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File: 43 KB, 634x414, McBrainlet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9185403 No.9185403 [Reply] [Original]

Had this theory that the reduction in IQ over the past 100 years could have been engineered with a variety of factors, that caused a cumulative effect. Was trying to compile a possible list:

2 parent families: strong evidence that children from two parent, nuclear families, will be smarter, and have less mental/behavioral issues than those raised by a single parent.

Breastfeeding: strong evidence that children who are breastfed will be smarter than those who arent.

Spanking: strong evidence that children who get spanked have reduced IQ's.

Lead exposure in soil: strong link to reduced IQ.

Fluoride in water: strong link to reduced IQ.

Toxoplasmosis: possible link to reduced IQ.

algae virus, ATCV-1, possible link, debated, to reduced IQ.

birth control in women: possible link to reduced IQ

If you just had one of these the effect would be negligible, but if you are a child of a single parent, who wasn't breast fed, were regularly spanked, regularly played in lead contaminated dirt/sand, who only drank fluoridated water, had a cat or multiple cats, and infected with this algae virus. The odds are your IQ would of been significantly reduced. From lower genius level you would of been reduced to a brainlet. And from brainlet you would of been reduced to mentally handicapped.

>> No.9185419

Actually refuse to take birth control.

I'm so frightened for my eeeggggsss

>> No.9185428

The world IQ is reducing because 3rd world countries with bad education have higher reproduction rates than 1st world countries.

That's literally the only reason.

Consider that even if every individual country on the planet saw in increase in IQ over 10 years, the overall IQ of the entire planet can still go down if the lowest IQ countries have more population growth.

>> No.9185433


to add to my theory that this was and is engineered, the end of looks match coupling, with the re introduction of 80/20 mating, from the 'Sexual Revolution', which shows that smarter people are having way less and sometimes even no sex, and are reproducing less than ever.

>> No.9185525

Would we even notice? 100 is an Average isn't it?

Could it be a side-effect of hampering Evolution via social services & of crime prevention?

>> No.9185566

Niggers are dumb as rocks and reproduce as fast as aidetic rats. Case closed.

>> No.9185893

But anon, average IQ has increased in the past 100 years

>> No.9185917
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>> No.9185922
File: 235 KB, 2877x1745, ourworldindata_average-iq-by-country-v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9185925

It hasn't and even Flynn gave up.

>> No.9185950

>Spanking: strong evidence that children who get spanked have reduced IQ's.
You forgot circumcision.

>> No.9185953
File: 246 KB, 3000x1908, Flynn-–-World-Regions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wut m8?

>> No.9185960


>> No.9185962


>Would we even notice? 100 is an Average isn't it?

The truth is does it even matter in the end? It's always been the case that only a select amount of key countries produce most of the intellectual capital in any given century/ era. Either it's done by the natives and/ or done by an exodus of foreigners.

Bitching about global iq going down is a literal red herring because global IQ has never been "provably" significantly high. The only country that kept documented tabs on its own population since antiquity was fucking China. Europeans mostly guesstimated their numbers until the mid 18th century and no one paid attention to Africa or The Americas pre-colonial times so the numbers could easily be off.

It's pretty much the same kind of bullshit people get tricked by when thinking America and China are rich nations when their averages are just grossly skewed by billionaires.

>> No.9185980

In areas in which education and technology has become more prevalent IQ, has gone up, in areas where it's been set back or stagnated, it's gone down.

All IQ tests really measure is visual pattern recognition and number memory, and education, as well as electronic games, center entirely around that, so as a culture shifts from agrarian to industry and IT, IQ test results rise, and as it shifts away from that, they fall. Add to that the fact that poorer nations breed faster, and the end result is inevitable, if temporary.

There may be other environmental factors at play, but until you start using a neurological test, rather than one originally designed to make students with emotional difficulties feel better about themselves - in other words, a scientific test rather than a psychological one - those potential environmental factors will pale when set next against the social factors, rendering them lost in the mix.

>> No.9186148

Not everything directly affects QI, you autist.
Do you even know how intelligence works?

>> No.9186167

Niggers are getting foreign help and increasing in number.

>> No.9186195

you're retarded. look at the population boom in poor countries in bumfuck africa over the same time period and then come tell me why you think a few things that only affect people in first world countries are dragging down the global mean

>> No.9186865

It's literally because Europe stopped growing and the third world populations are exploding. Genetics are real, the Flynn effect only counts for a portion of the IQ changes over time as people reach their potential and we hit the peak already.

>> No.9186869


>> No.9186892

People don't get smarter if they play videogames from a young age, you idiot it's all genetic

>> No.9186897

breeders equation

>> No.9186914

It's the survival of the fittest. The wh*Tes are doomed to be extinct'd because they are inferior.

>> No.9187111

They may not get smarter, but they sure as hell do a whole lot better on IQ tests.

And it doesn't necessarily have to be "from a young age" - just playing some Tetris right before an IQ test will radically raise it. Block shuffling and number memory skills, like any other mental task, improves with practice and repetition.

Which is the real problem. IQ tests don't really test how smart you are, and weren't originally designed to. At best, in individuals, you can detect some core learning disabilities relative to others, help some troubled child feel better about themselves, and on a larger scale, test for industrial acclimation.

Again, we need a real, neurological test - not this Myers-Brigg tier psychological pseudoscience.

>> No.9187140

No. It's mostly genetic, but environment is a small but still significant factor.

>> No.9187192

Maybe it's because your memes suck

>> No.9187232

Spanking lowers 'IQ'? gonna need some really extensive, impossible, unethical experiments to prove that claim. Increased chance of being a BDSM fetishist? don't need to prove that.

>> No.9187356

Meh, I could see where emotional trauma in general could lower performance on pattern recognition and memory tests such as the IQ. Whether the test administrator is male or female, younger or older, seems to be a huge factor as well, and those factors may be related. More intimidating testers tend to gather lower test scores on average.

On the other hand, I'm also more or less with Heinlein when it comes to corporal punishment. It may lead to better discipline, which of course, IQ tests, being so short, don't measure.

>> No.9187429

I have a hard time believing that Sweden is so allegedly intelligent
and wasn't China's IQ proven to be a meme since they withhold the averages from rural areas?

>> No.9187445
File: 14 KB, 480x288, MOSES40003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had this theory that the reduction in IQ over the past 100 years could have been engineered with a variety of factors

Uh, and why is this theory justified vs. the papparent proximal causes that are KNOWN and incidental to other purposes, and not driven PER SE by an agenda to "dumb people down"....


Bisphenol A
Acyclic hydrocarbons
Radioactive isotopes (artificial production of)


I get the impression you aren't aware that the USA spread toxic waste on its crops as fertilizer?

That this practice was only banned in the late 20th century by the EU and Canada

Or that much of the world's production of known carcinogenic or teratogenic novel chemical compounds has only increased exponentially over the last 80 years?

>Lead exposure in soil: strong link to reduced IQ.

Lets not forget lead was added to gasoline prior to the 1980s (hence "Unleaded" gasoline

People would drive cars around, spewing lead freely into the environment.


The official rationale for this additive, to me, seems absurd-

>to help reduce engine knocking, boost octane ratings, and help with wear and tear on valve seats within the motor.

I can't help but imagine it was also a huge help to all the industrial companies that had vast stockpiles of toxic waste that were a loss and liability until they figured out how to make a profit.

I can't imagine why a toothless regulatory environment and weak scientific respect in the political and social spheres made it possible- oh wait, these were the governments that fought air bags, sway bars, reinforced fuel tanks, and seat belts

"muh over reaching government"

How bout them raw mercury dispersals from the refineries in Houston- How about those huge, exposed slag piles filled with toxic waste that they had teams of people "working hand in hand with industry" to remediate

Nah nigga

The solution to pollution was always dilution

Cash me ousside

>> No.9187456

Perhaps, but the Chinese, like most Asians, have a tonal-based language, and there's a lot of evidence to suggest that helps with memory a lot (in addition to, more obviously, perfect pitch), and that would inflate the memory rote section of Stanford–Binet and Cattell, and that is indeed the section they tend to accel in, while English speakers tend more often to accel in spacial recognition.

It is sometimes a little frightening how fundamentally language affects perception and information processing in general.

>> No.9187461

>I get the impression you aren't aware that the USA spread toxic waste on its crops as fertilizer?
But the USA's collective IQ tests, like most of the developed world's, have been going nowhere but up.

Clearly we need to spread more toxins on our food.

>> No.9187488

Circumcision also plays a part, OP. All childhoods stresses also make it so the adult can't cope with stress on a DNA level. There's even new evidence that the mother, while carrying the child, affects the child's DNA in the same manner if she is being stressed.

Birth control meds change your body in fundamental ways that can not be undone. It isn't for the better either.

>> No.9187493

>But the USA's collective IQ tests, like most of the developed world's, have been going nowhere but up.

That could also mean that the (simple) regulation against lead (too late but better than never) actually worked. The FDA banned some lead causing foods at the same time and many (not all) harmful pesticides were BANNED.

Here are the facts: many fatal and damaging pollutants, the majority, now manmade pose a clear and present danger to every single person on the planet

They have to be stopped at the level of production. You know what to do marines!

>> No.9187498

>You know what to do marines!

Stop buying products that contain or are made via those things?

>> No.9187525

>Stop buying products that contain or are made via those things?

Stage II: Physical destruction of capability

1. Engineers unplug all the stuff and destroy it

>> No.9187559

If they can't get money to keep doing it, they stop doing it.

>> No.9189366
File: 65 KB, 720x682, flouride2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try looking here

"When the conspirators get ready to take over the United States they will use fluoridated water and vaccines to change people's attitudes and loyalties and make them docile, apathetic, unconcerned and groggy. According to their own writings and the means they have already confessedly employed, the conspirators have deliberately planned and developed methods to mentally deteriorate, morally debase, and completely enslave the masses. They will prepare vaccines containing drugs that will completely change people. Secret Communist plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and published in 1953. These plans called for compulsory vaccination with vaccines containing change agent drugs. They also plan on using disease germs, fluoridation and vaccinations to weaken the people and reduce the population." (Impact of Science on Society, by Bertrand Russell)

>> No.9189369
File: 55 KB, 781x691, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9189370
File: 37 KB, 850x400, bernay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here