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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9253369 No.9253369 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most respected scientific field? ...and why is it neuroscience?

>> No.9253387

Neuroscience is witch doctor tier. There's no real understanding of the brain and thus no way to model interactions except by random experimentation. It is all very much the spaghetti shotgun at the wall, or Edison approach, to doing science. It's only successes are because of pure luck and nobody knows why any of them actually work. Which is why most every mind affecting medicine tend to have a ridiculous raft of side effects.

>> No.9253407

wtf I thought we already had a mathematical model of the brain and that it has like two gorillion dimensions. PBS infinite series made a video on that.

>> No.9253408

>implying physics isn't the only true science

>> No.9253411

>two gorillion dimensions
Excuse me what? The brain can't soan beyond dimensions?

>> No.9253412

Also, god tier shitpost

>> No.9253413

Actually the most respected field is AI.

Destroying the best Go player in this world, destroying top ranking pro poker players, these are very big accomplishment.

Now every government, every military, every company is actively looking for AI expert.

Don't forget google announced they want to apply AI to medical research. Google is going to destroy doctors next.

Now is the golden time for AI.

>> No.9253414

The brain exists in 8 dimensional space I think.

>> No.9253415

>Actually the most respected field is AI.
Yes but that is because of the creation of Kizuna Ai, who will soon be replacing women.

>> No.9253417

Get back in your mother's basement
The space in which the brain exists is so very clearly 15 dimensional. People like you are why science has stopped progressing. Go back to your blue collar job, brainlet

>> No.9253418

It's about the mind baby.

>> No.9253426
File: 230 KB, 475x343, abstract teedus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Applied GPU programming

>> No.9253468
File: 249 KB, 778x960, ktUOnca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9254028

>Not just convex approximation

>> No.9255539

Neuroscience? it's hardly brain surgery now is it?
that's actually the point, it isn't brain surgery, it isn't neurology, it's not even hard science.

>> No.9255649

Unpopular opinion, but genetics. It meets all the requirements for a rigorous science that is reliable and leads to some great shit. The stubborn mule of scientific advancement for the current age.

It's even being given more credence with genetic engineering.

>> No.9255665


>> No.9255672

I hold no special regard for neuroscience but why mention it in way that suggests you think it's worse off for not being brain surgery or neurology? Neither of them are sciences.

>> No.9255684
