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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 372 KB, 1062x484, interstellar cow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9147903 No.9147903 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, I've been on a bit of a space movie kick recently. What are some movies I could watch without sperging out? I finally tried Interstellar a few weeks ago but couldn't get through the lazy writing and lazier science. Watched Sunshine today. It was predictably ridiculous, but at least I was expecting it. Regardless, the itch is left unscratched.

Mostly in the mood for hard, but soft is okay too as long as it doesn't attempt to derive plot from real phenomena while adding and removing major factors as convenient. What are some /sci/ approved space movies/space movies that at least don't draw attention to glaring faults?

Also /sci/ movie general.

>> No.9147911

expecting hard science from a movie, gee whiz

>> No.9147916

I liked The Martian. Very fun, especially if you know Science 101 and have played KSP at least once

>> No.9147919
File: 97 KB, 1054x625, 1498436455398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2001: A Space Odyssey

Old but it holds up

>> No.9147925

The Martian did a fine job, as did Apollo 13. It's even okay if you go full retard star wars and don't try to associate much with reality. What irked me most about interstellar (aside from gaping plot holes, very convenient sequences of events, and a complete failure to instill any sense of awe or scale whatsoever) was that it put all its eggs in the general relativity basket. As far as I got in the movie they were doing alright on that front, but as soon as they made it into space they'd already managed to fuck up something as simple as a centrifuge while casually throwing around wormholes like we see them all the time. The visuals were decent, but undercut by the complete failure on the part of the story or characters to draw any interest or focus to them.

One of these days I really am going to have to watch that one.

>> No.9147929

The Expanse is what you're looking for. Movies are big gay

>> No.9147930

you should start reading more books. you can learn more from one good written murder mystery book than from 250movies.

>> No.9147933

Seconded. You can skip the first 40 mins or so if you have to.

>> No.9147934


>> No.9147935
File: 1.74 MB, 500x281, 8ONgOn9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. Biggest thing turning me off of it was how often I hear Interstellar compared to it, so if it holds up I think that's next on my list

>> No.9147939

Unless it's a documentary you are going to enjoy scenes on the level of
>probe arriving from mars
>catch with the the robo arm on the ISS
>with eva suit outside for "better view"
That's for the realistic sci-fi. The rest will be boats in space with slow buzzing planes around them having trouble getting the enemy off their tails.

>> No.9147941

Why don't we open this up the opposite way too?
What are the absolute silliest science fiction movies trying to exist in the near future? I hear core is pretty awful.

>> No.9147942


>> No.9147944

gay niggers from outter space was pretty cool

>> No.9147948
File: 82 KB, 1190x595, sandra-bullocks-new-movie-gravity-is-an-extreme-4-d-thrill-ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity was pretty cool.

>> No.9147952

Is Primer any good?

>> No.9147955

I liked it alright. I sperged a little over the debris somehow having a frequent, regular intercept at high speed, as if it were orbiting at the same altitude but somehow faster, and at the teather disconnect scene. The movie held up okay anyway though.

>> No.9147959

>the martian did a fine job
Is this bait

>> No.9147962

Only true science fiction movie ever made. Others are adventure movies in space.

>> No.9148188

I gave up and watched the second half of Interstellar. Turns out the second half is a lot better, but it doesn't relent much on the lazy newton. It pays off some of the ridiculous shit better than I expected it to though.

It's pretty good once there's enough movie going on for it not to be focused tightly on the bad physics; I'll give it a 7/10. On to 2001, I guess.

>> No.9148287
File: 83 KB, 1024x890, Macross_Plus_VF-19_jet_fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about good space anime?

I know about Macross plus and Memories

>> No.9148291
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, 253946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgmot about Planetes. It's good if you want realism.

>> No.9148387

It's about as accurate a time travel movie as you can get. Irc, the script was written by a math professor.

My vote is for alien covenant. I think the scenes with the androids are a good portrayal of how ai could actually develop and it creeps me the fuck out. More so than any alien does.

Also, I fucking hate joss whedon and any scifi he touches is automatically ruined.

>> No.9148431

The Andromeda Strain

>> No.9149206
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, Isv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and Avatar for the two seconds pic related shows up on screen