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9265685 No.9265685 [Reply] [Original]

What have you achieved by the time you were 23?

>> No.9265690

In only 20 years, I lost my will to live.

>> No.9265692

I achieved pseudosenescence in just 21 years.

>> No.9265706

i went balls deep in a 7/10 qt

>> No.9265743

I've had sex. That's something Newton's loser ass never managed to do.

>> No.9265745

>only a 7/10

Banging a straight 9 at the moment. We had a joking, but not completely joking, discussion about marriage last night.

>> No.9265760

By the age of 23, Evariste Galois was dead

>> No.9265761

Ive managed to marathon fap 10 times in one day

>> No.9265762

I would too but this virgin faggot already did it >:(

>> No.9265775
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>What have you achieved by the time you were 23?
Lost my virginity.

While Newton died Virgin.

>> No.9265782
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Shakespeare was writing his first plays when he was already 28.

>> No.9265810

underrated post

>> No.9265825

More laws and disproving of einstein not to mention the invention ideas of a tesla coil and electric vehicle wheel turbines.

>> No.9266106

absolutely fucking nothing
pretty sad. . .

I'm a brainlet?

>> No.9266313

this comment is useless without pics. where are your manners you fucking nigger?

>> No.9266314

I found out I can masturbate without hands

>> No.9266323

For a virgin who never left his room, he is pretty impressive.

>> No.9266326

I donated to hungry children in Somalia and India

>> No.9266329


>> No.9266347

By 22 i was married with children. Newton was bright and had a great library nothing more.

>> No.9266399

I've had more sex than Newton ever had in his lifetime

>> No.9266404

A lot of things actually, I'm actually in my alchemic period now.

>> No.9266407

i started the iron age

>> No.9266414

nice, someone should write a book about you

>> No.9266478

>why would I care about one of the most groundbreaking man who lived, at least I have my little family to go back to after I finish working 8hours every day

>> No.9266636

Based Galois.

>> No.9266649

I jerk off a bunch and am almost done with a physics bs that I'm going to use to teach high school despite literally every professor telling me I'm smart enough to go to grad school and make a fuckton of money doing data science or getting into quantum fundamentals.

>> No.9266733

You fucking normies aren't welcome here. Go back to your social media shitholes right fucking now.

>> No.9266746

Male pattern baldness.

>> No.9266840

realized that alchemy is pseudoscience and a waste of time.

>> No.9267177
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>> No.9267179

i have eaten 1023 cup noodles since 2013.

>> No.9267190

I grew an extra chromosome by sheer power of will

>> No.9267210

I managed to realize I liked dicks and get my penis licked by a cute man.

>> No.9267213

I-I learned how to integrate

>> No.9268262

will be employed and have paid off student debt. suck it dead English nerds

>> No.9268408

>laws of motion and the law of gravitation
I learned both in High School, that Isaac guy must be pretty slow in the head.

>> No.9268422

i became wealthier than any scientist/mathematician/researcher who has ever lived, probably.

>> No.9268437

how'd you do it

>> No.9268449

>by 23 newton invented laws of motion and law of gravitation
except I was already using those equations by 17 lol
and already at 21 I know much more advanced physics than newton couldve ever imagined

>> No.9268456

I should have some paper published by then.

>> No.9268486


>> No.9268517

I whored myself out to 1,000,000 fat women for $100 each

>> No.9268535

currently 23

Ive synthesized multiple electrolytes for magnesium ion batteries that do not work. I have aided in the discovery a couple solid-state ion conducting materials that meet/exceed the conductivities set by superionic conducting materials. ive collaborated closely with 2 groups at 2 different national labs to do this.

I'm 23. When you write it down it sounds a lot more impressive than it actually is.

>> No.9268537

I learned to tie a tie

>> No.9268814

Hoping to get my sweet 500lbs by then
>Did faggot virgin newton even lift

>> No.9268820

You're right, but you're just using other peoples' work. If you didn't know of those works would you have been able to recreate them on your own?

>> No.9268827

i have 2 children and a wife, i did my evolutionary part and i'm only 31.

>> No.9268829

how old and fat are you now? 500lbs is a lot for a human, please think about it twice before you get that fat.

>> No.9268838

I invented a new form of interpolation in highschool

>> No.9268841

Source for papers ?!

>> No.9268842

Sorry, meant a 500lbs bench-press
>Typing iz hard

>> No.9268964

loved the pic

>> No.9268972

Wow, you managed to have sex. Like literally billions of others before you. Congrats, you're parents must be so proud

>> No.9268973

...sure anon... sure...

>> No.9268981
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I became the owner of several sex slaves, and I am pretty requested Dom. In online games...

>> No.9268999

500 lbs is elite but it's nowhere close to world-elite, so.. it's possible. kind of a weird thing to lie about on a board where nobody lifts.

>> No.9269024

just admit that you're fat. you just make it worse. i bet you're under 6'2" too.

>> No.9269612

he died a virgin

>> No.9269620

I'm not even the guy you're quoting.

>> No.9269652

Comparing yourself to Newton is probably not so healthy.

But, academically, I had a masters degree, and two publications by then. I'm 27 now and I'm tenure-track faculty, which is not so bad.

>> No.9269656

Newton is a meme.

>> No.9269658

I've watched three full seasons of Rick and Morty.

>> No.9269673

19, got a silver medal on IOAA after placing second in my country's national Astronomy Olympiad
Do have gf but wanted to point out that so did literally every single one of each one of your ancestors ever since sex was "invented", so it's more of an "I'm not an evolutionary failure" achievement than actual success

>> No.9269703

That must've been rough. My condolences.

>> No.9270897


and he stole it from leibniz

stereotypical insecure virgin

>> No.9270903

>unfunny sex jokes get me furious
Try being less insecure.

>> No.9270906

I realized the importance of being kawaii and decided to cuddle my Teddy everyday.

>> No.9271018

I invented an exponentially growing robotic platform that could solve most of the big problems (energy/climate change/food/mining) in the world within a decade.

I'm now 35 and too lazy to build it though.

>> No.9271042

I was out of trade school and working on commercial HVAC systems. Got tired of working hard and taught myself more about electronics. Now I'm an electronics tech. I basically suck engineers dicks all day and fix their fucking problems, and come on /sci/ because I think the threads are interesting but I'm not even smart enough to do calculus.

>> No.9271488

In nearly 19 years, I have only just recently begun accepting that I am smarter and more competent as everyone around me has told me. So idk, if I continue studying interesting topics (I am heavily interested in Psychology and Philosophy) and complete my Information Technology degree, I could hypothetically discover or understand something of great promise on a similar level to Newton.

This is obviously just a pipe-dream, but belief in ones self is powerful and I have only just begun believing in what others say about me.

>> No.9271821

Change history anon! Get some help to realize your creations - don’t let them be another idea upon countless before it that were dispersed into oblivion from their great mind upon its death!

>> No.9271829

he also was still a virgin......which is basically where everyone here is at still.

>> No.9271860

Turned 23 a couple of months ago.

Currently half a year left of a Bachelor degree in economics, I think it's boring as fuck and my results have sort of followed that so there's no chance of me getting an interesting job when I'm done.
Might start a degree in computer science next year but I'm not sure.

>> No.9271927


Yeah sure bud post her pic

>> No.9272478

just reading this made my penis shrivel into my body
good job anon

>> No.9272525


Good job anon. Don't listen to all these faggots trying to pretend like they know better than you. They really don't and are just trying to bring you down. There's probably people smarter than Newton alive right now, there's no reason you couldn't be one of those people

>> No.9272537

this isnt r9k faggot

>> No.9272540

Not much. But by the next time I turn 23 I’ll have done some marvelous things. I learn from my mistakes and I’m smart

>> No.9272543

>the next time I turn 23

>> No.9272689

>being this mad about being a virgin into your 20's that you post this shit unironically on a Japanese imageboard

Imagine your life being this bad

>> No.9272705

>Congrats, you're parents must be so proud
They probably are since it means they probably get grandkids

>> No.9272710

>this mad about someone being mad about being a virgin

wow you have a double barrel on your mouth roof every time you close your eyes at night

>> No.9273116

No problem friend, my aura of dominance has the tendency to render inferior males infertile :^)

>> No.9273319

>having children
how's flyoverland or africa or where ever?

>> No.9274136


i'm 19 lol

>> No.9274164

i'll probably be bald as shit so i'll go for the maximum amount of barely legal pussy to make newtons ghost jealous

>> No.9274177
File: 604 KB, 1000x645, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow up, 4chan. You have a life to live. You are not living it, if you are here.

>> No.9274199

By 23 I had discovered the universal law of male sexual activity:

Sexlife = Cm x Amount of money/ ability of vagina to spend money
Cm = general chad factor ≈ 1/manletness

>> No.9274220

Can someone explain this eq to me?
[math]\nabla^2 \phi = 4 \pi G \rho [/math]

>> No.9274290

I proved tan - 1x.

>> No.9274554

>Congrats, you are parents

Yes, yes, they will be.

>> No.9274740
File: 75 KB, 471x443, 1486026967121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went from tens of thousands in debt to millionaire (in digital assets)

>> No.9274743


Well memed

>> No.9276342

great poem

>> No.9276344

for you