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9250603 No.9250603 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that people with PhDs are basically just as retarded as you are?

Seriously how the fuck do incompetent people get PhDs and become professors?

>> No.9250620

Is pic related a joke? That's not real is it?

>> No.9250628

The only requirement for a PhD is obsessive-compulsive disorder. Intelligence helps but isn't absolutely necessary.

>> No.9250637

When I scored a 99th percentile on the writing section of the gre

>> No.9250640
File: 81 KB, 600x631, 1507602603523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a kid
>Respect teachers as smart people
>Get your difficult STEM degree
>Realize that all of your teachers your entire young life up through high school were education majors
>You are probably now actually smarter than them in all areas except in their little area of expertise

>> No.9250685

The answer is diligence.
Next question please.

>> No.9250703
File: 74 KB, 1024x595, black hole brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing section

>> No.9250725


>> No.9250774

When a person starts their statement with:
>I have a PhD.

>> No.9250794

>Seriously how the fuck do incompetent people get PhDs and become professors?

PhDs don't measure intelligence, it's test of endurance.

>> No.9250834

Are people lashing out after seeing their midterms this weekend or something?

>> No.9250842

pretty much. Most of the grad students Ive met (except the FOBs) are bro tier so long as youre not a grade autist

>> No.9250862

That code makes me want to kill myself

>> No.9250912

Yeah I know right. Why would anyone use Java?

>> No.9251004

It's the same thing as when you see how people write in an undergrad writing class. It's amazing how they got there in the first place.

>> No.9251083

It's pretty much the engineering brainlets who realize they are devoid of any creative thought other than plug n chug formulas they memorize and can't imagine seeing themselves pursuing something as a high-IQ demanding work like their profs have done. Pursuing a phd in the sciences require a lot of work, high intelligence, creativity, and most importantly a passion for science as the return on investment you get as a consequence of being in school for 10 years is 100k in debt, something that engineering brainlets don't have as they are only there for money.

>> No.9251091

That's C#.

>> No.9251093

I know a teacher. She's smart, but in distinctly different ways than what you'd conventionally believe. She's incredibly "attuned" to reading people (kids particularly) and puzzles for her come in the form of personalities.

>> No.9251096

>memorize formulas

Jokes on you buckwheat i use an equation sheet

>> No.9251097

So what happens if somebody enters a number that exceeds 100?

>> No.9251104

This is your average java hater from /g/

>> No.9251106

It prints that your number is odd.

>> No.9251109

thats the joke

>> No.9251112

Wow say it without crying

>> No.9251123
File: 100 KB, 550x544, cde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Java is garbage

If you don't C++ template metaprogram you should basically kill yourself cuck

>> No.9251125

I don't know if it's a joke but I think it's believable. I'm TA'ing a class right now where many students turn in code in the same spirit, and the best part is I'm forbidden to hit their grade for it because I am mandated to grade only for things specified in the rubric. You can't even explain to these faggots the importance of writing a proper program. They just say "it works, right?"

>> No.9251131

At the end of the day though, smart people will be smart regardless of whether or not they choose to be scientists or engineers. Some people like making things that other people will be able to use some day, so they become engineers, some people prefer pushing the boundaries of human knowledge through research and experimentation, so they become scientists. No need to feel inferior to the engineer just because he gets paid more though, you are happy doing what you love, right?

>> No.9251137

I made this this summer.

60 with a 15 point extra credit for having no bugs at all.

That kind of coding is real lol

What do you think?

>> No.9251139


forgot link

Its pretty good

>> No.9251141

>printf("\t Thank you for having fun with Connect Four! ");

>line 1693

>> No.9251144

I remember this

>> No.9251148

>he thinks modern education is about intelligence
You have learned this but i bet you will still figure out a way to self-delude back to what you were told to believe.

>> No.9251176

What kind of programming class doesn't take off points for writing bad code? Seriously?

>> No.9251182

I hope you do

>> No.9251256

You did not...
If(number%2) console.writeline("odd")
Else console.writeline("even")

Two lines were needed. Just two.

>> No.9251258

I love hacking/penetration testing
But I want to change the world with biotechnology

Pls advise

>> No.9251272

How about you use a halfway decent language

printf("%s", (num % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd");

>> No.9251277

Why would you % the entire number when you can just do the last diget

>> No.9251292

How about you save the processor an equivalence check?
printf("%s", (num % 2) ? "Odd" : "even");

You're right
//Assuming 16 bit number
printf("%s", (num >> 15) ? "Odd" : "even");

This is fun, any other autists want to make it even quicker
>Inb4 assembly or machine code

>> No.9251295

num & 1

but if you have compiler optimization on all your examples will just get changed to this anyway

>> No.9251296

printf("%s", (num << 15) ? "Odd" : "even");

Meant to do that, not >>

>> No.9251298

>Num & 1
Is anding faster than shifting though?

>> No.9251305

int n
if (n % 2 == 0)
Console.Write("lol it's even")
Console.Write("lol it's odd")

I haven't even finished learning the basics of programming and can manage this shit

>> No.9251307

Forgot to put in a readline but it doesn't matter for the purpose of this

>> No.9251326

I'd be happy if I churned out that much code in a week.

It takes me a week to get 4 lines of shitty java code out these days. And I do this for a living.

>> No.9251332

>muh identity
>muh language
>muh tribe

>> No.9251348

wow congratulations you're a real programming expert dude

>> No.9251355

>When did you realize that people with PhDs are basically just as retarded as you are?
When I started one
>Seriously how the fuck do incompetent people get PhDs and become professors?
They work hard

>> No.9251443

I basically shat out whatever came to mind and reread it a few times over, I don't consider myself a particularly good writer but if I scored in the 99th percentile that easily it seriously causes me to ponder the caliber of person taking the gre these days hoping to enter graduate school.

>> No.9251466

lol C++ is shiiittt

>> No.9251510

I want to believe that.

>> No.9251514

>tfw PhD and don't have a clue what's wrong with your pic related
I'm not good at computers.

>> No.9251520

That's because you are retarded. Any somewhat intelligent person would be able to look at that and understand what's wrong even if they have never programmed before. It's not even an obscure language THERE ARE LITERALLY ENGLISH WORDS RIGHT THERE YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO INFER WHATS GOING ON REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9251526

>Any somewhat intelligent person would be able to look at that and understand what's wrong even if they have never programmed before. I
You doing a PhD bucko? :^)

>> No.9251534

haha engineers
You're like fake orgasm of science

>> No.9251565
File: 127 KB, 710x594, 1508668743762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying look up tables are not the most efficient
Brainlets need to get off of this board lmao

>> No.9251607

>15 point extra credit for having no bugs at all

>102 comes out odd
>relies on the user obediently entering a whole number

>> No.9251790

No i wrote the code in the ideone link. I forgot to post the link. I might be a bad coder, but op's pic is attrocious

>> No.9251801

>Seriously how the fuck do incompetent people get PhDs and become professors?
Because they're competent in their field. Look up any of your profs and odds are high they graduated cum laude and all that shit and did solid research. Being competent at teaching is another thing entirely however and some just suck balls at it sadly.

>> No.9251842

You're an idiot and you are clearly not a software engineer.

There is nothing shit about C++

>> No.9251877

Oh, that's what I get for not reading the thread carefully.

>> No.9251937

only retards and geniuses get phds

>> No.9251954

Same here, i have a programming elective where we do have to submit a group assignment which consists of programming a tic tac toe like game with computer opponent.

One of our group members completed the whole assignment before we even met up the first time and insists that we use it...

Its literally just a script with concatenated while loops. No functions, no exeptions, crashes all the time when invalid inputs are entered. Literally not thought through at all.
It seems like he just programms along and try to think of every possible move and then tries to catch it with an if/else statement.

Its literally 2000 lines long. Tried to do the same, only needed 400 lines. Less bugs. I am not even a sophisticated programmer.

>Tfw to shy to try to convince my group to use my solution...

>> No.9251985

>only needed 400 lines
I know basic matlab and I imagine it'd be easy to do it in half or less, assuming no fancy gui. Just put a 3x3 matrix of zeros and let each player pick an entry to input +1 and -1 respectively, do a winner check in a separate function after every turn and voila, done.

>> No.9252018

Explain please. I have OCD and really hate this fucking shit.

>> No.9252591

If he insists no one work on the project and use his shitty code, shun him out of the group.

>> No.9252594

The code is too mechanical. You could easily write like 8 passby functions and shorten that code by 1200 lines.

>> No.9252608

I don't know the only profs that didn't seem to eclipse my IQ by standard deviations were my english profs for my academic writing and my bio profs. Chem/physics/math profs seemed way out of my league

>> No.9252617

they are chinamen they dont speak english bro

>> No.9252678

Senior CS major here. I actually like C++, it's much more straight forward.

The reason Java exists is to prevent street shitters from crashing everything with pointers like they would in C++.

In Java, the reason you hide all your variables within classes is to keep the poos from touching them.

>> No.9252679

Sorry you had bad high school teachers.

>> No.9252800

You know a person with a PhD is just someone who's really knowledgeable about one topic?

>> No.9252803

>They just say "it works, right?"
>"it works, right?"
I feel anger.

>> No.9252833

Because just testing the least significant bit and returning odd if true, even if false, wouldn't be an adequate solution.

C code:
size_t num = literally_any_integer; // your cpu registers can hold
printf("Your number is %s", num & 1 ? "odd" : "even");

>> No.9252865


I wrote this. It might be trash, but its a hell of a lot better than OP's meme

>> No.9252880

I'll go through it later. I'm not the grandest programmer myself, but I might have some worthwhile commentary.

>> No.9252973

When my professor said that he never had heard of the word "partook". He's a native English speaker btw.

>> No.9253008

There are dumb people at every level of education. In general PhDs are way fucking smarter than undergrads

>> No.9253190

>he missed the joke
It shows that you'rr only beginner.

>> No.9253240

when I got a job. everyone is retarded, it's amazing companies even stay alive as long as they do. I guess the 80/20 rule is true

>> No.9254570

Can confirm this is true. I can't believe how many companies are filled with idiots.