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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 215 KB, 793x1024, galois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9190612 No.9190612 [Reply] [Original]

we don't want them to turn out to be full on cuckery like this guy

>> No.9190618
File: 394 KB, 1600x1024, Evariste_Rodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did it all went wrong?

RIP Elliot Galois

>> No.9190659


Galois had to die so that there would be at least one halfway interesting story/tragedy in the history of mathematics. Mathematicians tend to lead extremely dull personal lives, which is exactly what lets them think deeply enough to ply their trade - they are /usually/ not distracted by war, duels, shaving, and so on.

Fully 75% of everyone who has ever been awarded a Fields medal are still /alive/. The cohort's longevity must, at some point, be qualitatively explained in terms such as: these guys don't go skydiving, don't go down the wrong alley at night, don't get in barfights, don't get caught up in lover's triangles...

>> No.9190665
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do we support our young geniuses that well today
No... sadly Modern American Education is NOT interested in fostering the best minds possible but is interested in increasing the abilities of the LEAST gifted. Rather than create new Einsteins, they want to create smarter Janitors.

"No child left behind", means ignore the gifted and concentrate on the deficient.

>> No.9190695

Provide them with sex, at least twice a week and they're golden. No fights for pussy, no cucoldry

>> No.9190701
File: 80 KB, 720x720, b9f4d5b09f4d67d33881100dba7dd01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that at the beginning of the 19th century in the whole europe there was like 200-300 open positions total, and people like Abel couldn't land a job even while being well connected

compared to them, we're playing easymode

>> No.9190742

>Galois had to die so that there would be at least one halfway interesting story/tragedy in the history of mathematics
Are you ignoring Abel or what?

Btw, let Abel's history reminds us that Elitism in Mathematics is horrible and if it was always like that, Fermat would be an unknown given that he never graduated on Mathematics.
Let Galois's history reminds us to keep /pol/ away from Mathematics.

>> No.9190807

If Galois were a /pol/ack he would have never killed himself in a duel for cucks. He was the 19th century French equivalent of a Bernie bro, and he got everything coming towards him back during a time when actions had consequences.

>> No.9190843

>we should shelter people
were doing that right now and our proven genuises (jacob bernett) have failed to give us both nuclear fusion reactors and space colonies

>> No.9190847


i think galois is a pretty cool guy. he fights in duels and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.9190919

My point is not to shelter people, is to not require such mathematics to be quite elitist to the point on requires phd to advance any subject.

He would still be a retarded if he was /pol/ack.

>> No.9191048

But he would be alive enough to leave more than glorified algebra notes and revolutionize mathematics by an even greater degree. Better to be an alive /pol/ack than a dead Bernie bro.

>> No.9191083


Everyone has access to the internet and all kinds of brain enhancers. If you don't live up to your potential, its probably in very large part due to laziness.