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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9261613 No.9261613 [Reply] [Original]

If women don't use logic to reason, and instead rely on emotions, how do they accomplish anything? How has the species lasted this long?

>> No.9261616

Men do all the work p. Much

>> No.9261617

>logic or emotions

False dichotomy. Come back when you cease holding brainlet ideas of human behavior.

>> No.9261618

What species dumbass?

>> No.9261624

The human species, fucking retard

>> No.9261735

But it's true though. Women do things based on emotions and how they feel at that moment.

>> No.9261750
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>gender is a mental state of thinking with emotions

>> No.9261763

Men and women's mental strengths are slightly different (on average), mostly due to hormones. Yes socialisation plays a part, but males and females (usually) produce vastly different levels of hormones - males produce twenty times as much testosterone, for instance. Because we have testicles, which perform the role of testosterone production, but females don't. And testosterone affects the development of the brain.

Women learn language quicker. They're better at empathy. Men take longer to learn language, and we're not as good with empathy and social relationships, on average. Men are usually more interested in understanding how systems works - mechanical objects, things like that.

But hormones are just one factor in determining these things - our environment plays a big role, which is why you get many women who are interested in technical things, and you get men who are good with empathy.

Also, the way you lead your life affects the hormone production of your body. Women who play football are going to be producing more testosterone than most women, because it's the hormone of aggression. Men who are quite passive and take up knitting will have lower testosterone levels than many other men.

Anyway, to answer your question, males and females have traditionally performed different roles in society, which suited our different qualities best. And this is still largely true - the vast majority of nurses are women, and the vast majority of engineers are men. But this doesn't mean we should exclude either sex from either profession - people should be able to do what they like. But the sexes will never be exactly the same. Unless we become infertile. Let's hope that never happens.

>> No.9261766

Society grant free position on center society because uterus.

Women use social control, some people say "emotions", found social relations,power relations and build complex graph in how much some people could give them and ways to get it,on control or close position to most powerful person and get same social power.

Women won't talk about real world, causes or consequences, will talk about impact on social relationships on actions,gestures,words or silent, if believe some people will solved problems or give thing, won't worry about nothing.

TL;DR women are children.

>> No.9261828

my girlfriend is pretty fucking smart so im confident that you just have shit women in your personal environment

>> No.9261838

How ironic this thread isn't based on logic or reason but instead emotion.

Are you a woman?

>> No.9261840

>how do they accomplish anything?
With much frustration.

>> No.9261846
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Aryan, dumbass.

>> No.9261848

>how do they accomplish anything?
They don't.
>How has the species lasted this long?
Because it's not composed entirely of women.

>> No.9261859

It's the science of feelings.

>> No.9261918

It's not that women are totally lacking in logical thinking, but they think differently by giving higher priority to things like compassion, cooperation, equality, well-being of others, etc without considering the consequences and at the cost of things that men would consider higher priorities. Basically, women are overly altruistic. Humanity has survived because of the intellectual elite.

>> No.9262186

only true answer

>> No.9262275
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>> No.9262290
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>If women don't use logic to reason

>implying people in general use logic in any kind of systematic way in daily life
>Implying the use of emotional intuition doesn't provide distinct social advantages for a given community or that it doesn't frequently provide a good approximation to Bayesian reasoning

>> No.9262374

Cuz men love them. You answered your own question with your picture. I WANT TO FUCK!

>> No.9262379

Sexuality is on a spsectrum everyone is on it.
You can be to if you sit up on it

>> No.9262394

Women don't use logic sometimes, I don't use logic sometimes. I need money but I spend it on things that aren't 100% needed.

>> No.9262494

You don't need anything, not even food, because you only want to live. You should define what's needed based on the task set, and you set your task to "get this thing". You now NEED to get thing in order to compete the task.

TLDR; doesn't make sense to define what's logical based on an arbitrary need.

>> No.9262512

Feminism that's why!

>> No.9262518

It's not that "women don't use logic"

It's more of "women are more emotionally affected". Meaning women are *influenced* more by emotion.

>> No.9262526


>> No.9262531

You’re retarded. Women have more connections between right and left brain than men.

>> No.9262599

What are your thoughts about the idea of making STEM jobs, especially at universities, a 50/50 ratio between males and females?

>> No.9262620
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because men are enslaved to these and will put up with anything for them:

>> No.9262794

We fuck them. That tends to help

>> No.9262806

Wow, an actual thought provoking comment on /sci/. Now I've seen it all.

(Not being sarcastic)

>> No.9262864

Well I barely come here anyway.

So much of this board would be served by taking time out to look into philosophy and art so as to better understand their own mind and avoid being trapped in their obsession with needing to feel superior. I'm somewhat disappointed how little there is here that isn't driven by egoistic undergrads.

>> No.9262870

I agree. TIL Bayesian inference.

>> No.9262872

Oh my goodness this. Way too many people here are just stroking their ego, seeing who can get theirs the biggest and I don't even know what they're hoping is gonna come out.

>> No.9262874

To get strangers to love us of course. The purest of social achievements.

>> No.9262927

All decisions contain an emotional element. Logic can help make good decisions, but without emotion, there would be no motivation to actually do anything. We would overthink everything and suffer from analysis paralysis.
Women allow men to turn off their brain and think with their penis long enough to get shit done.

>> No.9262930

I've met women who appear to be fairly logical. I'm as misogynistic as the next 4chan poster but I don't get where the idea that they're entirely devoid of logic comes from.

>> No.9263113

Oh. Well I love you anon <3

>> No.9263127

>Basically, women are overly altruistic.
How false rape accusations are altruistic?

>> No.9263129

It's physiologically impossible to do something based entirely on reason or entirely on emotion, unless you have some neurological condition.
Every decision you've made or every thought you've has been emotionally based to some extent.

>> No.9263130

T.mgtow uggo that worries about false rape accusations despite a woman never showing interest in him

>> No.9263139
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Brainlet, if facts can be used to feel superior, it's not a reason to ignore them.

>> No.9263146

A woman is always interested in free profit because she can't achieve anything on her own.

>> No.9263180

go to a bar and see if that line will work you virgin

>> No.9263186


They don't. LOL. Maybe one out of 10000 does. The rest fuck Chads from age 16 - 25, then pick a useful idiot to support her kids and pretend its the first bf, then stay with said idiot and have as much kids as possible, or move to the next useful idiot.

Civilisation is the byproduct of men who never scored, and dads...

>> No.9263189

>I know all of this from the personal experience of reading things on the internet over 5 years and never leaving my room

>> No.9263194

That's an actual gold mine. Did you want to contradict?

>> No.9263206


Open your eyes, monogamy and marriage is dead, and only the top guys even get to have a girl, while everyone has to work to keep society running.

>> No.9263318

You're fucking deluded. Walk down the high street and you'll countless average and below average guys with women. By definition, most people in relationships are average in every aspect. Your view of reality has been distorted by reading things on the internet and strengthening biasis instead of getting off your fat arse and getting pussy. Kys. Weakness disgusts me.