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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9178060 No.9178060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have created an algorithm to find God, it is a lengthy process of course as one would expect it to be, that can lead the faint hearted into the mouth of madness, there are others here that know also that helped me on my journey are any of you here right now?

>> No.9178070
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roleplayers need to fuck off to /x/

>> No.9178075
File: 13 KB, 236x236, gensis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No games here friend, I am dead serious you are the one playing and need to get off this thread you aren't ready for this knowledge

>> No.9178085

hey man that's cool why don't you write it out?

>> No.9178093

I have brother

>> No.9178096

I discovered this writing a book about the holocaust of all things the rabbit hole just kept going deeper and deeper until I got tot he source it is quite jarring when you do. Here brother read this thread if you have any questions just ask, also if you want a copy of my book for free let me know and I will give you a link to my google drive that starts you from the beginning to go all the way down I path I did to get to the end

I will be here brother if you have any questions just ask

>> No.9178100

I am seeing if "they" will show up on this thread. They are here watching and will find you if you seek them out, once you start down this path you will see who I am talking about

>> No.9178193
File: 78 KB, 750x600, 407588_10151140965990967_441452921_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking idiot, mate. Sacred geometry is embarrassing woo and you malign mathematics by associating it with your retarded mysticism. You think that just because you can fuck around with a compass you can predict the future? Get thee hence. You're the least intelligent /pol/ crossposter I've ever seen.

>> No.9178200

lolz @ mysticism. You got no idea what you are talking about, there is nothing mystic about scared geometry you really shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about. I am a scientist and my work is based on science

>> No.9178211

>"I have discovered a truly marvelous theorem, but this margin is too small to contain it!"

>> No.9178212
File: 65 KB, 589x239, confucious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

predicting the future has nothing to do with compasses my friend it has to do with being able to read the code the matrix, come back when you are to listen not flap your gums and you will learn what very few in this life ever do

>> No.9178215

Do you honestly think the most important thing men can learn can be contained in a few paragraphs? It took me two books to explain it all and I linked to the algorithm already. I thought there would be smart people on sci so far it is very disappointing and pathetic

>> No.9178217

>two books
A book is not a unit or metric; a book can be anything from a ten page children's bedtime story to a thousand page dissertation.

You're an ESL LARPer who needs to fuck off and die.

>> No.9178223
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>A book is not a unit or metric;
Do you know what an algorithm is guy?

I am not going to argue with anyone that shit posts out their ass. Those that want to see I will show those that don't can do /we they want. It is up to you my friend . The ignorant always mock what they don't understand that is why they are ignorant

>> No.9178227
File: 457 KB, 900x600, awaken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am offering you an opportunity to find the greatest truth there is, the source and show you step by step how I found it and how you can find it, if you aren't interested bro why are you here?

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you." - Werner Heisenberg

>> No.9178247

post your retarded scribbles, fag.

>> No.9178252

>I am offering you an opportunity
Don't offer it, show it

Don't tell me these are abstract geometrical symbol based maps describing the relationships between abstract concepts

...or in other words the schizophrenic LSD rambling that occurs when you finally discover that one truth you've been searching for your whole life, the truth to all of existence... I've been there myself friend

>> No.9178253

Im curious and will read it if you link it.how readable are your works?. Link it and ill take a look and comment on it

>> No.9178257


read this thread it has links to all supporting materials including my book. To really follow the entire process from the begging you should read the book, but just reading the thread you will the significance of what I have discovered

>> No.9178262

I did post it and it isn't scribbles it is an instruction manual to find the source
brother I linked to it already, it isn't an algebraic function you have no idea how complex all of this is and the amount of research it took to discover this. There is nothing abstract about any of this.

I have been a scientist and Buddhist for over 20 years, I did not search for this, it found me, quite by accident really

>> No.9178267

I think i know of what your talking about although i havent read what youve posted yet and i admire you for attempting to articulate it. I am doing something similar with my work except mine is far far from complete

>> No.9178274

TY it is so complex and requires so much research and background that you simply just can't give it all to people I don't even know if you can show others, you can only guide them and they have to experience it, it is mind blowing. Feel free to use whatever materials I have given even my book to help with your journey and work brother. I obviously have tons of other important sources and things that need to be also known to support it all if you want me to point you in the right direction with those also let me know just post any comments and question you might have. Few will ever be able to comprehend all of this and complete the journey, but I hope to meet others that also know what we do. There are so few of us to talk with anyone else about it, it can be maddening having this information with no one to share it with or discuss it with

>> No.9178281

What are you talking about? There are no links, and that pol link is broken

>> No.9178282

EDIT: Lol now I see

OP please get treated for schizophrenia

>> No.9178283


just went there guy works fine

>> No.9178287
File: 48 KB, 807x420, feedback2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay in the matrix bruv, enjoy it while it lasts, it's funny you all don't realize who you are talking to doesn't matter won't help anyone those that seek will find that those don't will do w/e it is up to you

>> No.9178294

>Claims he can find god
>Yet he can't find a way not to appear like a lunatic to others

>> No.9178295

see pic related >>9178223

simple minded people need not apply bro this isn't for you. If everyone knew and understood great truths, they wouldn't be great truths now would they? You need to stay in the comfy arena with the majority, all the other sheeple where you feel nice and warm and in line with everyone else

>> No.9178296

You sound very insecure and defensive.
Why is that so?

>> No.9178298

Please do us all a favor and don't get involved in big boy discussions we have billions of you on this planet to deal with
lol responding to shit posters with shit posting. lol @ thinking I care what sleepwalkers think.
This is not the thread for you bruv.

>> No.9178303

Word of warning to anyone who actually tries to read through that /pol/ thread op linked. It starts with your run of the mill Holocaust denial Zionist conspiracy theories and then goes off the deep end. I stopped reading around the part where he literally claimed that the Lord of the Rings is based on Historical Fact. There is no God Finding Algorithm to be found in the thread. Only a man in dire need of a tinfoil hat.

>> No.9178305

>Holocaust denial Zionist conspiracy theories
except I prove this conclusively in my book
>Lord of the Rings is based on Historical Fact
never claimed this Tolkien did I just gave supporting evidence for it

>> No.9178307

Tolkien’s Middle-Earth, true History?

by T.S. Caladan

Is it possible that the world J.R.R. Tolkien so elegantly defined for us in ‘Lord of the Rings’ has a ring of historical truth? Could elements of the ‘Hobbit’ and the following ‘Trilogy’ be his interpretations of actual events?

Jay Weidner’s work (see ‘Kubrick’ article on W-M) inspired this writer with a mention of ‘Tolkien’ while investigating Stanley’s mysterious death. Upon hearing a YT of Weidner on radio, he states a small tidbit of info this writer has come across down through the years…and that was the colorful characters and strange events Tolkien gave the world in his epics were NOT figments of his wild imagination; they were REAL!

Consider the printed transcript of Jay’s radio show:

‘…J.R.R. Tolkien who’s the only person who can read the books in the basement of Oxford. He’s got all these (very old) books from Finland and Sweden and he’s the only guy who can actually READ them, alright? And he spends hours and hours reading all this stuff (history) that’s down there…

…and he writes ‘Lord of the Rings’ after he’s done reading it, OK? He says to his friends like C.S. Lewis…he says, there’s a whole History we don’t even know about. And, he told people in his letters that ‘Lord of the Rings’ was about Europe 6500 years ago; that the Irish were the Hobbits and the elves were the Nords. He had this whole thing figured out…

…This is all based on Truth…and he would get ANGRY when people said this was only analogy and metaphor. He would say, ‘NO! It isn’t analogy and metaphor! This is what I learned from my reading…’

>> No.9178311


…There is this ‘Lord of the Rings’ like SATURN and his name is Sauron. Sauron is obviously so close to the Mesopotamian dictator Sargon who invented Time. He literally invented clocks, calendars, schedules and really delivered the world into the linear, monochromic world that we live in now…

…Tolkien understands this and is trying to show us that this Saturnian Power (alien?) came in and forced us into a kind of SLAVERY; wrecking the planet; destroying the planet; using up all the energy of the planet for its own devices…

…We don’t really know what it is Sauron is trying to accomplish, not really…He’s trying to destroy the elves who know too much and have too much power. He’s trying to trap the Earth into an energy-sucking thing and he’s creating half-breeds of CLONES, the Orcs and all those who are not really human; they’re only partially human, just like the Archons…

…And, he (Tolkien) knows all this (true History) and he’s reading all this. He’s absorbing it…and so this knowledge was in our own histories and it has been wiped out by these Archons; these forces that don’t want us to figure out what’s going on…’

As I keep saying there is way to much research most of you have to do to even be able to comprehend all of this, you aren't ready for it , it is only for the enlightened prepare to do the work I am just helping the ones that are already on their way get there with help as I was helped

>> No.9178312

and here is the proof of a far older civilization than we have been told about not to mention the stories of Atlantis

you sir as I said are not ready this thread is not for you

>> No.9178314
File: 133 KB, 1152x752, pyramid6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here is more proof of Tolkien's claim pyramids in Antartica and underwater off the coast of Japan



Please don't post anymore nonsense

>> No.9178327

You should read the silmarillion and learn about 7.23 your welcome

>> No.9178328

>Do you know what an algorithm is guy?
How does that have anything to do with you saying "it took me two whole books!", where the length of said "book" isn't defined an can be anything from, like I said, a children's bedtime story to a massive table-creaking tome.

You're not offering anything but snake oil; "trust me, I've found god!" If you're that desperate to show us, then show us!

>“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you."
Just as I wouldn't trust a theologian with science, I wouldn't trust a scientist with theology. The quote means nothing except for a baseless appeal to authority, or perhaps fence-sitting deistic non-statements.

>> No.9178339

man I gave you the link to the thread. If I told you I can show you how the Universe is built using quantum mechanics, and you said well then show me! Do you know how retarded this is? I would say ok here is a list of books you need to read will take you years to do it to get a PHD. This is incredibly complex and you need to be an expert on numerous topics to be able to see the gestalt.

Here is a link to my book since you are too lazy to read the thread I linked too to get it on your own

lolz @ offering snake oil. I am offering to show the path not spoon feed anything to you. If you want to find what I told I have found I am showing you the way. I have nothing to gain no matter what you do.
>The quote means nothing except for a baseless appeal to authority

all you are doing is talking about things you know nothing about, in the thread I cover why quote is important in detail. Sorry but I won't and can't spoon feed this you, I can only guide you and show you how to put the pieces together that is how it works. I am here to help others not try to convince anyone of anything, what others believe means little to me. You all are acting like petulant children who don't get your way. This is how it works, nothing can change that

>> No.9178358

Its one of my favorite literary works. I've probably read it it at least a dozen times.There is literally nothing in there backing up your tinfoil hat schizophrenia.

Find somewhere else to shill your shitty books.

>> No.9178367
File: 12 KB, 300x259, bushfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12,000 year old civilizations uncovered that rewrites all history books claiming Mesopotamia was the first human civilizations doesn't prove Tolkien's claims of far older civilizations than we are told of
>Underwater pyramids of the coast of Japan and pyramids in Antarctica don't prove Plato's claims of Atlantis were real
>They said the Odyssey was fiction until they actually discovered the ancient city of Troy in 1868

wew lad you are massively retreaded what are you doing on /sci/? Please just leave and stop posting

>> No.9178371

Your thread and your book are as equally incoherent, rambling, and schizophrenic as you are here.
You are the equivalent of a perpetual energy shill trying to get people to waste their time with his fake gadget.
Fuck off.

>> No.9178372

bye, don't write

>> No.9178380

you should read foucault's pendulum. it talks about you and your kind.

>> No.9178382

(forgot about you) you should read foucault's pendulum. it talks about you and your kind.

>> No.9178386

not sure what "my kind" means, I will assume it means those that have escaped the matrix but ty I will check it out.

>> No.9178394

> since you are too lazy to read the thread I linked too to get it on your own
What the fuck are you talking about? Setting aside how stupid it is to expect people to read through a thread for 10 minutes to just to get one link, there isn't even any way of telling which posts are by you, you fucking wunderkind.

Hey OP, you wanna read my book? It should be at the library. I think the title has a "the" in it.

>> No.9178401

in the thread it is obvious who I am and the thread has much more importance than just the book link, the book is only beginning I haven;t written the second one yet that the the links to other threads and videos contain, fawk I hate dealing with simpletons just leave the thread I gave you the the keys to unlock the door open it or don't no one cares

>> No.9178402
File: 101 KB, 600x395, gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to find god and unlock the greatest mystery and knowledge there is in this life but doesn't want to spend "10 minutes" doing it
>insults someone else's intelligence

>> No.9178403

OP, I'm not even going to tell you you're wrong. However, what you're doing is not math, and you're misusing the word algorithm, which is technical mathematical term. What you have here is a book on philosophy, history, and/or politics.

>> No.9178411

Two things. An algorithm is a "recipe", a set of instructions to repeat someone else's steps they took to achieve an outcome which you can follow to achieve the same outcome. For example I bake a delicious cake, I write an recipe (algorithm) telling you the ingredients and baking time etc and you also make a delicious cake same as mine.

Second thing, geometry and pattern recognition in massive amounts of metadata is mathematics, sometimes refereed to as cryptography

>> No.9178417
File: 99 KB, 660x495, 2w4bUUn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Opie, I'm new to the thread.

Your poorly punctuated word salad hurts my brain, but I'll bite.
If you have an algorithm, post it.
No, I'm not reading months worth of your ramblings.
Algorithms can be implemented in programming languages.
Post the Java version, or Perl, or PHP.
I'll settle for any major programing language.

>> No.9178422

lol @ algorithm to unlock the facade of reality and find the architect to run in PHP. Sorry bruv gave the info, it is all there is. I spent every waking hour of my life for over a year finding this for people like you and tried to make it as simple as possible for others to do also. Until I write the second book all I can give you is the research which will lead you in the right direction.

>> No.9178423

Hey guys, God here. Sorry about this, I had the insanity filter on me up too high. You guys have any questions before I fuck off and let you do you for a couple thousand more years?

>> No.9178441
File: 1.76 MB, 1212x1188, rZxd3xW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You _don't_ have an algorithm.

>> No.9178443
File: 12 KB, 499x243, jdZuDvz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9178449

yes an instruction manual is here seek and ye shall find

>> No.9178454
File: 117 KB, 900x1200, 1497271479475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...but still no algorithm?
Nobody's going to want to become a follower of your home-spun religion.
If you have an algorithm, post it, run it and post the output, whatever.
If this is science related, post a theory, or the experimental evidence, or _something_ science related.
Otherwise, fuck off back to /x/.

>> No.9178456

I tried to get the account verified once, let's just say they're nonbelievers.

>> No.9178458

Wholesome meal

watch this and tell me what you see

then we will see if you are ready to continue

>> No.9178461
File: 374 KB, 747x431, Knipsel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at 6 years old you are at half of your perceived life, the Harmonic Series proofs. At age 50 one year is 1/50 of your life while at age 4 one year is 1/4 of your life. Therefore the question: when are you at half of your perceived life?

Life Exp. = 78
Partial Sum = 4,9403
1/2 = 2,47015
Number of Terms = 6 comes closest.

>> No.9178464

>watch this and tell me what you see
A butterfly.
It's a butterfly, right?
Two naked ladies?