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9153446 No.9153446 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we just nuke these hurricanes?

You could easily stop these hurricanes from hitting land by cooking them off.

>> No.9153513

storms are powered by heat stupid. you just make the storm bigger, and radioactive

>> No.9153524



That's why not.

>> No.9153578

From the people who brought you Nuclear Winter 3 and Sharknado, prepare yourself this summer for

>> No.9153589

>storms are powered by heat stupid
Time to send heat back to school, then.

>> No.9153611

What if you generated an anti Hurricane and combined it with a Hurricane?

>> No.9153823

Just use an endothermic bomb then dummy

>> No.9153921
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>> No.9153925


no you would need the entire world supply of nukes, and it wouldn't stop it outright necessarily, a nuclear tropical storm would be hell

>> No.9153927



>> No.9153951


>> No.9154282


we might as well make some sort of ice-nine compound and freeze the entire ocean

That way we can at least break the ice if we want water and we'll cure hurricans forever

>> No.9154370
File: 34 KB, 607x341, fam].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we ...

store a hurricane's energy and sell it?

>> No.9154372

>radioactive hurricane

fucking awesome

too bad the soviets never tried to defend cuba from hurricanes with nukes

>> No.9154377


If we could, that would be great because according to the NOAA link here >>9153524 one hurricane releases more energy than all of mankind uses in a year.

>> No.9154382
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let's setup a bunch of wind turbines on Florida or something

>> No.9154390

Well you have to transport the energy pretty far for it to be useful to anyone (because everyone close by is in the path of the hurricane) and you lose more energy by transporting it further. Too bad we don't have the technology to store it. Also I don't know if wind turbines can survive those wind speeds. Maybe hydroelectric turbines connected to the storm drains would make more sense considering Houston got like a meter of rain right?

>> No.9154400


we ask elon musk to make a counter hurricane with his fleet of self-driving teslas

that diverges the hurricane in the direction of the quantum-AI-reusable-rocket that would consume it's energy and use it to take the settlers to mars

>> No.9154405
File: 84 KB, 800x545, nuclear hurricane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great news, gang! This exists!

>> No.9154408

How about building houses Not from fucking paper?

>> No.9155982

Cryogrenades confirmed hurricane stoppers