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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9263439 No.9263439 [Reply] [Original]

The concept of globalism is basically to improve economy by working together but aren't humans just using it to steal money from dumber humans and create a huge difference between rich and poor?

>> No.9263453


Wealth tends to flow to the hands of the capable. It's only natural that the best succeed in a competition. Getting rid of competition is impossible because people don't work without incentives.

Worry not though, regardless of what the commies try to tell you, the poor people do benefit from that competition as well. Today's poor live like the kings of the past, and it's all thanks to free competition.

>> No.9263462

I'm not trying to badmouth capitalism but rather trying to grasp what we can do to use globalism so that it works best.

>> No.9263465

The concept of Globalism is to give Jews more control.

>> No.9263467

In some senses they do, but kings had freedom to make choices. Poor today have some luxuries but they can't do as they please. For plenty it's work a fuckton with zero fulfillment, unless you count getting to eat Hot Pockets for dinner as a kingly pleasure. Better than the past but I don't think that means their situation can't be improved further.

>> No.9263477

Get a load of this shabbos goy.

>> No.9263484

>/sci/ - Science and Math

>> No.9263485


Globalism holds many meanings nowadays. Most of which as terrible ideas, like centralized power, etc.

The only thing I'd like to see "globalism" being
about is trying to keep things as peaceful as possible.

>> No.9263491

The standard of living for the american poor is higher than that of kings in the middle ages.
The problem is you're coddled. You forgot what luxury is.
For example, being able to take a shit inside your house where it's warm in the winter, but not having to smell it all night, and not having to empty the pot in the morning.
It's only possible because of centralized plumbing, which obviously required the forfeiture of some autonomy in order to compete with others.

The group with the highest IQ according to /sci/, i.e. ashekenazi jews, are trying to push globalism to unite the world. If you buy into the idea that niggers are dumber than whites and are better off as slaves, then you should also buy into the idea that the Jew can more effectively rule the Goy to the benefit of all. But provincial populist dumbfucks are doing everything they can to fuck it all up for no reason.

>> No.9263492

By the standards of 200 years ago, do most of the poor live like kings? Air conditioning, plumbing, microwaves? Minus the social status as a powerful human being.

>> No.9263495

>in order to compete with others.
in order to cooperate* with others

>> No.9263501

>restricting voluntary mutually beneficial exchanges between parties is in the interest of the said parties
yeah no

>> No.9263506
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It really makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.9263555

you can get rich by being a kim kardashian type. the smartest individuals on this planet do not make bank. Tesla died in poverty.

>> No.9263573


Wow, there are outliers? what a concept!

Also, there's more to being a capable person that just their smarts. Tesla was autistic as shit and had massive flaws as a person, despite how brilliant he was. There could exist a mute deafblind
whole body paralyzed super genius who has solved all of the world's problems in his head but is unable to communicate with anyone in any possible way, would you consider that person capable?

>> No.9263688

Jewish iq is a meme. Notice that all of these iq studies differentiate between east Asians and southeast Asians, as well as Ashkenazi and other jews, yet all gentile whites are lumped together - Irish with English, northern Italian with southern, and all of the rest.
90%+ of all STEM related endeavors are the product of gentile European ingenuity. There will never be a jewish Newton, Gauss, or Galios. Never a jew that breaks ground in anything. Word games and aggregation are all they are good at.

>> No.9263703
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We're giving money to China and India, aren't we?

>> No.9263706

I don't care about Jew conspiracy, but this is a good point. Why aren't white IQs broken up in research? Is it feasible to do so? We all seem kinda mixed.

>> No.9263716

Everyone's out for themselves and always will be

Capitalism takes hold when there are enough people who want to enrich themselves

Socialism happens when there are enough people who are pissed off at the rich and want to fight back at them

The last post I quoted says "works best" - best for who? Everyone is out for themselves. Just focus on yourself. If you want to make a change in the world then make it happen.

There is no "perfect system" where everything bad is ruled out, for fuck's sake. Just do whatever the fuck you want to do in the world - if you want to help other people then by all means do that.

>> No.9263729

you're right. ethnicity break up is the best way to go by for g factors.

>> No.9263732

I'm aware of what I have, thanks. "You're coddled" is kind of a stupid thing to say, I'm no more coddled than you (unless you can demonstrate otherwise).

You acknowledge the loss of autonomy, but fail to see that the poor never had that kind of freedom. Technology helps to alleviate having to work in the fields from dawn til dusk, yet somehow regular people are working 60 hour weeks to make ends meet.

I'm not arguing against capitalism, I'm saying the comparisons between modern poor and ancient kings doesn't cover everything that goes with being poor, you stupid sack of shit.

>> No.9263734

>jewish IQ is a meme
>hispanic IQ is not a meme

>Never a jew that breaks ground in anything.
Einstein? Bohr? Feynman? Von fucking Neumann? Salk?
Get the fuck off /sci/ faggot

>> No.9263755

>Wealth tends to flow to the hands of the capable
By that logic Einstein and Tesla should have been the richest men in history. Tesla died penniless and nearly all of Einsteins money, when adjusted for inflation, is less than what Donald Trump has made in 1 year. Hell look at Donald Trump. I genuinely like the fact that he got elected over that snake Hillary, but even I have to admit the man is a straight up moron. You can say hes just carrying out some grand strategies that i don’t comprehend all you want, it doesnt make it true. Look at Kim Jong Un, he is literally retarded and he is the richest man in his country. Wealth would flow towards the hands of the capable if everyone started on even ground. Its absurdly easy to make millions when you have money to start off with. This rant is brought to you by someone with six figures in his bank account alone. If you add up my assets i could be considered a millionaire.

>> No.9263794

>"You're coddled" is kind of a stupid thing to say, I'm no more coddled than you
"You're coddled" does not imply "I'm not coddled"
Pull the stick out of your ass.

>yet somehow regular people are working 60 hour weeks to make ends meet.
Of course. And there's nothing wrong with that. Even the President of the United States works 80+ hour weeks, so what? At least due to the pooling of global scientific and technological progress, they can live in luxury while they do it.

>...you stupid sack of shit.
Tourette's-tier levels of autism. You should be ashamed of yourself for getting this upset. But I suppose I should expect no less from an ignorant goy.

>> No.9263801

Not necessarily ethnicity, but Germanic vs Celtic vs Slavic, etc.
The og meme scientist. I mean come on, he begged Hilbert to create the mathematics to describe his theories.
Half goy
Another meme scientist
>von Neumann
Now you're getting somewhere.
Polio vaccine is of course important but he didn't create or revolutionize new domains of knowledge.

>> No.9263853

wow okay thanks for laying it on heavier, I was sure you were serious for a minute

>> No.9263864
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>You destroyed me on point after point, time to declare you a troll
Facts and logic are a bitch, aren't they?

>> No.9263877

Yeah too bad you think a president is a good basis of comparison to the average worker?

Logic my ass, go take PHL 101

>> No.9264224

Humans, by nature, shake out into a vertical control structure. Whether or not the masters are truly superior, the bulk of a given population are mindless cattle. They are milked, engineered, and controlled to keep anyone else in check. Then if they have anything left, it's harvested. Otherwise they are quickly thrown away.

>> No.9264262

>Yeah too bad you think a president is a good basis of comparison to the average worker?
He's not, and yet he's still working 80 hours a week. That was the fucking point, retard.

>> No.9264299

>The concept of globalism is basically to improve economy by working together

At the very basic level, it does not necessarily improve income distribution globally, (although that is whats happening) but it literally allows for a greater abundance of goods to be created via the forces of comparative advantage and specialization

>> No.9264334

there is no concept of globalism, it is a meme created to tar opponents like "trickle down economics"

What there is is corruption. Business A benefits from law B so they push to get it introduced under the noses of voters. The government sees no problem passing tons of new bills and legislation because it means more importance and high paying positions for them. We were warned about this by the founding fathers but they are dead white males who had to collude with slave owners to escape from slave owning britain so they could ban slavery so no one cares. Sometimes these laws involve cooperation with other countries so people yap "globalism", but they don't care about corruption in general and have a poor understanding of what is actually holding America down.

>> No.9264357

Is English your primary language

>> No.9265145

The goy is incapable of learning. Sad.

>> No.9265310
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Except the gap between the very wealthy and the poor is the largest its ever been by a massive margin and the power difference is incomprehensible because of modern institutions. Todays very poor are just as fucked as they have ever been and it is morally bankrupt to allow them to suffer because "it used to be worse".

>> No.9265322

That's what humans always do. When the "economy is growing" it really just means that "this list of megacorps are doing great". We have managed to make being a serf slightly less shitty, but once automation really kicks in all the serfs will die and the smart rich people will live in a robot assisted auto-fellating heaven.