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9234390 No.9234390 [Reply] [Original]

So I just fucked up 4 huge assignments because I'm retarded and left them all to the same weekend.
I didn't forget, I saw it coming for weeks. I just couldn't make myself give a shit, and just jerked off and played games up until Friday night and I was fucked.
So my question is, other than stims, is there any science based methods for developing discipline? Everything I find is either "just like do it bruh" or some pop psychology shit like "tickle your left nut and put a grape in a jar every time a thought of laziness comes by, this will trigger your chakras to open up your hippo pineal lobe to un lazy you".

>> No.9234402

No easy way. You have to force yourself to just do it. That's it.

>> No.9234403

But I don't want to.
Give me an easy way to do hard things.
Or at least a likely more successful method than what I've been doing so far.

>> No.9234418

You just start on it and in the process of doing it you will gain the motivation to continue doing it. It sucks at first because you haven't put in the hours necessary to develop the discipline needed. You generate new ideas and inspiration in the process of failing at a task.

>> No.9234422

get medicated for ADHD

>> No.9234425

what helped me was getting together with a friend to work/study together.
Not in the sense that we actually talk to eachother while we're busy, but just being in the same room while working helped motivate me, for some reason.

>> No.9234427

>other than stims

>> No.9234439


Sorry anon, but I don't think there is a way. If there is one, then it's probably not available for ordinary people.

If there was a method that ordinary people could figure out, everyone would be doing it.

>> No.9234448


The authors' goal was to test the hypothesis that the antidepressant effect of total sleep deprivation can be maintained by initially avoiding sleep during a supposedly "critical" time period in the early morning.

>> No.9234451

I'm not depressed I'm just lazy.

I have lots of fun jerking off and playing video games.

>> No.9234454

low energy detected

>> No.9234466

If you dont want to then dont do it

>> No.9234534

Are you me?

>> No.9234631


>> No.9234641

>any science based methods for developing discipline?
Yep. It's called getting your ass kicked hard by your procrastination until the pain from it becomes sufficient that you start exerting effort against it.
You are currently in the midst of the single most effective laziness removing process known. It takes years, but it works.

>> No.9234643

Cool, maybe by age 40 I will be developed enough to not fuck my life up.

>> No.9234665

That works for me too. Its what it feels like to be part of a team.

>> No.9234698

It's all about genetics + environment.

People who are able to work hard are only able to do so because they either have a higher pain tolerance or/and they enjoy working or/and they possess focus for just one or two things.

Have there ever been people who were lazy past their mid-20s and then became workaholics? I would be excited if there were some examples because I find it depressing how much about your personality and ability seems to be largly set in stone before you even develop a proper self-awareness.

>> No.9234726

read "the war of art"

>> No.9234849

That just gives me anxiety desu. :|

>> No.9234875
File: 296 KB, 746x1302, 1507120806643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start working full time to support yourself making min wage at McDonald's with all the 30-50 something's who dropped or failed out of college. Look into the mirror of what your life will become if you don't do the comparably tiny amount of work studying is compared to scraping out a fryer while your boss in the middle of midlife crisis wishing he was as young as you breaths down your neck in resentment of his shit life.
Find a study group and friends that care about success. You are the people you hang out with the most

>> No.9234891
File: 108 KB, 594x549, 10-photos-of-donald-trump-laughing-or-smiling-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all low energy cucks. This man, for decades, got more done in a day than you do in a month.

>> No.9234942

"just do it" IS the way to go. Specifically, you have to habitualize being productive. This can be accomplished by rewarding yourself for doing some productive activity that you want to do, i.e. feeding yourself small pieces of chocolate every 10 minutes you work, like a dog

habitualizing can take a long time, though it changes from person to person, anywhere from a few weeks of consistent training to a few months. Working with friends can help motivate you, as well.

Finally, you can try meditating and removing your actions away from your desires via psychological detachment, but if you have the motivation to do that, then you probably have the motivation to just start being productive.

>> No.9234968

Alas, it was all bad for everyone else.
Hm. Still is.

>> No.9234969

Join the navy.

>> No.9235912

This and the only real advice one can give is do this with babysteps. Don't think change will be sudden, you have to slowly change your brain. So start small.

>> No.9235929

There's no easy way to do hard things. That's why they're hard, you fucking retard. There are no secrets, you just have to set your priorities straight and sit your ass down and do the hard shit. It's not easy.

>> No.9235933

Ahhh I think my comment from the other night resonated.. That's good! Now, the soonest chance you get, go outside and pull weeds. Enjoy the fresh air and get yourself a little hand eye coordination.

>> No.9235954

This, so very this.
Jesus Christ. Glad I was smart

>> No.9235971

No easy way other than to literally get the fuck up and actually doing it. I'm a naturally lazy, undisciplined fuckface too, OP, and the only way I can get anything accomplished is to ignore my instinct and just force myself to do it.

>> No.9236275

Ask yourself why you are doing this (assignment for example). Is it necessary for your future? For what you want to be?
If the answer is yes, then do it, if not, you might either try to think of better reasons or you just chose the wrong shit to study. Either way, get off your ass and do something with your life you lazy oaf. Don't let yourself become a rotten piece of meat.

>> No.9236298

That's because you're a faggot. If you cure that, you should be fine.

>> No.9236622

OP here: To clarify for all the faggots saying just try harder, I kind of figured out that one.
The solution to being lazy is to not be lazy, who woulda think it.
What I'm asking is if anyone has done studies on motivation to find what methods or situations work best to motivate people, so I could ideally shift my attempts in that direction to have a higher chance of success.
Like for example, half of everyone seems to say "you just gotta go for it all at once, don't fuck around, don't change slow" while the other half says "baby steps are the only way to go or you get burnt out and give up".
What I'm asking for is if anyone has actual sources to back up their advice on motivation. If anyone has for example studied the failure rates of trying to change overnight vs changing over time.

>> No.9236640

Im not gay.

>> No.9236650

>give me a proven to work method
>not stims

Pick one you turbo cuck

>> No.9236674

This so much
I always befriend the people that seem smarter/more experienced than me because i know i will improve just by being involved with them.

>> No.9237989

The air force then?

>> No.9238111

When you get an assignment you actually wait to do it? You don't do it as soon as you have the opportunity? You're actually a fucking loser. That's hilarious. How do manchildren like you get into college?

>> No.9238220

I thought college dropouts went into trades.

>> No.9238484

lol look at this cunt. thinking getting to college is smth special.

>> No.9238687


>> No.9238718

just like do it bruh