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9190546 No.9190546 [Reply] [Original]

>chemicals just sort of came together creating the first life forms

>> No.9190554
File: 44 KB, 706x674, 1506054405045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice strawman. Back to >>>/pol/ with you.

>> No.9190604

I like how you faggots can never decide whether the /pol/ boogeyman is an atheist or a christian.

>> No.9190611

Only people from >>>/pol/ refer to it as the "/pol/ boogeyman." Seriously, fuck off.

>> No.9190617

I've never set foot on that reddit shithole of a board, bucko.

>> No.9190619

You do know there's other theories right, like panspermia, whether through asteroids or seeded directly by extraterrestrials. Or it could have been created directly by God himself. You will never fucking know, none of us were there. And that's how it will stay until someone invents time travel ( and even then, you might not even be able to travel back along your own timeline)

>> No.9190623
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no this statistically astronomical. You can find the grand architect, the source, if you are sharp

>> No.9190627
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what does /pol/ have to do with anything faggot?

>> No.9190630
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nigger /pol/ runs this shit house, know your role and zip it

>> No.9190641

/pol/ is for politics, whether you're a fedora or a gawd warrior.

>> No.9190764

>M-m-m-m-muh /Pol/ boogyman
Just stop. Not every shitposting thread is made by /Pol/.

>> No.9190809

>difficult topic
>most anons talk about /pol/ instead
Yeah, well i'm really interested becouse right now i see no proof whatever that abiogenesis is possible at all

>> No.9190829
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I miss being able to just have a sensible chuckle at /pol/, but then I read the bell curve.

I thought "This is funded by white supremacists", but then I went into the real world and observed black people IRL, and I realized that, as obvious as it is, that black skin is more than just black skin.

>> No.9190846
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>chemicals just sort of came together creating the first life forms

Yeah, that's pretty much it.


>> No.9190854

these kinds of pro-god argument shit threads are made by /his/

>> No.9190855

There's no bigger proof of the bell curve than the entirety of the cesspit that is /pol/

>> No.9190857
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>> No.9190860
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If it's really this common, there have probably been billions of alien life forms before man.

There's something about consciousness and non-existence that meld together.

>> No.9190863

I thought the people on /pol/ were just Larping, but there are actually loads of expats from liveleak, white-supremacists internet forums, etc that are totally alien to 4chan itself.

I feel absolutely brilliant when I post on /pol/, but a lot of the people on there have a simplified, asinine world-view. You just can't tell if they're for real or not.

>> No.9190868
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Let me build upon this useless thread and start with a philosophical question:

I am a multicellular organism. all the cells form a hivemind. therefor I am no individual, but a vesel. my mind doesn't exist. but I do experience life. I cannot even form a thought without the idea of an observer.
technically the cells form the thought together. so am I really here or is my person just as abstract as an idea?

>> No.9190877

Thanks, Buddha

>> No.9190880

Hence, naming the planets after gods

>> No.9190885

Yes. You are the molecule named "(Your name)" and you are interacting with other like molecules.
Weve developed the idea of ego to call the collection of expressions that you as a molecule exhibit with what is known to you as you have collected throughout your experience.

>> No.9190887

Can you tell me more about this?

I don't know if you said that because a planet is an unknown, almighty entity, or if you said that because the planets were named due to human arrogance.

>> No.9190890

>is my person just as abstract as an idea

Yeah, but if all those neural cells didn't cooperate to make "you", you'd have some form of dysphoria, schizophrenia or dementia. As it is, you have an active subconscious doing things like ruminating over song titles or fretting over whether a fellow student's remark was an insult or not.

Perhaps the necessity to sleep and dream is to give these hard working little buggers a break from the exhausting task of keeping your sanity intact on a daily basis...

>> No.9190893

There exists electromagnetic and gravitational fields, as seen by the moon's effect on our earthly waters.

People of the past believed that extraterrestrial bodies had similar effects on that human psyche, as can be seen by our vast list of expressions.

From this, personifications of the planet's were formed and named, and mythology came about, I'm sure, through human expression noted by the influence of the planets.
Its a stretch, and the human psyche is stronger than any outside influence, but it is influenced none-the-less

>> No.9190894
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which begs the question, would it be possible for a human being to have no sense for an I but still be functioning? would we even be possible to comunicate with it?

>> No.9190897

> is my person just as abstract as an idea?

Yes, your self doesn't really exist, you are just playing a character, most likely one that is most "congruent" with what you have experienced in the past. You can change your character at any time, just know that drastic changes will hurt a little.

>> No.9190899

Yes, it is called being a parent.

>> No.9190901

That's a really interesting thought.
Thanks for telling me about it.

I had always thought that before the planets were even noted mythology was there.

>> No.9190902

What you're describing is called "ego death", the occasional result of taking psychedelics. It's often described not as becoming totally neutral and inhuman, but the complete opposite, as in total connectedness with everything around you, an increased significance to the things happening around you, as well as the "loss of self or ego".

>> No.9190910
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Perhaps that's what's going on with savants.

>> No.9190911

There was, the level of myth depressed on the civilizations level of knowledge of the universe. This civs that charted the stars (Egyptians- greeks stole that knowledge) included planet's in their theology.
Native Americans (Indians) for instance believed in mother earth and father sky.

Mayans, aztecs believed in sacrifice for bloodlust which led to their own downfall for life became cheap.

I haven't studied the Chinese but their good are surely generals and kings and the like.

>> No.9190913

Typing on my phone but, hopefully you get the point.

>> No.9190916

Actually, Christians believe god is all powerful, so if he wanted to he could have made life just sort of came together creating the first life forms, or he could have gone with the 5 minute hypothesis, or anything else you can think of.

>> No.9190918
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I hope to experience this one day, but you see it's still paradox. how can I experience not having an ego? it's not just semantics here, it is illogical. I wonder if the human brain is even able to step outside of the ego world?

good point, perhaps. but these are seldom functioning in terms of survival, are they? they still can get caught up in thoughts and are oblivious to the surroundings or misinterpret things as dangerous or harmless.
I used to work with handicapped children and I met one girl who was thought to have no short term memory. so she went into a state of total disorientation every few minutes, she didn't know where or who she was.
imagine living a life full of blurry images and faces you cannot grasp.

>> No.9190922

This Christian idea of god is an abomination of the human psyche, and humanities ability to know and share information though the collective unconscious.

>> No.9190925

Why would you want to do that? Imagine being a grunt in the army - that is no ego. Following orders from a higher power, and once you're in there's no going back

>> No.9190928
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maybe you are the grunt for your bodycells. It's an experience and I want to know if it is possible to truely detach yourself from the ego.

>> No.9190931

If you give in to the feelings and sensations the body produces, sure.

There are belief systems that shun this, Breatharianism, and religion that does away with sex or promotes renunciation

>> No.9190937

Unironically believing the jew meme....

3rd Reich is gay as fuck anyways, all about that weimer republic

>> No.9190939

>the collective unconscious
Christfags would say this is just a thing that was made by god.

>> No.9190942

Christfags say everything is god, which is a generalization and retarded in itself.

>> No.9190977

Neither. They're LARPagans.

>> No.9190983

It's not, really, if you were an omnipotent Creator, wouldn't you just be everything, everywhere, and everyone? That's why God is called The ALL or Almighty.

>> No.9191016


>> No.9191017

No, that is a personification of what exists- the universe anf its forces known and unknown.

>> No.9191042

Having gone through ego-death before I had a solid concept of self, the idea that I and my ego are the same thing seems illogical to me.

I'm just a consciousness. Nothing more. Memories? Personality? Interests? They're all just replaceable things that I own. There's nothing that I would be afraid to change about myself if it seemed advantageous to do so.

I do have an "Identity" on top of consciousness, but it's nothing more than a sense of continuity. Not even a name, I'm just me as long as I remember that I'm me. The idea of Identity to me just feels like a cage.

>> No.9191209

>>chemicals just sort of came together creating the first life forms
yes. that is correct. now fuck off and die

>> No.9191431

We can only hope

>> No.9191467

is consciousness even really a thing? it's far more likely that we're more like a calculator rather than our brain hosting some transcendental inexplicable stuff. if consciousness is real, then our brain is an antennae for consciousness ether. in this case, we should look for the ether and maybe capture it in AI or something along these lines.

>> No.9191469

there's nothing wrong with calling universe a god, but you're right in the case that it's incompatible with chirstianity.

>> No.9191471

Consciousness is literally the only thing that we know is absolutely a thing.

Think about it - if consciousness is 'just' an illusion, then what's experiencing that illusion? Consciousness is inescapable.

>> No.9191474
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>a random guy came from nowhere and created everything

>> No.9191490

what make you think that we're "experiencing"? how is it not simply a summation of our senses?

>> No.9191493

Do you also laugh that off as an explanation when archaeologists unearth obsidian spearheads? Or is a better explanation that the obsidian "came together"?

>> No.9191829

>ego death is a real thing
back to >>>/x/

>> No.9191881

>chemicals just sort of came together
found the Chem101 F-student

>> No.9192052

gtfo philosophag

>> No.9192075

What? /his/ is pretty non religious.

>> No.9193516


>> No.9193822

>how can I experience not having an ego?
google psychological depersonalization

that's the technical term for the temporary 'ego-death' in psychedelic drug culture.

>> No.9195171

wow...really made me think anon...
