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File: 158 KB, 960x720, bad_hair_zpso1zbhynq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9169947 No.9169947 [Reply] [Original]

>still no cure for male pattern baldness

What the fuck?

>> No.9169951

It's called wigs

>> No.9169958

a) not a cure
b) not a good solution either because of too many drawbacks

>> No.9169961
File: 177 KB, 600x900, 1475841732227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an ancient Eastern cure for baldness:

1. Shave it off
2. Grow a beard

>> No.9169966
File: 616 KB, 1790x1559, 1505066731155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going bald but can't grow a beard at 24
This is too much

>> No.9169969

And permanently lock yourself to dating only +35yo women. No thanks, weeb.

>> No.9169973

Daily reminder that balding is a sign of INTENSE BRAIN ACTIVITY.
Be proud bald man.

>> No.9170012

There is a cure.


>> No.9170068

That's one seriously convincing tranny.

>> No.9170071

What kind of faggot place do you live that men have to look like metroboys to get younger pussy?

>> No.9170079

>What kind of faggot place do you live that men have to look like metroboys to get younger pussy?
You think young chicks will date a bald and old neckbeard?

>> No.9170082


>> No.9170153
File: 26 KB, 600x400, steven-seagalserbiajpg-11-jan-2016-ts600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steven Seagal got his hair fixed and it didn't stop him from looking old and fat.

>> No.9170549

Is everyone here retarded?

Several general ways to cure hair loss, most won't help with receding hairlines above your temps though:
- Minoxidil (Regain) - increases blood flow (probably), apply twice a day on your head as lotion or foam, risk of increased body hair
- Finasterid (Propecia) - stops your test becoming DHT, thus saving your overly sensitive follicles - take it orally, low risk of random shit like erectile problems

There are various derivatives of both substance classes, you can look them up.

Then there is hair transplant, where you can even use general body hair. Some biotine, selenium and zink won't hurt either.

t. Medbro

>> No.9170554

Do consider suicide

>> No.9170559

Get a hair transplant. Or shave your head and grow a beard; bald men with beards look badass

>> No.9170606

former hairdresser for toni'n'guy, when balding men or women who's hair is thinning out ask me for advice id tell them to do not waste their money on those things. i understand fully that hair to a man is like a lions mane but that shit is cosmetic.

also there are many reason why someones hair might be thinning, but its mostly a culmination of things like genetics, diet, enviromental reasons, fashion choices. so when you see an ad for some sort of miracle treatment its mostly bulshit.

read the frint print too lads.
>works for 99% of men
>97% success rate
dont be dumb

>> No.9170616


What diet and environmental shit is bad? Apparently keto is good for hair. I wanna keep my hair...

>> No.9170627

oh forgot to add also those success rates they spruik in fine print is bulshit because success to them is when their treatments grow back some hair, which some products do but let me say that the hair that usually comes back isnt like the hair you will be expecting.

1. because everyones hair/scalp grows differently as i mentioned above with factors as to why someone might be losing hair.
2. people who lose hair, means the follicles on the regions of balding work differently to those elsewhere, notice how a lot of men bald on top and the sides still grow hair? IF by any chance you use a product that is capable of sprouting any hair i can guarantee that it is almost always sparse, thin, baby hair, not thick like the hair on the sides usually are.

>> No.9170657

ketoconazole is good for hair not keto diet

anyway, hair genetics just suck. I'm balding, but I try not to let it get me down. Still got laid with a 20 year old a year ago when I was clearly balding, and she was qt and gave me head whenever I wanted

>> No.9170670


>> No.9171529

There is Finasteride but that depends on whether you would rather keep your hair or have a functional dick.

>> No.9171746

It'll be a gene therapy. It'll be earlier than most gene therapies, because the servicer provider will only need to chimerize a small piece of your outer shell rather than changing your entire genome.

>> No.9171760


>> No.9171765
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>> No.9171818

It kills your dick. Also it's bad for your circulatory system.

>> No.9171890

Why do people spread this meme?

>> No.9171891

Because I tried it.

>> No.9171913
File: 156 KB, 1080x720, Photo le 16.09.17 à 14.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got FUE hair transplant technique in Turkey, not actually a cure, but looking forward to see my new hair

>> No.9171935

Drink pumpkin seed oil every day, and your hair will grow back. It's good for your prostate aswell.

>> No.9172144
File: 30 KB, 475x317, clippercut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiny little pussy fuccbois like you are pathetic.

>> No.9172188



>> No.9172311

Why in T*rkey? And there are doctors in Shiturkey? I thought mudslimes hated science.

>> No.9172314

It costs half the price i'd pay in Switzerland. Even with the hotel, the taxi transferts to the airport and the clinic and the flight ticket.

>> No.9172325

Being this much of a moron

>> No.9172435
File: 283 KB, 636x352, c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get it , this donst work for every one ?

>> No.9172534

very expenisve

>> No.9172542

probably alex jones

>> No.9172605


That's not exactly a cure, it's a therapy because you continue to lose the non-transplant hairs as you age and need maintenance procedures

>> No.9172637 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 355x214, 41+KHGUWsuL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tool is proven to be 6 times more effective than Rogain, zero side effects, reusable, and costs only $10

>> No.9172639

Looks like a torture device much like that six-pronged head "massager"

>> No.9172640
File: 13 KB, 355x214, dermaroller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tool is proven to be 6 times more effective than Rogain, zero side effects, reusable, and costs only $10

your welcome

>> No.9172646

a 0.5mm dermaroller is barely be felt. 1st time I used it hurt a tiny bit. Now I don't feel it at all.

>> No.9172686

>This is the most frequent thread on /sci/ except highschool questions

We need more women

>> No.9173199

hairline is ok but hair looks shitty and fine. old person hair basically. no thickness or luster

>> No.9173276

does it restore hair or only prevent more loss?

>> No.9173288

>low risk of random shit like erectile problems
That's not what I've heard

>> No.9173291
File: 44 KB, 741x447, IJT-5-6-g005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using it for a month. I've noticed both. Many new short hairs along the hair line. Here's a study if you're interested.


>> No.9173375

can you link me to the one you bought? any tips for using it or just roll that shit on your head?

>> No.9173400


Wouldn't this thing just scar you.

>> No.9173414

you're in luck op i'm waiting on my fin, will inform you if i turn into a brainlet without a functioning dick

kinda doubt it though

>> No.9173417
File: 63 KB, 750x755, blood12f-10-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needle size and frequency are the most important factors. If the needles are too small you don't stimulate a healing reaction or collagen growth. Too big needles and you just gash your scalp up and do tons of damage and bleed everywhere. My skull has a few lump spots so sometimes I'll see what looks like tiny droplets of blood, but I wouldn't say it's bleeding.
Doing it too often is bad too. Your skin needs to heal between treatments or else there's no point.
There's a balance that needs to be achieved.
Here's a guide that helped me build a schedual. Ideally you want to use the smallest needle that'll produce hair growth, as often as your skin can heal to 100%.

Every 4 -7 days I use 0.5mm roller.
Spray roller with rubbing alcohol to sterilize and let it dry.
Roll it 10 times in one direction, roll it 10 times in the perpendicular direction.
Spray with more alcohol to disinfect and put it away.

They say a 0.25mm needle is too small to stimulate hair growth, but helps asorbing topical treatments and can be safely used every day. I'm thinking about getting one to use in conjunction with Rogaine, to help absorption.

On the contrary, the larger needles are used to reduce scar tissue. But as mentioned above, larger needles produce blood and require more rest.

The whole process works the exact same way as the vampire facelift. In fact micro needling is a main part of that procedure, but they add a growth factor rich solution that's extracted from your own blood. I believe this solution is unnecessary or vastly overrated at the very least. If you ask me the "blood derived serum" is just a marketing gimmick to rip money off of rich people.

>> No.9173423 [DELETED] 

pic is kim kardashian vampire facelift

>> No.9173427

pis is kim kardashian after getting the vampire facelift

>> No.9173429

thanks anon. do you have a before and after pic? how long to see noticeable results?

>> No.9173430

He'll end up with Trump hair after like a year.

>> No.9173443

no pics, but what I've noticed is after about 5 weeks of using it all the vellus hairs along the hairline, (extending 0.5cm) have gotten longer and are starting to get thicker. These vellus hairs will eventually turn into normal hair. This is the normal process of restoring hair growth.
If you're bald, and you still have tiny velllus hairs in your bald spot, then there's hope. If the vellus isn't there, then only hope is a transplant.

>> No.9173459
File: 67 KB, 854x960, bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might be too late for me

>> No.9173466

Is HRT worth it for the sake of getting your hair back?

>> No.9173470

Absolutely not.

>> No.9173472


>> No.9173474

>Man completely reverses baldness with ONE WEIRD TRICK

>> No.9173481
File: 243 KB, 630x629, 1474601374586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole process works the exact same way as the vampire facelift.

>> No.9173729

Hey Tim

>> No.9173732

You can stop it and even reverse it in a lot of cases but once you start on the medication you're stuck taking it for life

>> No.9173736

For a few men, yes.
Most don't have any problem

>> No.9173752

Holy shit who is this?

>> No.9173767
File: 35 KB, 419x500, 1493102081866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>still no cure for male pattern baldness
Zinc supplement tablets worked for me. Try it. It also fixed my acne.

>> No.9173914

fucking how

>> No.9173916

implying Zn ions wont just block my NMDA receptors

>> No.9173919


>> No.9173937

wont do anything if youre already balding

stem cell therapy is the only solution to male pattern baldness, in 5 years trust me.

>> No.9173957

you're not alone anon

>> No.9174089

because people arent researching it.
im sure that somewhere in our genes is a way to regrow shit. but theres no money going into serious research

>> No.9174100
File: 186 KB, 500x770, haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do. Science is one of the most haram things according to Islam.

>> No.9174151

Finasteride for 6 months

>> No.9174624

this looks like some meme product aka it will grow my sixpack.

>> No.9175065

so i have to choose between my hair and my dick?

fuck this

>> No.9175241


>what are hats

>> No.9175244


>what is just shaving it all off

>> No.9175360

Just work out and eat high protein food like all day every day
Get big and fit as fuck
Use steroids

>> No.9175488
File: 8 KB, 250x211, 1504386397041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curing genetic anything
Lmao nerds, dream on.
Just shave it off, that's what I did.

>> No.9175498

You can get cloned hair implants.

>> No.9175501

That only looks good on black people.......if they're tall.

>> No.9175506

It's definitely possible but it would either be banned legally, or never receive funding.

DIY bio-hacking is not wise either ;_;

>> No.9176400

Because I am actually on Finasteride and it has desensitized the shit out of my glans. At least my hair is growing back so I am happy.

>> No.9176437

Check out this forum anon..http://immortalhair.forumandco.com/t11188-my-green-teacoconut-topical-and-green-juicing-progress particularly the green tea/cocnut oil thread.There are lots of cheaper and natural methods for dealing with this like dermarolling and a few others like massage (DT)

>> No.9176554

Doesn't rogaine foam or whatever significantly reduce the affects of balding.

>> No.9176557

The cure is called not being descended from beta males.

>> No.9176562
File: 19 KB, 350x229, xinsrc_112010411083246890756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs hair anyway. It's mainly to attract girls and if you can do that without it, you don't need it. It's the current consumer culture that put too much emphasis on it.

>> No.9176589

It's absurd.

I think researchers look down on it as something unworthy of researching but baldness destroys the lives and self-esteem of millions of men and women (yes, women).

And whoever finds its cure, an actual remedy, well he will be a trillionaire from night to day.