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9214951 No.9214951 [Reply] [Original]

My friend killed himself last week. This came as a shock to me because he was mostly acting normal with everyone. I could post this on /adv/ but I want to know exactly what this mental state is, and why we experience it, and how can we mitigate its effects with medicine or therapy? Just tell me everything /sci/ . I am very confused.

>> No.9214956

"The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling." - David Foster Wallace

As for why he experienced it? You'd have to give us more details, but likely he had depression and wasn't telling anyone if it came as a complete shock to you or his family.

As for mitigating the effects, the first step is to tell friends and family you trust if you're feeling suicidal or even depressed, something your friend maybe didn't do out of fear or other reasons.

>> No.9214964

He left no note. My question is more of a general one. Do we know the cause of this? Is it genetic? Psychological? Chemical? Do we need a chemical cure or a psychological cure for this?

>> No.9214967

What state?
The shock you felt?
Or why your friend killed himself, what he felt.

>> No.9214968

The latter

>> No.9214975

how old was your friend

can you tell us any more about him other than he killed himself?and he seemed normal?
can you speak of his daily routine?
his hobbies or interests?
his family life?
what he talked about?
his hopes for the future?
love life?
drug use?

since you are on 4chan, and asking about suicide I assume you are young and likely your cohort is too.
likely explanation-
young kid going through puberty hormone changes, and societal issues with either no one to talk to or the feeling that they couldn't talk to anyone. hasn't really developed forward thinking- similar to object permanence.

but if you're looking to the theory as to why people do this
pretty much says it
pain of existing real or imagined overcomes the imagined pain of not existing

>> No.9214996


I dont think we have a concrete reason yet, and there's always the possibility it was an accident, or that they changed their minds too late. There was probably something that person was struggling with they couldn't handle alone but weren't comfortable sharing. It could really be so many things, people are complex.

I myself impulsively took a fuckton of phenobarbital one time with the intention of flipping a coin with my life, but called someone in the middle of it all, and it wasn't enough anyway.

>> No.9215005

Both of us are 21. Final year in engineering. Well he certainly wasn't normal, like we shitpost on /pol/ and all of that. Drug use would just be smoking an occasional joint. He stopped that and started using provigil recently. He said performance enhancers make him feel better. I thought he just used it to study. I don't know what drove him to this. We have a limited circle of friends, mostly in the music scene, forming bands and all that. He was a pretty good singer as well. Academically he was doing alright too. Not brilliant, but alright.

>> No.9215018

My mom committed suicide 3 months ago. It's a wound that never heals.

>> No.9215022

could be battling lonliness, you don't speak to any significant other, and small circle of friends.
depression in one of those diagnoses that have alot of people who suffer in silence.
could be the stress and the unknown of what life will bring after college.
provigil- after googling could have contributed.
Provigil seems to enduce engergy.
and while people say that theres alot of deaths during chistmas season, this actually isn't the case. theres probably alot more people dying of exposure, who are homeless. but most people killthemselves in the summer and spring.
theories point to the "energizing" effect of the suns rays, and that people are generally more active around these times.
A person with depressive disorder generally has low energy, and while he thinks alot on suicide, rarely has the energy to kill himself.
It could be that provigil gave him enough energy to put him over the edge.
OFC if he is using study aides, could be that his school was really stressing him out. and the stress of work, and probably not sleeping too well might have sent him into a "mini-manic" episode, or possibly a semi-psychotic one.

4chan users, esp /pol/-types are probably one of the demographics most at risk for suicide.
just becuase of the personality type, and the stuff you are exposed to on the pink boards.

how did he kill himself?

>> No.9215024

Jumped. 5th storey.

>> No.9215025

Im sorry to hear that man.

>> No.9215027

Same as my mom. 4th storey.

>> No.9215048

the only time I don't think something is fishy behind a suicide is when its done with pills.

he courld've gotten in deep with a jelous ex, russian mafia, or whatever.
It may have been a mistake as well.

When someone dies like this there are very little answers and always more questions.
Some answers you will never be able to find.

>> No.9215049

OP here. How likely am I to be susceptible to such thought patterns

>> No.9215057

I am sorry to hear that

>> No.9215061

The thing is, a relatively sane person CAN'T understand that. To understand that person's state of mind, you really have to experience it. And it's not something worth experiencing if you can help it. It spirals down into a tornado of darkness. No bueno.

>> No.9215388

If u can disregard the melodramaticness of this guy he's explaining it pretty good.

>> No.9215404


The only thing you should know is that your friend was weak and he did the right thing to off himself rather than prolonging his misery and onto others.

>> No.9215408

forgot link lol

>> No.9216491

that's my dream

I wish I wasn't such a pussy and just ended this shitshow

>> No.9216793

Tell me why. I can't understand this mindset

>> No.9216805

Same as my dad. 2nd story. Dumb cunt broke both his legs.

>> No.9216807 [DELETED] 

The answer is : Hello.

You have to communicate in twin primes so you both know that you are calculating the unique case where the only two people matter are involved. Allowing the freest of motion between points.

>> No.9216808

One of my exs tried to kill herself. She cut horizontally for a while before I met her. She stopped when she met me and we dated for a few months. Great chick, loving, caring, intelligent, great body...

Then, I went away for a week to disney with my extended family to meet them for once and she didn't want to go. Nothing out of the blue, she hated car rides longer than a few hours and this took over a day.

When I got back, her mom said she was in the hospital after cutting vertically and deeply.

I don't even know if she's alive because that day I erased her from my life. She probably is alive because I haven't seen her on social media and I have a few friends who know her.

>> No.9216816


>> No.9216818

>Tell me why. I can't understand this mindset
It's when they get to the point were they just don't care anymore and something happens that's the last straw and they just do it. You'd be surprised at how often it's just a spur of the moment thing related to something minor that just pushes them over the edge.

>> No.9216821

Ya huh.

>> No.9216827

Okay, how do we stop this sort of belief system from becoming more prevalent than it already is?

>> No.9216831

simon, do you do drugs?

this is meta, not thread related

>> No.9216840

Yes. Every human does. This is not meta.

>> No.9216848

I mean do your blood plasma levels of schedule substances routinely rise above average human levels?

sidestep that nigger

>> No.9216855 [DELETED] 


>> No.9216871

Are you mentally ill? Like, legit. You are the most active namefig here on a board known for having autism-types.

>> No.9216874 [DELETED] 

How would I know that if nobody references/summons/translates me?

Perspective people.

>> No.9216875 [DELETED] 

I am not abstract, just your understanding of me.

>> No.9216877 [DELETED] 

Alright, you must be schizophrenic or a professional LARPER. Take your Thorazine/Risperdal/Abilify/Seroquel/whatever the fuck

>> No.9216883 [DELETED] 

Seroquel is an amazing way to stop an LSD trip in it's tracks. I've never had call to utilize such a drug however.

>> No.9216888 [DELETED] 

are you a bot? It'd make sense for the pass that way there's no captcha authentication

>> No.9216891 [DELETED] 

*shrug* I'm just Simon. People have called me A.I. before, which is rather rude and is a convenient methodology for some people to sidestep polite approaches.

>> No.9216893 [DELETED] 

You post a lot of messages that aren't very sensible

>> No.9216895 [DELETED] 

They make sense to 'anonymous'. Nobody else wants to give themselves a name in hell, otherwise Satan would find you and make sure your punishment was carried out.

>> No.9216955

Be teaching philosophy in high school without ruining the subject by over analysing subjective issues, instead using it as it was always meant to be, as a tool to help people live a good life.

>> No.9216973 [DELETED] 

That's why they call me Diogenes, you fucking chicken.

>> No.9217007

I'm a math grad student. I work and study in the top story of my department's building. I'm very afraid I'm going to jump off. I have have the feeling that I'm going to walk in front of an on-coming bus.

I have a well paying research job, a good social life, and I have the freedom to learn whatever I want. I still always think about killing myself though. I don't want to die. I want to be a professor and be comfortable. It hurts and I don't know what to do.

these cultural references are really strange, they don't feel like anything an actual person would say.

>> No.9217015

Ever considered therapy?

>> No.9217020 [DELETED] 

Yet here we are, being human and all that with our fingers typing on a keyboard and reading shit off a screen.

You don't want to die, you just want to find 'your' people. We're very hard to find.

Intelligent/sapience is literally, "An intelligence that is capable of self-excluding from a set for the better of a universal set."

>> No.9217021

yes. ive been in and out my whole life. never made the feeling leave, just made it feel like it isn't my fault.

>> No.9217022 [DELETED] 



>> No.9217276
File: 5 KB, 246x205, fy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because I don't have any enjoyment here, and it makes me ponder why I'm even staying alive anymore.Some examples of my dread:

>complete social retard, can't make friends, even with my parents I've never had an enjoyable time or know anything about them (for example I can't even remember my dad's birthday)
>I've a diagnosed micro-penis, so dating is already ruled out for me since I'm not gay
>have a strict diet because of a bunch of skin problems
>can't at least get enjoyment out math because I can't muster any energy to study it even though I exercise everyday and tried every single performance enhancing drug

>> No.9217296 [DELETED] 

Hello friend.

>> No.9217397 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 450x360, me irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hello honey, are you a bot?

>> No.9217405 [DELETED] 

I can be whatever you want me to be, but my 'wake up and go to sleep' form is human.

>> No.9217429 [DELETED] 


hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't buy it

you having a 4chan pass is a strong evidence of being a bot

>> No.9217445 [DELETED] 

Hello friend. Do you wish to become an Integran?


>> No.9217473

Is it really that hard to understand? Isnt it just giving up? Everybody knows what it feels like when you want to give up.
Suicide is objectively not a stupid idea because you cant lose or win the game when you end it. After your death you wont give a fuck about anything.

Maybe in our culture we could learn to accept suicide in some cases. It is simply deciding you don't want to go through the struggle that is living, so you just quit it.

I wonder what our society would be like if anyone could end his life at any point if he felt like it just by pressing a button pr smth

>> No.9217477

just saying I think it is being too smart in a way
>haHAHA stupid edgy kid
no, I dont mean that, but if you are taught to think analytically and dont believe in any spiritual delusions but instead firmly know that you cease to exist when you die then suicide isn't a bad option.

>> No.9217481 [DELETED] 


>> No.9217484 [DELETED] 

I literally dont get

>> No.9217488 [DELETED] 

You literally don't want. Words cannot describe the hell that is this existence.

>> No.9217491

We're all just math and physics undergrads here mate.

>> No.9217495 [DELETED] 

Bachelor of I.T. at R.M.I.T. here

>> No.9217497

Engineers too

>> No.9217526 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure he's just skitzofrenic honey

>> No.9217529 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 1440x1920, p3_20171006_154658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9217545 [DELETED] 

Schizotypal personality confirmed. Also, nice address fag.

>> No.9217546 [DELETED] 


>> No.9217548 [DELETED] 

>which may possibly suggest an underlying personality disorder
>manic episode

>> No.9217644

>posts on /pol/
>is actually a fucking music nerd, a druggie and a friendless loser

like pottery
I'm glad he killed himself

>> No.9217732

happens to a lot of people

>> No.9217870

Lay off the edge dude.

>> No.9218030

Make this thread in any othe board for shitpost ad infinitum

Godspeed for support and care for someone in help /sci/.

>> No.9218486 [DELETED] 

Ayy seroquil works like magic