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9207519 No.9207519 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst professor you've ever had?

I want to hear some stories.

>> No.9207582

She was not incompetent, just very abrasive. I am a spanish speaker, and I talked to her in the informal "tu" instead of "usted" (disculpe instead of disculpa) after class one day. She pretty much hated me after that. She also once forced a cleaning lady to leave the bathroom while she was going to use it because she needed absolute privacy.

>> No.9207599

I never interacted with professors besides lectures and practicals.
So I didn't know them that well to make a Judgement.

Rookie mistake

>> No.9207691
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>be me, a chemistryfag in my first year of uni
>pick maths as an optional module because it looked like an easy pass
>soon realise my terrible mistake
>after one lecture I realise that the head of the module is an absolute dogshit teacher
>at least 300 pounds of autism made flesh
>wore the same jeans and fleece every day without fail, each riddled with holes and food stains
>finished off the look with a scraggly beard and an actual fucking combover
>spoke in a toneless baritone drawl like a vacuum cleaner with aspergers
>would bury simple material like first year stats in mountains of irrelevant proofs and checks without showing any useful examples
>never gave out notes or recorded his lectures, so unless you could decipher his awful handwriting on the fly you were fucked
>would assign material in his assignments that wasn't even touched on in the lectures and didn't give enough of a shit to explain the answers in the workshops
>literally everyone I spoke to on the module complained about his lectures but because his research is ridiculously specialised the uni can't afford to sack him

I have a few juicy stories about this guy if anyone's interested.

>> No.9207725


>> No.9207727

>boo hoo they didn't go over it in the lectures

>> No.9207731


Fuck man I don't know why but tu always feels so harsh. Like saying tu to a stranger or a superior? Jesus fuck it feels like I am raping their wife in front of them.

>> No.9207746
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>halfway through a mind-numbing lecture on multi-variable integration or some shit
>the module head (henceforth referred to as R) is mid-drone, his crusty jeans vacuum-sealed to his legs
>so fucking bored, can feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness to his voice
>just about to drop off when I hear a few titters from the front row
>R doesn't even notice, just keeps droning on
>my friend next to me is silently pissing himself with laughter
>no idea why, turn my head to face Santa
>then it hits me
>his jeans
>he's got a fucking boner
>everyone on my bench is reduced to silent hysterics
>R doesn't seem to give a shit, carries on with his lecture
>turns around to other blackboard and gives the entire class a side on view of his trouser snake
>desperately biting my tongue trying not to laugh
>mfw he gives the class a cheeky little smile and continues with the lecture

>> No.9207773
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Every single teacher I had in college:

>Be a math student
>Teacher arrives
>Start his speech
>Is a repetition of his subject book
>No doubts
>No questions
>Nobody cares
>Any teacher does the same
Then I asked my self why should I attend classes. Going to university was a waste of time I could use for self study.

>Be freshman
>Studying by myself
>Find a hard problem
>Ask a teacher for advice
>"Read a book on this very wide topic" was his answer
>Ask another teacher how to solve a different problem
>"I think you are doing too much (calculations)"
>No more explanation given
>Explaining another teacher how feasible could be another way of solving a problem
>"Oh, so you have an idea..." was his answer
This was up to fourth semester, then I never asked anyone for help.

>Thesis time
>Thesis advisor give me thesis topic
>Ffw a mont later
>"T-Teacher, what about if I do this and that?"
>"That's your problem. After all is your thesis"
He said that while raising his palms up to his shoulders. Didn't see him again in the next two years, when I asked him to sign the paper where he told my university I had finished my thesis as agreed. He read nothing.

>> No.9207798

This is so sad :( where did this happen? What are you doing now anon?

>> No.9207808

We had to do presentations of our studies on the local preserve on the single study day we had off for finals. This means that any commuters who would have had off to study had to go drive to present their projects (a majority of the course grade) when we aren't supposed to have classes. This was after already submitting the actual papers but before the final for the course. It started snowing while we were there and the head of our department was there.

The course would meet once a week and it would be one week in the lecture hall and the next in the preserve. He had a switch in the syllabus but didn't update the syllabus that's on the course webpage, but rather, he updated the word doc file that was buried within some folders on the course resources tab. This was a big deal because he didn't inform us and then the class was unsure about which campus to go to (since both locations are on two different campuses) and attendance is mandatory so you don't wanna have the wrong location. It was such a circus.

>> No.9207825
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>Thick Eastern European accent with poor enunciation
>Comes 5 minutes late, spends 5 more minutes fiddling with his computer and the projector
>Uses touchscreen to project his JUST handwriting on board
>Does no form of preparation for his lectures.
>He just kind of rambles incoherently as he tries to figure out how to prove whatever theorem he decided to do for class that day off the top of his head, fails >20% of the time
>When he does discover a proof its needlessly complex and involves a ton of handwaving
>Lecture never follows textbook so you have to use his notes, which look like pic related.
Worst thing is he's one of the most relevant mathematicians in a big field so he'll never go away.

>> No.9207848

>It's the student's job to teach themselves what the professor is supposed to.

>> No.9207850

>spend hours preparing lectures for students who won't read the chapter, won't do any homework, and play with their phones in lecture, then declare that you "Can't teach" because you weren't able to somehow give them a deep understanding of quantum mechanics in a single 50 minute lecture
fuck all you faggots

>> No.9207856

>physical chemistry one
>Guy is actually a great researcher, Asian and very eloquent but just goes bananas when teaching
>Get in front of class
>Starts to shutter
>Begins to perspire
>Goes full thick FOB incomprehensible engrish
>Writes in chalk
>Sweats profusely
>Gets units mixed up and even merges them
>Never faces the class and talks to the board
>Writes so close to board that his front is covered in chalk powder but back of shirt is translucent from all his sweating
>His sweaty arms actually smear the chalk as he's writing
>Erases way too early essentially the right hand writes and the left hand erases and he goes across the board

In the end he knew he was a totally shit teacher. He was only there because he was a big name in Pchem and biochem research. Gave us all Bs randomly it seemed. I could have never taken the class and been better off.

>> No.9207861
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>Then I asked my self why should I attend classes. Going to university was a waste of time I could use for self study.
The reason is that the universities hold a near monopoly on professional certification. That is the reason, anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.9207900

>>50 yo bald fucker, teaches "Introduction to Chemical Engineering"
>from another country, with a really annoying paraguay accent (classes were in portuguese)
>every single class would waste 10min or more saying that chem engineers are better than other engineers because "muh work opportunities"
>mentioned the same concepts every class as if they were important, then when we actually "learn" it we never use it again
>whole course is literally useless, 1 semester later we had introduction to industrial processes, it was the same thing except we actually learned something
>made us visit some factories that have literally nothing to do with chemistry or chem engineering. One of them didn't do shit but store and package fertilizer
>would waste 15min of a class complaining about a random student studying for something else more important and hard
>an ONLINE SURVEY made up 10% of our grades

Everyone hated him, including other teachers. At least he made me realize I didn't actually like chemistry

>> No.9207909

ITT: salty poor students

>> No.9207932

It'd be fine if they didn't require my attendance.
I'm taking Discrete Structures, a CS/Math course. The lectures are always rambling wastes of time but I have to attend because he poses problems daily that we need to turn in at the end of the semester. It is 10% of our grade. Maybe I can sympathize with the prof. He has to waste time teaching the course, why should he suffer alone?

>> No.9207963

It literally is, though, asshole. The professor can't force you to learn shit. Their only job is to point you in the right direction. It is your responsibility to learn the material yourself.

>> No.9207967

Damn that sucks. Should've gone to a university in a first world country like the United States of America.

>> No.9207975

Can we make this a "worst students" thread?

How about the asshole who comes into class, texts on their phone half the time not paying attention, then chimes in and asks some batshit retarded questions? I sure love that character.

>> No.9207993
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>3rd year organic chemistry - structures and mechanisms course
>Old as fuck prof who does not do reaserch but uni keeps him around to teach
>Terrible lectures written in chicken scratch on black board
>Wastes too much time every lecture over trivial points and rushes important points into a 5x5 cm square in the bottom corner of the board in last 5 mins BC he runs out of room
>Every lecture extended by 10-15 mins as he rushes to finish the lecture
>Have to take notes as students from next class come in bc this moron has decided to go over time
>Test questions all have mechanisms that have the first couple of steps from a vague reaction that was mentioned off handedly that no one knows

One of the worst teachers I have ever had. Idk why the uni still keeps him around, his classes consistently have mid 50s average.

>> No.9208004
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>go to freshmen bio lab
>filled with public health majors
>people major to give vaccines and shit outside of walmart
>they complain the entire time about nothing making any sense
>say labs are too stressful
>one wants to transfer to education to work with special needs kids
>lab partner constantly tries competes with me about predicting the right results
>he constantly brings up his high school chem class
>he also makes bad edgy jokes like a wannabe Daniel Tosh
>instructor is literally blind in one eye and has no depth perception
>seemingly nobody actually wants to be there
I'm in some shitty co-enrollment at the local community college and seem to care more than these fucks. Why did they go to this school if they just want to fuck around and not take this expensive shit seriously?

>> No.9208014

1) You're at a community college, so the overall quality of students will be worse.
2) They're freshmen, so naturally they will act like retarded children.

Though, I can't say it's too much better at a proper college. Especially if it's a state school, you'll still run into a lot of people who just don't give a shit. You can't let that bring you down, though. I know it's demotivating but you just gotta work and leave these people in the dust.

>> No.9208027

>community college
I'm not though. My bio class is the only class I have at the four year college. I thought all the people who didn't care wouldn't major in a subject that requires studying and not shitting up the labs.

Why do people who obviously don't care about biology take bio classes?

>> No.9208086

>It'd be fine if they didn't require my attendance.
Most don't

>> No.9208096

That's because you don't pronounce tú as if you were a bitch with a half-lisp like you're supposed to.

>> No.9208097


>> No.9208114

I think you severely overestimate the rationality of the typical 18 year old. Freshmen tend to get filtered out pretty quickly but some of the assholes who don't give a shit will stick around. Also keep in mind that university prerequisites are retarded, forcing kids to take classes that are irrelevant to them.

>> No.9208146
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>where did this happen?
In the country where you are beheaded for the lulz.

>What are you doing now anon?
Highschool teacher. I was previously working as a programmer, but my boss didn't paid me a single cent. I am considering studying another career (graphic design).

In the third world there is another reason, at least for a foreign: a free trip to these wild lands where you can get a certification for doing nothing. You can come here and study a Ms or Phd, get paid, shamelessly copy a paper and tell the board examining your thesis it is your research with no consequences but getting your ms or phd degree... for free.

>> No.9208153

I haven't had any "bad" professors so much, just bad subjects.

The worst stuff is, being aussie, the government basically blackmails every uni with funding to include "aboriginal culture" stuff in every degree, which basically means students are forced to provide free work for aboriginal organisations to get their grades, and you can't protest or you get labelled a racist.

>> No.9208283


Which backwater shitty uni do you go to?
What was your degree in?

I never had to study aboriginal history outside of school.

>> No.9208321

>In the country where you are beheaded for the lulz.
Saudi Arabia?

>Highschool teacher. I was previously working as a programmer, but my boss didn't paid me a single cent. I am considering studying another career (graphic design).

Fuck man. Do you still like math? Why don't you try coming to the west?

>> No.9208335

The worst ones are the smug fucks in math classes who speak up 15 times a class to try and impress people with their Wikipedia knowledge and overly complicated answers to obvious questions.
Also fuck the professors who enable these dickheads by asking crappy questions every 5 minutes.

>> No.9208347

Fuck you I do that. You are just salty because you know that then it is people like me who get personally invited by the professors to attend their talks. Oh wait, I bet you didn't know that because no professor has ever asked you to come. Kek.

What you people stuck in the edgy teen mentality need to learn is that mathematics is a competition. When a professor first enters a classroom there are very few ways he can directly distinguish the trash from the good students. If you want him to recognize you, you need to act. You need to impress him. And if he is asking a question he is doing that precisely to take note of who is the one who answers so that later he can focus just on that student or group of students, the ones that actually matter.

>> No.9208352

new pasta

>> No.9208359

We had a legitimately autistic kid in our math classes and not even "autistic but really smart", but /r9k/ levels of autism.
He always asked really, really dumb questions about things the professor explained seconds ago.
And then he always started discussions with the teacher and asked just as stupid follow up questions which further showed that he didn't listen to the answer the professor just gave him.

All of that while spending the lectures browsing the binding of isaac and undertale subreddit.
He also ALWAYS put his hand up when a question was asked and he was ALWAYS wrong.

>> No.9208373


I went to UniSA, this was back in ~2013.

We had a course "Information Systems Professional Practice" (basically just bullshit timefilling stuff about e-commerce etc.) and had to make websites for some aboriginal legal outreach service, and they said the best assignment would then be given to third year students (in the web design stream) as an assignment to flesh out with a proper backend and stuff, and the finished product would then be used as their live website.

I have a mate who went to Adelaide Uni around the same time, and they had a similar thing (in the sense of doing free work for grades) in one of their first year courses.

I don't know if the government is still pushing this stuff but it was a real thing at the time.

>> No.9208374

forgot to respond to the other part, I did bachelor of I.T. in software development, but we had a common first year across all streams (networking, web design, etc.) so everyone had to do it.

>> No.9208377

I had one of those too senpai. It was some bs "general engineering" course that freshmen were required to take, and this fucker would raise his hand for every single rhetorical question the professor asked. It was always some super 3edgy5me response that never contributed anything to discussion. The whole class hated him, including the professor

>> No.9208415

>Mathematics is a competition
>Getting THIS fucking serious about manipulating arbitrary abstract mind structures

>> No.9208445
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>First year of uni
>organic chemistry
>enter class and start talking with friends cause the professor isn't there
>ten minutes later he arrives looking like shit
>bedraggled hair, red as fuck eyes, dirty clothing
>he tells all the class to shut up
>he's nervous, probably high as fuck
>his lesson is very interesting, though
>end of the lesson
>he leaves the class
>next day he comes a bit more clean, doesn't look high
>lesson is boring as fuck

He kept coming high as fuck some days, which I loved. I don't know why but those days his speeches were amazing

>> No.9208457

The one and only

>> No.9208464

Where was this, USP?

>> No.9208466

It was during the first year of university, math degree, calculus professor. The man used to teach with nothing to read from, he just wrote things from his head, a lot of times he wrote things wrong. But the real deal was one beautiful day, before the date of the tests was decided. A friend of mine raises his hand to ask the professor a question and says: "Mr. XXX, which day will the tests be?" And he replies after three long seconds of thought: "Oh... Decide a date amongst yourselves and give it to me at the end of the class". Everyone in the class laughed really hard. He was terrible at teaching and because of it I got my worst score ever in a test (1,5), failed calculus and am thinking of quitting this uni and start the same degree at a new university.

>> No.9208469

>prof is 75yo senile dude from middle of nowhere in Oklahoma
>no idea how he received a formal education in math
>writes semi-neat definitions straight from the book before class on the board
>proceeds to write more notes in between what he had already written instead of erasing anything
>could only ever come up with examples that were ungodly easy or ones that didn't work
>not sure if he knew the difference between a permutation and a combination
>rambled about induction as if he were the one who invented it
>skipped the algorithms chapter because "you'll learn it in your cs classes" even though half the class wasn't cs
>spent 2 weeks (6 lectures) on the konnesburg (spelling?) bridge problem
>slightly racist to the whole class

I never should have taken (((discrete))) math

>> No.9208683

My university has a pchem PhD teaching biochem. You can probably understand how that's going for me right now. She did some research on some chaperone proteins, so she's knowledgeable in the basics and chaperones, but that's it. Everything else is straight from the book. It's a big pair of shoes to fill, so I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but fuck it's painful so far.

>> No.9208777
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> Learning Algorithms
> Not learning George Bush rhythms

>> No.9208965

>be me
>first year Neuroscience
>have to do psychology modules because the departments crossover
>whatever, easy credits
>first lecture
>lecturer walks in, face and neck of a turkey, body shape of a South Park character
>accent never heard before on this planet
>"Heeeeelooo efferrryyywahnnn"
>oh boy here we go
>frantically trying to make sense of her lecture, trying to match her slides to my notes and vice versa
>suddenly "F-eye-errrr eeeeengeeeeeiiiinessss are reeeddddd"
>give up trying to make notes, realize this is impossible

I had her for a full year, learned nothing in her lectures, only showed up so they didn't kick me out for not attending.

>> No.9209265

The thing is that "manipulating arbitrary abstract mind structures" is an actual job with very few decent open positions where you can spend a decade of your life getting all the necessary qualifications and then end up being an assistant's assistant's associate assistant professor teaching college algebra to art school fuckups.

If you want that to be your future then good luck, but I will destroy everything in my path just to avoid that fate.

>> No.9209285
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>tfw your first semester maths professor introduces himself with the words "don't get your hopes up, 90% will fail the exam the first time anyway"
Needless to say 85% was actually the failure rate for his exams.

>> No.9209335

You are acting like people who complain about shit profs are inferior to you, when the reality is that you're a cuck enslaved by his own ego, who would rather waste his time looking shit that should have been covered in the lecture in the first place up, in his free time, than complain about a professor doing a terrible job teaching him something at a university he literally pays to attend, just for the sake of feeling superior to his peers for being able to do something absolutely mediocre, like looking things up on his own.

>> No.9209430

>be me
>first semester Engineering
>have chemistry II, cause fuck me thats's why
>mostly boring topic, somewhat entertaining little chinese woman as teacher
>penultimate week lecture
>doing exercises, so everyone is looking at their notebooks
>suddenly teacher starts tripping while pacing
>front row student gets close to her and walks her out of the room
>everyone vaguely notices and wanders what is going on
>teacher doesn't comeback, everyone leaves
>learn later that teacher literally had heart attack and couldn't do the last classes
>worthless replacement professor passes the rest of the material in a rush, fail exam

>> No.9209512

Ahh, my Chemistry 101 labs, love shitposting about them

>be a naiive 18yo, enroll in a local college in bumfuck nowhere
>slavland, but even for our standards these labs are super ghetto
>filled with half broken CCCP shit from the 60s
>most essential stuff is broken
>no distilled water so it's either haul barrels of it from another building a mile away or use tap
>every single propippete is broken
>literally vacuum up 10M HCl with your mouth
>fume hoods are of course broken, so volatile shit is done by an open window
>do some basic chloroform shit, be dizzy for the next two hours
>need that 10M HCl in a vial? Some faggot broke all funnels years ago, but you can just pour it straight from the bottle if no pipettes available
>good thing our protective equipment consists of a labcoat
>staffed by dead eyed assistant who can eyeball aforementioned 10M HCl to vial procedure within 0.1ml aka the only person with extensive Chem training
>administered by bimbo TA who can't do fractions
>btw waste disposal consists of pouring water into the acid solution and then just pouring in down the drain
>the most precise scale is on a shaky table on a creaky wooden floor
>CCl4 is, unsurprisingly, the non polar solvent of choice
>leaky NO2 tank in the corner

Man that place was ghetto

>> No.9209514


>> No.9209558

>be 10th grade
>have hearing issues
>nothing too bad, but i need to lip read if someone is talking with a heavy accent
>enter "wan"
>he has a vietnamese accent that is so thick it made rice come out of my ears
>also barely emotes, and never moves his lips so i cant even lip read
>go from B+ student to C- because i cant understand the guy
apparently this was the case for a few students. the guy wasnt a bad person, or even incompetent as far as i could tell, but if i cant understand the words someone is saying, then it would have been better to have a bad teacher. its a shame too, his son and i got along really well but it was always awkward visiting him and his dad.

>> No.9209565

Yup. Fatal mistake.

>> No.9209758

>1 week left
>somehow enough material crammed in for you to fail
explain exactly how that's possible

>> No.9210033

>be 2nd year
>professor doesn't upload any lecture material
>textbook is irrelevant to course
>no homework, grade entirely determined by exams
>professor refuses to give back or ever talk about midterms
>midterms are 7 multiple choice questions, no partial credit. some questions are based off of like a sentence of trivia he's said in lecture once.
>averages on exams float around 1/7, 2/7.
>lab partner scored triple the class average by blindly guessing
>prof probably reuses the test every year, everyone who scores above a B is probably part of some chinese cheating scandal.

>> No.9210237

I once had a physics professor who would tell us to read the book/use online sources to learn a physics concept, then quiz us in class to gauge how well we knew it, then would lecture on what we didn't seem to get. The best part was that the quizzes were graded.

>> No.9210259

this thread is about bad professors, anon

>> No.9210311

the fucking vectornazi in vector calculus (undergrad)

tests were like 5 problems wrong with multiple parts. If you made any mistake that caused you to get a wrong answer the whole thing was marked wrong. If you forgot to mark your vectors by putting a dot or a hat over it it was -10 points each time. The tests were hell especially since I was a brainlet at the time, there were people who literally got negative scores. We only had 45 minutes, most people didn't finish.

The worst part was actually how fucking obsessed she was with cheating. One guy got brought a TI83 instead of a scientific calculator and she instantly failed him and told him to go home. If you get a 0 on one test you pretty much have to drop out. Another guy wrote his test in pen (lmao) and as she handed it to him she took one look at the first page and threw it in the trash told him to gtfo.

first math class I ever failed. I knew the material, I just had to speed up to finish the damn test and in doing so made so many errors I couldn't get anything right. I know people are gonna call me a brainlet but this was the worst class I ever took.

>> No.9210358

>negative scores

What the fuck, I've never heard of that before. Like did they mispell their name or something?

>> No.9210362

>0 points (no partial credit) for getting answer wrong
>minus points for "small errors" like forgetting to mark vectors regardless of whether the answer is right/wrong

granted most people at least got one or two questions right and scored in the 20's-30's, but there were a few who got negative or single digit scores. Keep in mind this was an undergrad class with mostly engineers so lots of average IQ normies who haven't realized they're brainlets yet

>> No.9210367
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I'm doing a minor in Computer Science and holy shit coding subjects are the absolute worst

People sit in front of you. open their laptop, and go straight to a video game within 5 minutes if the lecture starting. Why even fucking show up if you're just going to be a distraction to everyone and not even attempt to listen?

>> No.9210370

>Extra lecturer on another Professor's Module because it's a required module for the whole engineering department
>insists on adding extra stuff that he's interested in despite it being PhD level research and the module is a first year introduction
>shouts and screams about all the stuff he wants to see in the assignment and how he'll fail us if we don't include it
>what he wants us to include has no bearing on the assignment brief, or the module
>write assignment, ignore his ranting abd write what was asked for in the brief
>everyone who wrote what he asked for was failed because it had nothing to do with the brief

>> No.9210378

Electrical engineering lecturer:
>Indian, but lazy as fuck
>Took 6 weeks to mark the midesem
>When he released the midsem results it was a scan of handwritten student ID numbers and a score next to it, in no order
>Had to scroll through 10 pages to find your mark because no ctrl+f
Same guy:
>Final exam, 5 questions, worth 50% of total grade
>Gave no part marks for questions
>Rounding error results in loss of 10% of final grade
he wasn't the lecturer the next year so that probably got him fired

Algorithms and complexity:
>Lecturer would sneeze INTO microphone every 5 minutes
>kept me awake at least

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics:
>Professor demanded undivided attention
>Would stop talking if people started whispering
>Would stop if someone was looking at their phone
>This in a two hour long lecture

>> No.9210382
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you've earned it

>> No.9210399
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Back in my intro programming lectures there were a group of 6 lads who EVERY LECTURE would just sit there playing one of those MOBA games and hog all the power outlets for their shitty alienware laptops

>mfw 5 of them failed and they had to drop out for half a year because pretty much all the following courses depended on that one as a prerequisite

>> No.9210418

nice trips at least

>> No.9210459

>Same guy, but now the sole lecturer on 2nd Engineering Maths Module
>Baby tier maths, hardest thing was non-homogenous 2nd order differentials
>except all the questions relate to mass spring systems so it's easy to see if you're right or not
>was always 10 minutes late
>never saved corrections to his slides
>consequently spends the next 15 minutes adding in corrections that he could of just saved from the last lecture
>every slide is covered in tiny equations
>no clear order, skips steps when covering new topics
>refuses to repeat or clarify what he just said
>'I've already explained it I shouldn't have to again'
I thought that was bad, then we did the experiment section
>supposed to measure temperature of water as it cools to plot an exponential curve
>gives us water out the hot tap (45 ish degrees), a heavily Insulated beaker and 10 minutes
>it cools so slowly that in 10 minutes it drops 5 degrees
>graph is literally straight because shite experiment
>we point this out to him and ask if we can do the experiment again but with a better setup because our results form the majority of the assignment that is 70% of the module grade
>instead he just shows us how to force excel to plot the data as an exponential so we can manipulate it as required by the assignment
>People were so fucked that they asked the old, retired lecturer to come back and do a 5 hour revision session so people would have a chance of passing
Thank fuck they don't let him near 3rd years and up

>> No.9210461
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>>People were so fucked that they asked the old, retired lecturer to come back and do a 5 hour revision session so people would have a chance of passing

>> No.9210764

I know exactly how you feel. A few semesters ago some assholes in lecture were on their laptops and giggling about something and the professor sperged out. This semester they were talking about the event before class, wondering why their professor yelled at them. "He's such a meanie haha," "I guess he didn't like that we were looking on Reddit while he was lecturing hahaha." Fucking children.

>> No.9210771

>I've already explained it I shouldn't have to again
To be fair, it is really annoying when some dickwad literally asks the professor to repeat what they said because they weren't listening.

>> No.9210785

In an autocad class where the professor gave us out big sheets of paper to draw a bllueprint on. Tells us we can’t fold it so we ask how does he expect us to carry it around? “Oh you have to buy those arhictect tubes, forgot to tell you guys to buy one”. Literally had to walk home holding a huge sheet of paper while avoiding the rain.

>> No.9210898

Yeah I agree, but he would literally not explain something properly half the class would ask him to clarify what he meant and he'd point blank refuse

>> No.9210913

>What country? Romania?

>> No.9210925


>> No.9210945
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Holy fuck... don't even eat me started.

The professors in the physics department are fucking shit. They glorify "self teaching" over genuinely teaching. And while I understand what they're trying to do and I've heard the argument you have teach yourself as it's the only way to learn I personally think it's a shit method.

My freshman classes all consisted of the teachers talking for like 15 minutes and then forcing us to get in groups and work together on some vague shitty tutorials while they stand there. Then while you do that "Class Assisntants" roam around to help you understand the material by fucking asking questions and responding with questions. As if physics wasn't confusing enough for some people.
"Hey why is A the way it is? "
"Hur durr, Is it? Ask your group"

Then the teachers assign homeworks that force you to read the book and actually use math that to some people would be hard. And it's like that every fucking day of the class. And sure the teachers might derive something every now and then and sure they might demonstrate things but for fucks sake. If the majority of what a teacher does is stand there and tell you to read while you sit there confused and bombarded with questions and not answers them why even pay? A teacher is supposed to show you the book material and explain it and guide you, while you do your part to understand.

I've had a teacher at the beggining of the year plainly state

"I'm not to here to teach you, I'm here you teach yourself"

Fucking pissed me off. I mean I'm glad at least I could follow and do the physics but I knew half the class was fucking struggling. I mean put yourself in my scenario. You're 18+, not in high school, pay thousands of dollars for a class where you are forced to buy the special edition Tutorial Book for $90, and then forced by the teacher to sit in groups of no more than 4 (god forbid you sit in a group of 5, else they make a fuss), and are forced to do these vague problems.

>> No.9210946
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Never thought about it that way

>> No.9210959

That's not college anons, that's ducking high school. I can definitely see this approach working in high school, but when this fucking process reaches fucking senior level courses you know there's a problem.

Any retaliation against the method will always result in you being told

"statistically this has been proven to be the best method of teaching"

And personally I don't buy it. One of the professors who's head of the department has a fucking poster of his study where they teach people physics by using hand motions.

To answer your question OP
All in all it stresses me out and all of these teachers have been the worst expirence

>> No.9210969

that's so sad :(
satisfying story, thx

>> No.9210976

The point of giving grades to students is to measure how well they understand the subject. Graded homework is therefore retarded, because students can cheat by copying from each other, or even by pirating wolfram mathematica and using the step-by-step solution feature in some cases.

>> No.9210985

>Graded homework is therefore retarded
No, grading homework and making it part of your final grade is retarded.
For a student who genuinely wants to know how well he understands a subject graded homework is very valuable.
Grading can also be used to qualify people for exams, eg. you need to get 50% of the points of all homework to be able to take the exam.

>> No.9211003

>No, grading homework and making it part of your final grade is retarded.
That's what I meant, I guess my post was unclear.
>Grading can also be used to qualify people for exams
I'm not sure how useful that is, on the one hand, it weeds out retards, but on the other hand, it compels everyone to do the homework, even people who already have a good understanding of the subject for whatever reason.

>> No.9211018

>I'm not sure how useful that is, on the one hand, it weeds out retards, but on the other hand, it compels everyone to do the homework, even people who already have a good understanding of the subject for whatever reason.
It is how our university handled it, at least with some courses.
I like the Idea, since (as you already mentioned) it stops people from slacking of. Also people repeating the course didn't need to fulfill the homework requirement to be able to take the exam for a second time.

>> No.9211034

>aerospace analysis
>professor doesnt put examples on slides because he doesnt think people will come to class if he does
>examples he does in class are often wrong
>slides are often wrong
>TAs just get swamped with questions
>homework directions are ambiguous, redundant and sometimes contradictory
>will change homework problems the day before they are due
>gives us matlab coding problems even though no one in the aerospace major here has taken matlab (the school has us take C++ for some fucking reason)
>when you send him emails he wont answer your question
>painfully obvious he doesn't even check if the work makes sense for his examples or homework

>> No.9211037

UFRGS? Had Electromagnetism this way last semester.

>> No.9211039
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>geology prof
>refused to discuss readings in class, probably because she wasn't comfortable lecturing on the topic
>taught masters students even though she didn't have a PhD.
>forced us to plan our own tri-state field trip
>got fuming pissed when we went to the other geology professors for advice
>got fuming pissed when you challenged her interpretations in the field. no matter how polite or justified your argument, she viewed it as an attack.
>each homework assignment was an essay where we explained how *name of the chapter* can be used to analyze paleoenvironment.
>when she realized we weren't covering material fast enough, she started assigning 3 to 4 chapters each week.
>they started looking for her replacement after that semester
>she now teaches rocks for jocks and science for elementary school teachers while a based PhD teaches all of her major courses.

>> No.9211076

>Pay for uni
>Just google shit duh

>> No.9211268
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>introduction to modern physics (terrible class that's essentially a survey course of later classes) my sophomore year
>taught by incompetent dick who gave the worst explanations for physics I've ever heard
>diagrams would be wrong, math would be full of errors, he would contradict himself every couple of minutes
>when somebody asked a question, he would cut them off halfway through, assuming he knew what they were asking, poorly answer what he incorrectly thought they were talking about, and move on, saying we had no time for anything else
>showed up ten minutes late for one of our midterms, then remembered he didn't copy a page of our tests and wandered off to go do that while we sat there in stunned silence
By halfway through I would read the textbook for a couple hours a week and learn more than his lectures could ever teach. But the worst part was the end of the semester.
>final is coming up
>despite his bullshitting I have a very high B in the class, I'll take the final and get either an A or B, I'd have to get about a 15 to make a C
>take his retarded multiple choice final that he accidentally filled with half a dozen typos he corrected over the course of the testing period
>check transcript a few days later
>what the fuck?
>ask around with friends, everyone got a letter grade lower than they were expecting but he hasn't released actual grades
>multiple students email him to demand to see them, he angrily relents
>according to the grading system on the syllabus he gave us, we got the grades we thought, but he SCALED THEM ALL DOWN without informing us
>he gets spammed with questions and sends out a mass email telling us to shut up because he can do whatever he wants
>other students get the department head involved by telling him the syllabus was changed after the semester without informing us
>no word from professor, but the grades magically change a couple days later

>> No.9211320

How the fuck don't you know what Köningberg is? Also that problem pretty much spawned a whole field of mathematics. (not saying he was a good teacher)

>> No.9211333

The course does not only contain the things that are covered in lectures. It's fine (even good) to have students study the easier things themselves rather than waste time in class going through them. However your teacher might still have been shit.

>> No.9211431

Mine ventilation professor was either drunk or Alzheimer's. Would put a word document on a projector and read it to us, occasionally going on tangents about how Rhodesia was totally awesome. Entire class got a d on the midterm because it had a question on it over materials that literally weren't in the lectures or notes.

>> No.9211479

so what did you end with?

>> No.9211513

A B. According to the original scale I would've gotten an A with a few more points on any of the tests, but we have no idea what the scale he ended up using actually was.

>> No.9211603

>>literally vacuum up 10M HCl with your mouth
I'd pay a second tuition for someone to do that for me. No way I'm risking my lips like that fuck

>> No.9211728

>vert bio lecture
>actually really interesting
>good professor and lecturer
>people playing with phones entire time
>chicks shopping entire time
>people whispering and laughing about videos the entire time

Ridiculous. He was kind enough to host an hour-long review session before the first exam of the semester, and a good amount of people actually showed up to it. But then you had...

>people playing with phones entire time
>chicks shopping entire time
>people whispering and laughing about videos the entire time

It's like they think that as long as they are physically present that the review session will help them.

>> No.9211953

What the fuuuuuuck lmao

>> No.9212103

Had someone like that.
>Mexican Calculus Prof
>Had his funny moments
>Smart enough to be sending job applications to NASA
>Entire class: Questions about last homework, teach a new topic with maybe one example, 10 more homework problems due at next class, repeat.
>Starts the semester with three classes of 40-some students
>Ends the semester with a single consolidated class of 30 or so.

Only ever got one over him, but I think he was having a brainfart day. He said e*sin(x) graph looked like sin(x) that had an average that followed e, but I corrected him by saying that the wave expands at a rate that the crests/troughs lined up with e slope.

>> No.9212161


>> No.9212433

bretty good

>> No.9212699

Couldn't you just have

You know

Rolled it into a tube?

>> No.9212791

>that one teacher you had who's response to any question was some variant of "Google it"

>> No.9212890

Aww poor guy. Usually when I get unprepared/awkward professors they tend to get overly aggressive but this fella just sounds like a sadsack

>> No.9213043



>> No.9213099

>The teacher reads everything from a powerpoint.

It's dull and boring, why?

>> No.9213151

5 years ago
>wrote 'al gore rhythm' in an A level h/w
>teacher corrects it and after the next lesson asks if I need help with spelling

>> No.9213168

it would still be exposed to the rain.

>> No.9213539

My favorite was this girl in my bio lab class. She never really payed any attention at all and would ask dumb shit constantly. Things like "what is blank" even though the Prof just said what blank was like 5 seconds ago... The best was when she asked about the spelling of words because she "learned the terms in Spanish first", ffs just look at the spelling in the damn notes
/textbook and stop interrupting every 5 minutes. I feel like by the end of the semester the Prof was one dumb question away from going ballistic on her.

>> No.9213601

Control theory professor. He wasn't a bad chap, he just gave awful lectures that were completely unstructured and impossible to follow. He'd meander through the lesson, start an analogy, stop halfway through to go back and correct something he'd said earlier in the lesson, then never revisit the original analogy, change notations half way through a worked example and then spend 5 minutes working back through his own calculations trying to figure out which was which. He was a bit of a dope. Nice, but a dope. Dopes shouldn't be teaching control theory.

Then there was my electromagnetism prof who was absolutely mental but gave an easy exam so I'll let him off the hook.

>> No.9213864

I wish professors would stop using powerpoints too. I think chalkboard presentations are way more engaging but I guess some professors are too lazy to properly prepare. It's way easier to wing it by working off your powerpoint slides during the lectures than to come up with a pedagogically sound presentation.

>> No.9213873

>was absolutely mental
What did he do?

>> No.9214037

rip, anon. mejor suerta en la promixa

>> No.9214115

it is the professor's job to present the material
it is not the student's job to go looking for the material
get your head out of your ass, faggot

>> No.9214121

>In the country where you are beheaded for the lulz.
England or Sweden?

>> No.9214125

This semester actually for Real Analysis.
>having difficult time with the homework
>go to his office hour with one other student
>I ask a question about the homework
>45 minutes of me asking questions and him yelling at me and her
>couldn't figure out rest of problems due today
>go to OH today now with four other students
>somehow I ask him what he likes teaching
>looks me in the eye
>"courses where students try"
Fucking kms
>I immediately leave before I get myself into trouble

>> No.9214131

try harder

>> No.9214133

Only ugly people can't tutear their teachers

>> No.9214139


he's just a jackass desu, but do try

>> No.9214140

t. prof

>> No.9214148

Just give up and get a engineering degree

>> No.9214192

:( i hope sweatyさん is feeling better...

>> No.9214200

lol she queefed. also spanish sucks the iberian pennisula is horrid and anything that came after the caliphate in terms of history is arabian history 2.0, there is the bedrock for all future latin jests.

>> No.9214201

2 weeks left, learn to read
if you don't think there's enough material in 2 weeks to make an impassable final then maybe you should graduate community college before commenting

>> No.9214477

>doing pure math as anything more than a hobby on the side of your 6-figure applied mathematics career in industry
rolfmoa @ you are joke of a life

>> No.9215321

>10M HCl
ten meters of hydrochlorine? you got some strong lungs boy

>> No.9215323

this sounds so magical
would probably make a great anime

>> No.9215330

>thinking all homework is plug-n-chug garbage that you can google or compute on a calculator
hello, undergrad

>> No.9215340

>throwing an exam in the trash because it's in pen
>failing a student from a course for bringing (not even using) the wrong calculator
if your college isn't some shady for-profit garbage or in the third world, i'm pretty sure you can just talk to your department head and get her ass taken off of teaching duties at the very minimum

>> No.9215367

>using the step-by-step solution feature in some cases
>in some cases
hello, retard

>> No.9215368

>Not being so autistic you address everyone except friends, family and children in the polite form
I swear I've gotten weird looks from people my age whom'st'd've I called "Sie" (polite form) but I just can't help it.

>> No.9215397

Worst students are the ones who show up to class and brag about not understanding the material. They have no problem with only caring about the grades and not the material. They try to memorize solutions instead of understanding concepts and applying them. I hate having class with these brainlets

>> No.9215451

>being illiterate
hello, middle school

>> No.9215663

I'm not paying thousands of fucking euros to google shit. His job is to teach me, so he should be fucking teaching me shit.

>> No.9216149


>> No.9216267

>he pays for college

>> No.9216271

>Not being part of the "vos" masterrace
Que pena

>> No.9216779
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This one probably wins hands down

>formal languages and automata professor
>extremely rude with every student for no reason
>will not let you enter the classroom if you are a little late
>compiled his own material
>just read it on a monotone voice while displaying it on the projector
>refuses to share its PDF because reasons, you are forced to pay for a copy in paper
>the version available for copy is outdated, lacking topics and full of errors
>if you study by other books you'll probably fail the tests because he only consider his own way right
>absolutely everyone hates him, even other professors
>people already tried to sign petitions to fire him
I'm surprised no one beated the fuck out of him or something yet. I quitted the class already, next year I try to take it with a not-so-crap professor.

>> No.9216956

Those are called premeds.
Just rejoice that most of them have no backup plans and will fall flat on their faces.

>> No.9217413


>> No.9217417

senpai what magical world of a uni did you go to
Im moving there, you want to get a place?

>> No.9217431

>year 2 of undergrad
>in the math dept office registering for a class
>secretary sees my schedule
>"You have PROFESSORNAME? You should just drop the class now or kill yourself."
>Think: jeez. It can't be that bad, can it?
>he spends the entire semester mumbles to himself constantly
>writes in tiny-handwriting on the board, then erases it immediately
>not like it'd matter, since he constantly had his back turned, and blocked the class view of the chalkboard where he was writing
>exam comes
>even after practicing problem sets, going through the textbook examples, homework, etc. highest grade was a 60
>that was with a 25-point curve
>NOPE the fuck out, and retake it next year with a professor who becomes my bro-tier Abstract Algebra spirit guide

>> No.9217435

I had a similar professor for vector calc. Not as bad, but still really strict on asinine and insignificant rules with an obviously unfair way of marking points.
I hated him at first, but eventually I got used to him, and by the end of the semester I thought he was goddamn hilarious.

>> No.9217439

He could just be an engineer, you know.

>> No.9217443

I mean, I had a professor during undergrad for functional analysis who was similar. Dude was hysterical, but was also a massive dick.
It's really funny if you're not a brainlet to hear him berate other students in the middle of class for asking a poorly-formed question. I loved that class, at the expense of my retard classmates.

>> No.9217449

>literally vacuum up 10M HCl with your mouth
Holy shit, I fucking lost it.

>> No.9217472

Most of my classmates are like this... Damn premeds

>> No.9217479

It can happen, what did you expect him to do?
Burgers are a bunch of hysterical prudes.

>> No.9217568

>first year intro to physics class in UK
>supposed to get everyone up to speed
>mechanics class is literally just the lecturer putting some multiple choice questions on the board about things like "which will roll faster?" or "which will fall first?" and people answering on clickers
>each question takes an excruciating 5-10 minutes due to constant failure of the clicker system
>literally learn nothing

>second year condensed matter physics
>lecturer keeps talking about how much he cares that we learn
>literally does not produce a single example of the material
>keeps rambling about indiscernible words, which we don't have a good grasp on because he just gave us a list of definitions and no examples
>notes are a bit better so at least I didn't fail the class

I switched to maths completely after this, physicists are hacks and the field of physics as taught by them is a joke. On the other hand

>take special relativity and electromagnetism class from the maths department
>teacher is in his 60s, very eloquent
>explains all the subjects beautifully, rigorously and without any handwaving
>even gives links to topology and de Rham Cohomology
>explains tensors by saying more than "this raises/lowers the index or they contract"

>> No.9217596

Damn I wish I had a professor like that. I'm tired of professors appeasing these dumbasses by answering their stupid questions and holding up the lecture.

>> No.9217597

haha physicists BTFO

>> No.9217611

You mean Konigsberg.

Or Kaliningrad as it is called nowadays

>> No.9217630
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> That one student who always says "When am I ever going to need this in my life?" whenever something new is taught.
> That one student who always replies without thinking whenever the teacher asks a question and then demands to be personally explained the correct answer.
> That one student who claims that the class had never studied a topic that was explained the year before.
> That one student who is 95% of the time on the phone and 5% of the time complaining about math being nonsensical.
> That one student who writes, crosses and rewrites his answers ten times and then throws a fit when the teacher marks his clusterfuck wrong
> That one student of whom you cannot help but wonder what the fuck what the fuck they are thinking.
> That one student who understands a concept perfectly when its taught in math, but is completely lost when it is applied in physics.

I swear that just thinking about my highschool years makes me mad.

>> No.9217660

I see almost all of these in college, too.

>> No.9217706

>students who get offended at the suggestion that they learn something on their own
I love it

>> No.9217740

Are you retarded or illiterate? That person ain't a burger

>> No.9217746

Congrats, you went to a terrible uni

>> No.9217807

maths master race confirmed

>> No.9217827

Wait what the fuck are you supposed to write them in if not pen? Fucking pencil???

>> No.9217961

converse of this, i had a teacher in high school who halved my test score because i took it in pen instead of pencil

>> No.9217970

this boils my bones

>> No.9217979

>he can't follow basic instructions

Even McDonald's workers can do better than you

>> No.9218166

Yes? What are you, retarded?

>heh... If you have to erase your mistakes then you're a pleb...
Kill yourself brainlet

>> No.9218194

same except I used だよ(dayo) instead of ですね(desune)

>> No.9218198

yeah, im calling people "sie", too. but most ppl dont. so its kinda strange

>> No.9218219

>not bringing scratch paper to solve the problem on, and writing the neat solution on the exam.
Fuck solving proofs on the actual exam paper.

>> No.9218319

>Forest Ecology
>professor is the department head
>shows up to class late and disheveled, alcohol on his breath
>spends first 15 minutes of lecture talking about random shit
quick aside, when I say he talks about random shit, it ranges from his 14 year old son asking a broad out in highschool, to a trip he's planning to take in utah, to how there are only 2 genders, to asking how to make a hormone (tickle her)
>have a required 9 hour lab on a weekend
>end up spending 7 hours driving, 1 hour pulling over to the side of the road a few times to look at fireweed, and one hour of recording field data
>professor is from canada, all his units are metric
>"just walk like 100 meters parallel to the road, walk 100 or 200 meters into the burn, then measure a 10 meter zone on both sides looking for cones. you probably wont find any cones but if you do just identify it and write it down on the sheet"
>tasked with measuring tree diameters, he turns around to give me the tool and realizes he didnt give anybody measuring tools and that they are all out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere forest for an hour
>get measurements in 10 minutes, come back
>wait an hour for everybody else to return, all the data is completely worthless because people had to eyeball a distance in meters and search for cones 7 years after a forest fire
>he will publish it anyway

>textbook is one of the densest manuals I have ever seen, assumes reader has knowledge of organic chemistry to the point of being able to do it on the fly, physics training, an understanding of contemporary forestry jargon, and cartography training
>textbook is mostly worthless for the class, prof says to "skim" it since most of it is unimportant
>40% of the test is a single question that stemmed from a single paragraph from the book
>berates students for taking notes as "the slides have everything you need to know"
>frequently deletes slides and updates during lecture
>"dont look at this graph i just took it from google its wrong"

>> No.9218336

Autism is a hell of a drug

>> No.9218354


>first exam rolls around, most of the material is very loosely related to the class
>some questions are in relation to trees that arent in our region that nobody would have been exposed to
>first test has a curve of 30%
>constantly praises global warming because "sugar maples will just start growing everywhere instead of other less valuable trees, so foresters are pretty happy, trees survive in deserts it will be fine, plants just eat CO2 anyway and we live in the mountains"
>go to office hours
>literally pours me a shot as soon as I walk in, almost spills it on a stack of tests
>"yeah in like 50 years drones are just going to do all this stuff anyway so you guys are like the last group of foresters left, it doesnt really matter honestly"
>does not prepare for labs
>decides halfway through a lab that he's just going to make everything about statistics instead
>every lab is now based on elementary statistics in excel, every example is based on measuring women's sizes
>"so assume the average weight of a woman is 145 in this example. wow, 145, that's a big girl. i guess times changed, i remember growing up you could hold the door for women but now they get all uppity so why even bother, i feel bad for you guys haha oh man"
>"see the plant has hormones that control the spore shaft, so if you think about it plants are really into feminism because its all about female choice, though that doesnt always work out as you can see"
>"its not the fire that kills plants, its the smoulder. think about smoking a joint, its not the lighter that gets you high, its the little smouldering ash on the end when you clear the bowl."
>will be just starting a field lab and he'll yell out that we can just go home and he'll make up some numbers for us to analyze in lab next week instead since its friday and he wants to leave
>department head so nobody can do anything
>cool as fuck regardless

>> No.9218357

Dude weed

>> No.9218386

This exactly. I have LITERALLY never seen anyone at all use a pencil to do anything other than draw a diagram after third grade. Judging by how you reacted to the post I assume it's normal to use a pencil but where I'm from if you use a pencil it looks shit and childish and anything written in pencil is considered ungradeble and is by default ignored. You're supposed to know what to write or have additional paper for scribbles until you can put down your answer. What the fuck, is this a meme i somehow missed or is it just America?

>> No.9218394

Misquoted so first sentence makes no sense but point still stands

>> No.9218402

First year we had a guy who regulararly went over time and refused to stop writing and talking even though the class after began entering the room. He was kind of good but really arrogant and far up his own ass. Was algebra and geometry and he had been doing research at the school forever and was close to retirement.

Last spring we had a guy who seemed to really hate teaching. He would just mumble and answer questions with sass. The exam was literally (and i mean word-by-word identical) the obligatory hand-ins that had been given during the course. Really fucking annoying that something I genuinely want to study is parrot ruined because that fucker just didn't feel like trying. Was a windpower course.

>> No.9218421
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>multidisciplinary B.Sc., third year
>my mind was a complete clusterfuck at that time
>pick geography on a whim because I like to go innawoods so I figured I could end up trying to do something related
>most human geography classes are fucking shit and most physical geography classes are pretty neat
>no surprises here
>ArcGIS class with still wet behind the ears Ph.D.
>spends half of the first class making a speech about how open minded he is
>completely unreasonable with grading and correction
>almost impossible to pass the tests if you didn't manage to learn by heart 100% of dozens of pages of the textbook
>never explains what people do wrong
>gets mad when people ask questions
>completely unable to take any form of criticism, even shit so inoffensive it might as well not be criticism in the first place
>keep in mind it's a first year class
>class is a complete clusterfuck every single time
>manage to pass after spending 5 times as much time as I should've on that class
>turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away

>> No.9218500

Indeed. I do all my answers on another sheet and then write them cleanly on the paper I hand in.

>> No.9218505

> contemporary forestry jargon
Damn I want to know that. Forestry/bio/chem-stuff is boring as fuck though.

>> No.9218518

Parrot=partly lol

>> No.9218717

Community College Bio Professor here.
The worst students I have by far are the ones in AP1 who constantly complain how hard the class is, when it's honestly very easy. About 90% of my students want to go to nursing school, and I know they would never survive there, much less gain admission, based on their exceptionally poor performances. They don't realize these are the easiest days of their academic careers.

The worst professor I ever had was my Biochem prof, a drunk who preached about his religious beliefs. He claimed a "vital energy" drove processes like diffusion and osmosis in a mystical, metaphysical way. Also my Physics 1 prof hated teaching, never explained anything and slept during exams.

I've had a couple affairs with students though. I guess that makes me a bad professor.

>> No.9218724

What the fuck? Talk to the department head and dean about that shit.

>> No.9218726

you only need to know one
it triggers the fuck out of everybody who isnt a forester
duff is essentially just organic waste on the forest floor, which everybody else just calls detritus. for some reason foresters are hard set on calling it duff, and people get autistically upset about it

>> No.9218830

Am trying. I found out he's an engineer lmao
I'm not going to let one dickhole engineer ruin math for
me. I'm doing relatively ok in the class; I just had a few questions.

>> No.9218850


I haven't been in school in years, why the fuck would I do that?

This was all like 5+ years ago

>> No.9218907
File: 14 KB, 324x451, crow inhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be currently in a linear algebra class at a decent community college
>first day of class the professor shows up 30 minutes late
>he walks in looking like a middle eastern version of Brendan Fraser after his midlife crisis
>starts talking about how he just got back from a trip in Europe and that he makes a lot of money from stocks
>proceeds to tell us that he has mafia connections and had to call in some favors from some friends in high places
>he was apparently supposed to be in jail for a minimum of 10 days for some accident he caused.
>second day he cancels class
>third day he claims there is a massive accident on the freeway so class starts an hour and a half late
>he walks in and bumbles around telling us to read the first few chapters of the book and that we are going to just skip ahead to the real meat and bones of linear algebra
>he rambles about vector spaces for about 30 minutes and goes for a "15 minute" break.
>doesn't come back until class is over

This fuck has spent an entire week doing the same fucking p^2 to p^2 vector space transformation and then complains when people don't know shit about the material.

I have a story for pretty much every day I've ever interacted with this degenerate

>> No.9218951

Learn LaTeX for fucks sake

>> No.9218957

Dude I do that. Don't you hate the simple lingering questions that professors ask? I just expedite the process and answer them so we can learn faster. I should be praised.

>> No.9218963

>so we can learn faster
I think I figured out why that other anon feels the way they do.

>> No.9219023

I think you missed the "overly complicated answers to obvious questions" part. We're talking about that guy who holds up the class for 10 minutes because he REALLY wants the lecturer to know he read the Wikipedia page on some theorem that's not part of the course.

>> No.9219040

Did not post answers for hw for a CS 2 course. He admitted to not writing the code himself...

>> No.9219515

people actually are allowed to use pencils in exams? Are you not allowed to look at your exams after it has been graded? Or do you get a copy back?

>> No.9219552

Well you can obviously use pencil but it won't get rated (what you wrote with pencil) since it can be erased.

Althought drawing axis for graphs with pencil seems fine to me

>> No.9219567

Best profesor ever

>> No.9219665
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>>literally vacuum up 10M HCl with your mouth
how'd you not die?

>> No.9219697

>somehow I ask him what he likes teaching
>looks me in the eye
>"courses where students try"

>> No.9219751
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>Be me 1st year of Mech Eng
>First lesson of CAD and the professor doesn't look ok
>Has red eyes, messy hair and scruffy clothes
>breaks down towards the end of the tutorial saying how he is currently going through a divorce and his 2 children are going to be taken from him
>Leaves the class before tutorial finishes with 40 mins to go
>Apparently he quits his job and is seen frequently in the local pub shitfaced

>> No.9220007

Autism != Nervousness

>> No.9220009

Roasties: not even once

>> No.9220034

>Hurrrrrr look at how superior I am to muh 'MERICANS xD

Fuck off pretentious sperglord. You are literally sperging out over someone using a fucking pencil instead of a pen. Kill yourself retard.

>> No.9220043
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>UW physics
Its literally like taking 3 separate classes desu but ita only worth 5 credits when it really takes like 7-8.
Also nikolai tolich is the only physics professor/lecturer who knows how to teach there.
>obligatory fuck PHYS 122
Pic related is the 121/122/123 sequence

>> No.9220073

You think these profs are bad? Try being the TA in a class with one of those "just reads from slides and never explains anything" courses. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.9220107


I TA gen chem lab. Many of our labs involve the following process:

1: Do the same measurement on different chemicals; i.e. put some bleach in different dyes and measure the kinetics of how fast its absorbance decreases
2: Do some calculations (i.e. find the rate constant of the reactions)
3: Answer some multiple choice questions based on your data (which dyes follow a first order reaction, which dye resisted bleach the best considering their concentrations, etc)

I have some students who have no idea what the fuck they're doing, they don't understand the concept, they ESPECIALLY don't understand how to do the basic plug n chug calculations... but they always guess right on the questions at the end. It's the first time we've done this experiment in the course either, so they can't be asking previous students... I want to mark them wrong for having no evidence and clearly guessing, but it's not worth my time to argue about it. Let them get to a higher class and flunk out when they have to actually know anything, if they think that shit is OK.

>> No.9220207

Welcome to Europe.

>> No.9220240


I'm glad you understand how college is different from kindergarten.

>> No.9220304
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>yfw physics is as much of an art as it is a science
>yfw autistic mathfags are incapable of doing it
>yfw you realize that physics is the fucking beastmode of science

pic related

what a g
dude prolly loves to go outside but is saddled with so much administrative bullshit he just gets drunk and high so he doesn't blow his brains out

your biochem prof never learned about entropy i guess

for me:
>diff eq course
>for engineers but physics students are required to take it
>instructor is the portly Romanian middle aged lecturer woman, speaks in high pitched voice
>material is easy as fuck except
>homeworks are tedious as fuck and boring (graph 5 variations on the same thing, switch out the parameter for this one, no redo part b with a different inhomogeneous term, etc)
>fourier series are presented in the shittiest way possible, gives no insightful or useful definition of fourier series, obviously geared towards engineers
>completely shite explanation given for solving first order PDE's, just has us use separation of variables with no proof or rigour given
>tests are easy, but if you fuck up a minus sign you get -15 points because "it is big mistake"
>get a c+ in the class because I'm recovering mentally from abusing cough syrup but still smoking weed often

overall it was only mediocre though, but by far the worst class I've taken. Physics labs classes blow too

>professor is this oldfag autist who gets a fuckton of grant money, his group builds detectors for LHC
>doesn't give a fuck, we're doing the bare minimum of experimental physics
>explains that "you should never expect to get an A on a lab writeup
>tells hilarious stories during lab for no reason
>other professors sometimes stop in to talk with him, he just shoots the shit, occasionally throwing out tidbits like "yeah the department's fucked"
>lectures were a 45 minute exercise of him staring at the board writing down whatever statistics equation came into his mind

>> No.9220312

What school?

>> No.9220321

This prof has lost any semblance of purpose and realizes the dreary future:
>feminism has fucked up everything
>Robots will replace our jobs and do it better than us
>Global warming is great
He knows what's what.

>> No.9220328

>high pitched voice romanian woman teaching math

uhh was he first name sara? i had a teacher that fits that description exactly.

>> No.9220344

>I have a story for pretty much every day I've ever interacted with this degenerate
do tell

>> No.9220559

>> That one student who understands a concept perfectly when its taught in math, but is completely lost when it is applied in physics.
literally me

>> No.9220608

>tells other people that he's connected to the mafia
he's gonna get whacked

>> No.9220663

>go to liberal arts school cause brainlet
>have to take theology and philosophy classes
>one 6 credit course completes both at the same time
>professor is in his mid thirties and looks like business school trash
>first few weeks go okay
>turn in first essay and take the first exam
>month later only 3 people out of a 15 person class have received feedback
>claims that the online grading system is acting out
>we're now 2 and a half weeks out from the 5 question exam and still nothing
>apparently this past weekend his dog had surgery, his best friend's dad died, his aunt had a stroke, and he broke his foot
>people are starting to refer to him as cane and disabled

I'm thinking about just asking him for an A at this point.


>last time we had class
>talking about how people rationalize their faith
>starts to talk about how the story of creation can be reconciled with the theory of evolution

>> No.9220712

>cane and disabled
shit that's harsh

>> No.9220727

give him a break come on man

>> No.9220747

All my profs are pretty rad, because I am not at a shit institution, but the TAs man, the fucking TAs.

>classical mechanics class
>TA is pretty much a total autist, but not the good kind
>very meticulous about attendance
>presents a solution to exercise
>tell him his shit doesn't add up
>he says it must be a sign error somewhere
>tries 30 minutes to correct his incorrect solution
>happened multiple times
>other people just fuck around doing whatever, because they can't leave
>he just ignores the almost commotion during class
>tries to act cool with people by talking about game of thrones during class
>most people fail the exam, because they didn't learn shit

That was such a trainwreck. For some reason it's always the fucking physics TAs being utterly terrible for me. The math people are usually pretty chill.

>> No.9220764
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>I just wanted to do research at a nice school
>I hate teaching
>I hate making these stupid tests
>and I hate all of you

Famous last words of my rigid body dynamics professor. Sophomore year. He gave us two assignments the entire course, and those were just to have midterm and final grades to give to the institution.

>> No.9220801

the question is, was he any good at teaching?

>> No.9220828

i've had a prof that never let us look at the tests after grading
i'm convinced he just used the same test every year

in my department we lose our regrade rights if we write in pencil but i don't see how effective this is because erasable pens are a thing

>> No.9220861

prolly not

I've actually had 2 different romanian math lecturers, the other was for 2182H calculus 2-3 honors and she was pretty good

>> No.9221694

Fuck you school is for Adderall abusing fags. Can't wait till I'm done

>> No.9221701

Dude kill yourself. If I found you I'd break your fucking glasses.

>> No.9221702

You serious? Think a teacherd give you a break behind your back?

>> No.9222140


>> No.9222219
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>looking like a middle eastern version of Brendan Fraser after his midlife crisis

>> No.9222234

It was an elective. Not even a prof because the actual prof was on vacation. Anyway prof talked about leadership qualities and mentioned Trump in a negative way. I then basically gave him a quick lecture on Trump and he admitted that he was badly informed, oversimplified things and thanked me for the input.

I never expected this kind of shit to happen at my uni where usually everything is great and profs never talk about politics. Fucking worthless social """science""" electives.

>> No.9222253

Having to lecture for them is depressing sometimes. I could yell at them every class to stop playing games, which would work once I start doling out punishments, but then I'll just be a meme to them. Instead I just try to focus on the few who actively pay attention and do a few demos that make them look up.

At least most of them I know are like I was in my coding classes, already knowing how to do 90% of it and showing up in case there's homework. We have a test out procedure and almost no one does it because you don't get credits from it, so they'd have to take another class where they don't already know most of it as an elective.

>> No.9222274

>be central european
>get into the english study group in mechanical engineering course because normal groups are full of peasants thinking they'll own a big black BMW if they study engineering
>guy teaching mechanics speaks in this thick as hell slav accent
>can't understand half of the words he says
>the half I can understand are made up
>wordart on every other page of his book
and then one day he put a gif of bouncing boobs into a powerpoint presentation.
He was eventually what convinced me that particular university wasn't worth shit and I left in the second year for another one and lived happily ever after

>> No.9222281

>one day he put a gif of bouncing boobs into a powerpoint presentation.
I wish I could get away with this.

>> No.9222317

Don't hate on Prof. G pls he's precious and should be protected.

>> No.9222326

Even in a quarterly system that is like less than a fifth of the class. Any failures beyond 20% and you're an idiot (you are)

>> No.9222344


>> No.9222351

>and then one day he put a gif of bouncing boobs into a powerpoint presentation.


>> No.9222353

You're the illiterate. The poster he is replying to clearly argued for the point of thinking all homework is able to be solved through Google even though that's not the argument. Key word: all.

You. Fucking. Idiot.

>> No.9222357

we stared at it for a couple of seconds, than turned towards our single grill classmate in unison.
then I knew what they mean when they say "expressionless face"

you know, they weren't even nice tits, they were giant cow udders in a flashy bra disgustingly flying along the entire path they're constrained to by the skin. Which in this case was quite a lot.

>> No.9222602


It's not so bad when you do it with a long pipette, but yeah vapor isn't nice for your lungs. Obviously you only do it with small quantities and carefully, you don't want it in your mouth. Afaik there were no accidents.

Slice of life about future meth cooks?

>> No.9222615

An Indian guy who did nothing but read PowerPoint slides verbatim. He has an impressive research background, but can't teach to save his life. The HDMI port in his laptop is flaky, so there were days where the class got to sit there watching him silently unplug and plug in the cable to the projector for twenty minutes before he even started lecturing. The slides were occasionally wrong, too, and if anyone pointed it out he'd just look at the student, then back at the slide, back and forth for a couple of minutes and then go to the next slide without saying anything. It was agonizing. Worst operating systems class of all time.

>> No.9222706
File: 208 KB, 5000x5000, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third day of class
>sends the class a message saying that class is going to start late and that we should work on a warm up problem
>says class will start at 7:45 but shows up around 8
>he looks around the class, writes the warm up problem on the board and tells the class to have someone go up and solve it.
>he disappears for another 30 minutes while the class tries to figure out what the fuck we need to do
>he comes back into the class covered in sweat after walking around in 65 degree weather
>he jokes about how he isn't actually sweaty and that he was just doing some crack
>i'm inclined to believe him at this point
>after spending another 30 minutes rambling about the shitty warm up problem he says we should take a 15 minute break.
>he comes back to class about 5 minutes before it was over
>proceeded to tell us that hes going to cancel his next class because his health is more important than his job
This was a 2 and a half hour long class and he was in the room for maybe 40 minutes, during which he didn't do shit.

I've heard stories about some of my classmates going to the cafeteria right after class, and seeing him just sitting there at a table when he has a class 15 minutes after hours. Hes like 3 minutes away from his room just eating some food while his class is waiting for him to get in there.

>class test average is 30/72

end me now

>> No.9222709

fourth day*

>> No.9223021

>pouring water into the acid solution


>> No.9223160

>1st year in cs/math class in france
>takes physics as an optional module
>mech teacher is german, barely speaks french, no organization
>does not prepare his lectures, only tries to read the textbook
>fails cause he's not fluent enough in french
>tries to do the lecture without it, ends up writing random stuff on the board
>stops the lecture when asked a question but he doesnt understand 90% of the time
>when he does, he cant explain cause he doesnt speak french so he tries in english and ends up speaking french, german and english at the same time
>class doesnt understand, he gets confused, tries harder and makes things worse
>the whole lecture is a huge mess, everyone stops going to his class after 2 weeks
>a good 75% of the students fail the exam

>> No.9223280

>be french
>too much of a fucking brainlet to speak english
>fail entry level cs/math course
>complains about others

le kill your self

>> No.9223433

any other interesting days?

>> No.9223512
File: 685 KB, 740x740, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_by_chikado__bb0b0fea4d84b196380758cfc68b410a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be instructor for intro to EM
>running late to a lecture because I was talking to a colleague in my office
>end up 15 minutes late
>lecture hall is empty except for 15 or so keen students scattered around the room
>give lecture anyway
>ask the TAs about it
>they tell me that the students thought me being late for more than 10 minutes means that the lecture is dismissed
>it's apparently an unspoken rule in the engineering dept
>don't post the notes for the missed lecture up
>more than half the students fail the written part of the first midterm

>> No.9223522

>Saudi Arabia?
>England or Sweden?
No, I'm from Memexico.

>> No.9223536

>Anime posters are also terrible at their jobs
Colour me surprised.

>> No.9223559

>it's apparently an unspoken rule in the engineering dept
It's something students make up. I'm pretty sure every college has this "unwritten rule".

>> No.9223572

>be shitty prof
>fuck over my students for my own failures.

kys. Pretty sure you were my prof.

>> No.9223578

At my uni its if the prof is 15 minutes late, then class is cancelled.

>> No.9223589

>your biochem professor was a vitalist
Neat. Did he also make alchemize DDT by tapping into the aether?

>> No.9223601

Fuck you and your fucking filetype references, you awkward fuck.

>> No.9223612

I had a community college physics professor who was pretty bad. I had her for Physics and also a bullshit filler astronomy class. In physics she would go on long tangents about nothing at all before proceeding to fail to perform the demo on whatever lab we were going to be doing that day. In a full semester of Physics I don't think she ever pulled off a single demo correctly. She showed Discovery Institute films in the astronomy class and I got the impression that she was a YEC who didn't believe much of what she was teaching.

>> No.9223694

I had an organic chemistry I professor that was terrible. His lectures were god awful; he'd draw some molecule on the board and ramble about it incoherently for half an hour. To ensure students wouldn't complain about him, he made his class ridiculously easy. You could get a 133% in the class because he gave bonus quizzes before tests that were the same as the actual test questions (which he barely changed year to year).

The problem with this was that after orgo I, everyone needed to take orgo II when they didn't learn shit in the previous one. I personally did fine in both courses, but there were many upset/terrified pre-meds since orgo is 'literally the hardest class they take in college.'

>> No.9223704

>circuits 2 professor randomly dies before semester starts
>get another EE professor to teach the class
>has never taught it before
>show up to class
>does nothing but talk about random things for 40 minutes
>last 10 minutes tries to teach a lesson and fails horribly
>do this the entire fucking semester
>fail the class
I later realized that showing up to lecture was a mistake and its better to just study on your own time.

>> No.9224133

>All these butthurt students
Lmao. Why don't you just admit that it's the students' fault for leaving early?

>B-but it must be the professor's fault! Nothing can ever be MY fault!!
Entitled shit bags lmao

>> No.9224166

Medfag here from Eastern EU.
You guys think you had it rough?
I literally tip my fedora with a smug face while I read these stories.

>> No.9224200

The instructor was late due to his own fault, and then decided to be a vindictive asshole about students leaving. It is clear that both parties were at fault here, but the instructor is the bigger jackass.

>> No.9224206

Its like that everywhere.

>> No.9224336

>"courses where students try"
Lazy brainlets BTFO

>> No.9224375

give us some slavtales then

>> No.9224757

well if you failed, i don't know how well your idea worked out

>> No.9224765

had professor who obviously didn't like her job and based all grades on personality
even though people put hours of work into their discussion sections and analysis, the fuccbois who rimmed the teacher got good grades

>> No.9224782

It makes me sad to know people like you are out there teaching.

>> No.9224974

Must suck to be a brainlet

>> No.9225008

>it can happen
Who in this unholy world can have a boner while giving a lecture on fucking calculus?

>> No.9225056

>not getting sexually aroused by the sheer beauty of Mathematics
What are you, a fag?

>> No.9225076

Any language that either has embedded or otherwise forces you to state your perceived relationship with another person is awful, as is any heavily gendered language. I never bothered to learn spanish or french because of this.

I'm learning Russian though, which keeps this to a tolerable degree.

>> No.9225112
File: 57 KB, 960x949, holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9225121
File: 29 KB, 500x406, 20840813_1035552873213961_4467745175978182191_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck all profs that do that. it's fine to point that out but don't start your first class with god dayum

>> No.9225159

In my chemistry safety lessons I remember looking at the list of things not to do when handling acid, and I thought "Why do they need to tell us not to put it near our mouths? What kind of retard would even do that?"

I guess that bit was in there for a reason after all.

>> No.9225238

Brazil? I know a similar story.

>> No.9225361

h-haha yeah
who gets boners doing math right?
abso-absolute lo-osers am i ri-right?

>> No.9225517

Not so bad, it's usually diluted at that point. Usually doesn't even spray around.

It's not that nobody knew, just nobody gave a shit. Afaik in the 3 years I was around there were no notable accidents, so most of it can be done reasonably safely if you accept that you can't fuck around.

>> No.9225569

>undergrad operating systems class
>professor assigns 50-100+ pages of reading from three separate huge books before each class
>professor totally disregards readings, lectures entirely on technology of the week he is interested in
>lets students not take midterms, and skip final
>only a single graded assignment required, write a microkernel DNS.

I didn't fail, lots of people just passed around one person's source code, prof didn't care. It was the weirdest class I've ever taken and the professor literally did not give a fuck but he had a larger office than the head of our school.

>> No.9225582

i wonder what [math]e^x[/math]'s feet smell like haha asking for a friend

>> No.9225629
File: 1.87 MB, 200x150, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand how this shit happens. Because it can't just be one thing that lets these kinds of teachers do fuck all. Surely at least one student would inform the department head about the fuckery going on. Then what? Does the department head just not care?
I'm not even upset at these kinds of teachers (as long as they aren't doing this shit in courses that matter) I'm just honestly fascinated as to how they can convince the school to give them a job, do nothing, keep that job, and have everything run smoothly.

>> No.9225882

Based. I wish I could fuck up the french frogs.

>> No.9225892

>>running late
>>they tell me that the students thought me being late for more than 10 minutes means that the lecture is dismissed
And they were right to think that.
Maybe you are living in US, but in civilized countries it is usually considered very rude let people wait, especially if your ""excuse"" is "I was talking to a colleague".
You are the person who wronged the students here not the other way around and punishing them for your rudeness is even worse.

You are just a shitty person and a shitty teacher who can't even take responsibility for his mistakes, I seriously hope that I will never have to be taught by people like you.

The least you can if you refuse to show up to YOUR JOB, WHILE PEOPLE ARE WAITING FOR YOU, is to make sure not to punish the people who you wronged.

>> No.9226000

>I'm just honestly fascinated as to how they can convince the school to give them a job, do nothing, keep that job, and have everything run smoothly.
It's probably hard to find someone willing to teach operating systems.

>> No.9226016

English speaker here, I don't get it why do Spanish people care so much about using the formal or informal version?

>> No.9226024

holy shit im dying

>> No.9226218

From what I understand, using "tu" in Spanish conveys that you don't necessarily have a lot of respect for the person you're talking to. It's like when you say "Hey, you!" in English. It's fine if you're addressing a friend, but it's obviously pretty goddamn impolite to try to get a professor's attention by calling them "you".

>> No.9226244

It is similar in Germany "du" is informal and implies that you are friends with the person you are talking to, or that the you are an authority figure towards the person you are talking to normally that means the person you are talking to is underage (For example a teacher towards an student).
"Sie" is the word you use to address anyone else which implies that you respect the person you are talking to.

In English there is no counterpart for this and the formality is just assumed, but Imagine a student coming to you and talking like he is a close friend of you, it would be quite weird right?

>> No.9227760

Fuck you I like that class. I'd teach it.

>> No.9228367

I did 121, 122, 123, fuck tutorials, fuck the pajeet who teaches 123 and fuck the piss easy labs, also fuck webassign

>> No.9228380

thats the best fucking prof ever holy shit

>> No.9228575

>asking how to make a hormone (tickle her)
What did he mean by- OH I get it.

>> No.9228823

There are a lot of posts in this thread where the issues seem to stem from a reliance on the students attending lectures.

At my uni (Australia), attending lectures is preferred, but not mandatory.
There are a lot of systems in place to cause this.
>all lectures are recorded
>all relevant chapters of the textbooks are stated
>all of the lecturer's notes are provided online
>a thorough list of supplementary material is provided/linked by the better lecturers, including original papers/articles where the information originated, some more advanced topics which solidify previous understanding, or sometimes some interesting videos on the topic.
The bad lecturers who just read in a monotone voice from a bad summary of the textbooks end up with 5% attendance.
The better lecturers tell the students to do their pre-reading and then the lecture is able to talk about the material in a more interesting way, and make the classes a little more interactive so that there is even reason for the proactive students to turn up.

>> No.9228878

To be honest, I just can't stand the widespread use of laptops. They were becoming pretty common when I was studying, now that I'm a TA they're so common it's pretty rare to get people who just write their notes on paper. They're such a massive distraction to the kids.

>> No.9228891
File: 21 KB, 349x388, quine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you get to a high-enough level and there is no way to google it
>the only books on the subject are written by the lecturer

>> No.9228982


>> No.9229786

>be me
>math major
>take lots of CS(lol) classes
>4th year advanced operating systems class
>professor cant into convert bases between hex and decimal representations

>> No.9229886

>Wasting your time learning how to convert between hex and decimal when a computer can just do it for you
Computer scientists have more important things to study than trivial calculations, mathfag.

>> No.9229916

we all pay for college in one way or another

>> No.9230064

>implying an actual computer scientist couldn't do that conversion blindfolded
i mean codemonkeys i could see not being able to, maybe

>> No.9230072
File: 866 KB, 352x224, 1507091106557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9230086

>computer scientist
he probably spends his time trying to develop novel algorithms or something, not write software to solve real world problems.
there's a reason he's in academia and not in industry

>> No.9230119

if you are teaching people computer science or mathematics and can't convert bases you are like a mechanic who can't point out the engine in a car. you are a fucking troll

>> No.9230227

academics are in no way comparable to automotive mechanics.
ti's not surprise to anyone if a professor lacks the technical skills of an industry worker

>> No.9230235

Ill give a counter story: I went from hating the fuck out of her for being so cocky, to giving her a monstrous full page review praising her level of difficulty of weeding brainlets out.

Differential Equations 1.

Female Asian Math Teacher. About 5 ft tall. Teeth crooked in every which way.

first exam: average 40%, me 60%
second exam: average 70%, me 70% (at this point I was scared)
third exam: average 60%, me FUCKING 80%
final exam: average 70%, me 90%

I went from hating the way she tested us, to understanding WHY she did so. She was preventing NONPASSIONATE people from advancing into HER DOMAIN.

brilliant teacher that has 'americanized humor'

>> No.9230706

Why didn't you find a way to cold the water to room temp?

>> No.9230773


>> No.9230788

You can literally figure out how to convert between bases on your own in like five seconds, it's not something you have to "know", but I wouldn't really criticize a prof for it, everyone can have a brainfart every now and then.

>> No.9230789

>advanced math class as support for for engineering.
>class is noturious for its asshole teatcher.
>first day class starts, teacher seems nice, he tells if you have any question about the class just ask.
>actual class: teacher starts going trough his stuff in lightspeed, nobody has time to take notes and his material doesnt look at all as what we have in our books.
>every time somebody asks a question this guy completly shuts him down and starts riducling him in front of the whole class
>by the end of the month nobody even bothers trying to ask him something, they just show up to class and try to put down as much as possible on paper and try to decipher it at study.

Thank god i had a decent study group who shared notes.
That fucker of a teacher made a shitload of students rage quite.

>> No.9230893

This but with Circuits 1.

>> No.9230897

Just happened 20 seconds ago:
>Networking class
>Tests consist of trivia from 200 pages of lecture notes every month
>Last test had review questions
>Review questions were great practice for how to answer questions in a way the professor would accept
>There was a problem about multiplexing that wasn't on the review that most people got wrong
>No more review questions
God damn it.

>> No.9231514

What an absolute retard. This is like 1+1=2.

>> No.9231743

>I'll never understand how this shit happens.
universities dont care anymore because everyone gets student loans and they will more than gladly take your money.

>> No.9231745

realized it after I failed the class m8.

did way better once I stopped wasting my time showing up to lecture every fucking day.