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File: 885 KB, 968x544, hurricane season 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9160512 No.9160512 [Reply] [Original]

Will be Lee become another hurricane? If so, what category?

Is climate change to blame? If so, does that mean this is going to get worse as time progresses?

Why hasn't the USA taken more drastic measures to deal with this issue? Why is everyone sticking their heads in the sand and pointing fingers?

>> No.9160534

You said that backwards. If this gets worse, then we will know climate change is to blame. However it would probably take a few decades before we have enough evidence to be sure we crossed the line

>> No.9160551

But if we've crossed the line then won't it be too late?

>> No.9160673

>Why hasn't the USA taken more drastic measures to deal with this issue? Why is everyone sticking their heads in the sand and pointing fingers?

Because, it doesn't matter at all.

>> No.9160724

So the $180 billion in damages and the lives of the people affected don't matter? Yeah, I guess you're right.

>> No.9160749

And that billion is only from Harvey. The total cost of hurricane damage is much greater.

>> No.9161034

It's already too late, probably. I just mean the line where there is no argument about it anymore.

At this point, we might still be in the "bad hurricane every decade or so", which really isn't any different. Maybe the hurricane start getting a little worse on average, or a little bigger, or come a little sooner in the year, but this would all be part of that really slow change that many will argue would have basically happened the same without humanity's help.

No, the line will be crossed when every year brings a new record breaking hurricane without fail. Then we'd really be in a new era of climate.

However, things probably won't get that bad. The slow changes with gradually shifting averages is far more realistic. And that is inevitable at this point, the only question left is how significant the changes are, and how slowly they happen. If the changes are too small or slow, then an argument will exist that it wasn't human made

>> No.9161053

It is unclear whether or not climate change causes more hurricanes, more powerful hurricanes, or something else. Either way this season is just an anomally even if it is climate changes fault, we would not have a difference this stark between one year and the next.

>> No.9161767

Sure it's probably an outlier but 10-20 years down the road we'll still probably see an overall slope up on average hurricane size/strength. It's a fairly simple connection between warmer water and stronger hurricanes.

>> No.9161791
File: 1.85 MB, 2267x3000, George-W-Bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sticking your head in the sand
Get a load of these retards

>> No.9161814

What are they supposed to do in short-term? Resettle the whole Caribbean and southern east coast? Rebuild the cities on higher ground? Nuke the hurricanes?

>> No.9161816

>taken more drastic measures
Trump's plan against the next hurricane is to get everyone to the shore and wave nazi flags at it.

>> No.9161819

I'll laugh if Jose really just runs north and turns out to sea.
All the memes about Trump keeping Jose out will be amazing.

>> No.9161829

Build MegaCities and start the Judge-program

>> No.9161839 [DELETED] 
File: 720 KB, 640x360, 1505116789853.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Why hasn't the USA taken more drastic measures to deal with this issue

Because that would be racist