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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9243816 No.9243816 [Reply] [Original]

If scientists are so smart why aren't they rich or come up with a mathematical proof on how to become rich?

>> No.9243823

>considering anything other than pure knowledge to be an absolute measure of wealth

>> No.9243827
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I don't think I scientists goal is to be rich, and from the start many of them know that it is not the absolute highest paying job. Also, becoming rich is based on a million factors, to the point where a single equation, no matter how complex, can truly guide you towards being rich.

>> No.9243828


Seeking wealth is for peasants. Real men become the wealth, by acquiring unique knowledge.

>> No.9243850

>If scientists are so smart why aren't they rich or come up with a mathematical proof on how to become rich?

Step 1: Stop doing all things related to STEM. It's a waste of time.
Step 2: Embrace your inner autist. Discard all subtlety.
Step 3: Become incredibly butthurt over all things related to religion*. Hate God with an unquenchable passion.
Step 4: Rant at every opportunity. Surround yourself with similar minded teenagers looking for people to confirm their biases.

Congratulations, you a now a modern prophet of enlightened skeptical rational scientifically verified free thought™ in the same league as the brightest minds of history that have advanced humanity with all of your popular books becoming best sellers.

>*in reality, just (protestant) Christianity but only refer to religion so you can't be called a bigot. Also, fully support Islam and call all naysayers "racist".

>> No.9243852

Most probably could if the focused their skills on Statistics and went to work on Wallstreet.

But thats boring.

>> No.9243883


Intelligence isn't defined by a line that has very stupid on one end and very smart on the other. There are several different categories for intelligence that explain some people's strengths and others weaknesses. The skills to get rich probably require a lot of interpersonal skills for networking and marketing for example. The stereotype for scientists, primarily those in academia, probably are very logical and linear thinking individuals that allows then to contribute to their respective disciplines. However, when it comes to something that is unpredictable as the market and something as no linear as society, makes it difficult to reason out a method of aquiring wealth by those means.

>> No.9244587


They are doing exactly what you describe OP. If you want to be like them, study pure math, applied math and learn to program in C++

>> No.9244591

tbqh most scientists such at statistics. and beside cutting edge mathematical finance goes way beyond statistics

>> No.9244603

A scientist's goal is to be cited, not get rich.

>> No.9244613

Be honest, you don't care. You just wanted an excuse to post that picture.

>> No.9244787

There are exceptions:

>> No.9244790

See also:

>> No.9244822 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 300x250, 2P1w5Tpnmt-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually a very good point, anon. if these public funded scientists were so smart they wouldn't struggle to get funding. but you see these people have lukewarm intelligence and are severely autistic studying shit know one in their right mind could give two flying fucks about. like beetle mating and how that will be affected by climate change. and then they go to bitch about why the government spends more money on fighter jets than their useless crap. meanwhile intelligent people in stem get the fuck out of the trap that is academia and either run a successful start up or get a secure job with level 5 and above pay.

don't let the salty bitches on /sci tell you otherwise.

>> No.9244823
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this is actually a very good point, anon. if these public funded scientists were so smart they wouldn't struggle to get funding. but you see these people have lukewarm intelligence and are severely autistic studying shit no one in their right mind could give two flying fucks about. like beetle mating and how that will be affected by climate change. and then they go to bitch about why the government spends more money on fighter jets than their useless crap. meanwhile intelligent people in stem get the fuck out of the trap that is academia and either run a successful start up or get a secure job with level 5 and above pay.

don't let the salty bitches on /sci tell you otherwise.

>> No.9244921

Show me on the doll where the bad man touched you...

>> No.9244929

the mathematical proof on how to become rich involves doing something that makes you money instead of math

>> No.9244939

OP is probably a new yorker


>reading for brainlets by the ever brilliant Paul Graham

>> No.9244954

Becoming rich is nothing more than taking huge risks, it is not a linear path but chaotic with unpredictable obstacles.A smart person could reduce the amount of risk factors on the path by calculating and examining the risks but in the end you will still end up with a huge risk factor on your hands.

>> No.9244965

Fuck off out of here. Plenty of "useless" research is fundamental to later advancement, or is necessary to a small group of people who are nevertheless crucial to various societal functions

>> No.9244993
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>If scientists are so smart why aren't they rich or come up with a mathematical proof on how to become rich?
Bitch, please.

>> No.9245176

>why aren't they rich
no one pays us to be smart, retard

>> No.9245178

>I don't think
that was your first mistake

>> No.9245511

A lot of scientists aren't that smart. Most scientists are just slightly above average at best since most people don't have the endurance required to make it through the required coursework.

>> No.9245537

You don't have to be smart to be rich, just look at Donald Trump.

In fact, being smart and/or ethical can be a barrier to accumulating wealth.

It may not seem smart to rob a bank, but one successful bank heist and the perpetrator can become very rich.

Also research usually doesn't pay well.

>> No.9245554



>> No.9245558

i don't think you understand the scope of statistics

>> No.9245765

>>*in reality, just (protestant) Christianity but only refer to religion so you can't be called a bigot. Also, fully support Islam and call all naysayers "racist".

I was thinking the exact same thing reading Scientific American's latest article on the decline of religious belief within America.

They were raving about the decrease in Protestant and Catholic belief, but wouldn't dare address the steady rise of """"other"""" religions.

>> No.9246194

because its difficult to trade 3 units of science for 2 pounds of beef. there is no obvious immediate need or desire for scientific research. research doesn't even necessarily produce an economic benefit to investors.

>> No.9246233

>>Catholic priests attack children at a rate half that of the general population and most of the cases are isolated to the '60s during the chaotic aftermath of Vatican II
>Never stop bringing it up

>>Jewish Rabbis and Islamic Imams, on the other hand, attack at a much higher rate which are happening today
>"OMG you're a racist nazi!!"
>The government (not just the religious officials) allows them to go unpunished and undeported

Aw.... Who's a good goy; yes you are, yes you are!

>> No.9246300

Being able to live from your passion is preferable.

>> No.9246954

The ones smart enough to do that are also smart enough to realize that they don't need to.
Regardless of whether or not they can, it will still take time which is a matter to question in itself - is it worth the time?

>> No.9247116

>If a scientist
>Mathematical proof

You have no fucking clue how this works do you?

>> No.9247149

Drumpf finally btfo

>> No.9247168

Materialism is one of the worst memes that is currently plaguing humanity.

A good scientist does not work for money, he works because he likes doing it. There are many ways to get rich and doing science is not one of them.
Focusing on your material possessions inevitably decreases your ability to gain intellectual goods.

That is also what is wrong with Communists, they criticize capitalism, while failing to understand that the real issues capitalism has is the materialist society.

>> No.9247268

Becoming rich is either pure coincidence or determined through your family and education.

>> No.9247277

Donald Trump got rich through contacts by his father, that's correct, but that doesn't mean that Trump is dumb, that just means his wealth was determined and he could go even further through his natural charisma (which he has).

>> No.9247295
File: 89 KB, 650x650, 05500327-89e9-4b53-b09f-1d371f875ff1.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many forms of wealth.

A scientist seeks wealth of information.