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9215692 No.9215692[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: scientists and great thinkers that inspired you the most

>> No.9215713

xD put Rick in all the 9 spots and that's tootally me WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB. I didn't know /sci/ was as cool as reddit and /tv/. Is there also a thriving Rick and Morty fanbase here? Do you mind if I link this thread to r/rickandmorty? I think many of us there would enjoy this rickpositive board

>> No.9215724

This picture gave me cancer.

This post gave me AIDS

>> No.9215727
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>> No.9215732


I dunno, genetic determinists will tell me that it was all genes that made him good but I'd like to think that it was his devotion and passion and that it doesn't matter where you come from as long as you do the fucking shit and stop making excuses.

>> No.9215735

>he doesn't unironically like Sheldon "Roasties on Blast" Cooper

>> No.9215745
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>> No.9215746
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Who else?!

>> No.9215927

Short list
CS Peirce
CS Holling
Martin Heidegger
Noam Chomsky

>> No.9215932


>> No.9215942

Heideggers contributions to ontology have proved influential to the way I interpret science.
Both the CS's are very /sci/ and so is Noam Chomsky but I would be lying if I said I listed him for his contributions to linguistics and psychology.
Anyways /his/ is complete shit now, not like it's much better here, eh whatever. Waste of time this reply

>> No.9215955

Really? Heidegger?

>> No.9215983

Not really, heidegger was the filler and I pretty much only listed him because I am currently reading about object-oriented ontology, and that's what I'm thinking about ATM, I'm not sure how I feel, I've only read this https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.faculty.virginia.edu/theorygroup/docs/harman%3Dvicarious-causation.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjMhv3G69zWAhUs5IMKHcxeDf4QFgglMAA&usg=AOvVaw24kzpVyPkZvefGSjiMKnpU
It seems intuitive but I don't know how I feel, I haven't actually read heidegger but I forgot the authors name(Graham Harman) and could only recall heidegger.
So I listed heidegger and now I have brought shame to myself because I was to lazy to look up Harman's name.
The rest are direct influences

>> No.9216026

ok ill make a serious response

pursued a controversial idea despite being persecuted but was later vindicated by david hilbert and the whole (or most of, i guess) mathematical community. i find this inspiring
i really like the idea of the hegelian dialectic
his interpretation of how the mind shapes experiences, and also his ideas about human autonomy
his ability to communicate un-intuitive concepts to a layman
for illustrating the dangers of atheism
>sun ra
his views about music relating to the human condition, in particular relating to race

>> No.9216163

Jonas Salk
Aubrey de Grey

The number of scientists I have respect for goes well beyond that list, but those were just the ones who actually made me want to go out and learn stuff.

There were some philosophers that helped model my thinking when I was young; Kant, Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Locke come to mind. They didn't exactly inspire me, but they helped me make sense of what was important to me.

>> No.9216706
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it's really amusing watching lower iqs pretend to enjoy watching rick and morty. if you're a high iq like me you can see it in their eyes they are struggling to enjoy it not even being aware the jokes that just fly over their heads. they'll laugh here and there to give the impression they get it but only by accident will they laugh after a joke. and you can tell it's fake. as if the fact that they laugh at the unfunny parts or over do it when i chuckle in my presence. when i laugh out loud (or lol as it's commonly referred to for those who don't know) they give me this dumb look like they're begging me to explain it to them. it's like they don't even understand that if i explain the joke it's not like they'd get it anyway.

>> No.9216716

you got baited twice gg

>> No.9216748

>Aubrey de Grey

ooh look at me my voice sounds like a chainsmoking 6 year old girl with sandpaper wedged in her throat and my beard looks like shit and I look like im 150 years old even though Im 38 and I suck at thinking.

>> No.9216760

>an argument against these 9 would be priceless

>> No.9216770

reading about history itself is more inspiring than any philosophical or scientific work

>> No.9216797

Historians are also thinkers.

>> No.9216804

I lol'd

Listen, all that aside, I can't help but be inspired by people who kinda wanna toss aside old notions of the achievable and strive for retardedly impossible bullshit. I mean, 100 years ago we didn't even have the internet, let alone a guatemalan sheepfucking imageboard available for us to discuss these ideas. Think of what waits around the corner for those willing to try.

>> No.9216836
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>> No.9216878


>> No.9216945

I want to stab Alan THE Bottom, in the bottom.

>> No.9216964

You don't really like the show do you?
This is a way of destroying it, just like the fedora meme from the past.

>> No.9216967
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"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks" is easily the most profound statement made in the English language in the past 1500 years.

>> No.9217749
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>> No.9217881


>> No.9217936

i really like the idea of the hegelian dialectic
for illustrating the dangers of atheism
cool so you didn't understand a word of nietzsche

>> No.9217940

many important intellectuals and philosophers/literaries throughout history were also historians to at least some extent
this is especially true in the times before the industrial revolution

>> No.9217951

Sam Harris is okay. He has some of the most faggy political views though

>> No.9217960


>> No.9217975

Weak b8

>> No.9217993



>> No.9218013
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>rick sanchez and carl marx inspired me

>> No.9218047
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Let me know if you don't recognize any.

>> No.9218050

He actually did. The selfish gene and the extended Phenotype are why I am majoring in Population Genetics.
>inb4 Religious person mad that he doesn't like religion

>> No.9218065

Fuck forgot B.O.B.

>> No.9218068
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In school i translated parts of "de vita beata" and its content helped me trough my edgy teenage years. I wouldn't call myself a stoic now but it got me interested in philosophy and influenced my ethics.

>> No.9218186

did he not say that religion is the basis of western values?

>> No.9218193

Do you not feel any emotions like Da Vinci, Tesla, or Newton?

>> No.9218197

What's wrong with Judith Butler?

>> No.9218212
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I was a wee lad when I read those 60s IM books. An Alpha Industrialist with a high IQ (but not "muh super-genius world-ending" IQ) who was fighting Commies and fucking Staceys? Sign me up!

>> No.9218233


>> No.9218243


>> No.9218303

>for illustrating the dangers of atheism
Found the retard.

>> No.9218314

my man

>> No.9218358
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Friendly reminder that if you don't have the capacity to enjoy a genuinely good show without letting the fanbase ruin it for you, you're just as much of a brainlet as the average Rick and Morty fan that spends all day on Facebook making pickle Rick references and reading every post from I Fucking Love Science.

>> No.9218364

>Rick and Morty fan that spends all day on Facebook
Ah, proof by contradiction. Classic.


>> No.9218366

You mean proof by exhaustion.

>> No.9218391

But the show isn't funny...

>> No.9218407

That's why the fans sitting around all day trying to turn it into some bastion of hilarity are internet-wide cancer.

>> No.9218412

Yea, that doesn't really mean he was for it or against it. He diagnosed that the world was becoming rell religious and he feard that would bring a moral crisis, so he tried to create a system of morals that didn't depend on religion. So yea, it seems you only read the wikipedia entry.

>> No.9218434

It's the voice actors who ruin it for me desu
It's painful to listen to