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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9168744 No.9168744 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ claims that the human body peaks physically at age 27.

At what age does /sci/ claim that the human brain peaks?

>> No.9168746

It never peaks if you don't stop doing meth.
t. Erdos

>> No.9168748

>tfw 27 and feel like human trash

>> No.9168756
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there there...

>> No.9168762

dumb froganimeposter

>> No.9168764
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I just wanted to comfort you and get some answers...

>> No.9168765

If you're Ashkenazi your brain never stops growing. Source: I'm Ashkenazi and the circumference of my cranium has grown by 2cm in the past year. I'm 29 btw.

>> No.9168767

Erdos didn't take meth, Erdos.

>> No.9168770

Dude, research his story.

>> No.9168785

He took basically vyvanse and ritalin. Not meth.

Just because something has "amphetamine" in its name doesn't mean its methamphetamine.

>> No.9168787

>He took basically

Please provide me with a rigorous definition of basically. Otherwise, I simply cannot understand what you are trying to express here.

>> No.9168790

I'm going to say 6 or 7 because I'm 30 and am pretty sure everything important that I know today was something I had figured out by that age.

>> No.9168795

He took the same compound as ritalin, and he took amphetamine, which is more similar to vyvanse than to meth. Could you please just "dude, research his story," yourself?

>> No.9168804
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Why gotta be mean though?

>> No.9168859

it's 25 for fluid intelligence in the general population
it's 27 if you have adhd though

>> No.9169053

For females, it never peaks. For males, about 25.

>> No.9169070


I'm not

>> No.9169171


>> No.9170816

Its gonna have to stop or you gonna look retarded eventually

>> No.9170823

The white male brain stops growing at around age 28.

For white females it's around 25.

>> No.9172523

What does race have to do with it?

>> No.9173945

For male niggers it's 5
Female niggers it's 3