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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 339x382, christopher-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9220517 No.9220517 [Reply] [Original]

Why does nobody take his ctmu (cognitive theoretic model of the universe) seriously? He has an IQ of 210.

>> No.9220522

Because it doesn't make sense and he doesn't have a 210 IQ.

>> No.9220532

Estimated IQ of 190 - 210. His IQ was off the chart.

>> No.9220543

He's impressive, but I don't know about his theory.
Will read on that.

>> No.9220551

He's a sophist that edits his own wikipedia page to sound smart.

>> No.9220584
File: 76 KB, 606x626, Chris-Langan-On-Donald-Trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Langan.

>> No.9220615

Gurren Langann

>> No.9220635


>> No.9220641

confirmed /pol/tard

>> No.9220644

>IQ of 210
That's a non sequitur. His ideas aren't taken seriously because they don't have serious academic merit.

>> No.9220654

>towing the party line is the path to knowledge

>> No.9220657

/pol/tards have a higher IQ than /sci/ CONFIRMED

>> No.9220665

That doesn't matter. His ideas are unfalsifiable and demonstrate patent misunderstanding of his source material.

>> No.9220690

give me a quick run-down on his theory and i'll listen

>> No.9220722

I must have an "IQ" of 211, because I read through a synopsis of the body of his work, and thought his theories were common sensical, intuitive, no brainer truths, like this one: "syndiffeosis" - as much something seems different than something else, it is equally one in the same.
Ok, so it restates the ancient 'ying yang' principle, nice.

>> No.9220741

Subtract one IQ from me please, on my honor

>> No.9220786

/pol/tards literally are niggers blaming everything on the white man, or in their case the jews, because they're too retarded to understand the complexity of society

>> No.9220800

Well one can see how the imagination does wander, and when a ~2% of the population group have a majority share of most institutions, it would be fair to say there's real a pattern of 'group favoritism'.

>> No.9220805

The thing is that America belongs to Amerindians and you have to go back to europe. How is this hard to get? Now your entire pathetic race has to be wiped out of the earth's surface. Prepare your luggage, subhuman.

>> No.9220825

>assuming im full whitey
you seriously did not just try to jewbait me!

>> No.9220931

>If Hillary or The Bern had been elected, there already wouldn't be enough left of us to bother cremating.

>> No.9221082

fuckinn a I believe in ctmu now

>> No.9221084
File: 161 KB, 747x1120, 1496724671441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to smart too be a /pol/tard

>> No.9221088

so this is the linguistic power of a 180 IQ

>> No.9221109

It is unintelligible nonsense.

>> No.9221115

It's not a linguistic issue, it's a why does he think a non-Trump candidate getting elected would result in everyone dying issue?

>> No.9221120

shut up with your phenotype us pea brains can't handle it

>> No.9221141

look at that cranium!

>> No.9221189


he talks so eloquently...makes me jealous

>> No.9221213

He's right. As in Rome, as in Athens, the US is showing the same pattern of decay. Scale and technology seemingly playing little into this as far as swaying the core pattern.

Though there is something deeper going on. A thread through history. I'd like to find some clarity on that before death. I get the feeling the human species is being purged. Not population control, purging. Like cleaning a petri dish. Only we ourselves are carrying it out.

>> No.9221232
File: 5 KB, 243x207, images (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Langan posses the PHENOTYPE? I swear to g-d his wife better be ASHKENAZI.

>> No.9221243

Langan told Muscle Magazine that "you cannot describe the universe completely with any accuracy unless you're willing to admit that it's both physical and mental in nature"[11] and that the CTMU "explains the connection between mind and reality, therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase".[12] He calls his proposal "a true 'Theory of Everything', a cross between John Archibald Wheeler's 'Participatory Universe' and Stephen Hawking's 'Imaginary Time' theory of cosmology."[4] In conjunction with his ideas, Langan has claimed: "You can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."[7]

Robert Seitz, a former NASA Executive and Mega Foundation director, stated that "every physicist is inundated with amateurs' ‘Theories of Everything,' but Chris' CTMU is very, very different".[13] On the flip side, the CTMU theory has been criticized for its use of convoluted language. Langan's use of terms he has invented (or redefined) has made his exposition obscure. Some suggest this is deliberate

>> No.9221257

>Langan's use of terms he has invented (or redefined) has made his exposition obscure. Some suggest this is deliberate
Most terminology is useless or screwed up. It's not surprising he redefined some terms, and made the message concrete and self contained.

>> No.9221270

It's not surprising that someone pretending to be smart would make up their own words and then cry that people are too dumb to understand what he's saying.

>> No.9221279

I guess you must not have much experience communicating complex ideas clearly and concisely. I haven't read his thing, but normalizing variation and stripping historical baggage definitely has its appeal. Cuts out a lot of the bullshitting around where you're constantly bouncing what you mean to say off something else.

Don't be mad that you're too lazy to invest any effort into any sort of foundation work. You will not always simply be told in a spongeable way.

>> No.9221294

>I haven't read his thing
Then shut the fuck up, fag.

>> No.9221336

No. Your mindset is shit and so are you.

>> No.9221364


My theory of Multivisiation expands around this very concept. The English language is too simple to convey my complex Ideas. Its impossible to explain quazzalbus without a complex tree of derivatives and sambalusiatonus.

>> No.9221369


And collective socialist regimes either faces mass starvation, mass internment or both. We're already seeing that socialist bitch in San Juan failing to distribute rations. Do you think Hillary or the Bern could handle 3 hurricanes in such a manner?

>> No.9221387
File: 77 KB, 622x637, Chris-Langan-On-Anarchy-Vs-Statism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Langan is 10 steps ahead of you, peasant.

>> No.9221392

He's right, and bluntly put. Very refreshing.

I'll have to read his CTMU.

>> No.9221422

CTMU is a legitimate piece of metaphysics. Now whether you take metaphysics seriously is a separate matter.

>> No.9221432

Why not?

>> No.9222224

are you jk, those entire 2 paragraphs can be summed up as "centrist is good, moderate is good, people need to be smarter"
The guy is even more of a fucking retard than shinichi or the infamous harvard post doc who needs a minimum of 20k words to write his proofs

>> No.9222495

r u a historian if not it's the equivalent of some layman pretending they can utilize general relativity, whether or not the layman thinks the US follows the pattern of decay in Athens and Rome is more of a sign of their own bias than any fact seems to me.

Read the last part of your comment and realized this might be bait or there are more dumbos in /sci/ than I realized

>> No.9223089 [DELETED] 

>t. assblasted manlet

>> No.9223100

>t. assblasted brainlet

>> No.9223114

This is not real. I can not find source. This is fake.

Although this is fake. The message is 100% true. I wish he had said this.

>> No.9223115

>governance is a computational problem

What an utterly retarded statement. It doesn't even work as an analogy.

>> No.9223141
File: 43 KB, 545x645, 1502110059482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9223149

wtf I like Christopher Langan now

>> No.9223167
File: 58 KB, 355x500, 51U7Os84jvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9223168

Because he's the author of a kooky paper about this drivel called CTMU.

There have been many intelligent people that wasted their brains on negatively productive shit just like him.

>> No.9223187

It's on the CTMU facebook page, fag.

>> No.9223188

His IQ eclipses yours by several standard deviations, brainlet. The analogy is perfectly clear.

>> No.9224537


>> No.9224566
File: 796 KB, 1320x1650, 1505429631832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to add that 2% is also part of the cognitive elite dumbfuck /pol/tard

>> No.9224586

except that's wrong you fucking brainlet cunt
he is saying that in order to have a perfectly functional government on either end of the spectrum, you either need a perfect populace or a perfect leader. seeing as those two things are difficult, the best we can presently do is having populace + leader = 1

>> No.9224814


And fags here doubted when I said Mensa meetings are literal /pol/ meetups, especially in the smartest circles that talk about politics and world events

>> No.9226545
File: 567 KB, 300x456, 1507540649257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah which isnt a fucking revelation of any kind, its common sense to anyone who has read even the smallest amount of political theory. It's like pointing out that 3 can be constructed of 2+1, or 1+1+1; there is no significance to it at all. Christ you dont even need to be educated on political theory to arrive at that conclusion, simple observation or thought of the human condition would lead you to it. I encourage you to re read that tweet and actually consider the grammatical structure and ideas hes trying to convey. Whole chunks of it are just made up bullshit like "This is what a Constitutional Republic like the US is supposed to approximate." or his assertion that whatever is most practical is therefore most rational. I have never met someone who wasnt a retard in all my time in academia who thought he wasnt a hack.

>> No.9227274

I have never seen a less self-aware brainlet in my life. Did you enjoy your szechuan sauce, faggot?

>> No.9227376

wtf I love buff science man now