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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.30 MB, 1309x767, Math 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9221396 No.9221396 [Reply] [Original]

How can social justice help us teach math better?


"Mathematical ethics recognizes that, for centuries, mathematics has been used as a dehumanizing tool. Does one’s IQ fall on the lower half of the bell curve? Mathematics tells us that individual is intellectually lacking. Mathematics formulae also differentiate between the classifications of a war or a genocide and have even been used to trick indigenous people out of land and property."

>> No.9221408

>math is a scam devised by ebil whites (Jews if you're white)
Maybe learn math u dummies, just read a book, do proofs and applications

>> No.9221417

>How can social justice help us teach math better?
they should just come out and say it already: kill all whites.

>> No.9221477


into the trash

>> No.9221487
File: 180 KB, 633x758, wojak, hurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this makes we want to vomit. I just want to do Math in college because I think its cool. I'm tired of being called an evil white male, especially because I'm a fucking Arab. Make it stop pls.

>> No.9221488


They do have the very occasional readable article but it's usually just a series of kikes and catholics attempting humor for a hollowed-out demo.

I am very, very happy and deeply, personally gratified that they, above all others, are the go-to cuckservative whipping-boy which has been reduced into total cultural irrelevance post-Trump. You lost faggots, stop talking and fold your rag.

>> No.9221490


>> No.9221533

>How can social justice help us teach math better?

if you mean SJW justice, then it can't.
As for actual justice, maybe free college offset by extremely difficult exams to conferr degrees.

>> No.9221561


into the trash

>> No.9221567
File: 34 KB, 370x699, crying cat eating pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no bully! /sci/ is my safe space from University "progressives".

>> No.9221572

>I don't know the difference between a Semitic Arab and a white Persian.

>> No.9221609

>White is a word for people I like

>> No.9221628


>> No.9221660
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>Mathematical ethics

>> No.9221673

>statistics make me look bad because i am not above average!
>math is bad!

Actually math has shit all to do with IQ and that is just a way of presenting data.

I'm sorry but there is nothing "humane" about data representation. It's either accurate or worthless.

>> No.9221674

me the off white who could pass for persian when the inevitable race wars starts. .

>> No.9221682

literal just copy URSS math teaching system.

>> No.9221703

I thought being proud of what "your people" did in the past was stupid? Or does it only apply to whites?

>> No.9221705

I wish 4channers would stop thinking normal middle eastern niggas enjoy some kind of minority special treatment, maybe refugees do but not the niggas who were born in the States. When I apply to grad school, I can either put white or Asian, I'm fucked both sides with respect to either choice.

>> No.9221712

Stupidity is celebrated in this modern age

If anything it's the mathematicians who are dehumanized

>> No.9221716
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>they should just come out and say it already: kill all whites.
I read that as:
>they should just come out and say it already: kill all whales!

>> No.9221728
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>> No.9221812

This screams satire.

>> No.9221823

>race war

>> No.9221834

You can't dehumanize brainlets.
They'd have to be human in the first place.

>> No.9221892

It's sarcastic. The writer seems to think it's a questionable project.
"what's next? Should teachers have to tell students that the words of the language they're teaching has historically been used to hurt people?".

>> No.9221899


nice spook

>> No.9221926

Replace every instance of the word "mathematics" with the word "language".

People who cannot understand the language of a contract or the law get fucked by them.

People who don't understand the mathematics behind finance or statistics get fucked by them.

Who could have guessed that ignorant people have a harder time with things?

>> No.9222069

At least you're not white.

>> No.9222090

Math is essentially taking a set of rules and seeing what they imply down logical lines. People who can't do that may not even deserve to live.

>> No.9222096

so much for the scientific left

>> No.9222104
File: 80 KB, 292x400, itseasybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just read a book bro it works for me
is this the /sci/entific equivalent of "just bee urself"?

>> No.9222105

>Arabs invented Math

I swear to God /sci/ has been flooded by Plebbitor retards.

>> No.9222112

it's the scientific equivalent of "get off your fucking ass and make something of yourself you faggot loser"

>> No.9222138

The only people who are truly human are the ones that do math.

>> No.9222163

>How can social justice help us teach math better?
By ceasing to exist.

>> No.9222536

Legit true. The US describes whites as people from "Europe, the middle East, or North Africa". I'm not even joking, look up census shit. TFW no affermative action or easy mode scholorships.

>> No.9222542

Why would you just want to sit around doing math all day? Are you some kind of fucking robot?

>> No.9222579

just say you're Hispanic

>> No.9222715



Requiring students to take higher level math is racist against African Americans.

>> No.9222825


>> No.9222900


From my personal experience, I learnt math faster when it was applied to something pragmatic.

I use shapes, colours, and diagrams to learn maths... and now I'm a numerical modeler. Who failed maths in high school... in fact I was held back a year :0

But that aside, high school has shit teachers. Mine use to turn up to class and just place some stuff on the board, then spend the rest of class with their feet up sleeping. if they even bothered showing up. Yay for public education!

>> No.9223801
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My birth certificate says my parents were born in Syria and Iran... I don't think it will work...

>> No.9223804

essential redditcore comment here

>> No.9223810

mathemagic is used to prove da globe cause GRABBITY!!!

Seriously, stop worshipping that garbage.

>> No.9223841
File: 1022 KB, 224x313, this is how SJW argues.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9224583
File: 351 KB, 687x621, Math 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9226154


>> No.9226163

>math education

It's always been garbage, nothing to see here.

>> No.9226177

can't wait to take math studies 100, i hear intersectional single variable calculus really makes you examine your brain privilege

>> No.9226190

as if 90% of humanities students could even handle single-var calc

they'd just write spoken-word poetry about how the patriarchal construct of math homework was oppressing them or some shit

>> No.9226199

>intersectional single variable
That is an oxymoron.

In single variable calculus then your privilege [math] p [/math] is a function of just one variable: that could be your race, gender or sexuality. But just one at a time, to keep things simple.

In Intersectional calculus, you learn that the best way to model privilege is as a function [math] p(r,g,s) [/math]. A function of race, gender, and sexuality all at the same time.

>> No.9226306

And what if I'm agender or asexual?

>> No.9226318

Is there anything more retarded than trying to ban everything that could possibly make someone feel bad?

>> No.9226364

>tfw so mad you dont understand math you start an "ethics" committee to remove it of the earth

>> No.9226379
File: 40 KB, 480x360, brapqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"you fucking shitlord. my single-variable calculus can have MORE than one variable. you clearly can't understand from your position of mathematical privilege. in queer mathematics the variable is constantly questioning its orientation so there need to be other variables to reflect this as a representation of the queer variable's dynamic, or fluid nature, if you will. but they are only a representation of the possible behaviors of the SINGLE variable."
now just imagine pic related yelling some nonsense like this at you.

>> No.9226482


>> No.9226494

You are an arab
That means that you are only a victim

>> No.9226618 [DELETED] 

> tfw I learn stats
> subject most hated by sjws
> also involves maths so low-iq groups are underrepresented
feels god mad

>> No.9226849
File: 49 KB, 1280x1483, 73a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematics has been used as a dehumanizing tool
Idiots say that to feel better,they can't learn,they say its evil,i sayed this about geography when i was 17.

>> No.9227736

Stop being a little bitch and calculate.

>> No.9227750


Here's an idea: Don't show people your birth certificate.

>> No.9227752


Opinion disregarded :^)

>> No.9227783 [DELETED] 
