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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9181880 No.9181880 [Reply] [Original]

How's your research going, /sci/?

You are working on research... right?

>> No.9181882

Im trying to figure out how n^2 is proven to be only in the naturals.

>> No.9181908

Literally pulling 14 hour days to pump out three papers this year, write my dissertation, and finally graduate. This year is going to blow so much ass.

>> No.9181936

>About to start new job
>Still haven't finished research for my PhD
>fugg :DDDD

>> No.9181940

Almost three months of waiting without having it sent to peer review.

>> No.9181957

I have to finish my dissertation in the next 8 weeks or so. I've been putting in very long hours but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The last section won't be as good as I had wanted given the time constraints but it will be good enough.

And you never will

>> No.9182033

>And you never will
I told my new job I'd have submitted my thesis by the time I started. I'm already contracted though so YOLO.

>> No.9182146

im currently on month two of trying to isolate the enzyme in a mongoose's blood/cells that allows for toxin resistance.

i admit, i did not know just how tedious the proccess is, but its still kind of interesting seeing how different enzymes react and how micro dosing mice(edited with crispr to have certain proteins/enzymes naturally occur inside their cells/blood) can effect them and seeing how their blood reacts when dosing it with the venom samples.

no major stuff yet, but we have discovered that the mongoose has many different enzymes for different kinds of venoms.

hopefully im the one who finds it, we have qt indian girl on our team and i wanna impress her with some enzyme isolation

>> No.9182153

>You are working on research... right?
No, I prefer having something to eat.

>> No.9182163

Was going great but now a pivotal instrument is fucked.

>> No.9182359

>not working in an industry lab
Ok buddy

>> No.9182521

fine i guess, currently writing a paper on group theory and music. Don't know what to do when i finish tho, i'm second year undergrad in physics and i'm writing it in my spare time.

>> No.9182539

Research is comfy and stressful at the same time.

There's a bunch of oxidized soil in a university bioremediation product and we're trying to figure out whether or not it's biologically induced or some sort of natural chem shit.

We've got iron oxidizers growing in a MWMM gradient so it's going well.

>> No.9182808

>Research is comfy and stressful at the same time
Never at the same time for me, really. But when it's comfy it's the most comfy thing ever, and when it's stressful it's the pull you hair out kind of stressful

>> No.9182817

Nah, I went full brainlet on my career and ended up being a civil engineering draftsmonkey.

>> No.9182839


Handing in my PhD thesis in one week, and working on proving a theorem that I feel I'm close to cracking if I get some pieces together.

>> No.9182889

what theorem anon kun?

>> No.9182898

>that I feel I'm close to cracking
Does it happen that after weeks of work you manage to prove it, but start doubting if you just forced your way through it?

>> No.9182912


Don't want to jinx it


Yeah I've had periods of days without eating or sleeping, only to realize that the region of convergence to be proven was implicitly assumed through an incorrect bound on a generating function. Sometimes the formulation has 'the right shape' for the proof in a way that taunts you -- like you're staring through the window of a candy store.

>> No.9182924

Makes me want to kill myself. Sometimes after being awake for too long and I'm sleep deprieved I read it with kind of absolute concentration and it all makes sense, I did it. Only to find that little error which doesn't necessarily make anything crumble, but throws me into proving a bunch of other shit, and this has been going on for a year. I want to rest.

>> No.9182927


>> No.9182930


Yeah sometimes I reformulate a part of the stuff I'm doing as an innocuous question that I post on mathoverflow just to check that I'm not doing something really stupid. Good luck with your endeavor.

>> No.9182939

Same to you anon, I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.9183244
File: 27 KB, 320x279, IMG_2591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Induction. Let S be the subset of the natural number such that for all n in S, n^2 in naturals. 0 is in S, as 0 * 0 = 0, and 0 is in naturals. n+1 is in S as (n+1)^2 = n^2 +2n +1 which is in naturals as it is the sum of natural numbers. By principle of math. induction, S = natural numbers and we are done.

sorry for no TeX and any mistakes t. bathroom phoneposter

>> No.9183285

Working on grants, mostly. My PI keeps asking me to do shit we don't have the equipment for.

>> No.9183364


>> No.9183374

shes already found it just letting u american have ur kindergarten experiment

>> No.9183466

Go for a math girl, they almost always fall for biologists

>> No.9183471

I watched big hero 6 and got real inspired to build a robot, too bad it's unrealistic

>> No.9183482

Pretty good. Tomorrow I am giving a talk about it. All this time I thought I was good until I started practicing today and noticed I stutter too much and have too much autism. Wish me luck?

>> No.9183486

I'm a brainlet and set up a qPCR reaction but used the original RNA instead of cDNA.

>> No.9183500 [DELETED] 

All science comes from god.

>> No.9183503

Did you never take a public speaking course in undergrad? That's when I discovered that I'm a stuttering autist.

>> No.9183508

>Did you never take a public speaking course in undergrad?
I'm in undergrad mate. And no.

>> No.9183528

It's going ok, but I have a hard time juggling classes (in undergrad right now) and other responsibilities to properly devote myself to it. My PI seems happy, though, so I guess it could be worse. I suppose I'm kinda bottlenecked by the rate my drosophila lines reproduce, anyhow

>> No.9183531

Monthly. Progress. Report. This is just awful.

>> No.9183553

Ah. Good luck. Not practicing until the day before the talk was a mistake.

>> No.9183572

I did practice but what I did was talk inside my mind. I thought I was amazing until today I decided to actually talk it out.

>> No.9183586

Talking into a mirror is supposed to be helpful

>> No.9183610

>forcing yourself to stare at your autistic face while autistically talking to yourself in the mirror
Oh god no.

>> No.9183614

Growing yeast cultures.

>> No.9183617

Enjoy! Might feel a bit weird at first but you'll get over it.

>> No.9183733

just keep it going you'll get it soon

>> No.9183797

Managed to get my LabView code working earlier today. Feels good man.

>> No.9183811

Cytokiinneesss HAHAHA

>> No.9183843

researching ways to get my tongue inside that cute girl's arsehole. haven't made much progress though

>> No.9183870

Drink some alcohol until you get buzzed right before your presentation, all your anxiety will run off like a river and you will speak like a baller with game, seriously drink up anon, you'll be way more confident in what you're saying.

>> No.9183872

Funny that you say that because earlier I had a different problem. I was really stressed about the fact that maybe the people attending (who are literally my professors who I will be seeing face to face every day until the day I die) will judge me too harshly and lose respect for me if my results are not impressive enough so I thought that when I was in front of them I would get too scared so maybe I should do drugs or alcohol in order to disconnect my brain a little.

I eventually got over that and I'm more confident now, but if I had decided that I should get drunk then I would have problem: I do not drink and I do not drugs. I've never done it. I think I would puke if I tried tasting alcohol for the first time just to give a presentation. So I can't do that even if I want to.

But quick update. I've been repeating my presentation in my room here and the stuttering has stopped. I think I have developed "muscle memory" on what I want to say and things flow better out of my mouth. I'll keep practicing and hoping for the best.

>> No.9183963
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>did this for my first big contract negotiations, worked amazingly, made more money in a month than most brainlets do in ten years

>> No.9183984

The moment you step out and start speaking everyone shuts up. You own the room. They're here to listen to what YOU have to say. Man up.

>> No.9183986

pretty dope. I dare you to finish that paper

>> No.9184051

I'm making a machine that can turn out obtuse 20 page dissertations on meaningless esotera. Its fueled by grad students frustration.

>> No.9184294

Thanks man! getting hyped already

>> No.9184512

That's not much

>> No.9184554

You don't need induction if you know the naturals are closed under multiplication

>> No.9184953

Do you regret choosing to do research?

>> No.9185026


>> No.9185030

Luck, mostly. You can increase your chances of getting lucky with a good topic by reading and rereading things a lot.

>> No.9185096

Hey I'm back. Thanks to everyone for the nice words. I just came back and it was amazing. It all went perfectly. I've never felt so happy in my life.

To think that only 2 years ago I was an autist who spent 20 hours a day watching anime. I've come so far. I am an autist who spends 20 hours a day doing math and it just got me lots of recognition. Getting commended and congratulated by your old and professional professors feels really nice. Like I can become one of them one day. One day I'll look really old and have tons of knowledge and be a professor and do great things.

>> No.9185116

I'm glad for you anon. However, don't wait to become an old man!

>> No.9185130

I know but I mean like when I'm old and look really wise like the greeks. Some of my professors look like that.

>> No.9185139

Going great. New class of molecule, new leukemia med, four analogues discovered. Purifying the last bit of it to get structure of most potent drug. Winning.

>> No.9185156

Yeah, I should be doing that because I'll have to choose a master thesis advisor in a month or two and I still have no idea what I'm interested in (or, more accurately, everything interests me and I'm reasonably competent, but nothing interests me to the point of wanting to make it my research topic)

>> No.9185567 [DELETED] 

Can you say which journal you submitted to?

>> No.9185624

I'm doing a paper in autism

>> No.9185636

Pretty great, my first deep learning paper should be out in a month!

>> No.9185703

>should be reading paper on renormalizable 2-d delta potentials

>mindlessly browsing /sci/ instead

How do you all find motivation to start/do research? I've been putting off the meat of this work for weeks, and I'd be grateful for some advice

>> No.9186214
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but then it's trivial and the original poster wouldn't ask his question.

>> No.9186467

Think of the consequences of inaction

>> No.9186503
