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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9220069 No.9220069 [Reply] [Original]

Majority of the people on this board are 130+ range. How does it feel to be literally smarter than Feynman?

>> No.9220075
File: 4 KB, 235x223, 1423004260602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Majority of the people on this board are 130+ range

>> No.9220076

>he doesn't know
I sampled the numbers from IQ threads, friendo

>> No.9220080
File: 120 KB, 747x1120, 774898fa9f3a471b250e00a4f694c4da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's amazing, isn't it? how so many geniuses gather in one place and share their ideas? for free no less

>> No.9220086
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only IQ test I took was from an INTJForum link, which I skimmed through and got something like 112 or so... I'm so fucking retarded it hurts...

>> No.9220093

Don't worry, you can go to /pol/, you're still 2 SDs above their mean

>> No.9220106
File: 54 KB, 477x489, Captainnaftpro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't wanna. I'm studying Physics! I wanna make money and invent cool stuff after majoring in Engineering... I don't wanna be a brainlet...

>> No.9220133

>Majority of the people on this board are 130+ range
you severely overestimate yourself

>> No.9220141

>Majority of the people on this board are 130+ range.

No, they're not, if we're talking about standard deviation of 15 or 16. In contrast to what 4chan might have made you believe, an IQ of 130+ is actually relatively rare. Only about 1 in 50 has it. Also, this site is not some secret Mensa society but rather one ultra-popular and well-known anime forum.

>I sampled the numbers from IQ threads, friendo

Consider these;
1. People are less likely to share their result if it is bad one,
2. Internet IQ tests are not the same as real ones. For example, people may complete same test twice to boost their ego.

>> No.9220159

Isn't this proof that IQ tests are inaccurate for people over the average ?

>> No.9220165

>1 in 50
Despite what you attempt to handwave as a bias selecting against IQ on 4chan, there are still thousands of users on the site. If we take 10,000, we should expect to see 200 people with 130+ IQ.

As slow as /sci/ is compared to other boards, I don't think it's some great statistical anomaly if we presume the average IQ around here is ~130.

>> No.9220168

>people unironically still think Feynman had a IQ of 125

>> No.9220224

>>9220069 >>9220168
He had a High Math IQ & Low Verbal IQ.
Feynman was a Math Genius. But He sucked at Humanities.
His notes were full of misspellings and grammatical errors.
Yet Feynman was the best on Putnam mathematics competition exam
& He had the highest scores on record on the math/physics graduate admission exams at Princeton.
The IQ test He took empathized Verbal IQ over Math

>> No.9220226

>Can't greentext properly
>discredits IQ score, cause disagrees with overall scoring process

Opinion discarded

>> No.9220252

The word you are looking for is emphasized. I know that isnt a typo, because that word is different in several different places. Take your sub 100 IQ back to /pol/.

>> No.9220257

I assume that my verbal IQ is low. But I'm not an English Speaker. English is my 3rd language. Lel.

>> No.9220262
File: 93 KB, 638x479, the-reproducibility-crisis-in-psychological-science-one-year-later-19-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology is a Pseudoscience that rarely replicate. Just Saying.

>> No.9220265

Apparently you suck at pattern recognition too because you fucked up greentexting which has examples shown several times in literally every thread on 4chan. Also verbal IQ isnt recognized as having anything to do with IQ because IQ tests aren’t supposed to rely on prior knowledge, but rather pattern recognition(which as stated before, you suck at).

Pro tip:
>This is how you green text.
This is not.

>> No.9220279

>This is how you green text.
I didn't intended to make green text
">" was just for spacing to avoid (you)r "Reddit Spacing"

>> No.9220288

Not buying it. Why not just format your post like every other post on 4chan? Oh right, its because you suck at pattern recognition like other 80 IQ humans.

>> No.9220631

>do nothing with life but shitpost on vietnamese wine tasting ranch
>take shitty iq test
>number on screen makes me smarter than one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century

>> No.9220661 [DELETED] 

>do nothing with life but shitpost on 4chan
>ace a unreliable shitty IQ test
>shit on a Nobel in Physics

/sci/ in a nutshell

>> No.9220667

>do nothing with life but shitpost on 4chan
>ace an unreliable shitty IQ test
>shit on a Nobel in Physics

/sci/ in a nutshell

>> No.9220675

Psychologist here. Problem with psychology is that it is infested with "nonscientificly oriented people". I was shocked by some of students at university. Most of them were in to some sort of therapy nonsense some even belived in zodiac. You spend so much time learning about development of psychy and then go on believeing in that crap.
And it is not only students. I am working on my PhD and I had lecture in Social Psychology. I decided to check out one of researches mentioned in one of textbooks from USA...It was conducted on sample of 40 people. 40 PEOPLE!!! No replication attempt...nothing...and it is in the textbook. I never published my master thesis in any journal because I tough it wasn't important enough...and now I see what swill ends up published I kind of regret my decision

>> No.9220739

All sane Psychologist should start using more Biology, Chemistry, Medicine & Math

Becoming Neuroscientists. Neurocience is a Science.

Social Psychology doesn't replicate, is so biased & have so bullshit mixed into it that it can be barely considered science anymore.

The Best areas of Modern Psychology are closer to Biology & Chemistry.

>> No.9220771

And yet no one on this board will come even remotely close to his level of achievement.

Really concocts my coconuts.

>> No.9220809

Kind of agree. I believe that psychology is...cruch? Bridging the gap until other scientific fields figure out how to work on the human mind.
Unfortunately psychology is full of people fleeing "hard sciences". I was one of few students not intimidated by psychometry, statistics and similar and it gave me competitive edge and source of income (other students payed me to analyze their data)
I love social psychology. It has a lot of potential...when it is done right it has predictive value but unfortunately it was butchered and is still being butchered.

>> No.9220820

I feel no sense of superiority over my IQ, as I think IQ says nothing other than someone being good at IQ tests

>> No.9220846

No one believes Feynman's test was accurate. It basically couldn't have been. I can blow off a test and fail intentionally too, or not care. Feynman was always considered incredibly gifted as a youth. The idea that he really had a 125 IQ, just because that is the only test he took, is idiotic.

>> No.9220849

>nonscientificly oriented people

>currently taking intro psych class because of social science requirement and thinking about med school

>literally first third of the class is just straight memorization
>not basic stuff like location and functions but full on memorization of conclusions from past studies
>most of which were on temperament and political attitude

Is this normal?

>> No.9220855

About 50% of the major scientific and math breakthroughs are done by people with 160+ IQs. To put that in perspective, that is rarer than 1 in 10,000. IQ isn't a myth.

>> No.9221074

This is false. Misspellings and certain grammar errors have little to do with verbal IQ. Feynman was a fantastic writer and was known to be incredibly quick witted. He had a very high verbal IQ. The test was a fluke.

>> No.9221077

IQ is not in that category.

>> No.9221349

He took the test in school as a youngin. And IQ can fluctuate in some individuals as they grow. And older IQ tests suck, they didnt really even test for g, they tested for crystallized intelligence. Im not knocking the correlation between IQ and fact based knowlege, Im just saying that he may not have given a fuck about reading books when he was a kid.

>> No.9222208

They still test for that. Also, there is research that shows highly gifted people develop into their full intellectual potential later in life than those with average IQ. I agree though, his score is inaccurate. Feynman is an utter genius

>> No.9222257

>Majority of the people on this board are 130+ range
Then why are most posters here so fucking stupid?

If you really were smart you would also be rich. Not every rich person is smart but every smart person is rich.

>> No.9222277

I believe what you say is true, but even if it were then I think that would more likely imply that IQ is bullshit.

>> No.9222292

>more than 1/3rd

>> No.9222306

It feels good, man.

>> No.9222311

not every person that posts stupid things is stupid, believe it or not

>> No.9222338

I find similar ass pulling problems through out much of legit science too. People aren't autistic enough to care about doing things correctly it seems.

>> No.9222455

OP how does it feel to be dumber than Feynman?

>> No.9222493

I'm sure Feynmann couldn't do this:


>> No.9222689

neither could you my man

[math][/math] ▲

>> No.9223438


>> No.9223450

I have an IQ of 90. Feynman can go suck it.

>> No.9223467

Anyone who takes an IQ test is an insecure brainlet

>> No.9223472

>Majority of the people on this board are 130+ range
Are you implying that the tons of /pol/ shitposters here care about IQ tests, or will post their average/below average test result?

Are you implying that people with high IQ can't do "dumb" shit?
Are you implying that everyone shares your materialistic goals?

>> No.9223483
File: 58 KB, 218x150, tfw sushi isn't comped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99% of this Taco Bell-ass board thinks $100,000 is a lot of money

>> No.9223492

Feels good

>> No.9223497



>> No.9223698


Jokes on you my IQ is 120.

>> No.9223706

Contrary to the neckbeard 'online IQ test' takers here on /sci/ I had two real life IQ tests officially administrated, one at 6 and scored 135 with 15SD, one at 10 and scored 134 with 15SD. However I scored much higher in the math/logical related sections then the vocabulary or reading one like 147 vs 121 or something, explains why I'm only a casual reader but avid mathematician and scientist
There's literally no purpose to get an IQ test unless it's clear your highly gifted or highly deficient and are trying to convince the school board to accelerate or give you extra help respectively, I got mine because I was so bored through elementary school I would do the grade 6's math homework at 5-6 years old and started mis behaving
Anyways IQ isnt that important, focus on emotional intelligence or just perfecting a field of interest.

>> No.9223708

Also worth noting I have genetic Narcolepsy, a severe form of it so that I'm probably one of the only people legally with a prescription on dexamphetamine on this board. I'm also on the autistic spectrum somewhere, psych didn't bother testing just knew I was aspie, since I was a teenager I learned to channel my autistic gifts and shortcomings into something worthwhile and to try to empathize with normie extroverted feeler types.
INTP btw for whatever scientific validity a self given personality test can give, very strong INTP as well like 80-95% in all the scales.

>> No.9223709

How long have you been learning english?

>> No.9223710

neuroscience is hardly a science; i'm tempted to put it up there with psychology

>> No.9223776

I am a native first worlder but I scantly talk to people, usually online or reading.
Truth is most people aren't worth talking too with the terrible education system the world has and terrible cultural values on learning and academia
Most young brilliant minds care about getting qualifications for wageslaving for big salaries rather then using their brains to benefit the research of science which benefits humanity far more then fake digits in an online bank account

>> No.9223834


my iq is 212 ama

>> No.9224260

sauce for those numbers?

>> No.9224287


>> No.9224598

Confirmed IQ of 138 here. Lazy as fuck tho, since I breezed through elementary and high school without discipline and relying on what I remembered from lectures. Have big fucking problem as a theoretical physics student right now, can confirm high IQ doesn't mean shit if you have no discipline and work ethic whatsoever.

>> No.9224621

can you explain to me in brainlet terms IUTT?

>> No.9224634

Application of intelligence is important. The way the educational institution is run in America stunts effectively the population capable of making these breakthroughs.

Gifted institutions shouldn't even have the same code of suspension. Weather someone sucks the proverbial GPA dick, the place for smart people is with other smart people. I say once people make it to this advanced grouping, they should be catered to, allowing them to innovate without trudge of conventional schooling.

>> No.9226440

I have the same exact experience. Though I'm middle aged now. I finally figured out how to apply discipline when I was 30. Now I am 44 and I have lost it again. Strange shit.

>> No.9226562

I took it just for fun and to see which Problem Solving was proposed..

>> No.9226572

Intelligence , learning ability, and problem solving capabilities are not fixed; they can vary (often improving) over your whole lifetime. The brain is highly plastic and can sometimes even reprogram itself to full functionality when it is damaged. On the other hand neither is it infinitely plastic – any given brain has a range of accessible capabilities and can be improved only to a certain point.
However, for people of supposedly “normal” intelligence and above, it is
by no means clear what that point is.

Intellectual heavy weights like Einstein and Feynman may be gifted, but sheer hard work and discipline is much more impressive than being born lucky. A personality that embraces difficulty and struggle might be even rarer than a high natural IQ.

>> No.9226574
File: 19 KB, 657x527, 1502423501311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have an iq of 110\125.

First time i did the test i got 110. I was in shit shape and severly depressed.

Second time i got 125 and i was in better shape and slightly less depressed.

Second test was 6 months later. What is my iq?

also am i retarded?

>> No.9226585

>Sample size is all that matters

Ask me how I know you don't have a degree in statistics

>> No.9226619


Stop worrying about your IQ and actually do some shit, that's better than 'lazy intelligent' people.

>> No.9227122

I'm 115. 120 on good day when I'm not spleep deprivated and stressed tho'

>> No.9227164

yeah where are you getting this data?

>> No.9227173

>This many generalizations
Hard to believe someone so (moderately) smart as a child would alienate themselves based on horrendous generalizations! Oh wait, it isn't... Shake that disconcerting ego of yours, pal! The world ain't so bad :)

>> No.9227234


>cognitive and psychological misconceptions, the post

>> No.9227243


this proves that IQ tests are retarded, not that I'm any smarter than Feynman

>> No.9227245

whatever you say kike why dont you fuck off back to cnn

>> No.9227270

This just shows that IQ doesn't measure intelligence and that IQ is irrelevant

Whenever someone asks for my IQ or shares his own in a conversation I immediately think that person is stupid, no matter how high the digit is. I don't even know mine since I never tested and never will. Mensa members can suck my dick

>> No.9227271

IQ doesn't win you Nobel prizes and respect. Actual groundbreaking, incredible and novel work in a particular field does.
Feynman didn't just come into work one day, slam his dick on the table, boasted about a test score he did on club penguin and win the Nobel prize in physics for fundamental work in QED.
If you spend all day worrying or flaunting about your IQ instead then congratulations on making no impact on history.

>> No.9227279

Psychology is hardly a science, it's just a discipline (that goes for all social "sciences")

I once argued with a friend of mine over this shit, he studies Psychology and I study Astrophysics. Brainlet claims that Astrophysics is not a science because it has no practical application and that because of it's deterministic nature all natural sciences are not "science", he actually believes for something to be science it has to be subjective because he needs to make the decision
People go over so much brain gymnastics to feel they have the power and choice over their lives

>> No.9228347
File: 773 KB, 3000x2400, x37b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A personality that embraces difficulty and struggle might be even rarer than a high natural IQ.
This is why its so important to put some points into willpower instead of minmaxing your int at character creation

>> No.9228369

>>9220262 >>9220739 >>9227279
>Psychology is hardly a science
I agree. Social "sciences" are a bunch of contradictory flawed theories.

Even Economics & Finance that use more Math fails to predict or replicate most of time.

>> No.9228378

IQ is relevant, it is the single most important determining factor for someones capacity for success and financial stability

IQ also affects your processing speed

IQ does not denote your capability to be intelligent though since there may very well be different factors involved in your capability to utilize that IQ

I would be surprised if even 4% of this board was over 130.

>> No.9228385

At least reddit post correctly

>> No.9228392

nigga just pulled the numbers out of his ass.

>> No.9229695

>implying iq means anything
How does it feel being just a member of the flock

>> No.9229711

>99% of this board has a higher IQ than Feynman
that is precisely the feeling I get whenever I read /sci/!

This truly is intellectual utopia

>> No.9230087


suck my dick nwfgs

>> No.9230089

well fuck

>> No.9230091



This counts?

>> No.9230102


>> No.9230124

None of that is an argument.

>> No.9230137

160 is the highest score on a valid IQ test you idiot. Scores above 145 tend to be statistically irrelevant.

>> No.9230149
File: 150 KB, 597x698, menow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I got 134 on an official iq test and I don't even know what a standard deviation is

>> No.9230150

>Low Verbal IQ.
>famous for being the most charismatic scientist ever

>> No.9230531

162 actually

>> No.9230533

Definitely need a source on this. Who tested Feynman, when was he tested? How many times was he tested?