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9155936 No.9155936 [Reply] [Original]

really makes you think

>> No.9155941


>> No.9155943

I feel like Peterson is the type of guy to rip a huge fart in the car and close the windows just to smell his own shit.

Fuck his nasally voice too.

>> No.9155948

do the two parts of this tweet even follow from eachother? im not sure i understand

>> No.9155968

peterson would've been one my favorite philosophers if he wasn't such a raging faggot and a christfag..

>> No.9155972

>proof impossible without axiom
>which some guy proved.
Maybe think harder about the cognitive dissonance in that statement. Either he proved it without an axiom, which disproves it, or he proved it with an axiom, which is only true if the axiom is true. This is the kind of thing Kirk would blow up Androids with in Star Trek.

>> No.9155984

That was in 2013, I don't think he holds this position considering how he spoke of proof on Joe Rogan's podcast, as well as the fact that he said that he's said some dumb things in the past

>> No.9156021

Man this guy would lose his shit at any ontological argument

>> No.9156225

I was unaware thats what Godel did.

>> No.9156245
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>That non sequitur

>> No.9156249
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>> No.9156346

hahahahah picture kermit the frog rolling up the windows to smell his o=fwn fart ash;fhahahahaha nice why coddoy you fagos like petercuck so much he's not even that smart and his interpretation of christianity is gay and convoluted its not that complicated just love one another faggots, efen the faggots just love them, love is all jesus taught, if someone cuts their dick off they need love more than anyone, don't antagonize them or call them by the wrong pronouns just give them a hug and tell them god loves them

>> No.9156411

Maybe it's god's will to give every person on this planet access to highspeed internet, so when Christ returns everyone can see his miracles without derping, and maybe not execute him this time?

Maybe then humanity will finally get their briefing as to what to do next in this universe.

Who knows?

>> No.9156414

interesting theory, maybe humans should just stop killing each other and stop waiting for a savior

>> No.9156429

Peterson is not a scientist

>References Jung in lectures
>References Freud in lectures
>Continually speculates about the importance of symbols throughout culture

The man is rife with confirmation bias. This tweet is a bit shaky starting out, and then jumps to a full blown non-sequitur.

>> No.9156437

Most of humanity get along just fine. Actually, throughout history, most people died of natural causes, and usually whoever picks up the sword must fall from the sword (a bible verse).

>> No.9156445

He's such a hack that he won't even say what he believes. He was asked directly what he believes, repeatedly, and he always evades the question or says that he's still working on an answer or some shit like that.

>> No.9156486


Every beilief shares a transcendant element, this is why we call it faith, not fact. Peterson has a hard time saying something "wrong" because of how harshly he gets judged. He is a humanities teacher after all, not a statesmen or army general. He feels responsibilty for his words of course because he knows the consequences of words can be fatal, but he still bears much less responsibility compared to other professions. This is why he also likes to reference older authors like Jung or Freud, which he truly admires but fears saying so, again for possible consequences. After all he is playing the humanities game of making just enough stuff up to seem worthy of a professor while simultaniously avoiding becoming the next Lenin or Goebbels, and because humanities is generally much easier, compared to science or engineering, there is much more competition to his position. My 2 cents.

>> No.9156489

This only makes you think if you're stupid.

>> No.9156497

LOL if you actually believe that. Being in war with someone was actually the normal state of things.

>> No.9156530

femines usually kill more poeple, compared to wars. Spanish flu killed more people than ww1, also millions died from plague and various other infections. Also deaths related to giving birth or during early infacy etc...

>> No.9156543

You said:

>Most of humanity get along just fine

which is complete bull. Humans were basically constantly at war with each other up until recently.

Also, diseases mainly spread through countries invading other countries. The spanish flue also only became global because american troops were stationed in europe. Furthermore, since so many ressources are being needed for the war, there are fewer ressources left to treat the sick, which increases its fatality rate. So diseases being able to spread and kill so many people was also largely due to warfare.

>> No.9156554

sam > jordan

but this is still hilarious

>> No.9156594

Compare the time people have been around to the length of conflicts

>> No.9156603

I don't understand what he meant, what does god, or existence for that matter, even have to do with logic?