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9166838 No.9166838 [Reply] [Original]

Is learning LaTeX a worthwhile endeavor for undergraduates?

How would I go about learning it?

If I type my problem sets in latex will my professors give me better grades? Will it lend more validity to my work compared to hastily scrawling shit on badly torn notebook paper 15 minutes before class?

>> No.9166840

>Is learning LaTeX a worthwhile endeavor for undergraduates?

>How would I go about learning it?
try starting with overleaf.com

>If I type my problem sets in latex will my professors give me better grades?

> Will it lend more validity to my work compared to hastily scrawling shit on badly torn notebook paper 15 minutes before class?
it'll make it easier to read, and graders like that, you don't want your grader to be in a bad mood when they look at your work

>> No.9166850

>How would I go about learning it?

Do your homework assignments in it and look up what you need.

>give me better grades

When you fuck up something, it will be far easier to fix.
When you do similar (sub)problems, you can just copy and paste.
The easier it is for the grader to read, the easier it is for him to follow your work and give you (partial) credit.

>> No.9166855

How would I go about learning it?
Go here https://www.latex-project.org/get/
Get it.
Start writing your notes in latex. If you don't know how to make some symbol, look it up.
If you just start doing in, you will get used to it in about a week or so.

>> No.9166858
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this isn't open source

>> No.9166861

watch a 10 min youtube video on what to install and start using it. Google whatever symbol you dont know how to type.

>> No.9166865

>this isn't open source

>> No.9166867

I use GNU Octave instead of MATLAB because I refuse to sacrifice my freedoms for convenience

free software isn't just an alternative, it's a necessity

>> No.9166868

>I use GNU Octave instead of MATLAB because I refuse to sacrifice my freedoms for convenience
>free software isn't just an alternative, it's a necessity

>> No.9166871

i agree that it's cringey but he's right

>> No.9166872

The best thing about latex for the nascent undergraduate is years later seeing your old incorrect solutions and wondering how you ever got points for them.

>> No.9166873

How much different is Octave from MATLAB? I need to brush up on some optimization stuff, but I'm not sure if I should invest my time on Octave.

>> No.9166879

t. brainlet

>> No.9166917
File: 133 KB, 2115x1332, octave ide .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. loser that gets fucked in the ass by Microsoft and Adobe annually

as long as you aren't using Simulink or any toolboxes by MathWorks, Octave is pretty much an exact replacement for MATLAB - in fact, Octave's syntax is more permissive in most cases compared to MATLAB's, so all MATLAB code can be run in Octave.

you can also run Octave in "traditional" mode so that any syntax which isn't allowed in MATLAB cannot be used in Octave

this is what Octave's IDE in windows looks like if you care about the IDE

>> No.9166926

Woah, LaTeX can do trees? I wish I had gone to a college where there were people around to teach me these things.

>> No.9166933
File: 757 KB, 4642x2400, edoid .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I had gone to a college where there were people around to teach me these things.
learn it yourself! that's what I am doing, that's what this thread is about
nobody is teaching this to me, and I go to a college where plenty of people know it.

anyways just realized that image was shitty quality here's a more HD one

>> No.9166937

FreeMat is just fine, and isn't a weird non-GUI pos.

>> No.9166938

Back to your containment board

>> No.9166949

For most classes, especially electromagnetics, I couldn't keep up in LaTeX for note taking during class. However, it was god tier for study guides and equation sheets. Great for long reports like a capstone CDR document where there are tons of figures and charts.

Octave has most of MATLAB's functionality excluding the toolboxes. Now that I'm out of school and can pick what to use, I use python for most things now.

>> No.9166954
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>she can't program without an IDE

>> No.9166963

I've been programming since the '70s so how about you shove your dumb ass opinion.
I have no illusions that CLI is kewl

>> No.9166968
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brety gud

>> No.9167007
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Are you 60+ years old?
Why aren't you using FORTRAN 77 or something??

What do you do anon?

>> No.9167013


Let me see those armpits.

>> No.9167025

You can try sharelatex to get the basics and then download texmaker and some packages that are free online

>> No.9167028


The calm self-assurance of a guy who actually is 60+ years old and doesn't have to prove himself to children. He also stops short of the "tits or GTFO" of the younger man, to calmly conflate a submission demand with the 2hu just posted, directed at the hairy younger guy behind said 2hu. Well met.

t. not that guy

>> No.9167030

>implying any 60+ year olds would give a singular fuck about touhou

that was obviously someone else

>> No.9167031

Who is trolling who anymore?

>> No.9167117
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I started on a whim a week ago, this is my first semester.
It was a great decision. All my psets look nice and pretty and it was really quick to learn most of the symbols I typically need.
I'm getting closer to wanting to just take notes in it, but I'm not sure. Can't use a laptop in most of my lectures regardless. Doing homework in it is good enough for now.

>> No.9167123

Aren't you _required_ to learn it? What kind of a terrible uni do you go to?

>> No.9167170
File: 946 KB, 300x400, 1458067230509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you show work in latex? Can you post one of your psets?

>> No.9167173


I find that I show far less work in latex, I'm too lazy to type it up, and it feels god-rudin-tier to write down only the bare minimum.

>> No.9167179

I learnt Latex in my final year for my thesis and now I'm upset I didn't know it this whole time.

Not only are my reports of a far higher quality, I actually enjoy making them too.

>> No.9167182

when i studied path algebras i ended up using latex for the inbuilt graph builder.
It's clunky and time consuming, but also quite nice to be able to produce high quality editing and diagrams.
to learn it, a good place to start would be to get some raw code for a short paper on a topic your familiar with.
theres a lot of setting up to do. it's way worse than html. and installing it is some CS autist bs.
other than when i want diagrams i do most things by hand. it's faster, easier to concentrate, less likely to make mistakes, easy to quickly turn your outlines into proper proofs.

>> No.9167217

>Aren't you _required_ to learn it? What kind of a terrible uni do you go to?
what uni do you go to where it's required?

>> No.9167228
File: 142 KB, 389x493, 1385439234949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kill yourself commie.


>> No.9167375
File: 403 KB, 790x628, 1486414706012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is learning LaTeX a worthwhile endeavor for undergraduates?
Yeah, if you have the time

>How would I go about learning it?
I started by typesetting my notes, other people like to learn from a book - I just used stackoverflow as I went along

>If I type my problem sets in latex will my professors give me better grades?
Depends on how anal your professors are

>Will it lend more validity to my work compared to hastily scrawling shit on badly torn notebook paper 15 minutes before class?
Yes, yes it will

>> No.9167971

>why can you go to jail for breaking its rules
... you can't?

have you ever heard of a single case of someone being arrested or prosecuted for violating GPL?