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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9241995 No.9241995 [Reply] [Original]

CS is the most boring subfield of math. Prove wrong.
Protip: you can't.

>> No.9242017

>statue hasn't been painted over to look like a clown
absolutely problematic

>> No.9242394

Deep learning is incredibly hot right now.

>> No.9242396


>> No.9242402

CS isn't a subfield of maths.

Indeed, maths is a subfield of CS.

>> No.9242414
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nt mr couldnt handle real math so he went to cs for smart-cred

>> No.9244684

>prove subjectively defined concept wrong

>> No.9244783

Instead of me trying to convince you that it might be an actual area of interest, why don't you state your opinion on the matter about why you believe it is boring?

>> No.9244785
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>> No.9244796

don't think so much of the subject
think about the people that you'll have to work with
the type of people drawn to certain subjects
since this is another IAMSOSMART place here you can rule out a ton of subjects like mr math there
but CS is maxi-filled with faggots
you know I'm right lil nicka

>> No.9245063

>you'll become like whoever you work with
wow so i should join a frat and get a business degree. nah lol

>> No.9245854

>maximum likelihood estimation and gradient descent
wow, so hot
bet you faggots don't even know what a martingale or an ising model is

>> No.9245969

At least CS will get me a job that doesn't involve teaching a bunch of uninterested undergrads

>> No.9246463

>muh job
uninteresting degree for uninteresting people indeed

>> No.9246465

>>muh job
Spoken like a true commie numale.

>> No.9246486

I was gonna argue with you OP, but you said I can't prove it, so what's the point?

>> No.9246499

Mathematics is a subfield of CS.

>> No.9246509

and yet it's the only one that's actually useful in the real world

>> No.9246525

>muh usefulness

>> No.9246558

>implying math is exciting
what excites you about math? I assure you CS has an abundance of whatever your answer to this question is.

This OP reeks of pure math enthusiast who was too brainlet to make any contribution to CS.

>> No.9247204

>not calculus
>not statistics
>not linear algebra
>not differential equations
>not fourier and laplace transforms
>only dry wank about automata and turing machines with a sprinkle of shoddy """asymptotic analysis""" is useful

can someone explain this meme to me?

>> No.9247254

But it's been proven that maths is a subfield of CS so try harder sweetie :^)

>> No.9247258
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>> No.9247661
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>> No.9247731

But CS is sub field philosophy and philosophy begins sub field nihiism, checkmate atheists

>> No.9247929

CS is the scientific study of the theory of computation.