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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9168489 No.9168489 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, have you ever sat down and realized you're literally a bunch of cells that are consuming and expelling energy to no particular goal and will one day collapse and become a clump of waste for all eternity?

how do you cope with this from a scientific viewpoint?

>> No.9168525


By giving ourselves a higher purpose.
Such as having a better place for future inhabitors of this world.
Curing the sick.
Intense fear.
Or plain old because God is watching over us.
Or...for the destructive among us...
because it will bring about another atom bomb...

>> No.9168545

but how can you cope when it's all just organic scaffolding undergoing side effects of chemical reactions? every single action from me typing this post to you thinking about it in your head seems so arbitrary. even if i live my life distinguished by studying in various fields trying to make breakthroughs it seems like such a tiny blip in the bigger perspective of human history, and the history of life, and even then the history of baryonic matter. it just fucks me up knowing that somehow it amalgamated to me sitting at this computer talking to you. knowledge in how we behave and what causes reactions to occur seems to only stop at a certain level that doesn't help do anything but give simplicity for what we are.

>> No.9168556

I've heard that getting a gf helps, can't say that out of experience though.

>> No.9168559
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>> No.9168560

>to no particular goal

Produce children, faggot.

>> No.9168567

>it's all just organic scaffolding undergoing side effects of chemical reactions?

You mean you're not impressed by how it all works? What more do you want?

>> No.9168572

Sometimes when i'm taking a piss i realize how fascinating it all is that there's liquid coming out at pretty nice pressure out of this hose between my legs, and sometimes i have this irrational fear that this wobbly fleshy tube inside of me carrying the piss will break and piss will go everywhere inside me, scary huh.

>> No.9168580

i want it to have meaning and last forever, instead we get less than 100 years out of the endless amount of years the universe will continue to exist making more shit happen. it wouldn't be so bad if i was naive enough to just think of an afterlife but science took that away from me and made me concede to a destiny of being quarks and electrons laying on a rock until its engulfed by a red giant that will supernova and then leave a gas cloud that diffuses into the interstellar medium for all eternity.

>> No.9168586

Just go find yourself a gf, engulf yourself in human feelings, forget the meaninglessness of life.

>> No.9168589

"I" am an abstract set of information in my brain, not my body. We literally cannot die, thanks to this fact.

>> No.9168593

information is meaningless on its own, you will not know that your books are being read, your legacy is living on, when your body decays in the ground. you will be eternally oblivious to any type of retribution to your achievements.

>> No.9168594

I won't die, it's the universe the ends.

>> No.9168596

There's no real reason for anything. You can either delude yourself into believing there is, or you can just distract yourself until you die.

>> No.9168597

>tfw you realize glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation is literally just controlled combustion
>tfw you realize your cells use the same energy stored in fuel in commbustion engines to power itself

>> No.9168607

No, I'm saying the arrangement of neurons in my brain, the stuff that forms my self awareness, the "I", that is information that can be reproduced at any time, we're all universal constants.

>> No.9168609

except that's just a copy. you will still be annihilated. you're just making the illusion that you're existing forever that away, but in reality those copies will continue to die.

>> No.9168622

The universe does not see it as 'just a copy', that's just you being attached to yourself in the moment. As long as my information is reproduced, and given that there is only one of me, "I" will always be around, even if my humanness is gone.

>> No.9168629

the distinction between moments is what gives us the ability to perceive information. you in the next 10 seconds is undetermined because of the lack of information. what this means is that, if i copy you, parameter to parameter of every single particle's position and momentum, you will still be different as long as i don't have the knowledge of what the rest of the universe is doing, which is an impossibility. this means that you will still be distinct, and you will perish separate from that copy, for it will experience a different future, along with having a different past (none). you are the original. your timeline is different, that is, your collection of moments.

>> No.9168631

>to no particular goal
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.9168633

because we are all just part of God ;^)

>> No.9168720

>have you ever sat down and realized you're literally a bunch of cells
Not in my dreams; there my fingers turn to light and melt when I look at them.

>> No.9168722

>i want it to have meaning and last forever

>> No.9168727

The ultimate observer at the end of time will immortalize you at the end of creation and remember you always. All our actions will be subject to scrutiny. There is no afterlife, but there is a judge many quadrillion years in the future.

>> No.9168731

Amount of energy or resource consumed by a human being on a scale of universe is last thing you'd describe as "Waste"

If we don't have a goal, we can create one or imagine we have one.
Look at all of these stars in our galaxy combusting and burning a shit ton of energy for absolutely no reason.

At least could put some solar panels, harvest this energy and use it to power computers and webservers so we can shit post on some random weeb image board.

>> No.9168736
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So you want your very biological essence enfuesed with eternal life?
Regardless of the consequences it may bring?

I warn you now. Immortallity...is it's own kind of death.
However for a life not worth living isn't that how everything starts to want change for the better?

What is it you want anon?
If I could offer you the direction to anything in the universe?

>> No.9168737
File: 74 KB, 480x480, I+liked+only+because+of+the+tags+_8cff93f68b7892006de7ca7a0776f240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Great News!

>> No.9168740
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Funny that you should post such depressing bullshit with a picture from Little Witch Academia.


A believing heart is your magic, after all. What purpose do you need? Akko told us all. "I want a world in which everyone can smile together". Strive for that. Work for that. Be a good person. Leave the world a better place.

>> No.9168747

Logic is really only ever a means to an illogical end. You will never understand the meaning of life, if the even is such a thing. You'll never roll that boulder up a mountain, no matter how many times you try.
But who gives a fuck? Embrace the futility of your existence. Continue to search for meaning despite never finding any, or don't, maybe you're happier being unchained by meaning. If nothing matters why do you care that nothing matters?