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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9215228 No.9215228 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have 3 publications
>tfw faked results
>tfw no one will ever find out because of peer pressure - i.e.if some smart ass starts to investigate they'd be BTFO for being a whistleblower
>Have a comfy 110k job in industry

Why hasn't /sci/ taken the cheating redpill yet?

>> No.9215268

I'm a CS researcher and I have to say that some form of cheating is a standard practice in these circles. For example, if you develop an algorithm to some problem, and it turns out to be shit, you just cherry pick or synthetically generate such datasets that you get cool empirical results for publication.

>> No.9215284


Why work as a researcher if you aren't doing research? Also thanks for setting back your fields by either misleading others or polluting journals/conferences with your nonsense.

>> No.9215295

>muh sense of duty to future generations

all I care about is the present, not some distant future that I'm letting down when I would be long dead by then desu

>> No.9215307

Wait when you are the one getting fucked over by the future generations. Your tune will change.

>> No.9215318

>they'd be btfo for being a whistleblower

Publishing in low impact journals is also standard practice in those circles, I'd imagine

Poltards go home.

>> No.9215331

How do you fake results? Whenever I have published something, I had a billion different people breathing down my back and asking me to present before them on every single little stupid detail in my methodology. If I lied about that, I'd get caught really quick.

>> No.9215350
File: 480 KB, 493x342, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not some distant future that I'm letting down when I would be long dead by then desu

>implying anyone gives a shit about your shitty fake publication 6 months from now
>implying you're smart enough to produce something relevant in any field

>> No.9215360

Two possibilities, ordered by increasing probability:
1. they go to shit schools with shit advisors who don't care about their reputation
2. they're larping meme kiddies parroting the "crooked academia" meme so popular nowadays

>> No.9215366


>> No.9215402

it'll fall apart as soon as you rely on data files from other organizations, like sequencing files or whatnot, but if someone has control over experimental design and implementation they can do a lot. Put the wrong sample in a lane on a Western or don't put anything at all, spike PCR samples with the wrong templates, use the wrong organisms in your experiments... all of that would be incredibly hard to track down and would basically require complete replication to detect (which is how STAP got caught out)

Also lab culture has a lot to do with it. The people who falsify data usually come from labs where the atmosphere is toxic, usually because the PI is a slavedriver and demands consistent successful results around the clock.

>> No.9215412


I go to a top 10 uni and this happens all the time that everyone just sees it as normal

>> No.9215417

i go to a top 10 uni and it never happens so noone thinks its normal

>> No.9215460

Literally the worst kind of person possible

>> No.9215466

>Poltards go home
/Leftypol/ go home. Your divide and conquer tactics don't work with smart people.

>> No.9215468

And people wonder why the Chinese are hated. kys

>> No.9215478

Yep. Found this out by citing an article for my research project from pubmed of all places. The experimental results in the graphs were all fudged because the researchers knew what was going to happen (this was a paper that found DNA sequence of a virus that infects a fungus which infects a certain species of bats). Was absolute lols because the fake DNA sequence was just uploaded online for entire world to use and its just made up ATCGGAA rofl

>> No.9215502
File: 9 KB, 251x248, va.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I made up the graphs for most of my dissertations in both bachelors and masters
>Tfw the Chinese foreign exchange students gave me the questions to one of the modules exams as the tutor for that exam was a Chinese professor

Greatest pill 2bh

>> No.9215508


That sounds quite depressing desu. Knowing that you weren't up to a task due to being lazy or a brainlet.

>> No.9216291

I didn't think it was possible to be this stupid.

>> No.9217462

He might've been published in a non-peer-reviewed journal.
aka Not affecting anyone because nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.9217468

Well I haven't because I'm not pathetic trash

>> No.9217474

But you'll never be loved like a good scientist because you've never produced anything valuable to anyone else, any brainlet contributes more than you do

>> No.9217855

>aiming to publish in top journals and whistleblowing academic dishonesty is a divisive leftist trait

>> No.9217863
File: 93 KB, 638x479, the-reproducibility-crisis-in-psychological-science-one-year-later-19-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Why Fields like Psychology are not a Science

>> No.9217871

>fake some data from computational experiments for my master thesis
>theres no chance my prof would run my shitty algorithm run for a few days to verify my data
living the good life senpai

>> No.9217917

Love is an illusion like all other feelings. Disregard them all and achieve freedom in your life.

>> No.9217921

are you chinese by any chance?

>> No.9217973

I am going to hunt you down and discredit you

>> No.9218008

Wait you guys are just lying about this, right? But why would you go on an anonymous mongolian board and make up lies like this?

>> No.9218021

Some grad student is going to find out one day.

>> No.9218484
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 1506481196805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cancer researcher and have fudged numbers before. The end result was the department I work for getting way more funding. I wish I could say I feel guilty but I don't.

>> No.9218527

>write statistics based paper
>actual data is all over the place
>no conclusion to be drawn from anything
>topic is locked already in
>can't write anything about it
>just fake numbers to suit a made up conclusion
>cite actual sources
>nobody checks the data of the source, only that the source is trustworthy
>get an A

>> No.9218563

he sounds american

>> No.9218620

If I read you correctly you don't feel guilty because at least you managed to increase funding for cancer research, which is a good thing. Correct?

But anon this means that the money you got for doing phony cancer research is not being granted to serious cancer researcher. In this sense the expected number of deaths due to cancer increased because of you. I'd say your doing the very opposite of helping ill people. You're making it worse. You should stop fake researching and do something productive instead.

>> No.9218637

Clearly your work hasn't been peer reviewed then, so it's basically worthless anyway.