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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9234929 No.9234929 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /sci/ so unscientific? I see race-deniers left and right. What's up with this? It is biological fact at this point. Races are distinct in physical appearance as well as capability. How many white people do you see running the 100m dash at the olympics? I mean, we don't even need the advanced genetic analysis tools we have today to see this is true.

Here's a great educational video by the way:

Prove him wrong.

>> No.9234946

You are right. I am sorry /sci/ but we must agree with this man. OP is for once completely right about everything.

Now OP, what should we do about the lesser race? Do we kill them all? Do we enslave them? What do we do with white people?

>> No.9234948


I know you are trolling, but you are still wrong. "Race" is not an objectively defined concept. It is arbitrary. You can't say race is real if you can't even define it in the first place.

>> No.9234951

you mean black people cuz clearly blacks are inferior af

>> No.9234955

If black people are inferior why do white women prefer them?

>> No.9234957
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This thread is not necessarily about the social implications of the existence of race, but rather that it even EXISTS in the first place. I see so many people claiming that "people vary too much within their own race to distinguish genetically," ect, and other things as an excuse to not recognize the reality of race.

What do we do with them? I am always fascinated how people always ask whether we should exterminate them all. Of course not. Just don't make it my burden and use my tax money to subsidize a population whose average IQ is 85.

>> No.9234958

>can't even take a little sun
>can't even play in the NBA because they get BTFO
>can't even take over countries only by pulling on your heartstring and claiming oppression

To be quite honest I consider the fact that black people went from slaves to being a protected class in the US without even firing a gun to be the greatest intellectual and political act in the history of humanity. Black people clearly have an intellect that cannot be matched.

Now that we have made that clear, what do we do with white people?

>> No.9234960

Race is completely irrelevant where I live but I've grown sick of muh race realism threads on /sci/ so I just deny race whenever I get the chance. And I also report threads like these.

>> No.9234962

>Of course not. Just don't make it my burden and use my tax money to subsidize a population whose average IQ is 85.

Okay, so no tax money should be spent on white people? Okay. Will you start the change.org page for taking away government benefits like medicaid/medicare for white people or do you want me to make it?

>> No.9234964

Not an argument. Obviously, race is just a set of genetic clusters that differentiate distinct populations. The kinds of taxonomical issues are still debated by scholars today.

There are plenty of reasonable definitions available already. Asking for an overly-specific definition of race is dishonest, and, frankly, something somebody with a low IQ would do. :)

Did you even watch the video?

>> No.9234967
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Do white people have an average IQ of 85? Please provide the data

>> No.9234971

Well, first define "IQ". I did not mention IQ in my first post but just claimed that white people were the inferior race. Then you claimed they have 85 IQ. I personally do not even know what "IQ" you are talking about and I do not care. I am just asking, what should we do with the lesser race, white people.

>> No.9234975


No one talked about "lesser races", pal. It just implies that some groups are less fit to do certain things, and it would be stupid to have mandatory racial quotas for certain jobs, etc. You wouldn't mandate basketball teams to hire short Asians in their teams, would you?

>> No.9234978


>> No.9234981

>No one talked about "lesser races"

But if races exist then we should be able to compare them, and we do. Some races are inferior to others. For example, white people can't even make it to the NBA so clearly they are inferior. What should we do with them? Do we just ignore that they are inferior are let them be? Or do we prepare the gas chambers? I am just asking!

>> No.9234983

"Race realists" have a substandard IQ and need to be culled.

>> No.9234991


Yeah, we can definitely compare them, and certain "races" are clearly inferior in different areas. Don't see why we'd have to kill any of them though. Just let them be and do their thing without calling it oppression when they can't compete in areas unsuitable for them.

I've yet to see a comparison that has managed to label some "racial" group as completely inferior compared to the rest.

>> No.9234995

Okay so we just let them be? Okay, that is fine I guess. But then what was even the point of claiming race exists?

You are like those modern Christians who say that God is real but that you do not have to follow the Bible's instructions like stone the gays. Like, what is the point of accepting something as fact but then not using that fact to guide society?

I really do not understand you but I guess it is fine.

>> No.9234997



The reason why we have laws is literally to stop white people from exterminating shitskins. Before the white man came to your continent your people were still chucking spears and living in houses constructed from zebra shit. Fast forward to 2017, you still live in huts made from feces but you have AK-47s. Blacks are like Ewoks. They are like animals. Any race could wipe out blacks as easily as a rat infestation. The only reason nobody has done it to date is literally because of legislation based on MUH FEELINGS to prevent people from wiping you off the face of the Earth like the shit stains you are.

>> No.9235005

>black people are like animals
>black people have been the only group in the history of humanity that went from being slaves to being a protected class using only rhetoric and argumentation

If you ask me, blacks are intellectually superior to white people. I mean, how do you explain what I just told you. Black people were slaves! And now black people literally have affirmative action: POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION.

Have white people ever done that? I don't think so. Now, what would you prefer? Gas chambers or firing squads? How should we get rid of the whites?

>> No.9235007

Shaming faggots for their degeneracy before God might discourage them from becoming shit stabbing butt pirates. Likewise, maybe if niggers were made keenly aware of their inferiority they would at least try to become better instead of demanding gibs me dat and blaming whitey when they get arrested for stealing cigars at gunpoint from a variety store.

>> No.9235009

Why the homophobia?
Why the racism?

Did you click the wrong board? >>>/pol/

>> No.9235014


>> No.9235019


The point is that some people deny the existence of "races" and pointlessly waste resources on something that can't be fixed. We're just trying to show those people that those resources should be spent on more worthwhile things. Realizing that "racial" differences are could be very beneficial for the society and thus, I think it's a very worthwhile subject to study.

>> No.9235025

Those aren't boards. Are you confused? Let me do a quick google search. Just give me a minute.

Oh, I see. Those are all subreddits. I was wrong. You did not click the wrong board, you clicked the wrong website. Buddy, this is not reddit and I am sure that there they are eager for you to go back. Thank you for sharing your enlightened opinion, I bet you watch Rick and Morty and are very smart. But here you cannot get upvoted so maybe you should go back to get the internet points you deserve. Thank you for your input, bye!

>> No.9235027


>> No.9235029

>Realizing that "racial" differences are could be very beneficial for the society and thus, I think it's a very worthwhile subject to study.

But why? You just claimed that you do not want to do anything about the inferior races. Why do you want to study racial differences if you do not plan on acting on what you find? Are you retarded by any chance?

>> No.9235033

Maybe we should stop giving strong yndypyndynt wymyn and niggers taxpayer funded gibsmedats.

>> No.9235035

>Maybe we should stop giving strong yndypyndynt wymyn and niggers taxpayer funded gibsmedats.

I agree. And we only have to give black people welfare because we are wasting so many economic resources on the inferior race: white people. If we just got rid of white people then we could take black people and place them as CEOs, engineers, astronauts, etc. and they would not need welfare anymore.

So again I must ask. What is the preferred method to cleanse the inferior white race. Gas chamber or firing squad?

>> No.9235041


Indeed, I don't want to do anything about the """inferior races""", I want to educate the uneducated masses about the "racial" differences so they can make better decisions when it comes to anything related to the subject. How they use that information is in their hands and none of my responsibility, though I have faith that the information will be used with due responsibility.

>> No.9235045

>I have faith that the information will be used with due responsibility.

That's great. But I have a group of people who you may want to study before you make this claim. Just click the link >>>/pol/

Just make a thread asking "What would you do about black people and why?" and then tell me if you still think people will be responsible.

>> No.9235047
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Nobody said anything about the "inferior race," but since you're asking. It looks like white people are pretty good by most standards. :)

Why are you having an emotional breakdown over this? lmao

>> No.9235048
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No race is another race's burden. Genocide is wrong, but one is not morally obligated to support another tribe, sweetie.

>> No.9235055

>black people can commit more murders and crimes than anyone else and they can still get the government to give them welfare and affirmative action

Hmm, wouldn't that be a positive? How are black people doing that? They must be incredibly smart.

>> No.9235057
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>first define "IQ"
>using the whole "there's no proper definitions for anything guise :DD" excuse

>> No.9235059


>> No.9235062
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Only because people like you believe they are just like white people deep down :)

Gee, I wonder why

>> No.9235064


Surely you don't believe /pol/ is a good representation of the whole society, do you? I'd even dare to go as far as to claim that most people on /pol/ don't seriously hold the opinions they claim to hold when posed with such a question.

>> No.9235065

Wow, good to know you have no actual rebuttals against the existence of race. I guess that means we can move forward now

>> No.9235066

because there is an agenda behind this
grassroots propaganda

>> No.9235067

>Only because people like you believe they are just like white people deep down :)
>Gee, I wonder why

But then doesn't that make them incredibly succesful politicians? How are they so good at arguments and rhetoric? It is amazing!

>> No.9235070

I don't need to give you a counter argument. Any Stefan faggot is already wrong by default. I have given counter-arguments to more intelligent opponents in this thread. If you want you can read those and pretend they were for you. But you are not even worth my time.

>> No.9235072
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>implying the blacks are actually the ones behind this rhetoric

Oh, you. What's it like being this deluded?

>> No.9235073

the existence of race is an ontological question
the answer is no
science is completely off base for trying to argue if something is real or not

>> No.9235074

>you posted a picture I don't like so you're wrong! :((((

Wow, are you a female or just a giant pussy?

>> No.9235076
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White supremacism is not a science. Also meta threads are against the rules.


>> No.9235077

>the vast majority of biologists (PhD) believe in the existence of human race (lieberman 1992)

Guys science is way off here

>> No.9235078

>Non-blacks are doing so much campaigning in order to give benefits for blacks

Then that would still make blacks incredibly superior. They have other races basically working for them for free. How is that a bad thing?

>> No.9235079
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Who said anything about white supremacism? Try to stay on topic. We're discussing the biological reality of the existence of race.

>> No.9235083

Don't try to pretend that the only people who talk about race in 2017 aren't white supremacists.

>> No.9235085

Oh, okay, so they are incredibly superior. So there is nothing wrong with disseminating this racial information to the masses, so that they can make informed decisions on racial matters.

>> No.9235086

When I think of migrants who storm into other areas, refuse to intergrate and develop a massive persecution complex because the locals dare to tell them to follow the same rules as everyone else I no longer first think of muslims, I think of /pol/

>> No.9235088

>intellectual inquiry is racist
Wow, Einstein, thanks for the insight. Still can't stay on topic, can you?

>> No.9235091

Try some less outdated articles next time.

>> No.9235098

It seems to me that the "race creationists," i.e. those who believe there is no such thing as race, are the most deluded and confused people out there. It's a really simple concept. Why do we have different skin color???

Are we just gonna ignore the fact that study after study has shown that self-identified "race" very closely matches one's own genetic makeup?

>> No.9235101
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You ever notice that this is all /sci/ can do? Is shit on the research that has already been done? I get that we need to move forward and improve our methods, but this just shows how cucked you guys are.

>all adoption studies are wrong!
>1992?? Obviously the field has undergone something analogous to the quantum revolution in physics, bad data!
>iq? this can't exist, even though it's been a valid psychometric tool for a century

>> No.9235112
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>how cucked you guys are
Please kill yourself /pol/.

And yes, you are from /pol/. Don't deny it you retard.

>> No.9235115

That's because of methodology more than anything else.
>year of publication
It's very important no matter what happens in the field. The older articles might be revised later on, or their results refuted in later publications.
>valid psychometric tool
Not sure if trolling. It's not a general-purpose measure of intelligence, you know?

>> No.9235131


plants are the superior species. they have us planting them in the droves for free.

I can tell you're just bating someone into saying it so i'll bite.

black people have achieved virtually nothing compared to white people by nearly every possible standard.

>> No.9235135

I guess your post is a bait too, but w/e.
The simplest counterargument is that the blacks had a much smaller timeframe to try to do something productive than the whites or other races. Before the era of colonization, their culture was no less advanced, the only thing they lacked was proper weaponry.

>> No.9235140

>Guo (2015) whites, blacks, south asians, and east asians properly self-identified their own genetic cluster (race) 99%+

Recent enough?

>> No.9235142

>blacks had a much smaller timeframe to try to do something productive than the whites or other race

please provide your reasoning for this. in my mind blacks had the most time out of any race to make advancements, and they failed to utilize it.

>> No.9235148

I already mentioned one of the reasons: colonization and subsequent slavery. Now your reasoning, please.

>> No.9235150

Can you provide evidence (or a reasonable argument) that colonization actually inhibited the native populations in any way?

Also, please note that if you distinguish from the native populations and the white colonialists you accept the premise that race is a genetic reality.

>> No.9235152


Prior to colonization blacks had the most time out out of any race to make advancements. The fact that other races were first to the punch bowl in terms of colonization makes them the defacto winners in the race to societal and technological advancement.

>> No.9235155
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I have never heard of a notable scientist who is not white, ashkenazi or east asian, maybe this is saying something.

>> No.9235157

Being forced to do physical/other menial labor that doesn't benefit you in any way can't possibly advance enslaved peoples in terms of their intellectual capacity.
>if you distinguish from the native populations and the white colonialists you accept the premise that race is a genetic reality
I admit to the fact that the colonialists believed that concept, of a race being a reality. Nothing more is implied anywhere in my post.

>> No.9235167
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It's just not interesting. I'm sure most others here agree that african americans generally perform worse, but it's pointless to discuss it, because it just doesn't fucking matter at all.

The reason shit like this is despised on int isn't because we necessarily think it's wrong, it's because it's such a fucking waste of time, and whatever conclusion you come up is ultimately completely insignificant, other than for poltards to say "See! people with over 80 IQ agree with us, race war now!"

The only racial realism that needs to be discussed on sci is that of the PHENOTYPE

>> No.9235180
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It is significant! Why should other races be forced to pay (via taxes) for other, lesser-performing races? It is criminal.

>> No.9235185

Why should I pay for other lesser performers of my own race? What's the distinction?

>> No.9235190
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And another addendum, what fucking difference does it make what I think here? Do you not see the utter futility of debating this on a basket weaving forum? I'm telling you why most of us here are not interested in debating this, and still I get b8ed into responding...

>> No.9235192

Put it this way. Imagine that you were sold the idea that, you had a drug problem, or a poverty problem, or a crime problem, but these were really just proxies for race problems.

These other races should be allowed to segregate and have their own societies, without these issues.

>> No.9235198
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By your use of analogies it appears you think I don't see the issue clearly, and if only I saw it like you did I would agree.

>> No.9235199


>> No.9235202

it absolutely is an argument, whether or not something exists is not a matter which can be debated until "it" is clearly and absolutely defined.

>> No.9235203


It is significant. Feeding the lie of racial equality really hurts the black community and the relationship between blacks and whites. It creates an illusion of oppression which obviously is terrible for the society.

All the real problems will remain unsolved while everyone keeps blaming white oppression and other made-up shit for everything.

The U.S. has spent a shit ton of taxpayer money trying to fix made up problems, which has in fact made things only worse. Clearly that has to stop.

>> No.9235206

>illusion of oppression
I knew slavery never really happened. Fucking libruls controlling our education.

>> No.9235210
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And if all the basket weavers at sci would only see the truth everything would change, which is why it's so important to come here and make threads about it, right? If only I would embrace your brand of race realism I'd get the sweet grants and we'd have fusion reactors!

You still don't seem to understand my point, that even having the argument is fucking pointless because A: You're not gonna make anyone change their opinions, and B: Even if you did nothing would change.

>> No.9235214

If you had watched the video, you would already understand what I mean by this.

Perhaps >>9235140
can give you some insight on what genetic clusters (race) is. It is defined properly.

>> No.9235218
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Wow, I didn't realize we still enslaved modern niggers and forced them to pick cotton and denied them an education. You sure showed me, slavery must be holding them back.

>> No.9235226

Race is a concept you can give dozens of different, yet proper definitions for, and they'd all be technically correct. Which is exactly why most real scientists refuse to accept it.

>> No.9235230

>denied them an education.
Exactly what the Supreme Court considered a consequence of segregation. Fucking librul Supreme Court.

>but they're not segregated anymore!
It was literally a generation ago bro, and it wasn't the only form of oppression. Do some research of modern day oppression, not just assume everything is fine now.

>> No.9235232

Don't bother. You won't convince him just like he won't convince you. It's not worth the effort.

>> No.9235234

You're right man, that's exactly why there is nothing racist about people creating their own state full of similar looking people. It's like a firm that specializes in modelling, we just want people who aesthetically please us to live with us. After all, race doesn't exist and there is nothing racist about that! I'm glad to know the science is settled.

>> No.9235237

glad you feel that way, I guess that means the issue is settled and we wont have to have this discussion again

>> No.9235238


>Whites ended slavery
>There were black slave owners
>There were white slaves
>The ones who had enslaved said black slaves in the first place were black people from Africa
>The living standards for black slaves in America were way higher than in Africa so it was a literal lottery win for those who got brought to America
>whites were commonly enslaved by muslims a thousand years ago, yet we can't complain about that.

>> No.9235242

I fail to see your point. Maybe tone down your sarcasm or something.

>> No.9235245

>muh bad schools myth


Also, the top performers of these "bad schools" can apply to attend a "better school" (less brown) via some govt. lottery system. Studies have shown that winning the lottery, in this sense, does NOTHING for the student, aside from perhaps quality of life. They perform the same.

>> No.9235281


/sci/ in a nutshell:

>sci: lel creationists don't believe in evolution
>refuses to believe in effect of evolution upon human brain
>sci: look at my 150 IQ on this online test lel brainlets PHENOTYPE amirite?
>also sci (when discussing race): IQ is a fundamentally flawed measure which doesn't prove anything
>works with simple dynamic models day to day and aware of internal politics and careerism in science
>still naively accepts global warming alarmism
>lel public are brainlets
>shits on people trying to learn at every opportunity, swings around credential dick at least provocation
>scientific method my mens
>unironically believes all kinds of unfalsifiable ideologies like marxism, nazism, objectivism, feminism, etc.

>> No.9235286

It might seem weird to you that, but it's because we're not really taking the culture war as seriously as you do.

>> No.9235291
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Fucking this. They become the religious zealots they claim to be better than the exact instant race is brought up.

>> No.9235293
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>> No.9235295

At what point did I advocate for the murder of millions or genocide?

See >>9234957

>> No.9235301

You don't believe in welfare. Okay then.

>> No.9235313

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/145409733