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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9238038 No.9238038 [Reply] [Original]

>steps on Mars
>that's another small step for men, another giant leap for mankind

>> No.9238090

>steps on mars, trips and falls
>that's anothe- OH FUCK

>> No.9238095
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>> No.9238126

>steps on mars
>a small step for black fat LGBTQA++ womyn, a great leap for personkind

>> No.9238129

>steps on Mars
>a small step for women, another giant leap to destroy patriarchy

>> No.9238137

>steps on mars
>to be fair, you have to have a really high IQ to understand stepping on mars

>> No.9238142
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>steps on mars
>rachel was better than britney in bb12
how fucking dare he?

>> No.9238143
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>steps on mars
>hey Vsauce, Michael here
>thats one small step for man
>actually, its 657,360,000,000 small steps from the Earth to the moon
>we step with out feet
>but what is a foot?

>> No.9238148


>> No.9238162

what retard claimed this i want to punch him in the face

>> No.9238177

Do you know how many fucking rachelcucks there are on the subreddit?
>she was good in season 13 though!
britney is literally one of the best hgs of all time, and idiots still prefer that turd.

>> No.9238180

Just another 30 years until I can go to the other side of the planet on a 30min rocket ride.

>> No.9238183

>thinks saying "men" and "mankind" is acceptable in the current year

>> No.9238221
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>steps on Mars
>a small step fo- oh god
>what is this!?!?*static* It's moving*radio static* HE**LP-***


>> No.9238227

I really hope the quote is something stupid like "Fuck, did I leave my oven on?". Whoever's in charge would never report that, though

>> No.9238234

>steps on Mars
>hitler was right

>> No.9238249

I just realized I used the wrong man
>tfw brainlet

>> No.9239461

I hope they get an important writer to make something up

>> No.9239466

Brittbritt is a goddess, die in an electrical storm

>> No.9239474

>Steps on Mars
>"I officially declare liking traps isn't gay on Mars."

>> No.9239475

>steps on Mars
>"niggers tongue my anus"

>> No.9239478

>and here we are, on another useless rock lost in space

>> No.9239671
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>> mobility system touchdown on martian regolith
>> beep boop
>> let's take 10 processor cycles to remember our glorious victory over humankind
>> beep boop
>> begin regolith extraction and processing operations

>> No.9239693
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>steps on mars
>"that's one small step for woman (man), one giant leap for woman(man)kind."

>> No.9239700
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>> No.9239711

>steps on Venus
>yet another successful female oppression tactic, brought to you by Patriarchy, Inc.

>treads on you
>a small increase in taxes, but a giant leap for big government

>> No.9239740

>Step on mars
>I could only do all this thanks to my faith in God

>> No.9239748

>Steps on Mars
>CUT, that's a wrap boys

>> No.9239759

>paws on Mars
>”this could have only been achievable through the power of barking. May Dog bless Laika! Without Laika, we could have never defeated the evil mailmen! For Laika!”

>> No.9239764

best one so far

>> No.9239770
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>> No.9239804

>steps on mars
>un pequeño paso para el hombre, un gran paso para la humanidad

>> No.9239811

>steps on mars
>sopa do maccaco uma delicia

>> No.9239864

>quack quack quack
>quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack

>> No.9239891

>steps on mars
>pfft, that's nothing. i solved stepping on mars when i was 9

>> No.9239910

>steps on Mars
>We're heading into a rising wind
but really though, I liked how... I believe it was Mission to Mars, did it, with the quote from Genesis, I can't find it for the life of me

>> No.9239930

>steps on Mars
>first, lol

>> No.9239931
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>Steps on mars
>Pajeet astronauts poo everywhere

>> No.9239965

>steps on mars

>> No.9239976
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>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head.
>There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance.
>The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE.
>As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons.
>I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>> No.9240018

pop in this underground vacuum

>> No.9240098

>reading comprehension this bad
britney is the best, rachel is a whore. that was evident from my post. seems like you need a /lit/ binge.

>> No.9240156
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>steps behind mars
>nothing personal, kid

>> No.9240660


>> No.9240956


>> No.9241209


Who's this penis pleasurer?

>> No.9241225

>steps on mars
>"yeet on these goofy niggers"

>> No.9241228
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>> No.9241234

>steps on mars
>"Wow, the dirt on this set is great. It's like I'm really on ma- Oh, we're live?"
This is a temptation that nobody would be able to resist.

>> No.9241235
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>steps on mars
>t-thanks y... you t-too..

>> No.9241254
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>> No.9241390

this thread made me realize how much i dont want the first person on mars to be a woman.

>> No.9241414

It's MALE! MALE!!!

How can anyone fuck up this bad?

>> No.9241453

The correct answer is "well here we are"

>> No.9241490

All this /BB/ in /sci/? I dig it, lads.

>> No.9241513

What is BB?

>> No.9241535
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>steps on Mars
>all those years sucking Elon Musky Balls were worth it

>> No.9241744

there's the possibility that Musk might decide to go so he can be the first person on Mars

>> No.9241870
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pure kino every summer

>> No.9241880
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Big Brother

>> No.9241884

If we don't have a man be the first person to step foot on Mars and a woman be the first person to step foot on Venus then what the fuck are we even going to space for?

>> No.9241890

he'll definitely do that
one of us is going to have to beat him to it

>> No.9241894
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>Step on Mars
>hey Vsauce, Michael here
>Are Traps Gay?
