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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9163685 No.9163685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If incest is illegal, why shouldn't breeding between different races also be illegal? They both result in the same thing, essentially.

>> No.9163688

Ah, classic /pol/ science. Sure buddy, point us to the papers about how race mixing is bad.

>> No.9163782

Because jews want to kill the white race so they can take resources from us.
It's literally genocide, lets go back to

>> No.9163786

What's the point of making incest illegal? I am going to fuck my sister anyway

>> No.9163806

beucase it's progressive for non-Jews to interbreed

>> No.9163824


Take a look South America (garbage pit filled with mongrels) and the United States (worse than Europe and Japan in assorted ways) against Europe to Japan (far more homogenous).

>> No.9163837
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>They both result in the same thing

>> No.9163841

The issues are not race. We are made up of the same molecules as each other, arranged in a slightly different way or in different proportion.

We are made up of the same active elements in the universe - carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen

The issue and problems are culture clash. So its purely cultural and lack of education/ignorance

Racists have low IQ, and are as bad/unwise as the feral thug culture they often criticize (or every other culture that chooses to live in a different way to them, so they dont like it. Usually their culture has been formed by survival needs to adapt to their environment, and works for the humans in that environment)

>> No.9163847


Mulattoes and Beaners are less intelligent than Whites. Mulatto and Beaner women are less attractive than White and East Asian women.

>> No.9163848

sources please?

>> No.9163851


>Blank Slate
>Muh Culcha

Let me guess, you support refugees mass migrating yet cry over Whitey's colonialism.

>> No.9163855

Even if a credible study found the intelligence claim to be true and the attractive claim wasn't subjective, what has that got to do with incest though?

>> No.9163857

Very sound argument. After all, everybody knows that correlation = causation! Feels good to be redpilled and only bring FACTS to discussion am I right, my redpilled brother?

>> No.9163862
File: 73 KB, 957x788, Beaners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See the left. And Negro to Redskin women already are less attractive.

>> No.9163868

In the end it doesn't really matter. We came from the earth/universe and upon death we go back to it in the form of carbon/radiation.

So what we perceive as reality, is limited. We are all star dust/ energy/ molecules

>> No.9163869
File: 146 KB, 446x1406, PISA-2015-by-Steve-Sailer (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here's PISA.

>> No.9163871
File: 79 KB, 800x849, Muh Love Science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure Meme Science Nigger. Shouldn't you be at reddit?

>> No.9163876

it could just be like safety because incest causes all kinds of weird shit in kids
there was this king in spain and he was the result of incest
and he was friggin stupid
and weird
so i guess thats why
but my opinion doesnt matter anyone give no shits

>> No.9163878

If black people are smart enough to vote democrat then they are already smarter than you.

>> No.9163881


>incest causes all kinds of weird shit in kids

Interracial children are significantly more dysfunctional than children who aren't.

>> No.9163883


>If black people are smart enough to vote democrat then they are already smarter than you.

Shouldn't you be mourning Obama's son Trayvon and saying Islam has nothing to do with Islamic Terroism?

>> No.9163892

I like the way you think

>> No.9163893

>Morality and ethics
Not science
Because that's where you discuss what should be legal or not. Plus you will have the benefit of hearing exactly what you want to hear.

>> No.9163897

>let me guess you support taking in literal war refugees but think that going out and arbitrarily dividing up foreign areas and then systematically exploiting the less developed peoples who live there for mass profit, causing long term effects that are still with them to this day, is bad

Wowee anon you sure showed me what a dummy I am

>> No.9163911

Tell us what war the Niggers in Italy are running from.

> but think that going out and arbitrarily dividing up foreign areas and then systematically exploiting the less developed peoples who live there for mass profit, causing long term effects that are still with them to this day, is bad

You can't even name a land that was better off before Colonialism. Or what, was Africa filled with KANGZ before Whitey even though it was long behind Eurasia?

>> No.9163915


Egypt and the Maghreb (see the Moors) don't count by the way since they weren't filled with Niggers in their heydays.

>> No.9163916
File: 43 KB, 500x300, 114877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't the premise of your argument better suit the conclusion that breeding with the same race should be illegal?
>Incest should be illegal because breeding with people who share so many traits with you should be banned
>Breeding with the same race should be illegal because breeding with people who share so many traits with you should be banned
Even when /pol/tards try to come up with logical arguments for their dumbass beliefs they still trip over themselves somehow. Please go back to >>>/pol/ with the rest of the authoritarians, tribalists, and political schizophrenics.
>inb4 you're only saying that because you're a racemixing cuck/jewpilled shekelstein/leftypol-antifa nerd

>> No.9163918


How's Beanerland (Mexico and South America) working out?