first time learners.
Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds on the other hand is probably one of the best multivariable calculus texts out there. Wish I could find more.

>The Bible
The rest of the books are fine, but the Bible??

If I ever get bored, I can just teach myself nuclear engineering! Thank you anons!!

>> No.9281609
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>all these books are snesationalist (and possibly trans-humanistic) propoganda.
Please post an actual book, like "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" - by Issac Newton

>> No.9281616

>the bible
Christ-fag, get off my board.

>> No.9281627

>mere christianity, and pretty much anything written by the greeks
those are good reads
>everything else
meme reads.

>> No.9281638

and if you have friends, share your understanding and try to teach them orally. Research has shown that you learn things better when you try to recite them to a confidant.

>> No.9281680

Thomas the tank engine

>> No.9281738
File: 293 KB, 1600x1200, LZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9281740

Best PDF textbook for pre-calc?

>> No.9281755


>> No.9281778

Love you. Seriously. Thank you.

>> No.9281920

It's known as the Feynman Technique and it does work very well for cementing your knowledge and identifying any gaps.

>> No.9282306

non brainlets only

basic mathematics - lang

a primer in abstract mathematics - ash

apostol calculus 1

lax - linear algebra and its applications

advanced calculus - shlomo sternberg (v hard)

ordinary differential equations - tenenbaum and pollard or ordinary differential equations basics and beyond by cain and schaeffer

algebra - dummit and foote

topology without tears or topology by dugundji

real and abstract analysis - hewitt and stromberg

theory of complex functions - remmert, a good supplement is visual complex functions by wegert


probability theory - klenke (could actually use this to learn basics of lebesgue theory)

lectures in logic and set theory - tourlakis, vol 1 is logic, vol 2 is set theory

functional analysis and partial differential equationsby brezis or linear and nonlinear functional analysis by ciarlet

representation theory - fulton and harris

partial differential equations - taylor or you can do evans instead

commutative algebra - bourbaki

Fundamentals of Differential Geometry - lang

Basic Algebraic Geometry – Shafarevich

algebraic topology - hatcher

but you should be able to find your own texts after completing the basic sequence

>> No.9282454

Nice leddit spacing my dude.

>> No.9282600


spacing out posts looks better

>> No.9282662
