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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9186824 No.9186824 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else find it hard to date when you're a STEM student?

Personal experiences:
-hot freshman girl in my bed didn't want to leave in the morning, I told her I had to go to class, she asked what I'm studying and when I said "math" she yelled ewww, got all her clothes on and left.
-talking to a hot girl in a bar, she said she's about to graduate, I said me too and she asked what. I said "math," she said "....mathematical..." turned around and left
-current gf is a hippie who works in a restaurant and I'm doing a master's degree. She's always asking why I can't go out at 11:30 on a weeknight and do cocaine.

God, I need to move to a better city. I try to be down to earth to everyone but people just don't understand the shit I have to do just to keep my employment.

>> No.9186855

That's not normal OP. There's something else unappealing about you, and they're just using "math" as an excuse to get away from you.

>> No.9186856
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>tfw to smart for love

>> No.9186880

Usually telling them I do math and physics attracts them... Op you must be ugly asf g. Try talking with confidence. Walk like you got 100 hunnies left on read. Simple

>> No.9186885
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take the erdos pill

the only woman worthy of your (platonic) love is your mother

>> No.9186965

Seriously. If your attractive and have a good personality and are not talking to fucking bimbos saying you study "mathematics" is attractive, it shows you are intelligent. Yes, girls like intelligence. So in a way you will be the whole package. Anybody who is turned off by your major shouldn't be worth your time.

>> No.9186986


>Yes, girls like intelligence

I don't see any fan club for fields medalists

>> No.9187020

There doesn't need to be one for intelligence to be a desirable trait. It is.

>> No.9187045


I never said intelligence wasn't a desirable trait.What I'm questioning is the "girls like intelligence" claim that implies intelligence is an universally attractive trait for women like beauty and wealth.

>> No.9187084
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>when I said "math" she yelled ewww, got all her clothes on and left.

>> No.9187114

Neither of those are universally attractive. Some girls don't care about either. Stop making it more complicated then it is dude. Maybe there's another reason girls don't like you, you probably are an insufferable autist

>> No.9187122


>Some girls don't care about either.

So you admit they're exceptions to the rule?

>> No.9187135

what part of "universally" isn't clear to you

>> No.9187154


>the discussion became a post-modern semantics battle again

Ok, can we at least settle that intelligence is way less likely to be attractive for a woman than aesthetics and wealth?

>> No.9187161

dude studying math is stupid. every physical system can be answered by the integration of integration and derivation or lower order math

>> No.9187169

no, it shows he's retarded, why doesn't he go to the library to learn math? oh, cuz he's a babby

>> No.9187194

You seem to have no experience with women.
If I'm attractive to a girl and we're having a good time then she finds out I'm a Math student she gets turned off. Many times they're intimidated too.
It doesn't mean they're bimbo they're just more into arts and literature or something.

>> No.9187208

she knows you will be poor

>> No.9187217

Because mathematicians are poor.

>> No.9187224

Fuck off normalfag
The fact you got a girl in your bed shows you have wayyyyy more sexual prowess than me
I've hit on hundreds of girls using countless different methods, and am a confident and friendly person, but I'm still permakhv because no girl finds me attractive, even the ugly girls look at me with disgust

>> No.9187236


But also a spreg female



>> No.9187248
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post your handwriting

>> No.9187252


>> No.9187254

Same but I just shut girls down desu
I don't know how to take shit further
tfw permaincel

>> No.9187257
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>> No.9187258

Dude it's way easier to get work done when you're single anyway. My gf is always whining when I go to work, trying to get me to come home early, then whining I don't go out cause I have homework. Fuck off

>> No.9187264


>> No.9187265


looks pretty feminine, but you don't use color coding so there's still a chance you're a man

>> No.9187269
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>> No.9187273

No because it is not. Everyone is different.

>> No.9187274


>those timestamps


>> No.9187280

My handwriting is exactly like this. Why? What makes a handwriting more feminine or masculine?

>> No.9187282


>pencil crayons past middle school

confirmed female

>> No.9187286

Feminine handwriting is more often than not uniform and bubbly, while masculine handwriting is usually not uniform

>> No.9187287


uhhhhh no

I've the overwhelming evidence of good-looking/wealthy/powerful men being the most desired by women across time and cultures while you just have your opinions

>> No.9187289

prove it

>> No.9187304

true I'm probably better off single

>> No.9187313


>> No.9187316


>coping this much

>> No.9187332

Are you using the Lehninger text?

>> No.9187334

The only equation you need

>> No.9187338

Trying to date when in grad school is near impossible if you're trying to succeed, understand, and appreciate what you're studying. I couldn't date in undergrad either.

>> No.9187340

I don't get this. The girls in my abstract algebra class take utterly meticulous notes.

There's one who doesn't and her handwriting is AIDS but she's wicked smaht. I've never known her to get less than a 95 on exams.

Nobody gives a shit how pretty your books are so long as you know what's inside of them.

>> No.9187341
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>> No.9187344


>> No.9187346
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>trying to understand women


>> No.9187365

cool pic. It's my new background.
I have no >>>/adv/ ice for you though, since that's not what this board is for.

>> No.9187475

Colored pens are expensive.
Colored pencils don't retain their tip well.

I said spreg not a ducking well adjusted sororsis

>> No.9187519


>Colored pens are expensive.


I'll save you from your third-world shithole if you marry me

>> No.9187665

Have blue eyes?

Vaguely intelligent, thin, and stable?

Breed me bro.

>> No.9188045

>implying there is time to lift while you study, do classes and intern.

>> No.9188391


>it's okay. Seems to gloss

>> No.9188412

ill breed u

>> No.9188414


Women don't find intelligence sexually attractive unless it gives you power and social status. That's why they love men with a sense of humour. It signals confidence and social intelligence. I've been on numerous dates where the women's eyes light up when I bring up the fact that I do teaching. Why? because its a position of authority. Similarly when you mention your degree (social status), or mention that you speak many languages, or mention the great job/business you have due to your brain capacity. If you're smart you should be able to read a woman and make yourself interesting to her. Just because a woman doesn't get wet when you sperge to her about local integrals with compact support or about your h-index doesn't mean that women don't appreciate intelligence. If you're smart and behave like a well-adjusted, sociable person and get in good shape bla bla, you are more attractive than 80% of guys unless you're super unlucky and got a horrible face.

>> No.9188428
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>> No.9188430

Ignore degeneracy. Join clubs where you could meet nice, stable people

>> No.9188444


head of club
blue eyed boy is overweight - drinks soda
thin boy is brown eyed

also too uncomfortable to sleep with immediate peers

>> No.9188498

OP here.

Sorry but I'm green-eyed masterrace. Gf is dark-haired blue-eyed masterrace. But apart from looks you're probably cooler than my gf because she can barely even hold a conversation. She just gets fucked up all the time but at least we have sex.

>> No.9188502

am dark haired blue eyed masterrace

let's mate

>envy for sex omg.

>> No.9188514
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take the real erdos pill and complete all your work, THEN go out with your gf and do cocaine after midnight. Who needs sleep when you have amphetamines?

>> No.9188521
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>> No.9188524

Stop role-playing.

>> No.9188660

>bio has women but due to the low bar for entry most of them are brainlets or fat

>> No.9188662

>yeah, biology is unimportant always easy to understand, and applications are narrow in scope.

>> No.9188684

Please do not become the next elliot rogers. I've never read something so close to something he would say. I'm actually a little scared

>> No.9188759
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>brainlets or fat

>> No.9189341
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>-hot freshman girl in my bed didn't want to leave in the morning, I told her I had to go to class, she asked what I'm studying and when I said "math" she yelled ewww, got all her clothes on and left.
Next on this episode of things that never happened my ejaculate was in a Fibonacci spiral

>> No.9189465

Girls are actually get more interested when they find out I study math. Specially girls outside of STEM. I don't hit on anything higher than 8/10 so that might be it.

>> No.9190196

well you are posting on it