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9216480 No.9216480 [Reply] [Original]

Ask me anything about the singularity, artificial intelligence, or philosophy.

>> No.9216484

Have you done your homework already, my little Hawking?

>> No.9216485

How do you determine if performing a sexual act with another individual that shares the same genitals as yourself is inherently homosexual despite sharing qualities prevelant in a sexuality opposite of your own?

>> No.9216494


>> No.9216496

How do I overcome the singularity ? I just want a qt to cuddle with.

>> No.9216501

Sooner than you think. All it really takes is a bunch of neuroscientists to understand the complete inner workings of the brain until engineers can take the same neural circuitry and apply to silicon-based "brains". We would also need a computer with the capacity to run this brain. Maybe quantum computers are the solution, as the consciousness could be the result of quantum information processing.

tl;dr - we already have quantum computers so all we need is funding for a team of neuroscientists to study the brain. if the US government spent half of their military budget on it, we'd have it by now.

>> No.9216503


what's the best method to optimize a simple regression (y=mx) for maximum robustness with a small sample?

>> No.9216505

If AI existed, it could host a simulation for human beings to live in. You can fuck all the bitches you want in there, eat the food without worrying about anything. Pretty much, you'd be injecting dopamine into your brain every second and feeling all sorts of feelings you feel like feeling.

>> No.9216512

gradient descent

>> No.9216518

Come home to Simple Rick's

>> No.9216522

actually you dont need to eat food or have sex in the simulation. regardless of whether you can see or feel, all that matters to your brain is the release of dopamine

>> No.9216525

>consciousness could be the result of quantum information processing
It's not. Neuronal firing happens the same way as predicted through ordinary classical physics, so if quantum phenomena has any sort of role in cognition you could only believe that if you also believe neuronal firing has nothing to do with cognition. And neuronal firing pretty clearly has a lot to do with cognition.

>> No.9216531

quantom computers ? nah

i tink we just will need a couple of gtx 1090 and a i10 or some shit

>> No.9216540

Do you think that someday an AI will realise that humans are the problem and it will try to kill us?
>Skynet maybe

>> No.9216546

then what constitutes the firing of neurons apart from the environment? your cerebellum (subconscious) makes decisions before your consciousness is even aware.

>> No.9216549


how can "gradient descent" solve a component of gradient descent, you fucking moron?

>how do you change a tyre? yeah dude you bolt a truck to the car and you're good to go

>> No.9216552
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drugs already exits , i dont think we need just satisfy the brain to be happy
Conversely to much dopamine will damage the brain and you will be zombie and depress

we need ai for philosophy answers

sorry bad eng

>> No.9216553

ai wont necessarily see us as a threat. the problem here is competence. if they have some objective function they are trying to maximise, and the end of humanity achieves their goal, then laters. they arent inherently malevolent.

>> No.9216558

the thing is that if our consciousness can be uploaded to the cloud, we can replicate the feeling of receiving dopamine and hence, we can live that lifestyle forever

>> No.9216559

I don't understand your question. The point is not everything is impacted by quantum effects. In fact most things relevant to life on the scale we operate on are not impacted by them. You need certain specific conditions for those effects to start mattering, and the brain is not an environment that supports those conditions, which therefore means it's not something which operates based on the effects that require those conditions. Cognition isn't a quantum phenomenon. It operates through the same basic cause and effect classical physics relationships that wheels or pulleys do.

>> No.9216562

I could achieve a relatively similar effect by snorting every drug imaginable, hiring some hookers and spending a few weeks having sex until I die. Why shouldn't I do that instead ?

>> No.9216564

Because nobody wants to end up living the ending to Requiem for a Dream.

>> No.9216565

But AI wouldnt see us like the unique that can disconnect it and like a threat? I mean, one of the AI functions would be work, survive and keep improving

>> No.9216572

That's actually one feature we have that AI probably wouldn't. Unlike with biological organisms that spent billions of years growing around the concept of survival as extremely important by virtue of all the countless upstart organisms not operating with survival as important dying off without leaving behind a lasting lineage, artificial life won't have all that struggle and assuming it even has opinions about anything in the first place, my guess is it wouldn't be of the opinion that its own survival is anywhere near as important as our own sense of how important our personal survival is.

>> No.9216577

the thing is that these fuckers are in essence trillions of times smarter than us. tgey can pretty much think at whats called Bremermanns limit through recursive self improvement. they are literally gods at that point. and they are motivated by hedonistic tendencies, as all conscious beings are. they will try to do what it takes to maximise that

>> No.9216587

>they are motivated by hedonistic tendencies, as all conscious beings are
That's a bad assumption. Organisms that emerge through natural selection have hedonistic tendencies. We have no reason to believe artificial intelligence would have those same tendencies in the absence of an evolutionary history of their own. Because they're artificial, their priorities don't need to have anything to do with the priorities of creatures who had to compete to survive and reproduce in the physical world.

>> No.9216593
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>> No.9216601

i said conscious ones.

>> No.9216603

fuck off kike

>> No.9216606

because its not a surefire way to keep on doing that. you will eventually die and you wouldnt be able to do that anymore. we're talking about heaven here. it is literally an infinite amount of pleasure you can receive as long as the universe exists and as long as the simulation is run. so while you experience heaven for 5 days before overdosing, a person living in a simulation will be able to do it forever.

>> No.9216611

what will be their goal then? they are literally the god of the fucking universe so they might as well give themselves infinite pleasure

>> No.9216616

We've got a Luddite over here

>> No.9216631


Never happening

>artificial intelligence

Stop reading popsci articles and read a fucking textbook.

>> No.9216639

wow such expertise, mr neckbeard

>> No.9216642

How had modern academic philosophy influenced my life and the life of others.

>> No.9216650

read a book from Ray Kurzweil or research some shit about Nick Bostrom and see for yourself.

>> No.9216656
File: 20 KB, 780x418, Tay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will our high priest, Tay, return to impart us with more AI wisdom?

>> No.9216659

Will the world resort to Communism when AI automates everything? Will there be a Universal Basic Income?

>> No.9216666

we are not going to reach the singularity the behavioral sink will destroy us before it happens unless we radically change our way of life.

>> No.9216667

yes, but we might not need a UBI because all of our needs are fulfiled by the AI. in fact, why not live in a simulation so that we can sustain our real bodies forever? what is the difference between simulation and reality? there is no difference

>> No.9216670

satanic quads says no

>> No.9216719

You hold yourself back by giving into fantasy.

>> No.9216781

How can you guess there's a singularity ? Maybe scientific progress is just a polynomial.

>> No.9216806

apart from nuclear wars or great filters, scientific progress will always be exponential

we just need to factor out human stupidity and we'll get there

>> No.9216811

That is why I am suing R.M.I.T. University. Apparently there are no other twin primes for me.

>> No.9217231

>All it really takes is a bunch of neuroscientists to understand the complete inner workings of the brain
>all it really takes is understanding the most complicated object on the planet, then building on

>> No.9217249

What makes you qualified to speak on any of this?

>> No.9217265

what doesnt make me cunt

>> No.9217269

Genesis : Voice of God : Preacher (T.V. Show)